It's really not clear how much noise the capital caused. But Ding Yu looked at the four people standing in front of him and nodded, "what about us? I've seen it a long time ago. When I started shooting, you were all there. How about that? It seems that I have eaten a lot of sand during this period of time


"Call me Dr. Ding, or call me director Ding!" Ding Yu was also direct, so he took this word and said, "what about me? To a certain extent, it is quite self, but I really don't like it so much! "

"Director! We are very grateful to you for your help in our growth process! "

"Help?" Ding Yu ha ha ha's smile, pointed to the position in front of him, "all sit down! I'm not that serious. What about the first tier guys? Unlike you, they are very active, and what about their identity? Is not the same, the performance is very progressive! But what about your second tier? The general qualification comparison, relatively speaking, can only be paid a lot, can see a little reward just! "

"In here? One more thing, I don't decide your future. What do you want to do in the future? I don't care about it. I don't care about it. When you are successful in the future, come and see me? I have a light on my face. Even if I don't come, I won't be picky! "

"Director, we won't!"

"You're serious. I'm just kidding you!" Ding Yu also took a look back. "Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming are not the same as you. They have already determined their own direction. What about you? There is no direction at all. It's just climbing forward. It's not very good! "


Ding Yu waved his hand. "I don't know much about your situation. Although I have read your information, what about the information? It's just for others to see. If the information can explain everything, you won't be standing here now. So I'll give you some time to think about what direction you're going to take in the future. "

As for this issue, the four of Zong Taiping did not really think about what direction they should take? Even their families never seem to give an accurate answer to this question?

"I still say that, direction? More important than hard work. What about hard work? It's the foundation, but what about the direction? Is the goal, only has the goal not to be possible, only has the foundation also is not appropriate, two aspects mutually unify together! You can go to the so-called success, so I will give you some time to think about it! "

"Director!" Zong Taiping took a look at the three people next to him. "We didn't think about this before, and for a while we didn't know what kind of choice we should make. We hope to get your instruction from the director."

"It's true that I am a teacher now, but let me teach you some medical skills? No problem. As for other things, I really don't have such conceit. At most, I'm more experienced. What about here? It's the United States. It's really different from the domestic situation. It's not bad to see more. By the way? Do something for me

"Director, say it!" Zong Taiping, the four of them also immediately straightened their backs.

"I've brought some students here, medical students, over there? From this point of view, it is not suitable for you to lift shoes for them, and you also dislike you as an eyesore. But what about these guys? I don't have many problems with IQ, but what about EQ? It was pulled a little bit lower! So what about the four of you? Take care of it

Ah? Babysitting? Zong Taiping, the four of them are also looking at each other, what is this with what? It's kind of weird, isn't it? But on second thought, this seems to be true, there are some taste of testing people!

Director Ding Yuding brings these students here. In view of his power and ability, it is absolutely no problem to employ some nannies. It is not necessary to find all four of them deliberately, but the director still does so! There are problems in this, and there are quite some problems!

"Oh, I'd like to point out that you're here? It's to find yourself, not to be a puppet. Do you understand what it means? What about the mess in your house? All of them have been put aside for me. They are so old. They are not sucking children. They need to be fed to you. If I know, the consequences will be.... "

Ding Yu also grinned grimly. Don't say that he was unprepared. What about this? I've already told you. If you don't listen to me, I don't raise any idle people here! What's more, in addition to you, there are many people who want to come over, I hope you can understand!

"Well, get in touch with those guys!" Wave your hand and start to drive people directly!

The four people who did not know why were sent out. Zong Taiping and they looked at each other. Zong Taiping thought about it. He also stretched out his hand, palm down and back up. The other three also successively put their hands on Zong Taiping's palm! There is no declaration of any kind, but the confidence of everyone is very appraisal."Sir? Would it be too severe? " Looking at the people who went out, Jin also shook their heads. They were just young boys. Although they said that things were easier to handle, they were so complicated. Moreover, they were working under the noses of Mr. Zhang. The pressure was extraordinary and huge.

"Don't give them some pressure. There's so-called motivation. Give them open places in the library. Let them have a look." Ding Yu simply explained, "by the way, the British side has become so quiet? A lot of people must have been dealt with! "

"MI5 started a thorough exchange of blood, and the cleaning work was very fast. The whole operation was a little bit big, and a lot of heads were cut off. Although there was no news from MI6, what about the British top management? Should have started to have this aspect preparation work! But the movement of MI5 is relatively big, but the rain is not so big! "

"It's true that a stone stirs a thousand feet of waves. It's a little bit interesting!" For the British response, Ding Yu did not feel unexpected. "MI5 has calculated us, and our backhand has calculated MI5, but what is the actual situation? We have set up an enemy in front of us, which is really not worth the loss

"The United States is very quiet, as if things have nothing to do with them!" Kim said calmly, "but their goal has been achieved."

"Yes! Their goal has been achieved, which is very disadvantageous to us. It seems to be a tripartite situation, but we need to face two aspects at the same time! All the time? I don't mean to have a direct conflict with the British side, but this time the United States has directly detonated this matter, and we have to give up considerable interests! "

But when Ding Yu said this, he sighed, "it's a blessing in disguise. What about some things? Really can not just look at the surface of things, or need to see more far-reaching! What about the UK in the past two years? There will be big problems soon, so if we step back now, we can't see any bad things, let alone the reason

"Put on Sasha! I have something to do with her! "

Then Ding Yu also discussed with Shasha. She could not stay in Britain all the time. There were many things to deal with in Europe. Although the British side said that it had dealt with MI5, what about each other? They have already torn their faces. It's absolutely not that we can make peace with each other by dealing with one MI5.

Now what to consider? Or the interests of Europe as a whole, Britain? Wait and see!

After Ding Yu and Sasha have discussed things, he looks at Jin who has gone back and forth. Jin also shows a look of inquiry, and the expression on his face is so strange, "old Mr. Peyton is looking for you. I really want things to be more anxious!"

"What's the matter with this old man?" Ding Yu said to himself, "telephone?"

"He's here in person, downstairs!"

This makes Ding Yu feel a little surprised. At this time, old Peyton has come in person. He is no longer in his thirties. He came here at this time. He should have deliberately run from the west coast, but what is the matter? How could you come to your side?

Although a lot of things have happened recently, and they are also related to the interest groups behind old Peyton, this is definitely not the reason why he came here. What about each other? It is true that the relationship of cooperation is true, but it is definitely not a good friend. It is the most appropriate to describe it with the words of opponent!

Looking at Ding Yu's eyes, Jin also shakes his head. He has not heard anything recently. He also feels quite strange. If old Peyton called, he was not bothering Mr. Chen, but he came in person, and he was downstairs. The problems in it made people feel puzzled!

After waiting for a few minutes, old Peyton came in from the outside. He was still a little older. Of course, he was helped by others. Ding Yu was puzzled to look at old Peyton! What happened?

"Although you are old enough to be here, how can I feel that there is something wrong with you when you come here breathlessly?" Ding Yu also said that he had a bad intention.

The nanny brought drinks and refreshments, and then left with no intention of staying.

Old Peyton took up his glass and raised his glass to Ding Yu. Then he drank all the water in the cup at one breath. However, he was not polite at all. Even some of them were not graceful. He felt quite different from Ding Yu.

"Something happened to me. I want to ask you a favor."

"Not really? What about this? How can I sound so awkward? " Ding Yu looked at old Peyton, and said, "what's more, you should know that I've been in a lot of trouble recently. The things on hand are very troublesome, and there is no such spare time at all.""I know that I have heard about the change of the director of MI5, and all the senior officers of MI5 have been replaced. This seems to be a little abnormal, but actually speaking, it is quite normal, not so big a deal! I don't believe how much this will touch you! "

Ding Yu cocked his neck and looked at old Peyton with some confusion. "I don't want to have any conflict with Britain. There are many reasons. But with you as the representative, many people behind me can be said to have made the relationship between me and Britain fluctuate greatly! You've got to find this one? "

"We seem to be friends. On this issue, we seem to be rivals."

"That's even more strange. Your opponent came to me and said it like my friend! I feel that I have no confidence in my heart! " Ding Yu was also not angry and said, "you, the old man, have come here in person. It will never be a small matter. I don't want to get involved in this muddy water!"

"Don't even want to know anything?"

"What about you old man? Can you say death is alive, if you follow my heart? I really don't want to know what happened! I still say that, I don't want to get into trouble

"Trouble? There are really some troubles! Some of my things have been lost in France. To be exact, they are not exactly mine. There are also some things from the Ministry of national defense. Are they lost in France or in other places! I can't say it clearly! "

Ding Yu looked at old Peyton in a puzzled way. "You guys deliberately come to me, but I still believe that my subordinates will not do such things. What's more, I have nothing to rob when I'm free. It's impossible. I'm curious. What's inside? Even let you come here in person? It's not common sense! "

"What about my things? It's not worth mentioning. If you rob, you will be robbed. But the things from the Ministry of defense are very important! " Old Peyton also snorted, "in fact, I don't know what is missing from the Ministry of defense. What's the main reason why I came here? I hope you can sit down and talk about it? "

Seeing that Ding Yu's face was not so good-looking, old Peyton also raised his hand. "I don't mean anything else. There's no fool in the Ministry of national defense. Things are definitely not moved by you, nor by subordinates. If you do, I won't come to you now!"

"What do you mean, old man?" Ding Yu also felt that some of them could not understand, "things have nothing to do with me, but you come to me again! What do you want? "

"Ding! There's no point in that! " Old Peyton also murmured discontentedly.

Ding Yu said with a smile, "I didn't know what was going on. You came to the door on your own initiative. What do you mean? You want me not to get involved in this? I'm wrong about that. You're so sure. It's not right. It should be said that the Ministry of defense is so sure. I will be involved in this matter? "

"If it's in the United States, you may not do it. After all, it's in the United States. There are too many constraints. But what about this matter? It happened in France. Now let's just say it happened in France. I don't think you should have too much scruples! "

Ding Yu looked at old Peyton with great interest. "Why do I listen to you? You seem to be indifferent to this matter at all? I don't mean to put it in my heart at all! "

"It's not mine. It's only from the Ministry of defense. I haven't settled the account with them yet." Old Peyton also snorted, "it's very strange. I haven't made a clear investigation yet. All my personnel have been killed, and so are the people from the Ministry of defense, the one hundred and ten! This is absolutely not what ordinary people can do

Ding Yu sat there with his chest in his hands. "Where are those guys from the Ministry of defense? Although it's a bag of wine and rice, it can only be a few people. It doesn't mean that all people, especially those in action, should go through strict training and want to kill them. It's not so simple to say. Of course, after removing their identity, your people are also among them. They offend a giant like you, and I don't know who ate this bear heart leopard! "

"Who ate the bear heart leopard gall? I don't know yet, but I have a little feeling that they are aiming at those people from the Ministry of defense!" Old Peyton snorted, "I really didn't know that the Ministry of defense had brought me something!"

Ding Yu's hand also slowly put down, eyebrows are also wrinkled together, "the Ministry of national defense has carried something in your goods, now the Ministry of national defense is so anxious about this thing, it is obvious that things are different! There is something wrong with it! I'm at the Department of defense? There are also a few acquaintances who seem to have no news! "

"Don't say you don't have any news, and I don't have any news. If the Ministry of defense didn't come to me, I didn't know that such a big thing had happened! Is that strange? I.... "Ding Yu directly stretched out his hand and said, "forget it, I don't want to know about this matter. The Ministry of national defense urged you to come here in person. Things must be extraordinary! I don't want to know what it is, but what happened to the defense department? No one will believe this matter if there is no internal ghost! "

"Yes! If there is no internal ghost? No one will believe it Old Peyton said, "what about the people who know this? It's not more than the first-hand index, but it's killing my people and those from the Ministry of defense. What's more, there's no clue. Is it strange , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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