"Old Peyton, why do you always mean something to me?" Yes, old Peyton was there, but what about that? Ding Yu will never care about face.

"Ha ha, I remember a Chinese saying! If you don't feel guilty, you won't be afraid of ghosts calling the door! "

"Bullshit!" Ding Yu is also very dissatisfied with the performance, "clearly you came to the door on your own initiative? OK or not? You have to get involved in this relationship with me. It's said to me, but it's half hidden. What do you mean? You don't want me to get involved, but what's the implication? I want to get involved. What do you want to do, old man? "

"I don't know who is standing behind me now?" The expression on old Peyton's face was also very confused.

"Aren't you afraid I'll stand behind you?" Ding Yu asked.

"You can't get any information. Even we haven't got any information, which means that the whole channel is blocked. At least, it's blocked against you and me and even the forces behind us. What about my people? With the people of the Ministry of defense, even if they are not experts, there is no problem in dealing with the general situation! So it's even more doubtful! "

"How much equipment?"

"What about me? Twenty six, forty from the Ministry of defense! There are other people. "

Ding Yu also made a fuss about his scalp, and he really felt that he was numb. "So many people, all of them are gone? No one alive? Are they not equipped with weapons and conditions, or are there other reasons? "

"There are no results of the investigation!"

"You're kidding me!" Ding Yu said in disbelief, "the people with status on the 60s and 70s, as well as some other personnel, have not left any clues. This is impossible. This is really so shocking."

"So I came to you! What about the others? It's not a question of whether to believe or not, but there must be something wrong with it. But it's hard to tell exactly what the problem is. What you said is right for No. 60 or 70 people. If you want to leave no clues, it's absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do it! "

"It's too much of a joke!" Ding Yu murmured to himself. "Even if you want to stop it? It's hard to keep any clues! If I'm the commander of the other side, what I need to do is know the detailed route, then surround and block all signals at the same time! Then move things and clean up the battlefield! My God! If this is not a premeditated attack, no one will believe it! "

Old Peyton also leaned back, "and what about these things? It was finished in two hours. If it was you, could you do it? "

"You're joking with me. If it's a normal attack, you give me another two hours, and you can't do it!" Ding Yu snorted, "but if you give me detailed information and use special weapons and equipment at the same time, there won't be too many problems! But even so, it will be very difficult. Your people and the people of the Ministry of defense can't be unprepared at all, right? What about my people? I've been ambushed, but I've resisted. There are injuries, but there are no deaths. I don't believe your men and those in the Ministry of defense are all in the bag! "

"I don't believe that all the people under my hand are full of bread and drink!" Old Peyton was sure to say, "there are even two more? It's the people around me who can't compare with Jin, but there won't be any problems if I insist on it for a while! "

Ding Yu scratched his hair, "things are too weird! But I really don't have much time now! " Obviously, Ding Yu didn't want to get involved in it. He had nothing to do with himself.

But then Ding Yu was stunned, as if suddenly thought of something, looking at old Peyton who did not speak, "you want to pass me a message, there is a problem with the Ministry of defense?"

"I didn't say it. You said it!" Old Peyton also gave a slight smile.

Ding Yu also pondered for some time, "how did your people analyze it? Let's hear it! "

"It's very difficult for a small group of troops to do this, even if they use special weapons. The blockade around the border needs a lot of people. What's the matter? It's not a deep mountain and old forest. I'm afraid to think about it carefully! "

"As you can imagine, the Ministry of defense will naturally think of this problem! In that case, why should they leave it to you? I still feel a little skeptical! "

"No matter which big family it is? They all have their own special channels and channels, and I believe you also have them! " When old Peyton spoke, his expression was very ferocious.

In this way, Ding Yu understood that it was like he had the special immunity of the British side at the beginning. This is a special channel. Sometimes, when the country is inconvenient, this channel plays a different role!

"What about the so-called Defense Department problem? In an extended sense, it is the problem of the military, and what is the reason for the military to do it? Want to frame a force on purpose? Or do they want to break the balance? From this point of view, it seems that there are some improper consequences. The U.S. military has not considered the consequences themselves? ""My personal inclination is a matter of the U.S. military!" Old Peyton said in a low voice, "I'm afraid it's not me. After the prism gate incident, the situation has been quite different! Our union also allows the president to have some other ideas! "

Ding Yu did not immediately speak, but thought for a long time, "if this is the case, I need to contact you, but will this make quite a noise? Face the president in the face? There are not too many benefits! What's more, the president has a long term in office! "

"What about the next president? There will be a rather unexpected situation! " Old Peyton said it firmly.

What about Ding Yu's mind? It was also a sudden flash of yellow hair, but there was no change on the face. After thinking for a while, he nodded, "I will contact you, but what kind of interest are you in this? I really can't tell you clearly. Maybe you will act, but maybe you won't do anything!"

"And my men? We will continue to track down this matter. We can't have any clues, can we? What's more, I've heard that you're going to England for a while, but now it seems that all the industries in the UK have been sold out and all of them have been moved to France. The environment there is also good, but it is not a good place to go! "

"It's cruel!" Ding Yu frowned, "the influence of the European Union has been greatly expanded, which is true, but their backyard garden has been impacted by refugees, which is also a headache for the European Union. Don't say that you have not been involved in this issue, or even more accurately, you are pushing hands!"

"It seems that you are also a saint. Don't you make profits in it? You seem to have made a lot of money in Greece! I just give you a wake-up call, not for me to be a teacher! "

"It's really hard for you, an old man, to have such concern! Anyway, some people have been cheated. I will inform you about what you said, but I can't guarantee that everyone is interested in it! Besides, if I go to France, I don't want to get into a mess. I hate trouble

Looking at the old Peyton who was going to stand up, Ding Yu suddenly thought of something, "do you want me to check your body for you? Of course, if you're not afraid to die, I don't care if you worry about it! "

The old Peyton, who was supposed to stand up, was stunned for a moment, and then laughed at Ding Yu. "You are a general! But it is also a very good idea, I need some time! But why are you suddenly interested in me? It's difficult

"I don't know. I have to find someone to experiment with? You're supposed to be the best one! " Ding Yu said, "of course, where is your father? Maybe a better one, but the problem is that your father has passed away, so I can't find a better candidate. What about you? It's the best one now

"Give me two days, because it's very difficult for you to guarantee that there will be other problems, so I need to make arrangements. If I don't run ten thousand, I'll just be in case." Old Peyton for Ding Yu to personally start, really did not have any timidity, even have so some eager to try!

"Whatever you want! I hope you are well prepared for this aspect. I have studied the Longmen sect quite well, but I can't guarantee that it will reach the level of the old Taoist priest. Anyway, you can do it as you see fit! I will ask elder martial brother Dongfang to come here! What about you? It's better to get two people over here! "

"In three days, I'll go to the lab!" Old Peyton is also very clean and tidy. What about this kind of thing as soon as possible? Really there is no more suitable person than yourself, for the sake of the family? What can't be paid? Although he said he was the leader of the whole family, so what?

After the old Peyton left, Ding Yu also called Jin to come over and said something about old Peyton, "this thing is really some strange people, 60 or 70! In two hours, even the battlefield has been cleaned up, leaving no clues. Do you think it is possible? "

Jin blinked his eyes. "If Mr. Zhang touches our special personnel, and there are several people with such skills as Mr. Chen, there is considerable news. It should not be particularly difficult to use special weapons and equipment, and to do the peripheral work well at the same time! But on the contrary, some of them are too harsh. Even if I am trapped in a tight encirclement and have a lot of hands and weapons, it is absolutely impossible for people to be cleaned up in two hours! This is a complete fantasy

"That is to say, what about the things and people they are guarding? There are problems and conditions, not only about personnel, but also about weapons and equipment. What about the people who attacked them? It's also quite excellent! "

"Otherwise, it's hard to explain. It's hard to recover the scene in two hours. It's hard for anyone to think of such a finishing work. Even if they think of it, it's hard to do so perfectly." Kim is an old hand. He also knows that Mr. Chen is an old hand in this field. The more experienced he is, the more he understands the difficulty.Even the finishing work is more difficult than the attack!

What's more, there is no action at all on Mr. Zhang's side. I'm sure I can do it. However, it's very difficult and demanding to solve all problems in such a short time. If there is no internal intelligence, it will be difficult to go to heaven.

"It's very difficult, even impossible, to do it. But what about those people in the Ministry of defense? It shouldn't be all rubbish. What about the two legitimate people of old Peyton? It can't be waste. Under such circumstances, it will be destroyed by others. Anyway, there is no news. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no one inside the company who has done anything about it! "

"Such a transfer will never be small-scale! And they should all be elite level masters. If we investigate this aspect, there should be no problem? "

"We can think of it, and the old Peyton side may also think that there is no news delivered, which means that they have not investigated, let alone the United States? There are too many garrisons outside, and even many of them are on the battlefield. If you want to mobilize, it is very simple! I'm afraid it's hard to tell exactly how many "dead" there are. "

"A premeditated action! Want to mobilize people from outside? Even if there is no written order, someone should be specially responsible for this matter. This can't be done in a day or two! It's a plan that has been planned for a long time. It seems that things are not so important. What matters is the impact of this thing! At least this is the case with respect to this matter, but if you just take this thing out, I'm afraid it will be a riot. "

"And old Peyton? It's an old fox. He must have smelled something? That's why I came here! "

"The Defense Department is targeting old Peyton? They wear a pair of trousers! " Kim felt extremely puzzled! Things that don't make sense!

"Between the military and the consortium? I was wearing a pair of pants! Even our relationship with the Department of defense? It's almost the same. Are we still in the military? It is not to say that people wear a pair of trousers, or they are a kind of people. This can not be said. Exactly, what are the interests that we pursue? It's not the same! "

"Now? Will the military warn old Peyton, even the interest consortium behind him? Isn't this nonsense? "

"What about all this nonsense? Not really! " Ding Yu shook his head and said with certainty, "what about this matter? It must have something to do with that black president. What about him? Representatives of American power, what about us and old Peyton? Although it's not very effective, it is still the representative of the interests of the consortium. What about the relationship between us and the national power of the United States? It's mutual cooperation but mutual hostility. It's hard to describe this relationship! "

"Because of the prism door? Is this president too careful? "

"What about the prism door? Let's sit down and carve up the benefits, but what about the black president? Mao didn't get one, but he also carried such a big black pot. What about it? What about mcmuller? He didn't seem to get anything, but he paid so much that the president didn't have any opinions and ideas? "

"The black president is a chicken thief, but is this a warning? Or is it a deliberate act? If it is a warning, it seems that some of them have gone too far, but if we say that it is a deliberate act, it seems that there are many inappropriate things, which is difficult to explain! "

Ding Yu sipped his mouth, "when did old Peyton come? It also reveals some doubts. You are right. If it is a warning, it is too much. What if it is intentional? It seems that there are so many unreasonable! It doesn't make sense! "

"Sir, was it aimed at you on purpose?"

"I don't know!" Ding Yu's answer is not so sure, "but it's no good to move me at this time, let alone the president of the United States? We have been warned that it will not be good for us to continue to provoke us. On the contrary, it will bring him considerable constraints. He is not a fool and will not fail to understand this truth! "

"That's really strange!"

"Strange or not? It always takes time to investigate. This matter can't be kept in the dark. There will always be some flaws in it. The transfer of so many personnel can be concealed for a while, but it will never be concealed for a lifetime. The time is just a matter of time, not to mention old Peyton? I'm afraid we are more anxious now

"Are we going to use this military line?"

"No, I'll call Bruno. Meanwhile? Invite elder martial brother Dongfang to come here! If we move this matter, it will affect the overall situation, because now everything is not so clear! What we do now will only make us show our flaws! "

"I see. I'll get ready at once." Jin had no objection. He started to do some things at the first time. This is what he should do for himself!

Ding Yu was the first to call Bruno in the past, "have you got up yet? I want to talk to you about something and find a safer route!" Ding Yu also deliberately stressed this point, because all the information he got came from old Peyton, so he needed to increase his judgment from other aspects.After waiting for a long time, Bruno called back again. "What's the matter? You are so nervous, but there are so many rare things about this? Is it possible that MI5 is looking for you again? Not likely! At this time, they have not completely solved their own problems. How can they provoke you? "

"It has nothing to do with MI5. In other aspects, old Peyton has come to my side!"

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