"Did the old man come to you? At this time? Their men and the senior staff of MI5 and the UK have slapped you. Now come to you? His face is not swollen? "

Bruno is also joking with Ding Yu. What about Ding Yu's temper? There is no one to say about friends, but it is quite bad to treat his enemies and opponents. There are not many people willing to provoke him. Therefore, at this time, old Peyton is definitely not comfortable looking for him.

After all, the British affair has just come to an end. We all know that old Peyton may not be involved in it, but the family behind him is definitely involved in it!

Now old Peyton comes to find Ding Yu. Although he says that his family needs Ding Yu's help, this should not be the reason for his appearance! There are problems and problems, and the problem is not too small.

"So? You haven't heard anything? " Ding Yu asked.

"What's the matter?" Bruno couldn't help but be stunned? Ding Yu called so suddenly? There is obviously something wrong with it! "What's up with old Peyton?"

"Go and find out! I'll wait for your message! " Ding Yu did not want to point out the meaning, but deliberately left the beginning of the story, some things? Really, if it is pointed out, there is no benefit.

After putting down the phone, Bruno also felt quite strange, but for two hours, Bruno still did not investigate anything. This is very abnormal! Old Peyton went to find Ding Yu. Ding Yu called himself personally. There must be something big. But he didn't listen to any news in two hours! This is not normal.

In the case of no way, Bruno also called Ding Yu again, "I checked the time for two hours, but there is no news? Either there is something very serious, or you are joking with me, but from my understanding, you are not a joker! "

"I'm not a joker in particular Ding Yu said slowly and leisurely, "what about the matter? It's really serious. I didn't expect that you didn't read any information for such a long time. I really doubt it. The matter has something to do with the Ministry of defense. Do you want me to give you some more time? "

Bruno hesitated for a moment. "Where's the direction? There should be no problem. I believe it won't take too long! " Ding Yu has never wanted to reveal any information to himself. Obviously, the problem is very serious. Otherwise, Ding Yu would never have been like this.

After hanging up the phone, Bruno also sat on the sofa, but instead of sending the whole family and consortium, he inquired about it alone. However, the delay was a little bit long. It's not that there is no news at all, but what about the news? It seems that there are so many cloud mountain fog cover feeling!

Until the next morning, Bruno also called Ding Yu again, "do you know? I didn't have a rest at all last night, but even so, the news I got was quite limited! "

"It seems that I know something about it! Let's hear what you don't mind

"It's said that there are some situations between old Peyton and the Ministry of defense, but what is involved? Many people are taboo? I think you should have some understanding and judgment about it! "

"Old Peyton came and explained to me that he had something to deliver. What about the Ministry of defense? It seems that there is also a request. He escorted a piece of goods, but is it not an outsider? There were 60 or 70 people in the frame. All of them were destroyed. Let's say they were destroyed, because now there is no news. I heard that the scene was cleaned up and there was no left behind! Old Peyton's stuff is not so important, but what about the Department of defense? It was only then that it burst out, as if it were extraordinary! "

"Old Peyton was attacked with people from the Department of defense? This is not a joke, is it? Whose guts grow hair? How dare you do it But Bruno's words also suddenly stopped, "Ding, if who has the most motivation and assurance, I think you should be the first to bear the Bruno?"

"Old Peyton told me that, but I don't have so much leisure and energy now. What about MI5? I've had a headache. The reaction of the British side also made many people feel that they were so unexpected. Now I have something to do. Isn't this just looking for something to do? "

"It's not you. It seems that no one here is willing to provoke old Peyton, let alone the Ministry of defense. There is no need! Is there something wrong with old Peyton? The possibility is not so great. Even if this old guy wants to start, he doesn't have to do it like this! "

"Old Peyton didn't know what the Department of defense was transporting? What's more, the news is still tightly sealed up to now. You have inquired for such a long time, but there is no news. Do you think it's strange? "Bruno said, "you mean the Department of defense, they did it themselves? Even if they didn't do it by themselves, they would certainly have reached a considerable agreement with the outside forces, but you all mentioned the people of the 60s and 70s! The scale is not small. So far, there is no news, and the movie is not performed like this! "

"Anyway, there is no news from old Peyton. Similarly, you don't get any information. What about old Peyton? Although it is not so clear, but I have the feeling of this aspect. What about this matter? What about the military? Absolutely. The same thing? It might have something to do with the black president! "

Oh? Bruno also considered for some time, "there are so many explanations that don't make sense."

"I also have this aspect of consideration. If I warn old Peyton, the warning is too severe and will even worsen the relationship between them. But if it is intentional, there are some things that should not be. So I want to get some information through you, but the problem is that you haven't found out anything!"

"Is it really quite strange? But it's really interesting to be the president of the United States! " Obviously, Bruno's words also mean something.

"If it was me, I would have gone too far. What about the prism door, and what about mcmuller? He didn't get any benefits. It seems that some of them don't put him in his eyes. Now he has a little so-called little temper, which seems to be deliberate, isn't it? "

"This is really interesting! What do you think? "

"I didn't mean to get involved, but I might have to check old Peyton in two days' time. I have already called elder martial brother Dongfang and asked him to come over and take five brothers with me."

"Give me a little time. It's so weird that I can't make a decision!"

There is no unnecessary nonsense, two people are also individual put down the phone, things to the present position? We all know, but know return to know, but there are not too many actions, no one can be the first to start, everyone knows who first, absolutely not the first, but will lose the first!

Two days later, Ding Yu also came to the laboratory, which was more strict than before. Ding Yu didn't take too many people here, and old Peyton didn't bring too many people! Ding Yu also looked at old Peyton, "do you really have such confidence in me?"

"And the others? I really don't believe that, but I still believe it's worth the professionalism! " Old Peyton has changed his clothes. When he looks at Ding Yu, he doesn't seem to have any worries. He behaves casually!

"You old man! Never willing to suffer a loss Ding Yu is also smiling. There is no one else in the room, so the conversation doesn't need to be so serious. "It's been two days. Don't tell me you don't have any news?"

"I really investigated, but the information we got was very limited! Limited let me this old fellow feel quite irritated, I'm already an old guy, but I really don't get angry when I do! "

"It feels a little bit interesting!" Ding Yu murmured. "In two days, you are such a huge force, but you didn't find out too many things. It's really more and more fun!"

"What about the Ministry of defense? It's not clear how someone disappeared. Even I can't find out. How likely do you think it is? "

"Let a man disappear? There are only two kinds of disappearance, one kind of disappearance? Is completely disappeared, even ashes will not be left, the other kind? It's a name change. What about the first one? There is almost no space to check, but what about the second one? In the end, there will be some clues left behind! "

"Everything is perfect, almost nothing can be investigated, and in the process of investigation? The military's attitude towards this matter can be said to be quite ambiguous. You say it's interesting, but what does it give me? How could things be like this? It's not so important, but I can see something behind it! "

Ding Yu looked at the utensils in his hand and nodded his head slightly. He did not know whether he was satisfied with the utensils or with the words of old Peyton. It was really not clear.

"In other words, what about the military? Absolutely not stand alone, it should be inspired by some aspects, and this inspiration? There's only one direction, right? "

"I don't really want to admit it!"

"Are you ready?" Ding Yu also took out the utensils in his hand, "I will be more careful, but you may have some other situations? It's too late to regret now, otherwise, I won't guarantee if there is any problem! "

"It's only sooner or later that people die. Who dares to make this guarantee?"

Old Peyton laughs, and Ding Yu is ready to start. People from outside come in one after another. Some of them are dedicated to Ding Yu. What about others? Is to do other preparatory work, no one can guarantee that there will be other problems and conditions in this process!When Ding Yu started to attack old Peyton, he did not have any hesitation. He took old Peyton as his own patient and did not change his identity. In other words, what about lying in front of him? It's just one person.

Dongfang Jing is also standing by Ding Yu's side. Naturally, he also noticed his younger martial brother? The movement did not change much with the original time, but the whole breath was quite stable! How long has it been? What happened? Younger martial brother should have such a performance!

However, Dongfang Jing didn't mean to ask. After all, this involves the secret of younger martial brother. If you really ask, it will make the relationship between each other awkward! No, very bad!

About two hours. What about the whole process? Old Peyton didn't appear any ferocious situation, but in the process of taking blood at last, old Peyton also snorted two times. Besides, there was no other change!

Although the ventilation is in good condition, the people in the whole room still feel dizzy. Although they have made considerable protection, the effect is not so big! What about that? It doesn't feel like blood, just like the water in the garbage heap that has been deposited for many years!

The people nearby are also quick to collect and sort out, and Ding Yu also starts to do follow-up processing! Compared with the previous treatment, the whole process is much faster! But Ding Yu didn't finish all of them, and the last one was handed over to the people around old Peyton.

"Don't you see how much sweat you're sweating?"

When he came out, he cleaned himself up. Dongfang Jing also met with his younger martial brother.

Ding Yu wiped his hand and sat down with a sigh of relief, "what about the old Peyton family? I still have the original image data, that is, some information of Taoist priest. What about these things? I've been sent to China. The old Taoist priest is from the Longmen sect, and I'm from the Taoist sect. I'm a Taoist. I've always been concerned about it, so the Longmen sect has given me something as a thank you! "

"Is there such a heritage in China?"

"There must be. The problem is how to find it!" Ding Yu didn't have much to hide. "Old Peyton didn't know much about this situation at the beginning. After all, he wasn't from China, and he didn't know much about the Taoist system. If I didn't have some connections, even if I had the information of the Taoist priest, the Longmen school didn't know anything about it!"

"It's true!" Dongfang Jing nodded incessantly, "if it was someone else, even if they were holding the so-called real gold and silver door, they would not have seen any other attention. Old Peyton had entered the wrong door and worshipped the wrong Bodhisattva!"

"Old Peyton didn't find the door at all, OK?" Ding Yu's words have the flavor of some jokes.

"Bruno called earlier and asked me to investigate something? How can I feel so suspicious! " Dongfang Jing didn't ask about the reason, but in his opinion, this matter has something to do with old Peyton. When he came here, he would never be so simple as to cure a disease.

Ding Yu didn't immediately answer the question of elder martial brother Dongfang. Instead, he shook his head slightly. The action was almost invisible. Dongfang Jing was also surprised and did not continue to ask. It was obvious that there was a problem, and it was still quite a problem.

Looking at the old Peyton who came back again, Ding Yu also looked up and down, "but there are so many faces that are not very good-looking?! I said, are you so weak? If not, go to the hospital for two days

Old Peyton also looked at Ding Yu maliciously. "You just want me to go to the hospital. By the way, you are a doctor. When you go to the hospital, you really fall into your hands!" When speaking, he also took out a test tube and sealed it completely. Looking at the things inside, it was like rusty metal!

Ding Yu also blinked his own eyes, "so quickly solidified? The kids in your family didn't look like this before? And your father's blood, too? "

"I can't remember!" Old Peyton shook his head. "But it seems that my blood is really a little different, but the whole person feels relaxed a lot, but I feel that some of you are not trying your best? Yes? Afraid I can't hold on to this old guy? "

"How old are you? If there is any problem or situation, I really don't want to take the responsibility, but it depends on your situation? It is quite different from other people. I really have some doubts about whether you will fall at any time! "

Old Peyton also looked at the test tube, "I really didn't think that my own situation has been so serious, I really don't have much feeling, but thank you, this guy. It seems that we really need to go to the hospital for examination. Who knows if there will be other problems!"

"And my students? Now they are all practicing in medical school. In our Chinese language, what about now? Most of them are Mongolian doctors. If you believe me, I don't have much objection. It's very good to train their hands for them. ""Tough enough, I should have practiced!"

"What is not cruel? It's normal, OK! Everyone has come from this period, and I am the same! " Dingyu also argued that, "more than they are my students, you should be honored!"

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