Jin did not make any explanation, when entering the room, it was an inspection, which is essential.

But after entering the room, the old man looked at the layout of the room, and he couldn't help but suck in a breath of air conditioner, even shouted in a low voice, "my mother!" Next to deer day is also a daze, took out his ears, although the old voice is very low, but I still seem to hear!

Old eyes sweep the layout of the room, Wang Li has already straight to the sofa in front of her, and the old also whispers, "see the layout in the room? It's low-key, even a little bit of indifference, isn't it

"I don't see anything special!"

"You boy! Is your eyes high and low The old look at the greeting of her hand Wang Li, also to the sofa side of the past, Wang Li tea, for the ancient and Geng Tian two people pour tea, "tea taste very good!"

When talking, Dingyu also came out of it. The clothes on her body still seemed very neat. "Brother!" Wang Li saw her big brother, also stood up, no hesitation!

The two men in ancient times and deer day hurriedly put down the tea bowl in their hands. They also stood up with them. Looking at Wang Li who rushed over, Dingyu frowned slightly. "What is this dress like, if you know that you still don't breathe and smoke? They are already pregnant! I don't know what it's going to be! "

Wang Li, with a smile, immediately supported her brother, "brother, I will introduce you. This is the old one that we lead the team, and this is the leader of deer Tianlu who is responsible for the action!"

"Old, Captain deer, Hello! Welcome to your home! " Dingyu also stretched out his own hand, it seems that there are some not anxious not to be impatient taste! After holding hands, also made an invitation gesture, then found the location, made it by yourself!

"Mr. Ding, I am afraid to talk about it!"

"I'm right to say that!" Ding Yu sat down, did not show too reckless and publicity, "what about the hotel you live in? I have a little stake in my family, and I have seen Wang Li's situation and reported to me. I should say I disturbed your actions. I should have made amends to the old and the deer captain! "

That's what it said, but that is to say that Dingyu really doesn't have any action. Wang Li looks at her brother and laughs. "Brother, how about this time? It is for the auction, I want to see things close to you. There is no other meaning, and I don't think it will disturb you! "

Ding Yu's face has no expression change, but looks at the two people sitting beside him. He looks at Dingyu in the old age and points his head. "Mr. Ding, when are you coming? The minister once mentioned you to me. Thank you for your silent support for us for so many years! "

"It's a little bit of a thing, and I have some hobbies about it, and I can't support it!"

"In fact, vice director Gao Jie Gao was transferred to our project team, but he was in the way of identity and could not be with us, so he gave me a phone number!"

Dingyu's eyes also heard the name of Gao Jie rotate twice. "Lao Gao has been promoted to deputy director. He has been promoted fast enough, but is he the material? Let him move, maybe there is no problem! But do you think? I'm afraid there are really some difficulties for him! "

This is obviously a joke! But it eased the cool atmosphere!

Then Dingyu also took up the tea cup on the table. Wang Li sat beside her to take up the teapot on the teaplate and gave her brother a cup of tea. "Exactly? I don't like to let Wang Li work in this field. What about her in that year? It was mixed, but I secretly solved it! I didn't expect to come out again today! "

Ah! Wang Li also exclaimed. She didn't know about this matter. Neither old nor deer heaven thought about it, but obviously both of them had a considerable interest in it!

"Brother, how can I hear nothing?"

"What about the smuggling of cultural relics in China? Basically, we need to go on the line of the sea, because of this? The most secure, namely Hong Kong, Macao or Korea and Japan, are basically these lines! But I'm not a customs office, and I can't manage so much! " Dingyu also did not want to give too much detailed meaning to the matter.

Anyway? Wang Li is her sister. If anything happens, my parents may not be able to bear the grief. So Dingyu is strangled from the source. What is it? I just killed the people on the line. Of course, Ding Yu can't kill all the people! But all the things that matter to Wang Li have been destroyed. It is not a big problem.

In other words, it is not a good person, and it will be destroyed! There is no psychological burden.

"They are all a bunch of shoddy children!"

"Is it good or bad that benefits drive? I'm afraid no one can say it clearly! " Dingyu has different opinions and opinions on this, "what are our right and wrong? It's just unilateral, but relatively speaking, I am a nationalist! So I can't see things too much sometimes, so what about the way to deal with it? Maybe a little bit of it will be different! After all, it's not China! "The old corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Lu Tian looked at Ding Yu, not much different from seeing the demon!

"Mr. Ding, we hope to bring things back to China. At the same time, we may have access to some channels if possible!"

Ding Yu laughed, "what about the channel? It's not like this. What's more, even if you find this channel, it doesn't have any effect. You don't know how many hands have been passed in the middle! It's like weeds. You've seen one crop today, and tomorrow you'll make sure there'll be another one coming out! "

"Mr. Ding, it seems that you know this very well!"

"When I investigated Wang Li's affairs at home, I had some understanding, but my understanding was also very limited. What's the gap in China? A lot. What about foreign ones? Just wait for the leak! On the contrary, it is not much difference! The market has prospered, and some obey the rules, but how many do not comply with the rules! "

What about Ding Yu's words? It can be seen that this matter? Ding Yu is not to help or not to help so simple, but they have been looking for the wrong direction! Ding Yu is absolutely not allowed to open this gap!

"Mr. Ding! This is also the reason why we set up the ad hoc group and even mobilized quite a number of personnel. I believe that there will still be considerable drawbacks in China, but we can never deny our achievements because of this! "

"I admit that. What about the strength of the country? This is obvious to all, but we still need to see our shortcomings. It is admirable to be able to admit our mistakes! " Ding Yu said with a smile, "it seems that ancient people have paid a lot for this, and they still pay so much at such a big age."

"No other idea, man? It's a bit of a pursuit all my life, isn't it? In other words, seeking fame or profit is basically the two kinds! What about me? Fame and wealth have not much meaning for me. Maybe I want to prove myself! "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "I want to prove it, yes! I want to prove it too! What about fame and wealth? Whether it's important or not, it depends on where you are. Sometimes it's as heavy as Mount Tai, but sometimes it's not even bullshit! "

It can be said that this is quite vulgar, but the old one is laughing with Ding Yu.

"Yes! It's really very important when you say it's important, but when you say it's not important, you're not like that bird! What can I ask for? "

"In fact, I am most afraid of having something to ask for, because you will be reckless, but I am most afraid of having nothing to ask for, because you don't care about everything! There are two extremes, but not many people can do this, because we are not so pure. I think the ancient heart has the same feeling

"Yes! Too pure words, boring, but not pure words, tasteless The old man looked at Ding Yu and said, "what about me? Is an old guy, so many years of work, life to slowly appreciate this, Xiaoding! It's not easy for you to realize this now. I ask a bigger one to say, it's not good! "

"Did people change the world, or did the world change people? It's really hard for people to make a decision about whether they are active or passive! " Ding Yu knocked on the back of his hand! It seems that there is not too much fun to let the old sit dead. Wang Li, take captain Lu for a stroll

Then Ding Yu also made an invitation gesture to the ancient, and the two walked away slowly. Wang Li looked at her elder brother and snorted, but soon she thought of something and ran away. It made Lu Tian feel embarrassed and left him alone. OK?

While she was still feeling, Wang Li didn't know where to carry two bags. It seemed that Lu Tian was so ordinary, and the style was not so fashionable as expected. However, Wang Li was a left hand and a right hand, which was very reluctant to give up! It's called a baby!

"Wang Li, isn't this a little bad?"

"Captain, this is called not to leave empty. When I come to my brother, I can never return empty handed! In that case, I'm really sorry for myself. If I don't do it, I won't give my elder brother the face! Besides, there are not too many people here except my sister-in-law! "

It's not polite at all. Lu Tian looks at the arrangement in the room. The living room is almost the size of his own home, but he doesn't feel empty at all. The layout in the room also makes people feel comfortable. In comparison, what about his own home? I'm afraid it's really a dog's nest!

"Wang Li! I'm not talking about you. You're a big brother. It's deep enough! It's not in the data! "

Wang Li also snorted her nose, "old deer, don't envy me! My big brother! I don't know how to describe it, but you may be in trouble! You wait and see! You must sign a confidentiality agreement after you go back! "

"No! When you meet your elder brother, you need to sign the so-called confidentiality agreement! " Lu Tian obviously has some doubts. It's not a big deal. He can't make such trouble! "What's more, is there still deputy director Gao Jiegao? Is it hard for him to sign this confidentiality agreement, then why tell the old one? "Wang Li smiles and doesn't explain the reason. What about her big brother? The same is true of Gao Jie, who comes out of special forces. He still has the information, but what are the details? It's not enough for humanity! Even his husband, Shang Nan, did not see clearly.

Ding Yu is waiting for the old to enter his study. Looking at the arrangement inside the study, the old one is obviously stunned. Compared with the outside, the surface here is slightly messy! In particular, there are also bronze figures on the bone shelf there, which are not very harmonious.

"I usually read books or work places!" Ding Yu also pointed to the next Duobao Pavilion! "I don't do a lot of research on such things! But the position on one side can be regarded as artless and elegant! "

Some of the locations of Duobao pavilion are covered up. When I come in, I really don't pay much attention to it. However, after seeing the decoration above, I do three steps at a time, almost like a trot. When I look at the things on the Duobao Pavilion, I can't pull out my eyes at all!

"Good thing! I heard that these have already been collected by some buyers! I didn't expect to be here with Xiaoding! "

"In fact, I might be more interested in kebabs or walnuts. What about these things? More often, it's just for the occasion! Antiques in prosperous times and gold in troubled times must give the family some confidence in this respect, right! But how many of them are there? It's a little bit of a preference! "

While talking, Ding Yu also stretched out his hand, "ancient, rare to see, pick one!"

"Me?" He pointed to his nose and shook his head, "what about this thing? If you are dedicated to the country, I feel OK, but let my old man start, forget it! I look at the things you said, but if I do, I'm afraid my heart will be disordered! I can't calm down all my life! "

"It's just an object!"

"No, what if you give me a bracelet? I dare to take, even dare to choose. At most, I'll give you a piece of calligraphy. I don't usually write words for others. But if you give me this thing, where do you want me to put it? Put in the hand, afraid of touching, rest assured that the mouth is afraid of melting! I can't afford it! "

"You old man is really not modest at all!" Ding Yu also felt that the old man was more interesting. He could take it up and put it down. It was hard for him to invite him in today. It was a worthwhile trip! Immediately also do not know from where to feel out a string of hands out, "the people in the family give me a trick! I don't know whether you like it or not! "

"Wow! Honey wax Old pour is also really impolite, put under the light to see two eyes, and then hung on their hands! "After I go back, I will give you a bamboo tube, which I carved myself. I will never let you suffer any loss!"

Then two people also appreciate the objects on Duobao Pavilion together. Ding Yu has no explanation for the origin of these things, but it is very good for Ding Yu to popularize the knowledge among them!

The two of them stayed in the study for a little longer. "Xiaoding, I have finished reading the things. You brought me in this old guy. I think it's just to see these good things! Although this honey wax string I also like very much! But none of these should be reasons! "

Ding Yu nodded, then found a seat and sat down, very casual! "And me? Is it the eldest son in the family? It's really hard to say. What about Wang Li? To some extent, she should be regarded as the eldest daughter of the Wang family. What does she do? I really don't want to interfere, but I don't want her to get involved

"I didn't think about it like that!"

Ding Yu held his chest in his hands and looked at the old man with his eyes. "What about me? It is able to withstand certain dangers for her, but I can't look at her for a lifetime. If it's convenient for the ancient, I hope the ancient can watch her a little bit. Sometimes? It's really hard to stop her when she comes up! "

"It's a little difficult, but I'll watch Wang Li as a child!"

"Not enough!" Ding Yu also slightly shakes his head. Obviously, this guarantee is not enough to convince Ding Yu.

"I have no right to transfer her to China. Since I have chosen to engage in this profession, I need to pay for it!" "If Wang Li chooses to be a bird at home, no one can do anything about it. No one can force her. But since she has chosen to stand up, I believe she doesn't want anyone to stand in front of her!"

"What about that? It's really not so pleasant to hear, but it's true! " Ding Yu also laughed and leaned forward. "In this case, I will give some ancient gifts to the ancient people when they leave."

Looking at Ding Yu's outstretched hand, he hesitated for a while, but finally he stretched out his own hand, Ding Yu? Wang Li's brother, but he is really too cold, he is indifferent? But some words can really talk about their own heart, but to say that he is very enthusiastic, this is pure nonsense!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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