After Ding Yu and Gu Gu came out of the study, Wang Li also took Lu Tian for a simple look at the whole house, which was bigger than she imagined. Although Lu Tian was allowed to visit, it was not a casual one. Looking at the security guard at the door of the room and looking at his armpit and waist condition, he could understand how it happened!

Lu Tian can be said to be quite emotional about this, but fortunately Ding Yu and the ancient have come out!

We all sat down and had a meal together. Wang Li can be said to be heartless. In the ancient times, she made a calm look at Lu Tian. Some things are not so convenient to say at this time. They are not so appropriate!

Before leaving, Ding Yu also patted his sister and handed her a card, "what do you want? I've sent people to see it, and then I'll see if I like it! Don't be too impulsive! You are not alone now! Give me a little attention. It's quite clear! "

Wang Li looked at the black card in her hand, and she also laughed. Since all the cards have come to her hand, she also needs to reward herself. She can't let go of her big brother easily enough!

Sitting on the helicopter again, Lu Tian looks at the old, and the old is shaking his head slightly to Lu Tian. At the same time, he also rubs the wax string in his hands! Lu Tian is a little puzzled. Before Ding Yu entered the study while waiting for the old one, he must have talked about something. The extra string of hands in the old hand is enough to explain everything.

"Old, isn't it a little bad?" Back to the place where he stayed, Lu Tian also dragged the ancient to a separate room to express his feelings! There's no hiding! This is what your personality is like.

The old man fiddled with the string in his hand, but he didn't mean to hide from Lu Tian, "do you mean that I was bribed by Ding Yu? Isn't it? " When talking, I also smile at Lu Tian! Obviously, I have a good grasp of what I'm saying!

"Old, you are the elder! At the same time, you are our team leader

"If we want more! Ding Yu is really a can not go around the ridge! What you guessed is no problem. What about Ding Yu? He mentioned a mind to me. What about his sister? It's also quite helpless. Let me, the old guy, pour some cold water on her at the right time! "

"Because of this? Let's go back and forth for more than three hours! "

"Fawn! Don't look at the problem like this. We stayed in the hotel, and then Wang Li's news was sent to Ding Yu at the first time. We came here this time to hide our identity! Instead of using our real identity, I think you should also have a certain feeling in your heart. On the territory of the United States, it is quite different from that in China! "

"Old, I don't quite understand. What do you want to say?"

"What about Ding Yu? It's the eldest son of Wang Changlin and Su Yuan. After reading Wang Li's information, you must be familiar with Wang Changlin and Su Yuan. At least, what about Wang Changlin's name? You won't look too strange, but what about Ding Yu? There won't be too much on all the data! "

Lu Tian's face also changed? Obviously, there are many other associations!

Looking at Lu Tian's appearance, the old man also laughed, "it's not as complicated as you think. It involves an old story, an old thing that only our old folks can vaguely know. The impact of that year also makes people feel chilly now! But times have changed, and now there are not many people mentioning it! "

"It's about Ding Yu?" Lu Tian still shook his head, "is really not how to hear this person's situation!"

"And you? After all, there are still some young people, so I don't know that the situation is natural. I have already said that the impact of this event is just an earthquake. What about his current identity? It's also very special, but if you go online and look for it, you can find a little bit! "

Ah? In reality, there is no information, but we can find some information on the Internet. Is this wrong? The old one looked at Lu Tian with ridicule, "what about this? You can also see the position of Ding Yu. The so-called small hidden in the world, big hidden in the dynasty, Ding Yu really has some feelings! "

"In ancient times, what is this hidden and identity revealed? What is my identity for him? I don't have much interest. What I care about is this case! "

The old man pressed his hand twice, "you! There are still some too impulsive. I'm afraid this is the main reason why I want my old man to be the team leader instead of you! What about the police? It's also human beings, not monsters, and even less so-called immortals. What we can do is very limited. At the same time, we are also the people who need help, and we are the people who need help most! "

"I don't understand!" Lu Tian didn't say a word.

"You are really stupid! How on earth did I take a fancy to you in the first place Looking at the frustrated Geng Tian, he could not help shaking his head. "When you generally investigate other cases, don't you need the help of the public? If you want to solve all the problems, do you really think it is feasible to solve themYeah! Lu Tian blinked his eyes. What about this problem? It's really what I didn't consider before! But let Ding Yu such an identity unknown person to be this helper, really is to let oneself feel that there are so many unspeakable feelings in the heart! I don't know how to describe it!

In two days, all the events of the auction are over! In ancient times, they came into close contact with things, but what about things? Has been taken down by other buyers, slightly so some pity!

Sun Yingnan was the first to receive Wang Li! "Hello, I've heard about it before! Today's Day is really outstanding! Mr. Zhang really seldom praises others

"I've sent the things to the plane. There's a special plane to go to China. If it's convenient, you can go back together. It's just on the way!" Obviously, sun Yingnan also arranged everything!

What about sun Yingnan? Wang Li of course is not so familiar, but this aura is too strong. Gu Gu and Lu Tian can only stand in the back position at this time, and they dare not go forward. If it is not for Wang Li, sun Yingnan will never put his attitude so low!

"Thank you for your trouble this time." Wang Li is also a good listener. Why did they come? Certainly not for their own, at least their own identity? Is not to be put in the eyes of others! Or because of my big brother, otherwise everything is nothing!

Thanks to sun Yingnan, Wang Li also took everyone on the plane. There was a bit of space on the plane. Wang Li didn't feel any restraint. She first sat down with the help of the old man. Then she sat down with a big stab. She patted her seat and nodded slightly. Obviously, she was very satisfied!

There is a special person to handle the departure procedures for them, even do not need everyone to hand in person, flight attendants are also dedicated to serving you, is really respected! Lu Tian looks at Gu Gu and Wang Li, and doesn't know what to say! But a look at their own side of the file, but also blink their own eyes!

I hesitated for a moment, and then I opened the file. In my opinion? Maybe it's just for fun? But when I opened the file, looking at the above, the eyes were also suddenly widened! This is not a joke, is it? Is not a little too exaggerated!

Immediately, Lu Tian also closed the document and handed it directly to the ancient man beside him! Looking at the document, but still looking through it, Geng Tian can be so surprised. It's absolutely not a gadget!

At this time, the steward also took the phone to Wang Li's side, and directly handed over the phone, "second miss, Hello, sir's phone number!"

"Brother! I'm leaving already! You're still calling! "

"I wanted to take you to see a senior brother of mine. I have already made an appointment! What about North America? It's a bit of a weight, but are you in a hurry? I will not stop. Anyway, this call has been given to you. When you have time, I will call you. What about elder martial brother Dongfang Jing this time? A lot of help! You can't even say thank you!

"Brother! To be able to make you so concerned, it seems that it is not mortal! I should pay a good visit

"What about the Chinese in North America? There is no one he is not familiar with, and there are not too many people who dare not give this face! I have a very good relationship with elder martial brother Dongfang. This time, it happens to be the meeting. Elder martial brother Dongfang is here. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to investigate some things. OK, have a safe journey! After you go back, greet the people in the family

"Big brother, you're in trouble!" However, before Wang Li's words were finished, Ding Yu had already hung up the phone. Wang Li, who was angry, snorted, and then threw the phone to one side. It was obvious that there was a certain smell of anger!

Looking at Wang Li's appearance, the ancient also handed over the document, "look, although Xiaoding did not mention the specific person, but the route? Basically, it has been given out. With this line, the problem will be solved! This time, it's not so simple as a lot of harvest. We have to feel down this line, maybe we can pull out a bunch of them! "

Wang Li took a look and handed the document to Lu Tian. "I don't know if I've got a bunch of them, but I know I'm afraid I don't have a good life this time! I don't know what's waiting for me after I go back! "

Looking at Wang Li's bored appearance, Gu Gu and Lu Tian both laughed!

At this time, Ding Yu gathered the four of Zong Taiping together. "Four of you have been here for some time. Do you have any special feelings! Come on, what about the nanny? I think you are also very good, at least my students? I feel very satisfied! "

Ding Yu's words are very ironic. Zong Taiping and the four of them also look at each other. After coming here for a period of time, the teacher really did not arrange them to do this or that, but the question is, what about a large group of students? Need them to take care of it, this may be the only task!For Zong Taiping, it is really not difficult for them, and what about these students? Although they are younger than their age, they have no problems, just like what the teacher said earlier. There is no problem in IQ. Compared with them, Zong Taiping is a bit inferior, but what about EQ? Zong Taiping, they can really despise them, and still seriously despise that kind!

What about life? It's really fair. Compared with their previous work, they are much more comfortable here, but the four people really don't want to relax. What's more, the library here is open to them! Looking at the foreign guys in the school, it's amazing!

When I didn't see it, I really didn't have this feeling. I thought that these guys, like those in movies and TV, were almost the ones who couldn't afford to have any other things except alcohol, cars and women every day!

However, after the real contact, they found that whether it is the public library or the university library, they have visited and actually contacted. Especially in the university library, there are some doubts. Do the students really have a rest time? At one or two o'clock in the morning, we can see that the students are still tireless!

The pressure on the four of them is not so great. The most important thing is that Guo Li and they are around them. They work selflessly. But after they come back, they don't have much free time. At most, they take a bath and fight a little too much boxing. It's leisure! Is there any time left? Even if you eat, you may have to hold a book!

What's more, when they went to the subway, they saw a student in it. His clothes clearly said, "wake him up when you get to the station. Don't let him sit over the station, because he needs to rest and sleep in the bus time."! If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you would have left such a deep impression!

Of course, not all people are like this, but most of them are in such a situation, which has a different impact on Zong Taiping! The so-called rest does not exist in everyone's dictionary. If you want to achieve the so-called success, you have to sacrifice! This is the price that must be paid!

"Director, I'm very impressed. I never knew that these guys were so critical. It's not just a small group of people, but many people are in such a situation. Relatively speaking, we are so inferior! I think we should discuss this in depth? "

"What about that? Listen, there are some compliments. What about Guo Li and Ouyang Ying? The reason for their efforts is that they have more or less some direction, your efforts? It's not hard work. I'll still give you enough time. If you have the direction, it will be more simple! "

"Director! We will complement each other with Guo and Li! "

"No need!" Ding Yu waved his hand, "let you take care of them? On the one hand, it makes you feel something, on the other hand? Is to let them also contact a little smoke fire, too simple and simple, really if play heart? It's true that not many people will be your opponents. This is not a derogatory term. Different origins make different influences. I don't have any prejudice about it! "

Ding Yu is not a saint. He needs to take a critical attitude towards everything and just need to be normal!

Zong Taiping and the four of them have also been in close contact with Ding Yu during this period of time, and have not seen how Ding Yu has ever laughed. But Ding Yu has also seen the attitude towards Guo Li and other people. What about Guo Li and these people? Ordinary time with Ding Yu can be said to be chatting and laughing, completely did not take a thing!

He even played two small jokes and made a fool of himself, but he didn't see what happened to Ding Yu? Can feel out, Ding Yu's attitude toward Guo Li is really different! But if you put it on Zong Taiping's body, you really dare not. This is a sense of oppression from the psychology!

"Teacher, we will eventually return to China!"

"Bullshit!" Ding Yu said with disdain, "this is just the idea that you impose on you. To be exact, do you feel that it is important for you to have those people in the first echelon? It doesn't matter at all. If you say something ugly, why are you four left? Don't you know it yourself! I need to say it! "

Ding Yu didn't give face at all!

"Even in the first tier? In the end, will they all be the same as the hope? I don't think this can be said or even treated like this. They are excellent. This is true, but it doesn't mean that they are really suitable for their jobs! "

"But you've been doing well in your time. How about in two days? Take you to a place, Guo Li and they are also together in the past, you are responsible for the specific arrangements, one of my senior brothers, of course, I can call it that way, but for you, it's your grandfathers, be careful yourself! "

"Director, shall we all go?""Yes, the elder martial brother's family is very big. How about ten times more people? Also can accommodate, I also have a period of time did not pass, originally wanted to take my child to go, but they did not have this opportunity this time! I'll give it to you. Don't let me be disgraced then , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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