Ding Yu took a group of guys to his senior brother. As for old Peyton, he didn't bother to pay attention to it. Anyway, there were not too many questions. Even what are the consequences of the research? Ding Yu didn't have any meaning to ask. How did they study it? It has nothing to do with myself.

It may be that their family is also worried about this aspect, so Ding Yu also deliberately understood it!

When all the people came to Ding Yu's private plane, everyone's eyes had fallen to the ground. Guo Li's mouth twitched constantly. Ouyang Ying was also quite distracted. What about the plane? Everyone has done it, but for them, such a large private plane is too high-end!

Because there are so many different seats on the passenger plane, we all feel quite rigid about the service of the crew. From this point, we can see that Zong Taiping is different from them. However, they are able to form a good group now. What's more, Zong Taiping is deliberately under their control?

Is this the teacher Guo Li also carefully poked Zong Taiping beside him. When he spoke, his voice was very low. Obviously, he had some worries and fears. What about his teacher? Some of them are different, but the more I know about it, the more I feel that there are.

"You don't seem to know the director very well!" Zong Taiping looked at Guo Li and their appearance, but also felt a little funny, "the plane is not rented, it is the director's, what about the doctor? It's just a profession of director. There's a farm in our country. I don't know if you've heard of our director's job! "

What about these? Although not so many people know, but the first and second echelons of people are still aware of, and Guo Li and their? I'm afraid the only thing I know about the director is medicine, and there is no other way to touch it! When appropriate, we can pass some information about this aspect to them, which can be regarded as giving them some information!

Guo Li also swallowed a mouthful of saliva. "It seems that I've heard that the organic vegetables there are very famous. Those high-ranking officials are rushing to buy them, and they can't see them in the world at ordinary times."

"Well, I know a lot about it." Zong Taiping also nodded, "what about the farm? I haven't seen it, but our students in the previous period worked there, which is really different from the false situation. What about pure organic vegetables? All of them have been exported, and there is less domestic marketing! "

"Brother ping! We follow the teacher that are students, you this is how a matter? Don't you tell me when you ask? Have been together for so long! Is it a bit too much to be separated from us all the time? "

After easing the tension, Guo Li also let go. Ouyang Ying beside him shook his head as he looked at Guo Li. What about Zong Taiping? I really know some, but some words? It's really inconvenient for them to say it. Zong Taiping said that it was a matter for them to say it themselves, but did they say it themselves? It's another thing!

Because I feel out, the teacher is more optimistic about a few students inside? Guo Li is one of the key points. His relationship with his teachers is very close, and sometimes it goes beyond the feelings between teachers and students. He is more like a friend. What about Shen Mingzheng? Has always been diligent, this is his heavyweight opponent.

But what about Guo Li? Although flowery, but the mind is not too much! What about Shen Mingzheng? Because of the family relationship, so sometimes it seems too cautious and honest, are relatively easy to deal with! But I really can't show this, let alone let others see.

So for Zong Taiping and Guo Li, Ouyang Ying seems to have not heard! Zong Taiping naturally noticed Ouyang Ying's movements and expressions. He was not so strange to these students. He had read almost all the information of them, and even had a good understanding!

This little girl's film is quite ingenious. I really don't mean to break the point, but in my opinion? Little girls have the meaning of being smart. What kind of people are their teachers and their directors? Can't he even see through it? It's impossible!

But the director did not want to point out the meaning of their own side? You really need to think about it. Who knows what the director thinks, and even if he wants to say it? It also needs to be said in private.

"And me? It's only by begging for help that we can have such a chance. What about this? It seems that there are some differences with you, but actually they are the same. They all want to learn something. What do you want to learn? It's medicine. What about what we learned? It's other aspects. It covers a little bit of a wide range of things, and it's really difficult to divide them! "

"To put it bluntly, it's all classmates!" Guo Li's hand is also on Zong Taiping's shoulder at this time!

Zong Taiping is really not used to this, and even the whole person is stiff for a moment, but then he also laughs. Let alone, this feeling is really strange!"Brother ping! All of them come here to suffer abuse, but it seems that you are suffering more than us! At most, we just read books, do surgery and experiments, but Pingge, you are different! Looking at your appearance, it is really not the general rough, regardless of the teacher is always cold face, in fact, there is no need to be so nervous! "

When he spoke, Guo Li seemed to notice something. His mouth was closed all of a sudden. Even his hand slipped quietly to Zong Taiping's back. This small action also made Zong Taiping's body get goose bumps and his waist straightened up!

Just when he thought Guo Li had some bad habits, he also heard a burst of footsteps. Ding Yu looked at the crowd and pressed his hand. However, he was stunned to see Zong Taiping and Guo Li sitting together. "After the plane takes off, you two will come here." Then Ding Yu also went to his room!

The steward gave a notice, and everyone made considerable preparations. They waited for the plane to fly smoothly. Under the guidance of the flight attendants, Zong Taiping and Guo Li also came to the door of Ding Yu's room. Seeing the leader of the crew, Guo Li followed Zong Taiping with the same color. They also entered Ding Yu's room one after the other!

Sitting on the sofa, Ding Yu also pointed to the position in front of him, "sit down! The room is not big, so the conditions are very general! "

"Teacher, this is just so!" Guo Li did not really want to let go of the meaning of too much, "when my father flies, don't mention the VIP Hall, that is, economy class. Sometimes he thinks twice about it!"

Zong Taiping is also a little surprised looking at Guo Li, his words are really not scruple! Even some of them are not very polite. You should know that this is your teacher. You can't be so presumptuous.

"Although only met once, but your father is still very enthusiastic, also has the quite expectation to you this fellow, looks forward to the son to succeed in a dragon's heart really lets the human be very moved!"

Yeah! Zong Taiping didn't know about this situation. He knew about Guo Li's family background, but he didn't think that Guo Li's father could know Ding Yu? I didn't hear Guo Li talk about it before! How about this kid? Even more clever!

What's more, what about this? It's from the director's mouth. If the director doesn't say it, I'm afraid I can't know it!

"Peace! How do you feel about Guo Li? You've been together for a while, too

"Very clever! Very lively! "

Ding Yu shakes his head. "If you say that he is a little ghost sometimes, it's over? However, from this still can see Guo Li's merit, with everybody all get along well, you! Don't look at people's dishes all the time, but you can't make yourself a fool by eating a lot of sand

How about two? Should be regarded as students! But the attitude of this dialogue is completely different. There is no balance at all! Ding Yu also put his eyes on Guo Li's body, "where is Taiping's origin? There are so many differences with the mud leg family like us! Therefore, there may be some "alternative" in some aspects. "

"No! Teacher, we really don't feel it. We get along very well. Thanks to Pingge's care, otherwise, we are still in a mess. Now Pingge and they have joined us, which makes our everything orderly! It's not easy! " Even deliberately put out their thumbs.

"I asked you to come here? It's not for you to compliment each other Ding Yu's words are also so heavy! Zong Taiping could not help but straighten up his waist, but what about Guo Li? Or the appearance of a hippie smile, as if there is no so much on the heart, and Ding Yu is to see everything in the eyes.

"Peace! what about you? Too nervous, trying to make everything perfect? Even if we do it by ourselves, for fear of any mistakes and mistakes, what about taking them lightly? I don't think it's necessary. What about Guo Li? Although sometimes a little clever, but know when to lift a heavy weight as light, this point, you are not as good as him

Why do you say that? Ding Yu didn't go too far to explain what, "elder martial brother receives us at the farm, you can do whatever you like! A little more? Peace! I need to tell you, the farm area is very large, you can try, try to relax! Maybe you can get something different! "

Waving his hand, Zong Taiping went out first. Then Ding Yu put his eyes on Guo Li's body and said, "teacher, my recent performance is not bad? No mistakes have been made! "

"You are clever, but don't be clever, but you will be misled by your cleverness! Being smart is good, but what about being smart? It doesn't mean everything. I hope you can understand something. What's more, your social experience is not so rich. Even Ouyang Ying and Shen Mingzheng are better than you. You should learn more from Taiping! "

"Teacher, I don't like to play with all that crap!"

"I didn't let you play with the so-called flowery intestines, but what about the black road? Naturally, it doesn't work. I believe you are a person who knows how to adapt. But how to do it? I can only say that you should be sincere at the same time? It can be greasy! This is a question of two concepts! Zong Taiping, they! It's just too greasy! "When the plane stopped, Ding Yu didn't take the lead. Jin stood out and looked around. Then he let out Ding Yu's position. Looking at the people and vehicles waiting below, Ding Yu also took two steps, and then joined the ten, "Dear elders, brothers and sisters, boundless heaven!"

Following Zong Taiping and Guo Li, they are also looking at each other, we are looking at each other, such a way of meeting is really so strange! But soon someone came to greet them. There were quite a lot of vehicles, and all of them were luxury vehicles. At the same time, they were quite enthusiastic!

"Elder martial brother, such a big move, but I am so flattered!" Ding Yu is a little "you're welcome." I dare not come next time! Every time you come, I don't have such enthusiasm! "

"Don't come!" Dongfang Jing also said rudely, "you really think you are welcome! After all, so many students have to let them know? Our old brothers are here to support you After that, he also laughed.

Ding Yu is not the first time to come to this place, so he is no stranger at all. As for the students below? Now it's time to herd sheep! Now that I'm here, I'm just to relax myself, not to find myself guilty!

The farm is very big. With the help of the children of the farm, we ride horses and herd sheep. It seems simple, but there are not many people who can mount the horse cleanly. Even if some people support it, they can't get on the horse. Therefore, there are many jokes! But also because of all kinds of embarrassing things, we can be very good integration together.

"Looking at them, I remember that it's good to be young."

Ding Yu held the railing and looked at the people playing in the distance, "elder martial brother, I seem to be a young man too! I feel very depressed when you say that! " In order to vent his anger, Ding Yu also patted the railing under his hand.

"You? You've got to get on with it! If you go, those students will not be like quails? All honest and honest! So you'd better stay with me, an old man! Watching them make a fool of themselves, my heart is really relaxed a lot! It's been a long time since so many people have come here! "

In the evening, everyone had a barbecue outside. Many people gathered together. Ding Yu and his elder martial brother showed up and left a long way. At the beginning, Ding Yu's students still had some problems. However, with the stimulation of alcohol, it was really lively.

It was not until the next morning that they were woken up by the neat shouts outside. Soon, people gathered at the gate. Looking at the square array outside, there were quite a lot of people. Children, big and small, were standing there to fight. When so many people stood there, it was really shocking.

No matter big or small, there is no one to take care of them. They are completely completed by themselves, even some children behind? They are also very attentive, Ding Yu's students are also looking at each other, you look at me, I look at you, this is obviously so some did not expect!

After breakfast, people were also taken to shoot guns, but it was not random firing. This is totally irresponsible. Guiding everyone to start, light weapons and heavy weapons are available, and we have a good addiction! There is no contact in China!

Even if Zong Taiping was in contact with some things in the shooting club, those things and the things in their hands were totally two concepts. It was not only simple as real ammunition, but also a little frightened when people saw the heavy weapons inside. The joke seemed to be a little big!

Take the scalpel hand to take the gun, it seems that it is not such a thing at all! Especially those heavy weapons, the whole arm will be numb after two shots. Is it completely different from the movie? We are also complaining about this! It is obvious that the previous time has been quite poisoned, so this time miscalculation!

"Six brothers! You play with guns for a long time! This big guy can hold it in his hand There is also a big guy in the hand of Liuge, which is really a big guy. Guo Li tried, and his hands didn't have too many problems, but if you want to involve it, forget it! I really don't have that ability!

"I've been practicing martial arts all the year round. I've only got a little skill! There is no comparison with you. If we can't get food if we can't take it up, we may ask for help from all brothers. After all, you are holding knives, and I hope you will show your respect in time! "

Put the big guy on the top of the bracket, but also deliberately for everyone to hold a fist, not to mention, it is really quite heroic! And Zong Taiping and Guo Li's embracing boxing is a little bit of a bit of a nondescript.

However, although the contact time between each other is short, the relationship is still very good!

"Too fierce!" Guo Li also does not live to shake his head, look at other people's body muscles, and then look at themselves, there is really no comparability! There is no way!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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