"Younger martial brother, take them to England? Is it a little too

Ding Yu sipped his mouth, and the string of hands in his hand didn't mean to stop turning. It seemed that he didn't care about going to England at all!

"And they? It's just some students. What about moving me? It can be understood, but what about moving them? It's just another thing! " When saying this, Ding Yu's attitude is also quite resolute!

"Younger martial brother, you know I didn't mean that!" Dongfang Jing also looked at his younger martial brother with dissatisfaction, "they! There are still some young people, all of them are half grown-ups. If something happens, do you think they can handle it? You don't want to think about it? "

"Have you thought about it?" Ding Yu also did not have any hesitation, very determined, "what about them? It looks like a half boy, but what about the actual situation? There is also the ability to distinguish right from wrong. We can't let us finish all the things for them, and then let them eat the ready-made ones! That's not right! "

"It's too cruel. Don't you go too far? I don't think so many of them are suitable! "

"Appropriate or inappropriate? Who knows, anyway, that's what I've done. It's a process, not a simple two sentences. Do I really want to see the British side? It didn't look like it was imagined, but who knows? Just take a look at it then

"I still think there is something wrong with the British. Don't you know, younger martial brother? After all, it's not a good person. I think it's better to be on guard! Where am I? Is also able to find some relationship, if not, on his mother's! Who is afraid of whom

For this elder martial brother suddenly exposed the banditry, Ding Yu also ha ha smile, "elder martial brother! Where am I going? Is to take these guys to study hard, really has no other meaning, if really fight, with them is pure mischief! I am not so light and heavy! "

Hearing Ding Yu's words, Dongfang Jing also leaned back on her body, looked up and down at Ding Yu and shook her head suspiciously, "I really don't believe that, you boy! Sometimes it's really hard to say, but I really have doubts about it! "

"Doubting or not doubting? This is your business, elder martial brother! " Ding Yu didn't care very much and said, "but what about it? I may need a lot of money in the past two years. Now that I'm here today, I hope you can support me. But what about this? Don't spread it too widely! "

"Mobilizing funds?" Dongfang Jing looked at Ding Yu, and her expression became serious. "I don't have any problems here. How much do you need to transfer? Just talk! Bruno, where are they? There won't be any problems, but large-scale fund mobilization will certainly attract considerable attention! "

"I'll give you a year to prepare. Since elder martial brother has doubts? I'm not afraid to say that if Britain turns its back, I can't make people laugh like this! To be more rude, this tone still needs to be made. Do you really want to fight with the British side? Some of them are not suitable, so let's play some tricks! "

Dongfang Jing took a deep breath, "what about my side? Since you have a family background, younger martial brother, since you have made such a choice, I'm sure I can help the court. I have nothing to say. I've been with younger martial brother for many years. My family background is really rich, so I can't say that when you want money, just say something! "

"As for Bruno? I will have a good talk with him! I believe they will also be very interested in this. Since the British side is not benevolent and unjust, then we are not polite! " When he said this, Ding Yu was still light hearted, but in Dongfang Jing, he was also full of murderous spirit.

"I knew you would not tolerate it, younger martial brother!" Dongfang Jing also breathed a sigh of relief, "but at this time when you take these half boys to England, is it a little too provocative for the British nerves? Although their military intelligence department 5 can not be said to have changed blood from inside to outside, but now I see you, it is really red eyed!"

"I really hope they will do something, but if it is you, will you do it?"

"Me?" Dongfang Jing thought about it for a while, and shook his head slightly. "If you really do it on the surface, it's really impossible. But in private, do you want some trouble for younger martial brother? I think it can be done! Anyway, when it rains, I'm free, isn't it? I think MI5 will never let go of this opportunity. Those grandsons! Sometimes it's very insidious. Younger martial brother should be prepared for this aspect! "

"Be prepared or not? In fact, there are not many differences! " It's not that Ding Yu doesn't care about it and has nothing to do with it? The British side has already taken the lead, and what about us? It's a step back, but a step back doesn't mean that we'll be beaten all the time. Elder martial brother, do you think so? "

"I just want to persuade you to be careful, but I know what about you, boy? I've never been a peaceful master. Anyway, the British fake gentlemen have never been in charge of our heads. I care who these grandsons are! ""I'll be relieved if you say that, elder martial brother."

During the two days of senior brother's stay, Ding Yu's students have really played. Some of them are crazy, unrestrained and even carefree. They straddle horses and carry guns and roam freely around the farm, which makes everyone really forget themselves!

"It seems that everyone is very relaxed these two days." Ding Yu gathered all the students together in the evening. "There was a lot of pressure before. Of course, this is your own feeling. What about me? What you have done is not so good, but in any case, it is over. What's next? I will take you to England

Speaking of this, Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "what about in China? You didn't get a little bit of temptation, because of the environment, in the United States? You are faced with a bit of temptation, is it not affected or other reasons, you know, but after arriving in England? I may be congratulating you all! "

"Teacher?" Guo Li also extended his arm, "you'd better tell us in advance! You talk like this, let me feel that there are so many worries and fears in my heart. We didn't have this kind of experience before! I know that the teacher must care about us all. They say it is not! "

"Yes This voice is really loud!

Ha ha! A strange smile appeared on Ding Yu's face. "If you go to Britain, the environment must be different from that of the United States. Can you describe it in one sentence? It is better than the current conditions, I don't know how many times, so you will be dragged into the water by then! I'm really looking forward to it

Ding Yu fiddled with the string in his hand, "what about in America? You must have been seduced. I know something about it, but what's the good news? I'm glad I haven't been dragged into the water, but it's not the same in Britain! I really have some worries. I can't face your parents after I go back! So what? I've brought you here to see if there's any good way to do it? "

Looking at Guo Li who wanted to raise his hand again, Ding Yu snorted, "you are not allowed to speak! Shut up

Looking at Guo Li's appearance, Ding Yu knew what he wanted to say, but what if he said it? His heart is in vain, so he is also staring at him, Guo Li is also scared back, his teacher? Although the usual time does not matter, but this time still do not ask for trouble.

All of them talked about it, but their voices were very small. Ding Yu also paid attention to everyone's expressions, took them to China, the United States, and then went to England. This is a process in itself. Ding Yu really does not want to pull down any of them, but what is the matter now? Also need to distinguish a before and after!

After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu also patted his hand twice, "what about going to England? What about China and the United States? It is true that there are so many different! At home and in the United States? It's more of an academic assessment, but what about going to the UK? It's a kind of assessment on the mind, so I hope you'll consider this aspect! "

I took a breath. "What about me? Three groups have been prepared. One is to return to China, and the other? It is to stay in the United States, and the other is to go to Britain, but what about staying in the United States? Need to pass my assessment, the province to stay in disgrace, go back to China? Also need to assess, don't be ridiculed when going back, I can't afford to lose this person! On the contrary, people who go to England really don't need any assessment. In any case, there are not too many things to do! "

No way! We also looked at each other. How about going back home and staying in the United States? They all need a lot of assessment, but they don't need anything to go to England. The teacher's disposition is not like this before. There are problems in it, and they are still quite big problems!

"You can discuss it yourself! I don't want to ask about this matter, but three representatives have been selected! Give you two hours and then go to my room Then Ding Yu also went out, and after Ding Yu went out, people were talking about it for a while, and things were very wrong.

"Xiao Li Zi, tell me what happened to you!"

Guo Li rubbed his face twice, "things are wrong! Teacher, this chess move is too strange, so some people can not feel the head, return home and the United States? There's nothing to say, but going to England is definitely not that simple! It seems that this time is really a dragon's den! Big trouble

After saying that, Guo Li also scratched his hair, "so say it! How about going to England? It will never be the luckiest, it must be the worst! Our teacher! It's really amazing In fact, Guo Li wants to say that his teacher is Yin! It can be summed up in the heart.

"I'm going back home!" Shen Mingzheng raised his hand. "Now I feel that I am not suitable for the outside environment, and my ability is not up to the standard. I will apply to the teacher. I also feel that this study tour in China and the United States has made me realize some shortcomings of myself, and I want to supplement it."This word also let a lot of students are stupefied, go to England? It's not a good choice, but what about going back home? It seems that it is not so appropriate. It is common for all people to pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages, which we all know!

"I want to...!"

Before finishing, Ouyang Ying slapped Guo Li's hand and said, "what do you want! You are already the teacher's baby pimple, the teacher has something, you still want to run back? You don't think you can see it! If it wasn't for the teacher who stopped your mouth at that time, I don't know what would happen! Don't think about America! "

"No Guo Li also stood up all of a sudden, but looking at Ouyang Ying who also stood up, he also laughed, "I just sit for a long time, get up and move my body. You can't do this! What about me? To be close to teachers is also to seek benefits for everyone

Before she finished speaking, she was directly pressed down by Ouyang Ying, "what do I think about this matter in the United States? Or the teacher has thought, even the people who stay will not be too few! But it's not easy to pass the examination! "

There was a burst of discussion, and at this time Ding Yu also dragged Zong Taiping and the four of them into their own room. "How are you doing these two days? It seems to be a great pleasure Looking at Zong Taiping who wanted to speak, Ding Yu waved, "let you come? It's relaxing. It can relieve your pressure. It's the most important thing to mediate. Say something else. What's next? Maybe I'm going to England. I need to ask about your plans! "

"Director, we'll listen to you!"

"Don't listen to me. What about this? Still need to rely on you! So say it! How about going to England? It's not as simple as taking care of some of their scum students. There are more things involved outside. What about you? At home is also well-informed, for the outside things must also be heard! I won't say much! So you decide for yourself! "

"Director, since you have made a choice, you can't go back!" Zong Taiping did not have any hesitation, "what's more, we are still your students, you can't just watch us jump into the fire pit!"

Ding Yu ha ha ha, "follow Guo Li two days time, return really slippery a lot! What about Guo Li? They are my students. This is true, but are you? Now really even if not on my students, on the four of you talent is still a lot worse, students? Not very qualified. Maybe it's OK to be a helper. Get out of here

Four people's eyes are also a bright, although the director did not want to say that they were students, but this is not what the so-called disappointment, the previous first echelon? It's the same thing. Even the director didn't take them with them. Comparatively speaking, the four of them were lucky.

What's more? Now four of them are given a chance to choose. In other words, it is to give them a test. If such a test is really passed, the situation in the future will be obviously different! At first, everyone envied the people of the first echelon, but now, the situation is reversed, they envy themselves four are almost the same!

After the four of them left, Guo Li, Ouyang Ying and Shen Mingzheng also came over and said hello to them. Then they filed into Ding Yu's room. When the three of them came, they really didn't surprise Ding Yu.

"Tell me about the situation."

"Teacher! Shen Mingzheng is going back to China and Ouyang Ying is going to stay in the United States. What about me? Just follow the teacher

Ding Yu held his chin in his hand, "let's talk about it! Shen Ming is starting from you. Why do you want to go back home? "

"Teacher, I think I realized a lot of problems after I came out. What about what I learned in school? Although it is still hard work, but there is still a considerable gap in the foundation, to stay in the United States side? Although I can learn more, but the foundation is poor. Even if I pick up a high-rise building in the future, it may collapse! "

"What about Ouyang Ying? Why do you want to stay in America? "

"Teacher! I think I can touch more things here. My eyes were limited to a certain range before, but after I came out, I found that I was a frog at the bottom of the well! "

Ding Yu said, "this is a bit interesting! Do you think your foundation can cope with the situation?! There's no need to deny it. What about you? It's much better than Shen Mingzheng. What about it? There are quite a lot of reasons for your family, but if you do this, will you be ambitious? "

"Teacher, I have this confidence!"

Ding Yu nodded and looked at Guo Li, who was going to speak. Ding Yu also snorted, "OK, you don't want to write here. I don't want to listen to you. Go where it's cool and stay there! Charge has never had you before. How about eating and drinking? You are always the first to show up. If you don't speak, I know what you're going to do

"Teacher, am I not close to you?"

"Shen Mingzheng and Ouyang Ying, what about you two? Where you want to go is your choice, but you need to pass the examination. What about me? As a teacher, you will never be selfishHowever, before leaving, Ding Yu seemed to think of something and pulled his hands down. "Shen Mingzheng, here you are! Use more snacks

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