When she came out from Ding Yu, Guo Li and Ouyang Ying were very envious. Looking at the strings in Shen Ming's forehand, what was the value? What's more, what's important is that it's given by the teacher, and the meaning it represents is absolutely different! At least other people's hands there is no gift from the teacher!

So two people envy return envy, but no one wants to snatch the meaning!

"It's just! You can do it! Quietly made such a big lottery, say it! Next to the female tiger, this big mouth has opened, waiting to swallow you! Don't miss the chance

"Little plum, are you itchy?" Ouyang Ying's eyebrows glared, and Guo Li ran away! Shen Mingzheng is also smiling at Ouyang Ying, he did not expect such a result, and even some do not understand why the teacher should give himself such a thing!

The next day, Ding Yu took these people back to Boston. At the same time, he started a specific assessment. What about this assessment? It's not as easy as you can imagine. Because Guo Li doesn't have too many tasks, he is also following Ding Yu as a dogleg. He is really pretending!

And those who want to return home are more unfortunate than those who want to stay in the United States. Ding Yu also abused them. They are not as good as life and death. They are really cruel! If that is the knowledge on books, there may not be too many problems!

But Ding Yu seldom mentions the knowledge in books. What's the problem? Basically, I want you to do this answer. Even if the graduation thesis is not so strict, other people will not say it. Even Ouyang Ying's eyes are red and swollen when she comes out!

In the past, I thought that although the teacher was Zhou shaopi, he could still live, but now what? Only then discovered that this teacher is the big devil! It's so scary! With a scalpel, but with a bomb in my arms, it's strange to have a good one!

Guo Li took advantage of his leisure time, but also rushed out to kick the breath, and then ran into the bathroom, "let me relax for a while, at least give me a chance, right?" Said, is also to close the door, before really did not see the teacher like this, so now suddenly between the conversion, but also let oneself quite not adapt.

When he came out, he looked at the people waiting outside and shook his head, "I said that you are all around here. What a matter? I'm not our teacher, just an assistant. What's more, if there is any problem or situation, do you think the teacher will spare me? "

"Xiao Li, we are all classmates! I don't believe you don't know anything! " Ouyang Ying also glared at each other, and directly put Guo Li on the wall! There is no intention to let go of it. What about the other students? At this time, he also acted as an accomplice. He didn't mean to let go of Guo Li at all. Who made him the most popular teacher?

"Students, this is a bit of a rogue! How can I know what the teacher thinks? Shen Mingzheng is still in it! ..。”

Haven't you finished that yet? Some people began to shout, Ouyang Ying was called in again, and Guo Li was following Ouyang Ying's position. All the way, she was holding fists with her classmates to beg for mercy. But even if it was like this, you and I were beaten by the students outside. That was a sad thing!

The assessment is not completed at one time. Knowledge is only one aspect of it. Although I was wronged before, in order to fight for the opportunity, we can only be patient! Until now, we can guess that this teacher is really not an ordinary person, at least this ruthless force is not ordinary people!

For three days in a row, people were not as good as dead. At the beginning, it was a simple assessment, but now I know that it is wrong, and it is a kind of big mistake! This is the assessment there! It's the one that kills people!

"Have you made any progress? It should be regarded as having! But how big is this progress? I want you to pass the examination? It's also possible to know that if you stay or go back to China, would it be a shame for me? It's not so important. The problem is that it's irresponsible to the patients. "

Waving his hand, "I've got a few teachers for you, and let them in the next period of time? Teach you all the time? You have not been eliminated, but this opportunity has come. After studying, are you going back to China? Stay in America? It's still eliminated. It's up to you

"Guo Li, where are the people going to England? You don't have to be with you! You have other tasks. Pack up! I don't know how long it will be! "

After the assessment, it can be said that no one can make Ding Yu feel very satisfied, but what are the dissatisfied results? Now they are all out. Ding Yu will let people teach them strictly! Actually speaking of it? Ding Yu's request is too real and too much. It's just using the examination of interns. It's embarrassing!

"You look unhappy, little plum!"

Guo Li didn't have a good look, and then he lowered his head. "You are liberated. Although you say it's learning, at least you have a foundation in your heart. How many brothers and sisters do you feel sorry for? Teacher! I've always left the most powerful in the end. Looking at you, I really have no bottom in my heart! "Hear Guo Li so say, everybody's heart is also at once balanced up, "Guo Li, don't be afraid!" Ouyang Ying is also patting Guo Li on the shoulder, "what is the most powerful left in the last, there is a sentence how to say, the best will stay in the last, rest assured, the teacher will not give you how! We still believe in you! "

Guo Li hummed, for Ouyang Ying's sarcastic words obviously did not want to put in the heart above the meaning!

As he spoke, Jin slowly and leisurely walked in and pointed out to Guo Li and several other students. Then he took them to another room! "Take off your coat!" After everyone took off their clothes, Kim also gave each of them a piece of clothes!

"Wear them when you sleep. At least they can protect your life. Don't save you when something really goes wrong! And when we wait a moment, everyone has a positioning device. What about this positioning device? Whether it's a bath! Sleep and even communicate with your girlfriend, can not take off, rigid requirements, can not slack off! Except in special circumstances! "

What are you doing! Is this? This isn't about war, is it? It doesn't need to be like this even in war, right? People are also quite suspicious! Jin Kan focused on the newly passed clothes of several people, but also nodded, and then heard a little noise, Zong Taiping and the four of them also came in one by one.

"It will be a little different this time in England! We will try our best to protect everyone's safety, but at the same time, we need you not to make trouble, don't lose your life! Zong Taiping, Guo Li, you two are responsible for the specific! All things have to be reported, which is very important for our summary! In the next three days, someone will give you a specific drill! I hope you don't pee your pants! "

Three days, let Guo Li and Zong Taiping, they can say that life and death do not know, Guo Li knew that the teacher would never let them too easy, but did not think that things would be like this! At this time, everyone's spirit is all nervous.

But at this time, Ding Yu will search Guo Li and Zong Taiping one by one. The nature of the East and the west is different, but it is for you to search. As for the specific content? You go to check, print, these problems Ding Yu did not pay any attention to!

Guo, Li and Zong Taiping, under the condition of high mental tension, they were really very attentive to this. How many times did they watch it originally? Maybe it is to understand a general idea, but now? See two times basically can repeat out, this kind of performance under high pressure, or very good!

Ding Yu is intentional! But no one chose to quit at this time, and three days later, people also boarded Ding Yu's private plane, "teacher!" When he saw Ding Yu, Guo Li still felt his legs tremble!

Ding Yu's two hands were on the table, and the index finger of his left hand beat the back of his right hand. When Guo Li slowed down for a while, he also hummed, "how? Scared? It's not that there is no chance at all. Go to ask Kim for a parachute. I think he should be very willing to help you fly a kite! It's exciting! "

"Teacher, don't scare me!" Guo Li also decided to pay attention to, "you are so powerful in the United States? Are you still afraid of the British side? Previously, we were scared! Teacher, isn't it

Ding Yu also felt so funny, "you boy is very smart! But why should I say my prestige in America? That sounds like a bit of a deviation! "

"Look, teacher! You are in the United States, whether it is the hospital, hotel or other aspects, although those people did not close to the teacher you mean, but that compliment, let me see is all ashamed, and when we travel, no one dares to come to inquire about the passport, which is quite obvious! "

"It's not true, but it's not that there's no value at all!" Ding Yu released his hand and pointed to the position in front of him, "what about me? To say that there is no power at all, it is really impossible to say so, but what about this? When it comes to other issues, I'm really not afraid that they will point their guns at me? But I really have some worries that they will point their guns directly at you

"Aim at us? We didn't provoke them? Why point the gun at us? "

"Because I brought you to England! It's so simple! "

Ding Yu immediately called Zong Taiping in. What happened after Zong Taiping had sat down? Ding Yu also immediately handed two documents to the two of them, "confidentiality agreement, sign it! Did you sign this document? I will tell you about the specific reasons, otherwise some things will be hard to say! "

Confidentiality agreement? Zong Taiping had contact with this, but for Guo Li, it was too strange. What was this and what was it? How come the confidentiality agreement? But on second thought, Guo Li seemed to understand something! Take up the pen is also written down their own name, there is no hesitation!

After collecting the confidentiality agreement, Ding Yu looked at Guo Li, "Guo Li! What about Zong Taiping? His mother is the forerunner of this profession, so he is very familiar with it, but you are different. What about the future? Be strict. I don't want to lose your life because of this! This is not a joke"No! teacher? This is going to kill you! "

Ding Yu opened one of his drawers, and then pulled out a gun. Without any hesitation, he placed it on the table. In front of Guo Li, he unloaded the cartridge clip and looked at the golden bullet inside. Guo Li couldn't help but shrink a little. After Ding Yu reloaded the cartridge clip, he put the pistol back.

"And me? It started in England. It has a good relationship with the top echelons and families in Britain, and even has considerable weight on the side of Parliament. However, I was beaten in the face by the MI5 earlier, and there was also some hostility with the whole British side! Of course. What about MI5? Their director changed, and at the same time up and down? It's also a great exchange of blood! "

Zong Taiping's mouth slightly twitched, and Guo Li was full of disbelief, "teacher, I'm not watching movies, I've heard about MI6, but I haven't heard about MI5!"

"What about MI6? It's the Intelligence Department of the outside world, and what about MI5? It's the internal intelligence department. If we really want to make a difference, one is the FBI and the other is the CIA. What about my personality? It's always been that people don't attack me, I'm not a prisoner, but now someone is attacking me, so what about you? It's going to be bad luck! "

"Teacher, I feel a little nervous!"

Ding Yu looked at Guo Li and said, "it's ok if you don't pee your pants! But don't worry, if you break a little skin, even if you lose a hair, I will cut them alive! I can still do this. The question is whether you can stop being like quails

"Teacher, will MI5 do something to us? Isn't this a typical bully? " Although Zong Taiping didn't make this clear, the meaning was very clear, and he was able to find the director's trouble! Why are you looking for us?

This is like a fight between two adults, but it's a bit embarrassing to go to other people's children! Even some of them are despised by people! Britain is also a country at least, it should not do so!

"And you? It's small miscellaneous fish. Everyone knows this, but the problem is that you are my students. If you do something to you, it will certainly irritate me! But the question is, what about the people you're dealing with? Not only is MI5 so simple, but other forces want to fish in troubled waters! "

The situation in this can be said to be very complicated. Ding Yu simply explained to them, "so what about you? You really need to take good care of it. What's the danger you are facing? Not only behind the muzzle, but also on the face of the temptation, more than you imagine the temptation

"Teacher, I am a person who can't stand the test, you know that!" Guo Li also said pitifully, "what to eat, what to drink, just like me, teacher, do you really rest assured? I don't trust myself very much! "

"At this point? I don't really worry about you. What about you? Ordinary family background, give you one hundred and two million? You dare take it, but give you eight million? You really don't have the guts When he said this, Ding Yu also looked at Zong Taiping and said, "Taiping, I'll warn you. You should also know my means!"

Eh? Guo Li is also a suspicious look, the teacher warned wrong! But looking at the nodding Zong Taiping, it seems that it is really as a thing! Guo Li shakes his head, one hundred and two million of his own certainly won't put it in his heart, but even if he wants to buy himself, it's too funny!

It's not that you dare not take it, but that the price is too contemptuous of yourself! At least 100 million! And it's a kind of US dollar, so that I can be worthy of myself! Seeing the teacher looking at himself, Guo Li also laughed, "teacher, if 100 million? I'm also a little bit excited! I'm talking about 100 million dollars! "

I've never seen anyone looking for death like this. Zong Taiping's heart has been summed up. The director must be furious at this time! But let Zong Taiping don't believe that, Ding Yu's words let him completely muddle.

"One hundred million dollars. If they really give you this kind of treatment, I think you can try it. Two and one points make five. What about the other half? Give the school and students a point, can't say you eat meat, everyone can't even drink soup, this is what I said, if you have this ability, I will solve the follow-up problems for you! "

"Haha, I knew the teacher was the best for me! I'm ready. I'll offer you at least 200 million dollars. With this 100 million dollars, I'll drink Soybean milk, two bowls at a time! "

"Drink a bowl, throw a bowl?" Zong Taiping was also very angry and said with a smile.

"How could it be? Two bowls, of course Guo Li is also puzzled to see Zong Taiping, "before was no money, so can only drink a bowl, I have money, why not drink two bowls?"

Zong Taiping is also a language jam, he really do not know what to say is good!

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