Guo Li is the most suitable candidate, but do you want to contact him? It's really not an easy thing, at least not as simple as imagined, he has been? It's all with those students! What's more, can't you go to him directly? Need a bit of this aspect of the head is!

What about betrayal? Generally speaking, it's just a few situations. Money, power, women and faith are basically just like these, which will not be out of the ordinary! What about Guo Li? It seems that it is too early for Quan. He is now beside Ding Yu. What is his feeling about power? It won't be as deep as you can imagine.

What's more, if it's really for the sake of power, then I'm afraid he's not as simple as a doctor now!

And belief has no meaning for Guo Li. Talking about the so-called belief with Guo Li is just a joke. I'm afraid even the British side can't convince him! There are only two things left: money and women!

But what about the two? There are quite a few problems. What about women? For Guo Li, does it really mean anything? He's a doctor. What about doctors? In many ways than ordinary people are more sensitive! But what about the problems between men and women? I don't think so much of it!

In a deeper sense, for doctors, it's just a skeleton, and what kind of perfect person is flawed in their eyes. If you want to rely on the so-called woman, you can seduce Guo Li. This is too unrealistic! Even a little ridiculous.

In the final analysis, there is a topic that can't be avoided if we want to make it through. That is money. What about Guo Li's family? Not too rich, but also middle class! So the general small money wants to impress Guo Li, as if it is not a realistic thing at all!

What do you want to do in the UK? But let him sell Ding Yu, and Guo Li may not have a complete understanding of Ding Yu's situation. But recently, with Ding Yu's side, Guo Li must also have a good understanding of it. Luxury cars, airplanes, high-end restaurants, these Guo Li have had contact with!

Under such circumstances, do you want to impress Guo Li or even turn him back? I'm afraid the price will not be too small!

But for MI5, it's really an opportunity. After all, not everyone can get close to Ding Yu's side! This problem has been discussed and experimented with very early! But it seems to have no effect at all!

Of course. What about the people sent to the company? Everyone is easy to get along with. Ding Yu has not done anything against the law and discipline. He can't let others seize the handle because of this! But what about the people sent to the company secretly? The situation is different! How about lighter? Fired. What about the heavier ones? Call the police directly!

What about business spies? It's not a light charge. What's more, Ding Yu's syndicate power is also huge. He really grasped the handle. It can't be said that he spent most of his life in prison, but he has been in it for the rest of his life! What's more, is it really safe in prison? Don't think too simple!

On this issue, sun Yingnan, the leader of the consortium, is really adhering to Ding Yu's style! He would not say anything, and it was a kind of merciless. After catching it, he was directly nailed to death, and did not give a chance at all.

This is the person who infiltrates Ding Yu's consortium, but who wants to infiltrate Ding Yu's side? The end is more miserable. The guy Kim is really too cold-blooded! What's better is that it makes people's faces of major organizations extremely embarrassing, but most of them disappear! It's like this person has never appeared in the world!

It's hard to say how Ding Yu investigated it. In any case, for so many years, no good results have been achieved. So now such an opportunity is particularly valuable! Don't want to give up!

"Sir, I heard that someone from the United States has come here!"

"Where did you get the news?" Ding Yu also felt that some of them were very interesting. The American guys are here now. In addition to inquiring about some things? They should have other opinions and ideas, such as Guo Li or Zong Taiping. They must be on the list!

"There's a little wind over there at MI6!"

"It's also reasonable. MI5 has been given a good beating by the US side. I'm afraid their opinions on the US side are quite large, so what about MI6? Should be the best choice! But how do you judge that? "

"As far as I'm concerned, I feel that this news is more like the initiative released by MI6. On the one hand? Is it better than us? On the other hand? I feel that it should paralyze us and give us the news from the United States, but I did not reveal the purpose of the US side. In fact, the news from the United States, as far as our system is concerned, is just the time, and has no practical significance! "

"MI6 is also playing tricks. It's interesting!" Ding Yu slightly hummed, "it seems that they really have some ideas!""Sir, do you want to add insurance to them? Comparatively speaking, they are all old foxes, but what about Guo Li and Zong Taiping? They are still young rabbits. They don't have any experience and experience at all. If they meet them, I'm afraid they will be eaten. Even the bones and dregs will not be left behind! "

Ding Yu thought for a moment. He shook his head slightly and said, "don't look at them. What about everyone? They all have their own choices. Such choices are related to their lives. We can offer some advice and even help them. But we can't interfere with everyone's own choices! "

Jin didn't entangle with this issue any more. Although it was cruel, it was a way to think about it carefully. If it passed such a test, it would be a sublimation for their life, and maybe it would give out different brilliance! Who knows?

But from your own point of view? For Zong Taiping, the problem may not be as big as imagined, but for Guo Li, such a test will be very important! What about rejection? In fact, it is a very simple and easy thing, but what about acceptance? It's really too much of a test!

Is Guo Li really able to accept this test? Mr. Li seldom does this, but it can be seen from this that Mr. Guo really attaches great importance to Guo Li. If Guo Li can really perform well, then his position in the eyes of Mr. Guo in the future is by no means ordinary!

"Charlie's family has made preparations. The list of banquets is not a lot. It's just a closed reception. I'll have a look at it tomorrow! Any other requirements, sir? "

"The day after tomorrow, go and visit in person! It's good to talk about some things in person. When the time comes, there will be other incidents. I said hello in this respect in advance, so that we can have considerable preparation! It's not good if you don't have to be in a hurry! "

But what about the UK? When I want to use some means to Guo Li, I really encounter some troubles. I don't know whether the medical students are all of such a virtue. After coming to the medical school, the whole person is immersed in the library, teachers and operating room, and there is no free time and space at all!

Even if it's a show of selflessness, don't you try so hard? Ding Yu did not follow behind your buttocks, and his head did not have long eyes, so it is not necessary to work so hard! You look like this, let us look for what so-called opportunities?

When I got back to the hotel at night, it was quite late. When I got back to my own room, I didn't even clean it. Basically, I fell asleep on the bed, which made the intelligence officers helpless. In this way, we still need a fart surveillance! Because everything is clear at a glance!

Come back and sleep! It's really straight down on the bed, but the way of sleeping may be slightly different, there is no other difference!

"Did Ding Yu force them?"

"No, as far as I know, they forced themselves to come by themselves. Ding Yu brought a large group of students with them. However, a large part of them stayed in the United States. There were not many people coming to Britain. But on the other hand, they were definitely favored by Ding Yu! Everyone wants to be a student of Ding Yu! No one wants to give up! "

"Have you checked out the details?"

"After investigation, Ding Yu once said that they should be given a fair chance to fight for them. Therefore, these people are very selfless and want to strive for Ding Yu's students. What if other people said that? It may not make any sense, but this is what Ding Yu said. Although I don't like it very much, this guy's words still have considerable guarantee and credibility! "

"Yesterday, I was just like I came here to play. Today, I changed my style and attitude. The change is so fast that people can't even prevent it. Besides, as far as we know, Ding Yu has not even communicated with them. Is this the influence that Ding Yu shows?"

Two people exchanged some things in a low voice, but there was no change in the monitor. Everyone was lying on the bed, even Zong Taiping. But what about Zong Taiping? It's not the same as Guo and Li! After all, the environment is different!

Although it's monitoring, it's just monitoring. It doesn't mean to keep files or files, unless there are some accidents and special circumstances. If such things are not kept on file and kept on file, it means that there won't be any other problems and situations. But if it is read out by Ding Yu, the matter will be of another nature, which is also a defense Hands.

"Ding Yu is very busy these two days?" Looking at the situation inside the monitoring, it is still the same as before. At most, some people turn over when they are sleeping. Some people also record the situation at this time. If there is no way, what should we do otherwise? It says they went to bed after they came back? There is no other thing happened, the above will not be satisfied!"It's said that we're going to get together with the students from medical school. Maybe we'll visit Charlie's family. The reception has already been arranged, but our people haven't thought of any special method. They have quite experience in this, even the waiters? It's all Charlie's, and there's no need for outsiders! "

The meaning is very simple. I want to put people in. It's not so simple. The above is the requirement for this aspect. But it doesn't mean that things can be done. If all the problems and situations are so easy, the world will be peaceful for a long time. Where will it be like now?

"There are other aspects of transportation? Don't believe there are no loopholes? "

"There are loopholes, but the question is, in the end? They all need to face Ding Yu. This guy is not an ordinary person. If there is any problem and situation on the spot, Ding Yu doesn't need to stand up. If those families really stand up, how can they deal with it? Who can carry this black pot

After saying this, he also let the people next to him sigh, "what about this time? I'd rather not do it than offend Ding Yu. What about this time? The situation is too delicate! The last time he offended Ding Yu, he made the whole market fluctuate a lot. If he did it again, who knows what will happen? "

What's more, what happened last time? It hasn't been solved completely. It's just lying there. At this time, even if you can't get any information, don't be angry with Ding Yu. Of course, after Ding Yu left England? This is another thing, things are changing, not single and exist!

Ding Yu made another demonstration of the operation, and at the same time had a little get-together with his old classmates. No matter what identity Charlie is now, and no matter what other old classmates are, everyone is sitting in the bar now. We don't need to talk about our current identity. It's just about remembering our past school life!

After the party, everyone left. Charlie and Ding Yu left the bar last. In fact, they didn't drink much wine. "I heard that the recent environment is so weird! We are looking forward to your coming here at this time, but it does not mean that everyone is welcome! "

"What? Feel the pressure in this area? "

"Pressure, it doesn't exist!" In front of Ding Yu, Charlie seemed very casual and comfortable, "what about the British side? You're not going to let anything happen to you here! " He looked up and took a look at it. He also used his hand to make a comparison. "If you don't want to be presumptuous, how many streets are there? There are people on standby at any time! They are careful

Ding Yu was shaking the big umbrella in his hand. He was helpless and said, "how about it? Go and play a game of snooker! Haven't you been so leisurely for a long time? What's more, it seems that we haven't had a contest for a long time. You know, without your opponent, I'm not interested in any other people! "

"Is it?" Charlie also moved his hand and threw his umbrella on his other hand. "Speaking of it, my recent exercise seems to be really a little lax. In fact, I want to compete with you in boxing. I also hope to see what kind of progress I have made recently!"

"No more boxing?" Ding Yu also snorted. It was obvious that he looked down on Charlie. "What's more, I haven't brought my equipment with me. Recently, I've learned a lot. I really have some worries. I can't stop at that time! But you can see your belly clearly

Charlie put his hand on his stomach. "Oh! I really can't accept it! " Then he took a look at Ding Yu. What about this guy? It's not only that there is no change in the figure, nor is there any change in the face. I also have some doubts. Is this guy deliberately maintaining?

"Do you mind if I ask you a question? Of course, you can choose not to answer. I'm really curious. What about your school days? Just like this. Now? Or is it the same as before? There are some changes in the hair style, but you can't see the passage of time on your face

At the beginning, Ding Yu really didn't understand, but then he woke up and said, "do you think you are too much? Even suspect me of cosmetic surgery! Should I do it? "

"It's not doubt, but faith, OK?" Charlie also jokingly said, "I said how do you maintain it? Even my wife doesn't seem to maintain it as well as you do? You won't bathe in blood, will you? "

"I didn't freak out like that? But what about my family after all these years of practice? With some experience in this area, would you like to have a try? Taixi's effect is still very good, but now it's only in a small range, and I'm Asian after all, what about Europe? There is no such experiment, and there are not so many materials! "

"I feel a little interested!" Charlie's eyes brightened too, "but really speaking, you have a lot of good things! I've tried cigars, and my father loves them. It's a bit too old for me"You already have a son!" Ding Yu laughed and joked! Now that you have a son, don't pretend to be a young man! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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