What kind of secret do you think you can reveal? I didn't expect such a result, which made people feel quite speechless! Ding Yu has his own private pharmacy, which is not difficult to understand, even a lot of rich people? They all have their own team of doctors, not to mention Ding Yu himself is a doctor?

This is a very normal thing! To say that Ding Yu has not changed at all, it seems that it is not so true. It can only be said that Ding Yu's maintenance is very good! Of course, he has this capital. Similarly, he is only responsible for the direction of the consortium in the general direction. As for the operation of the consortium, he basically doesn't intervene much!

This has greatly reduced his necessary labor. What about this? We really need to admire, even admire Ding Yu. He can really afford it and put it down at the same time. If it is someone else, I'm afraid no one can be so assured that he can hand over all the main affairs of the consortium.

It may also be because Ding Yu is always in a sober state, so he can calmly deal with other things! He even had time to amuse himself with MI5. Otherwise, why did he choose to come to England at this time.

It seems to be a very good time, but what about the actual situation? Everyone knows that this is not the best choice. When things slow down and the two sides are in slow contact, this is the best choice. But Ding Yu did not do so, but chose such a delicate time to come!

Britain is helpless, but there is no way. What can we do? Stop Ding Yu from coming? How can it be? It can't be blocked at all! What's more, MI5 is also quite subdued!

Ding Yu's special immunity has been abolished, but now that Ding Yu has come to Britain, the top and bottom of MI5 are afraid that a mosquito will fly to Ding Yu's side. However, if there is any accident, MI5 can't afford to eat! Opposite each other, now suddenly has the identity and the position transformation, the emotion above is so some cannot accept!

Ding Yu and Charlie found the ball room to play two sets of snooker. The two caddies also stood beside them honestly. In addition to being responsible for the Caddy's work, they also need to undertake the work of the waiter. Ding Yu and Charlie don't want too many people in the ball room!

"Are you going to take the medical route or the fashionable route?" Charlie dragged the club and wiped the club head. Some of them said casually, "I've heard a lot about you recently, and I've read a lot of surgical papers. It seems that you are really ready to become a medical master?"

"What? Envious? " Ding Yu said provocatively that he did not press the club just now, so the ball floated! If you don't practice for one day, you know that if you don't practice for three days, you will know that although you still feel it, but after you really get started, there are some difficulties in controlling this strength. After all, you and Charlie are only amateur players, not professional ones!

"I feel so strange. I'm so busy in the industry at home. Although there are many people to help me, I'm exhausted every day. But what about you? I don't want to talk about the business of the consortia. Your advanced medical skills have even brought up students. Where is the energy from? Very suspicious

"Energy needs to be nurtured by oneself and the outside world, rather than one-sided. How about more? There is no need to worry about it! " After taking a look at Charlie, Ding Yu also noticed that his head has begun to appear thin and falling, "although my daily sleep time is not much, but the quality of sleep is better than most people! That's how it was from school! I thought you would have this feeling! What a pity

"Should I say you're heartless and even neurotic?" Charlie was very dissatisfied with a murmur, and then also bent down his body, but did not play a few strokes, is also a slip of the hand, is obviously also a long time did not play the reason, and Ding Yu is equal to!

"I remember I once told you that I was born in Taoism. Apart from physical exercise, I also paid attention to the exploration of the mind, and I was quiet? There are a lot of explanations, so I can bring very high quality when I rest. But from my personal point of view, what about you? Rarely can you really relax! Because you're worried that you can't get back to your state! "

"Or you, who knew me well, were my rivals at that time! Fortunately, a group of people were summoned to deal with you at the beginning. Now? It's still a long way to be pulled down by you, but really speaking, our students are really very grateful to you, if you don't stand there, we haven't seen such efforts and efforts! "

"It's like I'm willing to do it!" Ding Yu attacks the long platform and comes out after two circles. Ding Yu also shakes his head. He finds some feeling, but finding the feeling does not mean that he can find this state.

"Would you like it or not? It's like this anyway! What do you think of the topic just now? I personally think it is very good, you maintain very good, whether it is energy or physical strength, if there is really research in this area, I believe many people will be interested in it! With the change of time, we also pay more and more attention to personal health, which is a topic that can not be avoided in the future! ""I've done quite a comparison. The difference in the effect is too obvious. What's more, what about the materials? Too expensive, there is no way to be replaced in a short period of time, you and I are all medical students, naturally understand the difference between wild and artificial planting! Very difficult to coordinate! What about the drug architecture? It's not the same at all

"I heard your cigars are grown by hand! But I haven't found a chance to have a look! "

"The wild provenance is the result of the survival of nature, but what about the provenance of ethnic culture? With the change of time, the optimization process of natural matching will be lost, so the difference between them will be very obvious, and you think that the cultivation of that cigar is so simple! My God! If it's really troublesome, otherwise it's been many years, but the total measurement has not been changed at all! "

"I study medicine, not bioengineering!" Charlie was also obviously arguing and said, "but I have a lot of people on my hands if you need to! Can solve a little trouble! "

"As if I can't find it, I have looked for some other heavyweights in the United States, China and other countries. The demand of the farms at home in this respect can be said to be quite large, but the research has not been very effective! This is a very slow process, there is really no way to be anxious! "

Looking at the long stage with a hole in one pole, Ding Yu, who was straight up, also gave a slight smile. "Charlie, I have found this feeling and state. You'd better pray. Although I'm still 20 points behind you, I don't think you have too many opportunities. How about a cup of coffee?! Very fair and reasonable, isn't it? "

Charlie naturally noticed Ding Yu's long stage. It was too accurate. It seems that Ding Yu has really found this state. If you gamble with him like this, there will be no good result! "Did I say you meant it?"

Ding Yu received the colored ball, and it was also a long table. It was as accurate as before. The caddies beside him were also stunned. Many people came to the ball room to play. However, he was able to enter the long table of two strokes and ensure the stop position of the white ball. This is really not simple. The layman watches the excitement and the expert looks at the door!

Although they are not very proficient in it, they can still reach a certain level with their eyes and ears!

Ding Yu put the club on the table and motioned to Charlie. The two men also went to the sofa in the distance to do it. "I mixed some drugs, and the effect is good, but the number is not very much, and I don't dare to guarantee anything!"

"That's enough? But I've seen your two children! " Charlie also said suddenly.

Yeah? Ding Yu was stunned, and then he also pointed to Charlie, "it turns out that you this guy is fighting this idea, but when did you notice it? The two bastards in our family seem to be very honest recently

"Come on? Really, what if we talk about it? We pay more attention to their two children than you. Their growth is very healthy and lively! Although you don't have complete data, it's not necessary for you to obtain complete data! "

Ding Yu dragged his chin and thought for a while, "what about their growth? Training is really a very important link. What about the so-called cultivation? It refers to their exercise and self-cultivation. I once asked for something from my elder martial brother. Are you sure you want to have a try? "

"If you have a request, you can say it. Although the housekeeper has been watching the children grow up, what about me as a father? Still hope he has a good future! As a father, I think you have the same idea and purpose! "

"How about exercise? I can't give it to you, because I promised my elder martial brother that they would give it to me? It's friendship. If I do it at will, I will betray my elder martial brother's friendship. I don't know if you have this opportunity. I can ask for it, but if your child has a chance, I can show it to you! "

"What are the ways and expressions in this?"

"I need to wipe medicine and massage my two children at intervals, but the dosage needs to be extremely accurate. They are now at the best stage of growth, but what about excessive materials? I think you can understand that one of my nephews and two nephews have never started! "

"I see!" Charlie is also deeply convinced of Ding Yu's words. Ding Yu doesn't mean that he can't do anything about it. What's more, how about the growth of his children? It needs a process. In the whole process, we can't catalyze and enlarge everything. In that case, it's not only useless for children, but also quite harmful.

"My father and mother like their children very much, but they are old-fashioned and different from us. They are generally not good at expressing their feelings! How is your home? "

"On the contrary, what about my parents? Is really spoiled to a certain extent, I even have some doubts, if the children in their hands to educate, what will become? You really don't know. Where are my parents? I'm afraid that they will be wronged, and sometimes they will be forced to deprive them of some rights! "The situation of both of them is similar. In fact, they both hope that the children will be good. However, there are some differences in the way of each other, but both are understandable, so there is no need to argue so clearly.

"Go back to have a rest. I'm afraid you will be very busy these two days, so I won't disturb you." Charlie didn't mean to fight with Ding Yu. On the one hand? Considering that Ding Yu has been out for such a long time, he is not so convenient. What's more? So many people outside are staring at me, and I feel very uncomfortable!

"If you are happy!" Two people looked at each other with a smile. Ding Yu didn't mean to pay the bill. Just give it to Charlie! Know that you are still a guest! Charlie is the master here. If he tries to pay the bill, he will be embarrassed! There's no need for such bad guys to do it!

But the staff of the intelligence department around can't have any rest at this time. What about Ding Yu and Charlie talking in the ball room? They want to monitor, but they think it's one thing. How to do it is another thing!

This with the surveillance of Guo Li, they are completely two nature, really if Ding Yu or Charlie to find out, then the time will be too much to eat! Fortunately? The two caddies in the room are still there. They are the objects of investigation now. In fact, they are to know about the relevant situation!

In fact, everyone knows that the effect of this will not be too great. How about the two of them? It's all human spirits. How can you expose relevant situations at will? But the necessary procedures still have to go. Of course, what about the investigation data? It is possible to keep files, even if Charlie and Ding Yu know, it will not be so good!

Ding Yu returns to his residence. What about the people from MI5? In addition to Ding Yu's side, other people want to enter? They are all censorship and reexamination. We must guard against any possible situation, sir! It's really not to be provoked, at least on the ground of Britain, no one can!

"Charlie is so interested in you that I doubt his orientation?"

Seeing Ding Yu back, Shasha also jokingly said.

Ding Yu also hit a smart, "don't say so much, OK? At best, it's just love and kill each other! " This response also makes Shasha, who is half lying on the sofa, shiver for a while, and then gives Ding Yu a white eye. The counterattack is too fierce, which makes her unable to accept it!

"Everything here has been arranged properly, but I heard that all sides are very interested in this reception, and even now they have begun to secretly take tickets for the reception! The price is totally beyond imagination

When Ding Yu sat down, Sasha also put one leg on Ding Yu's thigh to make her posture more relaxed. As for whether it would lead to the leakage of spring light, she really didn't care much about it!

Ding Yu snorted, "the British side started to deal with us. This matter is too abrupt. In fact, I am not ready to conflict with them. Our power has expanded greatly in recent years, and the speed is also quite fast. In fact, I am prepared to be silent for a period of time, but I did not expect to encounter such a thing!"

"The plan didn't change fast! You said it

"We've got a lot of publicity, but if we don't have much to do with the British side, or even have so much to do with it! To make such a situation, there is really an indescribable taste. After all, what about Britain? It can't be denied that it's a place to start a family. "

Maybe it's a slight itch. Sasha snorted and snorted. It's a bit of a hook!

"We have done our utmost to do our utmost. It is the five aspects of the military intelligence department that have betrayed their faith. Along with some people at the top of the British government, they have come forward. In fact, what about the capital market? There is no emotion to say that, there are only naked interests! As long as there is interest, everything else is not a problem! "

"That's what it says, but the reality still shows some cruelty. It's really not good!" Ding Yu once again hooked the foot of goushasha. It's really fun. It's not a quirk. It's just a little fun between two people!

"What about MI5? It's very defensive now! Do you want to give them a little warning in this respect? Even when I go shopping, I'll follow several teams of people. I'm a little impatient! By the way, I also heard that MI5 seems to be more interested in your students! "

"Where did you get the news from?" Ding Yu was also very surprised to say, "what about it? This is also my test for them. It is not so easy to be my student? What if they can pass the test? I don't mind giving them a fair chance. If they fail to pass the test, then it has nothing to do with me! "

"So cruel?" Sasha is also a little dissatisfied, "anyway, it's your students? And what about MI5? You're a bunch of old timers, so you're not afraid that there's nothing left in the end? "

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