"Madam, just got the news, Ding Yu began to pack things, ready to leave, the next stop seems to be France, the specific time is not so clear, but it will not be too long! What about Guo Li and Zong Taiping? We're ready to pack up! "

"So fast?" The old woman was also surprised.

Ding Yu's reaction is not so fast, his side has just made some progress, but Ding Yu's side? There is no time to give yourself any reaction time, but on second thought, it is really Ding Yu's style of doing things, and there will never be any delay!

If it is said to be tardy, it may not be Ding Yu!

"What happened?"

"Ding Yu asked his students to go to Saville street, where they could make a choice of clothes. Each of them had two suits."

After hearing this, the old woman frowned. "Saville street is not so far. Ding Yu seems to be an old customer there! I hear he has a very good relationship with him there! "

"Yes, he has always been a loyal supporter of Saville street since the beginning of England. Saville street is also dedicated to maintaining Ding Yu, a big customer. We have stolen the relevant information!" The reason for stealing is that it is impossible to get the information positively. There is no way but to use other methods!

"I'm afraid we can't cope with it in one day."

"From the understanding, Ding Yu asked people to take his students to Saville Street mainly to get acquainted with them. Even if he could not finish his discretion, he could follow Ding Yu. I believe Ding Yu would not waste his time on it."

The old woman is frowning at this time. What about Guo Li? There has been some progress, but this guy is too rogue. If you take the initiative to find the door now, you will lose the initiative on your side! Because each other is now a seesaw battle, with the initiative, will take advantage of the inside to let out.

If Ding Yu and his wife left the UK, Ding Yu would surely know that their own situation would not be the same as that in Britain. He would certainly pay more attention to all aspects. At that time, it would be impossible to find Guo Li again! Conditions are not allowed.

Maybe some people will say that it's just a matter of delaying time, but it's no big deal! But the problem is that Ding Yu has already talked with Charlie's family and so on. Who knows when Ding Yu will start and the longer it takes? For the British side, it is more and more disadvantageous. Can this responsibility really be shouldered?

"What's the reaction from six? They can't be quiet at all, can they? "

"It's very low-key, but it's said that they seem to get something, but the specific situation is not clear!" Just as they were talking, they heard a very urgent knock on the door and remembered. After the door opened, a young man rushed in breathlessly, "madam, there is a situation!"

After the door of the office was closed, the old woman also gave a sign to the young man who came in, "what's the matter?"

"Madam, Charlie's family has begun to mobilize funds, along with other families who have entered the reception. Some of them are through the mortgage of Swiss bank, and some are through the bank mortgage of the United States. The specific inside information has not been found out, but they have begun to make some initial moves."

The old lady, who had been sitting on the chair, could not bear it! Ding Yu just finished talking with them, so quickly began to move funds, things seem to have so some not quite right!

Previously, they took over the things in Ding Yu's hands. At that time, they had already spent a considerable amount of money. So now, the funds left in their hands will not be as much as imagined. Do you want to raise funds? There is only one way, that is to mortgage the assets in hand! This is the fastest way and choice.

However, according to the information available now, they did not mortgage through British banks, but through banks in the United States and Switzerland. Why did they do so? Obviously, I don't want to be bound by the British side when there are any problems in the future! This is definitely Ding Yu's method!

It's in trouble, and it's a lot of trouble! This is definitely not Charlie. What threat and danger has been brought to his family. It is absolutely for Ding Yu to transfer funds. As for the use of the funds, do you still need to say?

If the MI5 hit Ding Yu in the face, will Ding Yu let things go like this? How could it be! Now Ding Yu has come to the United Kingdom in a blatant way. Even if he tells the British side positively, I won't tell you any nonsense. If you win, there's nothing remarkable about it. But if you lose, you'll be sorry!

Will the British hand up to Ding Yu? It's impossible! They can only be a positive confrontation with Ding Yu. After all, it's a country and can't afford to lose this person. But is Ding Yu really the role he wants to play? If anyone has such an idea, he should go home and carry the baby as soon as possible!"What's the situation with Guo Li?"

"He was the first to judge, followed by Zong Taiping! At this time, it seems that I'm wandering over there! I heard I bought something! Our people are always watching over there! Zong Taiping's side is almost the same. He always comes here. It seems that he needs to sell some things to take back. "

When the old lady took someone to find Guo Li, although this guy was not big and small, there were a lot of things on his body. The old woman was also quite suspicious. Then she also looked at the subordinate next to him, "he bought a lot of things. Where did the money come from?"

"Ding Yu gave it, 10000 pounds per person. It's the same in the United States. At the end of each event, Ding Yu will let the students below relax a little. There are not many restrictions!"

"Did he spend a lot of money?"

"The cost is not particularly big! The other students are not particularly expensive, but everyone bought a lot of gifts. Obviously, the relationship between them is very good

Guo Li directly blocked up in the mall, and then was dragged into an open room. Seeing the people in the room, Guo Li was stunned, and then he laughed. Looking at the situation inside, he sat on the ground with a big stab. He really didn't have much to care about.

"Old woman, what can I do for you?"

"A billion dollars? It's impossible, at most 200 million dollars! If you agree, our people will take you to Switzerland now. The helicopter is ready. It won't take more than four hours! Everything will be done! "

Guo Li didn't weaken his momentum because of the old lady's condescension. Instead, he was smiling! "Old woman, don't say 200 million dollars, even if it is a billion dollars? I'm not rare! Just play with your own. What about me? Play my own. I thought about it carefully last night. It's too dangerous to play with you

"High risk leads to high return! I believe Mr. Guo should have such a taste! "

"High risk and high return! It's going to have to be a little bit expensive! " Guo Li put all the things on his body down. "My courage is not small, but carefully want to come? If you can fight against my teacher and even put $100 million in cash in front of me, it will never be too small! How about 200000 dollars? I dare. What about a billion dollars? It's just a test, but you actually took out 100 million dollars in cash, and now you have opened 200 million dollars. I decided not to play! What about the money? I can't make it all my life, but I can live a good life! "

The old woman looked at Guo Li and suddenly realized that the original 200000 dollars? Guo Li can take it, even if he doesn't have too much burden, but he offers us $1 billion. What about his own side? Directly put 100 million dollars in front of him!

The heat was the best last night. Even if he had been given a billion dollars at that time, it would be too late for him to regret now! But now Guo Li suddenly changed and changed, it is obvious that he realized some problems!

One hundred million dollars! So much money? All of a sudden, I gave it to myself, and I still don't know? As long as you're not a fool? Will recognize the problems and the situation! If the money is really taken, who knows what will happen in the future, money is very important, but his life is more valuable!

"Two hundred million dollars. We buy a message. How about you? It has always been Ding Yu's student, and he is very optimistic about the student. We just buy such a news, get this news, then we have no relationship with each other after that! "

"Are you lying to ghosts? It doesn't matter if you say it doesn't matter! " Guo Li shook his head like a rattle drum. "If I take the money and handle the business, you will come to the door again. I can't even refuse. I won't do such a thing. I've been arrested by you now. You are free. If you don't go back to the hotel, the teacher will send someone to look for it I'm sure I'll find out! "

Guo Li now put it clearly is hard and soft do not eat, originally I asked for money, but now? I don't want money. What else can you do? At most, I'll buy less and go back a little later! That's it!

The old lady really hated Guo Li's behavior. She did it too simply last night. She always wanted to test Guo Li, but she didn't expect such a result!

If a billion dollars were given to Guo Li, some effect could be achieved. What about the result? It's really another thing! But now? Guo Li's typical uncooperative situation, I don't want any money! One billion dollars! What kind of thing is worth such a big price? It's a joke!

The old woman's heart is really the feeling of a dog. Guo Li is really smart. What happened yesterday? No matter he was in a trance or was shocked, at that time, the whole person was in a state of chaos, but now he has recovered! He began to think about the gains and losses!And this is the most unfavorable for yourself! Because for Guo Li, although get a lot, but it is very likely that all is mirror, white on their own life! What if you get those things? It's not a long time?! So forget it! Just as a beautiful dream!

"A billion dollars! Take you to Switzerland now! " The old lady is really in a hurry! Even to get up, whether Guo Li promised or not, now must pull him on the ship! Time is too urgent, it is not time to do any waiting!

"No, no, no more money! Can you buy me this little life with more money? Besides, what the teacher is doing in England, I don't know at all. Although I have some contact with the teacher, this contact is also limited, at most, medical contact! So what about you? As if it was a face-to-face, you do not know me in the future, I do not know you, so good! "

When the old woman felt so impatient, she suddenly came in outside, with a big waist. When she saw someone, she was also stunned. The comer also slightly put her hand on the old woman, and waved to others!

Someone deliberately took the chair and asked Guo Li to sit down. "Hello, Mr. Guo, I have been disturbed some time ago! What about my identity? I won't introduce you more! There's no need! But what about today? Just want to get a business with Mr. Ding. How about a billion dollars? It's not a problem! I know you want to get it! "

"Ha ha, billion dollars! I am afraid that everyone on whom I put it will have red eyes. I am also quite eye red, but I know me? Even if all the body is made of gold, even diamonds, it is not worth the price. The pie will not fall on the sky, even if it is pie, it will not fall on my head! I'm really afraid I'll be killed! So why do you have to make so many unpleasant things? Do you mean it? "

"Mr. dingyuding? It's your teacher. How about his coming this time? It's not just taking you to practice, it's important that he wants to act, and that's what he's coming to England... "

Guo Li put his hand directly. "I don't want to know what the reason is. I only know the teacher brings us here? It is for us to contact the environment here, and really get a lot, I feel very satisfied! That's enough! How much is it! How much is less! "

"It's very interesting! If you were given a billion dollars yesterday, you might not have said that now, would you

Guo Li shook his head. "I don't know, maybe! But this time, at that time, did not consider clearly, now has considered understand! So don't have any contamination! "

"Although you have no questions about your speech, you didn't report the relevant matters or even missed words after you handed in your paper in the morning. Obviously, what about it? Still have certain expectation, for you, you still want to get the plane, the luxury car, the residence and the pride watch! It's a greedy little guy! "

"Am I greedy or not greedy? It's my business! There's nothing to do with you! "

"What are we going to do with it? It's not that difficult, Dingyu came to England this time? It must be to impact the British economy. He has mobilized considerable British influence and also mobilized considerable funds. What do we want to pass you? Knowing the relevant information, this is the main purpose we find you! "

"Joke!" Guo Li was also relieved, which was the case. "What if it is medical? There are still some possibilities, after all, there is a reason to find my teacher, but such a thing, who can plug in this hand, anyway I can not! What reason do I go to my teacher? Do you ask my teacher, teacher, when do you start, and you will show me all the plans? Are you an idiot or I am an idiot! "

"It's a problem! But I believe you can do what we can't do! After all, people who can contact Dingyu, and even become students of Dingyu are not so many as they can imagine! You are worth the price, so we will find you! "

"Hardly can be done!" After a while, Guo Li shook his head in a very difficult way. "Money is really attractive, but what? I have so far known little about anything but knowing that the teacher is a doctor. Anyway, I know that the teacher is very rich! That's it! Let me such a daze youth inquire these aspects of news, really hard for you to think out! "

"I didn't know before, because you didn't have any motivation, but now? It's different. You have a considerable momentum. With the momentum, other things will be better solved! "

"I'll think about it!" When speaking, Guo Li also wants to stand up, but the old woman actually pressed Guo Li, this action is let Guo Li feel so strange! Look back at the big guy who came in! What do you mean?"The plane is already waiting! You can think about it on the plane. Your passport is here anyway! It's only an hour to go to Switzerland! With 500 million cash and 500 million other assets, I believe you will understand the problems and conditions in one hour! Sorry, we're in a bit of a hurry! "

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