"What's the situation with Ding Yu? Is there any movement? "

When sitting on the plane, the old lady was also very worried about this. They could say that they forcibly took Guo Li away. If there were any problems and conditions during the period, it would be easy to expose Guo Li!

Although they have made considerable measures, but what kind of effect they can play is really hard to say! It was a risk, and it was quite a risk.

"No, Ding Yu is so indulgent with his students! Even Zong Taiping is the same with Zong Taiping. In the United States, it is the same situation. However, it is loose in the outside and tight in the inside. So far, there is no other difference! I've arranged a replacement for Guo Li, and I'm touring now! Even if there's something wrong, there's a pretty good excuse for it! "

Everything is arranged, but what about the old lady? Or are there some Guo Li who are not at ease and sit not far away? At this time, he is in a state of uneasiness. One billion dollars! This is their money or waste paper, so happy to give themselves! This day, it's not just pie dropping, it's just a diamond pie, OK?

"Mr. Guo, you seem to be hesitant!"

"Not hesitating, but thinking!" Guo Li tried hard to calm himself down, but when he thought of a billion dollars, he had an impulse that he could not bear. What about the big girl before? If she is here, she should feel what she says, otherwise it will be a waste!

But it's a pity to say that it's my first time to throw it on her body. What's good to say? What about the next chance? Yeah! Forget it, don't talk about innocence! I still need to meet my physical and mental requirements, that kind of comfortable feeling is really a thousand gold!

The old woman is also paying attention to observe Guo Li's expression. She has seen too many scenes like this! What about Guo Li's reaction? It's like I've never seen money before! In other words, this guy is too pretentious! He wants to take money, but he doesn't want to bear anything. But when the money is in front of him, what about his whole person? It's another look!

"We don't need Mr. Guo to think about anything. If we can, we should try our best to learn more information and news about Mr. Ding. Although Mr. Guo may not contact too much, the news will also play a considerable role for us! And we will pay a certain fee to Mr. Guo according to the news! Of course, this is when you want to, if you don't want to, we will think that nothing has happened! "

It was not easy to get Guo Li on the plane, so now we really can't bake it too seriously. If it's really over heated, who knows what's going to happen? Don't try as much as possible!

It's not so expensive to buy Ding Yu with one billion US dollars. If Ding Yu really starts with Britain, it will not be as simple as one billion dollars!

Not to mention a billion dollars! Guo Li just swallowed it! If he doesn't swallow it, there really isn't much to do. But now that he has chosen to swallow it, it's worth thinking about it! At that time, even if Guo Li wants to regret, there will be no chance!

Even if he returned a billion dollars, it would not have any effect. Since all of them have been on the ship and still want to get off the ship, how can it be possible? No one will allow it! Guo Li! It's the fish on the chopping board!

Guo Li is really the first time to come to Switzerland, perhaps the place can cheat people, but landmark and so on is absolutely not cheating! What's more, Guo Li has consulted quite a lot of information, but what about Swiss banks? It doesn't look like it's so gorgeous!

the British side chose UBS instead of other Swiss banks. There are also reasons for this. Joking aside, who knows whether there will be Ding Yu's eye liner and the financial and power of this guy? Absolutely beyond everyone's imagination!

What about insurance? The British side also entrusted the middleman to deal with the relevant matters! Although the procedures may be a little cumbersome, Guo Li still got the key and password at the first time. Of course, there were other things. When he came out of the bank, Guo Li felt that there were some problems!

"What do you think of him?"

The old woman looked at Guo Li not far away, but also slightly pursed her mouth, "he has been hit by pie dizzy! Previously, I was sober, but now? I'm afraid I can't wake up for a moment and a half, billion dollars! ha-ha! It's not so easy to take. If he asks for help, I'm afraid I need to weigh up a billion dollars at that time! "

Standing there, the man with a big waist also slightly nodded his head, "has his watch been returned to him? I hope he will keep it as a memorial! It's really a good watch. I hope he can cherish it! "

"Director, you need to do something.""No! Our means can be used in Guo Li's body, but not enough in Ding Yu's body, and Ding Yu is not a vegetarian. I'm not saying how much I expect Guo Li to hide for how long. I just hope to know when Ding Yu will make an action. This is enough! By the way, is there no problem with the positioning facilities? "

"No problem, but is it too expensive to buy one message for a billion dollars?" The old lady is also worried about this.

"It's not expensive. The Congress and the upper echelons are very concerned about it. How can we get this billion dollars without their authorization? Don't be kidding! And even if it is able to take out, there is no way to explain in the future! Fortunately, there are not many people who know about this, and they are absolutely trustworthy! "

One billion dollars! It's not as simple as ten yuan. The same pressure for myself is extremely huge. There is no way. Now there is only such a way to go. Success or failure need to try! Because no one is sure what will happen next!

On the plane back home, all the people were slightly dull. As for Guo Li? He was a little bit excited and manic! "Old man, get me some tranquilizer! I feel that my whole body is so uncontrollable. Give it to me when I get off the plane? "

After hearing Guo Li's request, several people were puzzled, even confused, and asked for sedatives on their own initiative. Is there something wrong with this guy? Or what? But it has to be said that it is really a very good choice, because everyone has noticed that Guo Li's performance? Too abrupt!

Back from Switzerland, everything was normal. Guo Li took some tranquilizers for himself and was escorted away soon. Of course, he did not forget to bring his own things! But everything is still under control!

"Guo Li, where have you been today? In the evening, the director asked everyone to get together. By the way, he packed up all the things and packed up everything that needed to be packed! " Looking at Guo Li hanging a bag, Zong Taiping also twisted his mouth, this guy is too wanton!

Guo Li snorted, "I bought some gifts for you, or for Ouyang and Mingzheng. They also bought some gifts, but Mingge, you can forget it! Anyway, I gave you a watch earlier. In addition to the teacher, your gift is the most valuable. I said you didn't prepare anything for me? "

Looking at Guo Li's appearance, Zong Taiping didn't say anything. He just took a deep look and then left. It's meaningless to quarrel with him!

Guo Li, who came back to his room, packed the key and bank card of Swiss bank into his wallet at the first time. Looking at his cautious appearance, people outside the screen also shook their heads. This guy really made a lot of money this time. I'm afraid no one can open the safe except himself!

Although said to put the bank card into the wallet, but Guo Li from time to time to open his wallet to enjoy, see the screen inside the people are about to throw up! It's really a little impatient to do this all the time!

However, the old woman looked at Guo Li's action, and a little smile appeared on her face. Guo Li's action was subconscious, not active. If he didn't take the initiative to look at the bank card, he would feel that there was something wrong with him!

Always waiting for Zong Taiping to knock on the door again, Guo Li suddenly woke up and looked at his things as if he had not cleaned up much. The expression on Zong Taiping's face can be said to be quite unhappy! Between words? There is also some anger, Guo Li is also ridiculed at watching, but also did not take the initiative to pick up the dispute.

"Hello, teacher!" When Guo Li saw his teacher, his eyes lit up and even trotted to his teacher's side. Zong Taiping felt that his teeth were itching. He was flattering. Would you really like to do this? Too much!

"And me? Next is a trip to France. How about you? Do you have any plans? " When he spoke, he also pressed his own hand in vain and let everyone sit down. Seeing that everyone had no other opinions, Ding Yu also shook his head, "what's the situation in Britain? You have been exposed to a lot of things, want to have feelings! What about this internship? Let you contact more and see more! See your own shortcomings! It's convenient to make up for yourself in the future

Ding Yu didn't say a lot of things, but he quickly called Zong Taiping and Guo Li to their own places, "I heard that you two have some contradictions recently! That's it! Don't deny anything. There's no need for it. It's not a bad thing to have a collision! "

"Director, I feel that Guo Li's attitude is not correct enough!" Zong Taiping is also very straightforward!

Guo Li looked at his teacher and took a look at Zong Taiping. Then he made a gesture to his teacher, two index fingers crossed together! Zong Taiping didn't understand what it meant, but Ding Yu already understood. What about this matter? I never had any intention to pay attention to, but I really didn't think that Guo Li had finished it!"You are bold enough

"Hey, teacher, isn't this still supported by you?" Guo Li was also courteous and said, "if you didn't give me the support behind my back, I would not dare to kill me! What's more, this number is a little big, I really can't control myself! Even if I think about it now, it's still incredible! "

Ding Yu said hello to Jin. When Jin came to his side, he said something in his ear in a low voice. After Jin left, he also looked at Zong Taiping and said, "Taiping! You should be responsible for this aspect, but you haven't found anything. Is there something wrong with this? "

Ah? Zong Taiping is also a bit at a loss, what to do with what! How did you pull yourself up? It seems that he did not make any mistakes and mistakes, but now the director is pointing the spearhead at himself. Why? Zong Taiping feels that there are so many do not understand! Is there any reason? Although there are some unsatisfied in my heart, on the surface, Zong Taiping doesn't show any.

Ding Yu looked at Zong Taiping and laughed, "you! Don't be unconvinced. Wait a moment? I'll take you to have a look, you can reflect on yourself in the whole process! Then you'll understand! "

Let the other students simply clean up. Ding Yu took Guo Li and Zong Taiping on the car. Before getting on the bus, Ding Yu already knew that Guo Li had got 500 million dollars in cash and 500 million dollars in gold bricks and diamonds.

Ding Yu was stunned by the result, and the same was true for Jin in the back. Although Mr. Shuo opened a hole, Guo Li's feedback was too big! It's hard to adapt to the big ones! How about Guo Li when I don't feel it? But I never thought that he should have set off such a big artillery battle.

"Is Ding Yu here?" The old woman also stood up all of a sudden, even she did not know how to stand up. Ding Yu impolitely came to the headquarters of MI5, and now she is sitting downstairs!

"Yes, a total of six people, Ding Yu, Guo Li, Zong Taiping and three other security guards! Carry weapons

The old woman really has some silly eyes. Now Ding Yu's visit in person is not a good thing. Guo Li is exposed? If Guo Li was exposed, Ding Yu should not come here in person, but take other means and methods. If not, what is the reason?

The waiting time was not long. The officers of MI5, large and small, also went into the office. Ding Yu sat there with a stab. Looking at all the people who came in, he also slightly ordered to steal. But he did not mean to stand up at all. "Who is not involved in this matter? It's not in here! Kim! Guo Li and Taiping, the three of you stay, and the others go out! "

As soon as Ding Yu's voice fell, the other three security guards did not hesitate. They went out at the first time. When the strong man with a big waist saw this situation, his eyes narrowed for a moment, and then nodded to the old woman. There were not many people left in the room!

"Should I say congratulations on your new director? Should I give you a present! Director of MI5? How impressive! Isn't it? "

From the tone of Ding Yu's speech, it's exactly the kind of teacher's interrogation. Gavin looks at Ding Yu, and pays attention to it. The rest of the light from the corner of his eye is also sweeping to Guo Li. He is standing there with a low eyebrow, and there is not much movement and expression at all.

Seeing that no one responded, Ding Yu also pointed to Guo Li in the back, "what about Guo Li? It's one of my students. Let's talk about it! How much did it cost? And what is the purpose? Some things? Now that you've done it, don't hide it, or I'll burn your MI5 building today! "

"Mr. Ding, this is MI5! It's not your back garden

"So what?" Ding Yu snorted scornfully, and then took out a cigarette box from his own body. Jin also lit a small cigar for Ding Yu for the first time. Zong Taiping behind him was stupid at this time. When he came, he didn't know at all, but now he understood that it was actually military intelligence department 5.

I haven't eaten pork, but I've always seen how pigs run! When I arrived at MI5, the director yelled to set fire to the building of MI5. There were three people in the original time, but now there are only four left! But listen to the director's voice and feel the atmosphere here. It seems that the director has a little worry about this aspect!

"Mr. Ding, you are in England, so we need to do some protection! If there is something wrong, I think we can communicate with each other! "

"All the time? I don't mean to accept apprentices, but in China? The most important thing is the inheritance of the master and apprentice. Sometimes it is more important than the children. Now some people attack my apprentice. What do you think I should do? " Ding Yu took a puff at his cigar, and then directly flicked the cigar onto Gavin's body.Seeing the director's action, Zong Taiping felt too overbearing. What about this one? It should be the director of MI5! But what about the director? It doesn't mean to put it in your eyes. It means to hit your face! What can you do? Gavin's mouth was twitching, but he took out his cigar quietly!

"What does Mr. Ding want?"

"Hehe, I should ask you this! What do you want, the new director of MI5? But you're new. What about me? I'll give you a face. Now I'll give you a choice. I'll pick 20 things from the British Museum and send them to me! Let's just let it go first! "

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