Ding Yu has time to chat with his third uncle, but Zong Taiping in the security fortress is not so good. They are all calling in their ears and almost never stop. The bullet holes on the ground have buried the whole feet! Jing Guang and Jiang Yangsheng began to pack bags with shovels.

There is no way, if it is really accumulated there, it will affect the operation of the whole room!

But it's not exactly Jingguang and Jiang Yangsheng, in rotation! When I saw the sun rise the next day, the four people also looked at each other, and then all of them sat on the ground limply. Don't think about any seats at this time! How many bullets were fired last night? I don't know!

But the bullet has a few sacks, and the barrel has been replaced a lot! What's the good news? These are just indoor operations, if you really change to the outside, who knows what kind of situation it is! What about the screen? Many are already snowflakes! They've been knocked out!

But soon, someone approached the security fortress and looked at the four people sitting there. They also looked at them for a period of time, "wipe the gun, protect the barrel, and clean up the whole room at the same time! Then eat and rest! There will be a lot of suffering waiting for you. Don't let up! "

It's not hard to clean the room. It's just to clean the bullets. But how about cleaning the guns? This requirement is a little more strict! In fact, what is the most important? It is to clean up the barrel, Jingguang and Jiang Yangsheng also know Zong Taiping and Xiaomiao, all the tools are complete! It's not that hard!

But at the end of the meal, all four of them couldn't lift their arms, but none of them wanted to refuse. After eating something, they went to have a rest. Who knows what kind of situation it is at night! As for the others? None of the four people want to think about it now! There is no room for so many things in my head!

But Ding Yu took advantage of the morning to have a little rest. Although he didn't seem to have done anything last night, in fact, Ding Yu did a lot of work, but we didn't see it. It's not only the operation, but also the overall arrangement. All these are Ding Yu's work!

"What do you mean these guys are still around here? Are you really ready for a long siege? " Ding Yu is also very surprised about this matter, and is ready to fight for a day. But now what is the meaning of this? There is no intention of stopping! What kind of tricks do people on the American side want to play?

"There was no break in our firepower last night. What about the people outside? There should be doubts in this respect! " After the rest, Jin also stood at Ding Yu's side position, simply explained the relevant things! "But we still have plenty of ammunition! Maybe they're a little wrong? "

Ding Yu also felt his cheek at this time, "things seem to be different! Judging from the above, what about everyone? It's good to have a mutual divergence of fire! And then go home and do things? But what about them now? There's no intention of going back. Things won't be out of control so quickly, right? "

The current situation and situation make Ding Yu feel very interesting, but it's not that it's so tricky, even if it's not, but that these guys outside want to play some other tricks, which is very interesting!

And Sasha called the phone at the first time, "Sir, someone has sent a note to the French side, but this matter has caused considerable dissatisfaction from the French side. As far as we know, Britain and the United States are involved, but they are hiding very deep, obviously they don't want to expose it!"

"It seems that you are not going to make a little fuss?" Ding Yu murmured to himself, "it seems that you are really ready to put a big satellite!" After that, Ding Yu sighed, "Sasha, what do you think?"

"I think the U.S. side wants France to be involved at the same time. If something happens then, I'm afraid the French side will not be able to say exactly what happened. Obviously, what about the American people? Just want to muddle this muddy water! Only when the water is mixed up can we fish well! "

Yeah! Ding Yu snorted, "the plan is very good! All over the place to attract allies! Do you really treat us as a thing? On the one hand, I don't know if France will do something as bad as going back to England! "

"Sir? The vast majority of the French side are indifferent to this matter! It's obvious that they are all watching. They don't seem to have any profound understanding! " Sasha is still worried about this. After all, Mr. Chen is there now. If there is any problem or situation, he will definitely bear the brunt of it!

"Has the French side not recognized the problem? It's going to cause a lot of trouble! " Ding Yu also sighed and said, "you know, the United States is totally harboring evil intentions! Are these guys in France too thick? There is no touch in this respect? ""I don't quite understand, sir!" Sasha is also feeling that the words of Mr. Chen revealed other meanings, but she did not really want to understand how a thing happened! So there are so many dizziness!

"And last night? It's basically mercenaries! We are not fully open fire, still can do some restrictions, but if another night, when we can control, is really another thing! There is no problem with the protection of the manor. Even if there is any problem, we can change a place at most! It's not that big a loss for us! "

"Sir, you are worried that the trouble ahead will also affect you!"

"Yes! Have you noticed a problem? " Speaking of this, Ding Yu also stopped for a moment, "no, what about this problem? Let me put it another way. What about the refugee problem in Europe? I think you noticed too! Really, what if we talk about it? The follow-up problems they bring will be very troublesome! "

"Sir, do you mean that the United States may take advantage of this problem? Hit Europe? "

"It's normal. What about Europe? Nature is the first choice for those refugees! What about the influx of refugees? It will create a lot of problems, but now it seems that the French side does not have any sense of awakening at all! I don't know whether it is deliberately pretending not to wake up, or there are other ideas behind it. Who knows? "

"Sir? It seems that I need to continue to work hard, at least should enhance the voice in Europe! This is a very good opportunity for me Sasha is also very smart, this is a very good opportunity for her!

"Whatever! But before that? Talk to the French side. What about one night? It's the limit! Everyone doesn't want to make a big fuss about it. It's really hard to finish when the time comes. It's not so good-looking for anyone! "

"Sir, I'm afraid that the French side has not realized this problem yet. The United States has given them great benefits. Are you not happy now? I'm afraid that we just want to strive for greater interests, we open conditions only! For the French side, it's so simple to tell the truth! "

"Whatever they are!" Ding Yu was very angry and said, "but before this? Warn them, the so-called unpredictability. Of course, I made two phone calls to my friends in France, and I still have some relations with them. What about such a thing? It can't be unilateral! Someone needs to be a witness for us! "

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu is also looking at the scenery outside. Last night, his hands were too intense. What about the outside? It's the smell of gunpowder smoke. It's very strong. There's not much scenery to see at this time!

"Sir Standing in the back of Ding Yu, Jin said about the situation of the people below, "we didn't have too many casualties last night, but the situation is not so serious! At the same time, our ammunition reserves are also very sufficient, there is no problem, we are not short of other things! "

"What about last night? It's just a little trial! But today's situation will definitely be different! There will even be some other problems and situations. We need to be prepared in this respect! "

"Sir, do you mean they will use weapons and equipment on a large scale?"

"I have some doubts. Will they use artillery or armored vehicles? It's something to look forward to! If it's true, what if it's both? We really can't resist! Although there is no problem with our individual quality, it does not mean that we can compete with artillery and armored vehicles! "

"Would they be so bold?"

"Who knows?" What about Ding Yu? It's really not good! "How dare you? It's not that there is no benefit at all! I'm not really interested in what they do in the evening. What do I want to know? Who is the man behind the scenes? Very interesting

"Sir, you are talking about France?"

"No, it's been very interesting since we planted weasels in military intelligence five! Always let us in a passive situation! I really want to know who is planning this time? Even some traces are not found, very powerful! Even a lot of times? Let's all be in such a mess! If it's not for the people who carry out the plan below, it's too watery! Now I don't know what the situation is! "

"Sir, can it be from that think tank?"

"What about the Senate and the house of representatives? I've asked people to inquire about it. There's no such plan at all, not even in the president's office! " Ding Yu said is very indifferent, even so some unscrupulous, but from this inside? It can also be seen how powerful Ding Yu is!

"Where's old Peyton? There's no news. Of course, there may be news, but he didn't disclose it. But if this deck of cards were played by them, they would never play so badly, and the card style would not be so bad. What's the matter? It's definitely from the government. It's just that we haven't found it yet! "While we are still focusing on the battle in front of us, Ding Yu has begun to focus on the chess players! But what about this chess player? It's just a role of staff, not a chess player. His role and influence are not so big! What about people who are chess players? Obviously also has own idea and the goal, has not been completely about!

"Sir, we can't find out all aspects. This is obviously not normal!"

"It's not normal, but it's just normal! Since someone wants to play chess? We also need to cooperate well, playing chess alone is very lonely! We need to sit down and sit face to face with each other so that we won't be too lonely! It's even very interesting! "

"Sir, we also have our own think tank!"

"No, our things can not be exposed, after all, our time is too short! Compared with the think tanks of the United States and other consortia, we do not have so much information behind us. What can we do now? I'm afraid there will be pressure in all aspects! It's hard to say whether they can withstand the pressure, so it's better to be quiet and develop well! "

Ding Yu will never kill the chicken to lay eggs. Although he can achieve some success, what about this kind of success? It is to drink poison to quench thirst, even if it is to quench thirst, how can it be? My life may be about to whine! What a shame!

Naturally, Jin understands what Mr. Jin thinks. Comparatively speaking, how about that? The power of consortia is very big, but what about the foundation of consortia? There are still some too shallow! Therefore, Mr. Zhang would rather carry the pressure on his own body, in exchange for the low-key development of the whole consortium! But some of them are too tired!

As the person around him, he is the most clear. What about Ding Yu about the consortium? I never mean to tell you what to do. It's a totally decentralized attitude. Only when it comes to strategic issues, will we come forward to deal with it! But what about such a response? It's just the most exhausting! I feel so intolerant when I look at them.

"I'll get you ready! Give them a hot pot in the evening

"It needs to be served!" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "otherwise, people will say that we are not well entertained! After all, we are still more hospitable. It seems that there are many problems when people say such words, right? "

When Zong Taiping and the four of them got up, what was their first feeling? It's just that my throat smokes so much. I take up mineral water and pour it into my stomach. Then I go to drain water. I sleep really heavy during the day. I haven't felt like this for a long time. I really sleep dead! No other distractions!

But after the water came back, followed by a feeling of pain all over the body, that nothing is strong feeling! Obviously, there was a bit of excess last night! Everyone is lazy when eating! But one thing is still very good, that is, the taste of this meal is OK, at least it can be eaten!

When Ding Yu saw them, he also hailed his hand. The four of them were all in a hurry. However, they were more excited in spirit! The people next to me have finished eating by this time! Ding Yu took out a box of small cigars and looked at the four people standing there. He nodded his head slightly.

He ordered one, and at this time someone also sent coffee over, "sit down! I don't have so many requirements here! The taste of cigars is still very good! What about now? You can have a taste! But what about my personal opinion? It's not a bad thing to smoke less! But I won't force it! "

"Director, we are in a good state of mind! There is no problem! "

Hearing what they said, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. "I can see that you haven't fought a war or been on the battlefield! What about last night? It's just a family! You take it seriously! Even the drill? It's more intense than this! "

Ah? Four people are open mouth! It was just a drill last night, director! Is your boasting too big! Although they are in the security fortress, they are quite clear about the external situation. Although they are wearing earphones, the deafening sound is not fake!

The bullets are flying all over the place. What about the bullets they fired? They are countless, and even in the end they are packed in gunny bags! Previously, they went out to see that sacks filled with bullets mixed with soil were used as fortifications. Are these all fake?

"Last night was just an appetizer! What did you think? After last night's appetizer, everyone left separately, but what about the situation? It seems that some of the food is not very good, so today? Maybe there will be some big meals. I really wish you good luck here, because you are the focus of attention

"Director? We're shooting too many bullets? This is just an appetizer

"We've got a lot of money. If you're on the battlefield, you'll be allowed to shoot for such a long time! You've been bombarded with guns for a long time! Or plane bombing! They didn't do it yesterday, but today it's different! So the friendship reminds you, cherish your lifewww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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