The so-called cherishing one's own life is not so simple as to say. When it comes to the evening, people can deliberately check their weapons and equipment. "In order to prevent other accidents and situations in communication, we have our own special password. What about you? There may not be too much understanding, but unless it is a special case, otherwise, no one will come to you! "

"If anyone comes?"

This speech also let the visitor have so some air not to hit a feeling, coldly looked at the talking Xiaomiao, "is the guy in your hand a firecracker?" He snorted coldly, "where's the password? Kim will tell himself in person when he or she has no password. If other people come in, take the guy to greet them. Although you are in the security fortress, you are carrying the firepower output and support of all people! "

"If the communication fails, how can we support it?"

"Then you will know that living people can suffocate their urine?"

Zong Taiping four people also looked at each other, from the tone of speech can feel out, this evening will not be too good! They may even face quite a lot of problems and situations. They were quite at ease in the security fortress last night, but today, such scenes will not appear!

It was also the first time for the four men to sort out their equipment, including weapons and equipment reserves. How many bullets were fired yesterday? They probably have an estimate. What about today's ammunition reserves? It's quite a lot, but I still feel a little bad after counting. Now, don't count on other people. It's better to do it yourself!

Jin came in a hurry. After telling the four people's password, he left at the first time. He didn't mean to stay at all, nor did he have any encouraging words to say. Zong Taiping, the four of them are you. Look at me, I'll see yours! Obviously, what about what's going to happen? There are so many bad premonitions!

"Ready!" When the sound comes from the earphone, the four people are in their positions for the first time! After last night's baptism, their performance today is somewhat different!

And Ding Yu this time again received a call from Sasha! "Sir, the French side is indifferent to this matter. I have already discussed it with that side, but it is obvious that the United States has given great benefits, and someone from the borore group has been here! They have brought some news! "

"Little bud, right?"

"Yes! He helped a lot in Europe, but he didn't know exactly who I was

"Let him come here! I haven't seen him for a while! "

When little bud entered the manor, his suit was stiff, but it could be seen that the whole man was really deserted. How about coming here now? It's more like business, "Ding! Long time no see! "

Ding Yu also looked at little bud up and down. Then he opened his hands and hugged each other for a while, "what? Do you want to get involved in this kind of business? It's hard already? "

"I'm sitting at home with nothing to do, but disaster comes from heaven! I don't even know what's going on, but someone comes to me and I can't refuse it! " Little Ba de doesn't know where to find a pipe, which reminds Ding Yu of his father's Phoebe pipe! I didn't expect him to inherit his father's career!

"I want you to talk about peace? Impossible thing Ding Yu put his little cigar on the table, but he didn't mean to smoke it. "It should be for you to come and investigate, by the way, the external situation."

"The news of last night's event was tightly sealed, but we can still hear a little bit of it! After all, we all have their own channels. I also do this business. If there is no news, I'm afraid we don't have to continue to eat this bowl of rice. Last night, the casualties of mercenaries were very large! But it's time to get a lot of sympathy

"Do you feel so upset?" Ding Yu sipped his mouth. "Everyone knows the relationship between you and me. What if it's something else? There may not be too many relationships to employ you, but such things really dare not hire you, for fear that there will be other changes, they can not afford the consequences! "

"Ding, apart from the government, I can't think of anyone else who can mobilize such great power! Therefore, if it is not mixed, there will be no good fruit to eat if it is really mixed in! Judging from the present situation, I still have foresight! "

"The French government is now an outsider. They will not pay too much attention to this issue. What about the people who are involved in this issue? On the part of the US government, there are other forces! "

But when talking about this, Ding Yu suddenly stopped for a moment, "but since you are here? I really want to ask you something, but I know the style of the mercenary regiment and only serve for money. Is that right? "Little bud's pipe almost didn't catch it. "Ding, I'm just a small family. I'm just a small business! Don't you scare me? "

"It's not that you were hired to fight. You have a lot of people, but what about me? There is really no shortage of people! "

After listening to Ding Yu's words, little bud also took a long breath. He really made a big one of himself. What about this matter? Did you really want to join the mercenary group last night? Some of them have already broken their muscles and bones! If I get involved in this evening, I'm afraid my mercenary regiment will be disbanded!

"A while ago? Something has happened in France. A group of people should not be destroyed. Some goods are missing! What about doing this? Absolutely expert and veteran, and the number will not be too small! What about inside? Even if there is no mercenary regiment involved, there should be someone who has helped a lot! "

Little bade did not speak immediately, but looked at Ding Yu attentively, "Ding, do you want to know about this matter? I heard that this matter involves quite a lot of aspects! The news is only circulated in a very small circle! I've heard two sentences from time to time, but do you really understand? I dare not say that! "

"It happened in France! It involves a large consortium and the U.S. military. What about my consideration? What about the French government? May not know about the situation, but the mercenary side is certainly aware of the news! I'm asking you? Just two news, one is whether these guys are still alive, and the other one? Where these goods are going

"What about people? It doesn't exist any more. Anyway, as far as I get the news, everyone has been killed! This should be certain! You should know that even if it is not eliminated at that time, it will never stay after the event! If you say there are mercenaries involved, you will not leave any so-called living mouth! As for the destination of the goods, I really don't know. I'm afraid it will be very troublesome to verify it! "

"No one else! It seems that it's really hard work! Actually, what about it? It doesn't matter. What about inside? Is there a team? It's from a large consortium on the west coast of the United States. Although I'm not very good at dealing with him, we have a good relationship. What about the other team? The Ministry of defense! Should be! How long will it take you if you give it to someone else? "

“...。” Little bud also scolded two words, "Ding, if you really talk about this villa is not small, but you really have a lot of people? I don't think so. If we have enough ammunition, I'm afraid it will be hard to be attacked for a moment and a half! "

"But what about these guys? Disappeared without a trace, even the message has not been delivered, so what about this matter? It's not so interesting! But what if you get involved in this? Now there is still a chance. I can say at least two words. If I don't get involved in this matter, I will be far away from it! "

"No, don't make such a joke. Although we only serve for money, I still know what money should be taken and what money should not be used! If this money doesn't belong to us, don't be greedy, otherwise it will be a disaster! No pie will fall from the sky

"Just a wake-up call!"

"I knew that our relationship was very unusual. At the beginning, old bud really had a unique vision. I didn't have such a vision at that time, so I was still very angry. You should know that at that time, my nose was broken by you! It's very painful to think of it now! "

Ding Yu gently smile, "at the beginning, I was still very young, there are so many too impulsive! I can't even remember why I broke your nose. But what about old bud? Although his son is not able to bear a lesson at all, it's not easy for you to teach him a lesson. "

"Some years! My daughter is so old now! But what about this personality? It's really hard to say. Sometimes I feel that there are some too obvious intergenerational inheritance? "

"I also have a daughter, a pair of twins, very noisy! What if you don't? I may not have this feeling yet. Now I think of the little girls at home who are very much like one of their grandmother in some aspects, with full personality! "

"Should I say congratulations?" "By the way, the situation outside is not so good. I heard that some people have prepared a considerable amount of firepower, and they are all relatively decent firepower. There are also a lot of manpower. Obviously, they want to take you down at one fell swoop. The construction of this place is very good, but I'm afraid there will be problems if the time is too long And the state of affairs! "

"Ready for heavy fire!" Ding Yu's nose also played back and forth, but soon returned to normal, "it seems that this thing is really going to enter the climax, there are so some unexpected!"

"Heavy firepower shouldn't be?" Little bud also expressed his ideas in this respect, "anyway, from what I know personally, basically there will be no artillery, but whether there will be rocket launchers or even more powerful grenades, which is hard to say! After all, that thing is too small, and the lights are out of the blue. Anyone's inspection may be flawed! ""I really hope it will happen! Are those mercenaries ready to retaliate? "

"It's very natural that although they get quite a pension, they all suffered a great loss last night! It's really a desperate rush! But your machine guns have never stopped. The firepower is too strong, so it's not so unexpected to have such a result

Ding Yu pinched his chin with his hand, and then he also handed a check to little bud. "Since he is a mercenary, don't lie at home, and do something for me! It's idle anyway, isn't it? Of course, there are still some? It's the previous reward! There is still some use in some way! "

"You know that? I'm closest to money

"Then I won't keep you! I'll see old bud if I get a chance! But I'm sure old bud will be rather disappointed to see you as you are now Ding Yu said sarcastically.

After little bud left, Jin also stood behind Ding Yu again, "Sir, I have checked again, and now there is no problem, but the blockade outside is very tight! The attitude of the French side is also changing, there are so many different! They seem to be happy that something like this happens

"I asked little bud about this guy? It's a local villain, and they've been very close to each other these years. The network is very good. What about the old Peyton people? Is it true that none of them are left, and at the same time? He also sent me another message that those things are still in France and have not left! "

"Not yet? Sir, this is a bit of a game of fire

"I asked little bud two things, and he told me that those people would not stay. Even if those who started at the beginning kept alive, the mercenaries would not. This shows that there must be outside forces involved in this operation! What's more? He said that if things go, it will be very troublesome to check up! But what about this? You can listen in reverse! No one dares to take over these things! "

"What is it, sir? Those guys in the mercenary regiment only recognize money but not people!"

"Yes, they only accept money, but they have the same money to earn, but it doesn't mean they will have life to spend. This is two times! What's more, what about the people who do it? If you don't see them, you will believe them. What's more, what about the goods? Different from people! Anyone here? Scattered walk, just a drop in the ocean, but things are different! "

"Sir, do you mean that the French won't let these things leave?"

"I have an idea about this. Obviously, what about France? I don't want to offend old Peyton too much. If we find out something and hand it over, they didn't do it anyway, and they couldn't be investigated. Of course, what if we can't find out? Maybe it's another thing! Of course, there is another possibility, that is, things are left on purpose, which has nothing to do with France. Someone intentionally uses these things to wait for us to get caught. This is also a great possibility! "

"Come on, which one? What's the problem now? Is how to spend this evening, tonight is not a simple bullet, may encounter artillery fire, may not be heavy artillery, but also absolutely can not underestimate! These guys! It's really going to be crazy! "

"I'm going to check it again. I hope you will be well prepared in this respect." However, Jin also stopped for some time. "Sir, there is not much to worry about in other aspects of the family. But what about the four of Zong Taiping? The position is different! They must be the first targets to be hit! "

"What? Get them back? Let them come here and sit down? Since we have chosen this road, we need to be prepared in this respect. I am not asking them to be good babies! How about surviving? It's their luck. Can't they survive? This is the life, and this is their own choice

Since Mr. Wang has already said so, Jin doesn't ask for anything. His attitude is too obvious! What about Kim? It is also the first person to visit Zong Taiping and check their appearance carefully!

"And the order? It should have been issued, but I need to say it again! Although you are in a safe fortress, you are the firepower point, so you will suffer the most violent attack. I hope you will do a good job in this aspect of protection and preparedness! Here it is? I wish you good luck

"Director Kim, we won't let the director down!"

"It's beyond my control to let you down. You need to be responsible for yourself. At the same time? Also need to be responsible for the comrades in arms here, the same they will be responsible for you! I have other things on my side. If there are no other requirements, I'm afraid we can only see you tomorrow morning! "

Seeing that Jin left, Zong Taiping and the four of them quickly entered their own positions. Now there is not so much time to exchange greetings! The more time comes, the more time is not enough! I used to think about going to the bathroom, but now? What is called going to the toilet, has long been forgotten!Even if it is, you need to pee in your pants! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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