When the roar came to mind, Ding Yu also looked up. There was no other action. There was a considerable distance between the point of impact and his side. At most, there was some noise in the glass. There was no other feeling!

But the people in the security fortress are not so good! In particular, Zong Taiping and the four of them were already well prepared, but when the bombardment came down, the whole people were already confused! Quite a period of time did not react to come over, this is not really hurt, but the impact of the spirit above is too big!

Jingguang and Jiang Yangsheng are from the army at least. Although they have not experienced it personally, they still have the consciousness of this aspect. They forcibly pull Zong Taiping and Xiaomiao up from the table, and then listen to the instructions in the earphone and start shooting with targets.

When Ding Yu heard the sound of gunfire, he also deliberately took a look at the direction of Zong Taiping's security fortress. What was his reaction? It's a little bit slow. I'm afraid the shooters have already run away by this time! However, it is still OK. After all, it is understandable to experience such a thing for the first time!

This is just the beginning. Now we are using such weapons and equipment. We are going to be very aggressive! Now even if France wants to stop it? I'm afraid it's too late! Each other has been very angry! If you dare to go on the court to pull the frame now, it is easy to be injured by mistake, or try it! I don't know if you have the courage?

What about Ding Yu? In addition to the security fortress, other directions are hidden and stand by, and do not mean to fight back immediately! Now when shooting at this time, you can only expose your position, an RPG rocket launcher, or a small gun, and you have no place to run! Just waiting to die!

What about these? They are all common sense on the battlefield, which can only be known through the examination on the battlefield. Anyway, there is no problem with the security fortress. The fire call will arrive at the first time. They just need to stay in their position! Use the firepower of the safety fortress to clear the target!

This is a strange scene that has been around for a long time. However, if there is any disturbance outside, the people on Ding Yu's side will call for fire support from the security fortress. What about the four security fortresses? They were repeatedly bombed by unknown firepower, but after all, they were not heavy guns or missiles, so the effect was not so obvious at all.

Both sides obviously enter into a battlefield confrontation. People outside want to rush in, but they can't. what about the people on the manor side? I don't want to type it out. Just hold on here! It's not a common tacit understanding.

But the firepower outside is much more fierce than it was yesterday! Thanks to the casting of security fortress? With great efforts, otherwise, it is easy to have problems and situations!

At this time, people outside are also so angry, four security fortresses, which we all know very well. There are a lot of firepower mobilized! But the problem is that even their walls have not been broken, so some of them can't stand it!

If we don't let the security fortress be silenced, the outside forces will not be able to fill in at all! What's more, there are many people in the manor? They haven't been much! Soon, some people also gathered together. Now it is really necessary to think of some other ways. Otherwise, it will go on like this, and the result will not be much different from last night.

"What is the way to solve the security fortress now? There are two kinds, one is the peripheral artillery or missile, and the other is? It's a close blast! What about this problem? It was said yesterday, but what about the bombardment just now? This is verified again! Think about it carefully

In fact, what about this problem? It is also true that there is no solution. For the artillery or missiles on the periphery, we would like to adopt such means and methods, but the French side will never allow them to do so! A small-scale battle is one thing, but using a big killer is another!

As for the short-range blasting, I had thought of this method yesterday, but these guys in the manor are all human beings, and they are all veterans on the battlefield. They will not give such a chance at all, so it's OK not to think about it! It won't happen at all!

Neither of them is possible. What should you do! Just take your life to fill the hole? In the past, RPG rockets and cannons were also a lot, but now? How many people dare to fire guns? Those guys who are really safe fortresses are vegetarians, aren't they? One firepower coverage, all reimbursement, not a man and equipment left!

I thought that today's time to sneak in some things, will cause considerable threat to the security fortress, but there think of no fart, this is more embarrassing! What about these things they brought in? Or the French side, one eye open and one eye closed!

But it didn't make any difference. What's next? Should we increase the output of firepower? In fact, it's not that the defense system in front of us can't really solve the problem. What about grenades? It doesn't have much effect, but send two howitzers here, one shot down, what kind of security fortress? It's all scum!What's more? Get two tanks to come over, that place dares to blaze, go down directly with one shot, ensure that there is no sorrow!

But the problem is, can the howitzer be called? Can tanks be called in? This joke is a little bit too big! The French side can't afford such a price. Do you make a little fuss? It may not be a problem, but you used guns and tanks. That's another thing!

With a rocket launcher? No kidding? What about Ding Yu's security fortress? It's definitely specially processed, not to mention the ordinary rocket launcher. Even if it's a specially made rocket launcher, it can't be opened, unless it can directly bombard into the shooting hole. But how can such a thing be possible? Do you really think it's played in the movie?

France will not care how hot the fight is, as long as it is within a certain range? Everything is easy to do, but if really beyond the scope, then they will forcibly stop! This is the bottom line, and it can never be broken!

Although they bear considerable interests of the United States, it does not mean that they must die on Ding Yu. What about such a misunderstanding? There is no need to cause it. Ding Yu and the French side of the consortium relationship can be said to be quite good, not exposed does not mean there is no! And don't make the mistakes and mistakes of Britain.

The British side is really stupid! Knowing that there are problems in this, but still "go ahead" is really used to the United States as a dogleg, so what about the inside of the head? There is no room for flour and water to mix together? It's just paste!

All the time? Ding Yu didn't make any big moves. Even when there were any problems and situations, he also actively communicated with the French side! They showed a considerable attitude. What about the United States? It's just taking money to pay for it. What about France? Don't want to offend Ding Ding Yu, but at the same time, there's no need to be unable to live with money, is it?

So it's a tacit attitude. From the current situation, everything is still under control! But when to stop again is another thing? Anyway, the current progress can be described as good!

"Sir, some strange things have been discovered by the people outside us!" Jin is also a little bit in a hurry from the outside, if there was no emergency, it would not be like this! After seeing Mr. Zhang's sign, Jin also placed the image transmitted to Ding Yu in front of him, "four trucks, this load is not an ordinary thing!"

"Tank?" Ding Yu also slightly frowned on his brow, "the two cars in front of me are easy to talk about, but the tires of the two cars behind are not the same now! There's no need to squash. It's absolutely impossible that all the four cars are tanks! It should be artillery! Better, they know how to disguise

"Sir, if they mobilize the tanks and artillery, they will seriously violate the bottom line. Moreover, our security fortress will not be able to hold on. It is just a matter of two more guns!"

"That's really what it's about!" Ding Yu looked at the movement on the screen and also knocked on the table with his hand, "what about our hands? There is no decent heavy firepower. If you want to get rid of the artillery, there is no problem. But if you want to get rid of the tank, it will be very difficult for us! Get people out of the safe Fort! You'll do it yourself, but leave it to the robot! "

Without an hour's time, two guns and two tanks fired at the same time. This movement was really too big. The whole manor was immediately ablaze, and the artillery bombardment was no difference. In any case, all the ammunition brought here was to be shot out! As for tanks? It's the cover!

What about the safety fortress from the bombardment of two guns? Basically, they have collapsed. After all, the artillery precision of the present era is completely different! It doesn't look like it was during World War I or World War II. It's basically impossible! Now the error is really too small!

"Sir, apart from the safety fortress, they have attacked the manor side without any difference. Our people are quite injured! The tank has begun to attack! But we have a way to stop them. What's next? Maybe it's close contact! "

"Face to face, anyway!" Ding Yu also has some feelings about this, "check our quality! What about security fortress? It's just an insurance. Didn't you think of this insurance? What's the effect? It's not as obvious as you think. Let's do it! "

When Zong Taiping saw Ding Yu again, they found that the director was fully armed! They didn't mean to let Zong Taiping sit down with the four of them, "did I think about the safety fortress originally? It's a safe place after all, but I didn't expect that they would attack so quickly without baseline! But it's normal! "

"Chief, send the tanks here? The rumbling sound is remarkable! "

"Do you know a lot? They're still coming in tanks? The purpose is quite obvious! The opinions of each other have become a pot of soup, even if the French side wants to intervene? I can't do it at all. How can I intervene at this time? Unless they kill us both? It's impossible! ""They're not afraid that the French will settle accounts after the fall?"

"Reckon? Who are you going to settle with! This is a stupid account! It doesn't count! " Ding Yu took out his ear with his hand and said, "who brought the guns and tanks? Is this a problem? It's really hard to say, after all, there are too many people involved in this force! What about the last scapegoat? Even if you want to show up? There is no way to show up, even now it has become a ghost under the knife

"Is it too dark?"

"It's just means! It's good to be able to achieve the goal, but what about such recklessness? Quite a few problems have been solved in a short time, but what about the whole thing? The effect is very bad, it can be said that some people are too short-sighted, had a good plan, but is not very good implementation! It's also very helpless! "

Sighing, Ding Yu also patted his hand, "OK, now don't say these superfluous nonsense! And you? Stay with me and follow the orders and instructions. I don't guarantee that you will be able to save your lives. It's really hard to say, but I've arranged for other people. If there's a problem, they will take you away as soon as possible! " The previous contact with Bader did not mean that there was no effect at all!

"Director, we are not leaving!"

"This is an order. What about you? I've never been on the battlefield. I can't even do the basic evasion, let alone other things. Loyalty and courage can't solve any problems! " Wave your hand and let them go directly!

With the explosion outside, sparks began to splash. Ding Yu also knew about the two tanks? It should be an explosion now! Ding Yu still has considerable confidence in his subordinates! The explosion of the tank also means that both sides need positive contact! And it's short distance contact.

Gunfire is also slowly fierce up, and Zong Taiping they are not idle at this time, to help transport ammunition, when necessary, also to top a top! Don't you see the director has already put the gun in his hand at this time? There is no way! So many hands!

The French side is already angry! Didn't do that? If you make a scene, it's no big deal! But now it's missile and tank. What do you want? You know, you're on my estate!

But what about this? It's really impossible to find Ding Yu's head. Ding Yu has explained the problem in this respect at the very beginning. This will cause considerable consequences and must be restrained. But the French side did not take it as a matter at all? Who could have thought that the United States should be so shameless.

Now when I am being asked, I think I don't know anything, nothing happened, and even shift the responsibility to the mercenary regiment? In fact, what about France? I don't care what the manor is like. What the French care about is how much influence this incident will cause!

If the follow-up others do the same, the French side is really in a mess! When the United States got to know this news, they were all shocked, that is, they wanted to spread their anger with Ding Yu? He didn't even want to fight, or even kill Ding Yu!

However, it was thought that there would be such a change in the front line, which was obviously different from the designated plan. Once the war started, it was not so easy to close it up again! What's more, now that we treat Ding Yu like this, once Ding Yuteng does it? What should we do if we give it back to the United States?

Ding Yu is not a good stubble. What is his nature? But now there are some people in the United States who want to call a halt. They are intertwined with each other. Do you want a cease-fire? Who dares to stand forward? I'm afraid it's just a meal of bullets before I can speak.

Soon, the information about the investigation was also fed back to the United States. What about the operation? It's a mercenary regiment, but it's not really the order of the front-line commander. What about some signs? It seems to be the means of the British side, but there is no evidence to prove this!

But what about things like this? There is no need for any actual command at all. It is obvious that the British side has also expressed its attitude and dissatisfaction with the United States, which was made fun of by the United States earlier? Let them get involved in this? Now in turn, the United States has also come to the same hand, anyway, watching the fun, it is not too big!

Now the problem in the United States is actually very simple. How to deal with the immediate affairs? What about the head in? Although it is said that the security fortress has been blown away, Ding Yu's manpower has not suffered considerable losses!

If you don't rush into it, will Ding Yu choose Pingshan to solve this problem? It seems that there are not too many possibilities!

What about this one? Is it true that the U.S. side is in trouble? What's more, he fell into a big hole, and didn't even have a chance to turn back? It is true that should be so sentence, injustice and injustice when!

Can we solve Ding Yu completely? It also makes the United States have some worries about Ding Yu's past achievements? It seems that there are so many unlikely! But now seems to be a very good opportunity, although all aspects are disadvantageous, but Ding Yu is in front of you!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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