"Hello, teacher!" Ding Yu stretched out his hand, but obviously what about the teachers of the two primary schools? I haven't been able to wake up from the shock. After waiting for a long time, I suddenly realized that I was also red faced and stretched out my hand! But Ding Yu is a very gentlemanly person.

What about the two kids? In school performance can be said to be very good, can be described as excellent, everyone likes to play with them, even in their own opinion? The two children are so mature! What about their father? I've seen it myself, but it belongs to the one that can't see the end! As for the mother? I only heard his name, but I didn't see him. I was wrong. I didn't even know his name.

In my opinion? What about the family conditions for two children? Should belong to the kind of fair, but today came to the courtyard here, only to know their own ignorant, this is not fair ah! It's so luxurious!

I'm from the capital city. I naturally know that it's not an ordinary identity to have a quadrangle in such a place. However, after several contacts with Ding Yu, I really never feel any sharpness from his body. I just feel that there are some small mysteries. Now it seems that this person really makes me curious!

"Mr. Ding, I didn't expect to encounter such a situation!" The teacher is also showing a little sorry smile! Although Ding Yu did not show any attitude, but the quadrangle to their own pressure is really so much!

Su Yuan also personally delivered tea and snacks. When the teacher saw Su Yuan, he also stood up and said, "Hello, auntie. I'm a teacher of two children. Today I'm going to do some home visits! I hope I haven't disturbed you! "

"Teacher, tell the father about the two children's performance in school, isn't it?"

Su Yuan's words let the teacher slightly stunned, Ding Yu also rubbed his head, it is obvious that his mother's decision on himself? Still expressed quite the opinion and the idea! Even in front of two children's teachers, it is also direct to say this matter! It's also quite welcome!

"Auntie, Mr. Ding, the two children are doing very well in school. They are smart and flexible, and they have a good relationship with children. Everyone likes to be friends with them. They don't have as many minor problems as other children. How about this time? I just want to understand their family environment. I really didn't expect that Mr. Ding would educate them so well. For this, it is worth learning! "

Ding Yu looked at the two children sitting next to him, and also made a meaningful smile to them. "I hope they can integrate into the ordinary environment. This is what they should have in their childhood. How different they should not be, but sometimes the requirements may be a little more severe!"

"What kind of pressure is there, it's harsh!"

Feeling that the teacher is so unclear, Ding Yu also slightly explained, "teacher, the situation is like this, I need to give them two people? Ask for leave for a period of time, if there is no situation, about a month of time, may be extended! It's not so sure yet! "

After listening to Ding Yu's words, the teacher didn't seem to be a request. He was just telling himself his whole life! Think about it carefully? Two kids on the school side? It's just a loan. The student's status is not in the school. If it's not a special situation, I really can't refuse it!

"Mr. Ding, please forgive me for being so bold. If I can, can I know how to arrange the two children! They are both very good at school. We all like them very much. Although there are some pranks sometimes, they are not annoying! Even many teachers like them very much

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "there are some pranks in the school. Although they apologize, it's hard to say that they sincerely apologize! What's more? After I came back, they always wanted to escape, and did not have to admit the fault mind of their own practice, this point? It needs quite a correction! "

"Mr. Ding, I am a teacher. What about their education? Is it careful education and training, strict means? May stimulate their rebellious psychology! What do you know about my education? It must be different. Otherwise, they will not be educated so well, but I don't agree with this way! "

"Understand!" Ding Yu is also very patient, "how about you as their teacher? They are very concerned about them, but from a father's point of view? I may have a deeper understanding of them. Although they are still a little younger, they can't evade some responsibilities and responsibilities because of their age! "

As a teacher of two children, she wants to comfort Ding Yu not to be so strict with children, which is not a good thing! What about ordinary families? What kind of education is there? Although we all like the excellent performance of children, even versatile, but doting is very powerful!

But came to Ding Yu here? What about his talent for two children? It seems that I really don't put my heart on it. At least the requirements are not so strict. I haven't seen two children go to this class or that interest class? Anyway, it's just that some people don't understand!Just as they were talking, Deng Rong, the housekeeper, also went to Ding Yu's side. He whispered a few words in Ding Yu's ear. Ding Yu's face changed slightly, and then he also stood up, "Mom, you can say two words with the teacher. I have something to do here! Please wait a moment, teacher

Ding Yu walked out of the reception hall, and also went to his study. After waiting for about ten minutes, he returned to the reception hall again. When he came back, he found that his mother seemed to have a good chat with the teacher! They even sat together hand in hand, but they were not so restrained when they were here!

Where are the two little guys? She is still honest and honest. Although grandma told the teacher well, what about them? Too boring! But what about father? It's not here anymore! In fact, even if the father is here? They don't feel particularly scared! After all, it's different from yesterday!

Yesterday, I went to grandma after doing something wrong, but today? It is another situation, but since the father has made this decision, it is impossible to change anything! The two children also know that the previous thing is really wrong, since the wrong thing, then need to be punished, this is a very normal thing! My father has been transmitting this to them all the time?!

"Xiaoyu, please come and sit with Xinran for a while. I'll arrange for it. At noon, Xinran will have dinner here!"

"Auntie! I.... "

Su Yuan took a look of complaint and said, "listen to me. I'll eat here at noon! And what did you say just now? Don't call me aunt, call me motherfucker! Since all have come to the home, so now left, how is a matter? Godmother will not be happy! "

Ding Yu slightly helpless shake his head, but there is no objection to the meaning, anyway, his mother there happy! Two children for their teacher suddenly became an aunt, this is still very curious! Since the father did not say anything, then they also pull up their own teacher to introduce up, there are so some small excitement.

Seeing the two coming out, the five puppies quickly gathered around. The two children also introduced the five puppies to their teacher. Looking at the five puppies, the teacher also felt quite strange. What about the five puppies? It seems that it is not a pet dog, nor is it a valuable dog breed!

However, the explanation of the two children also made her understand that the bear was adopted by their two children when they were young. What happened all the time? The patron saint of both of them! The big bear himself has seen it. When the two children drag them over, they are directly hugged, just like holding a hairy toy!

Can feel out, the two children are very happy, no sense of emptiness, no loneliness, but their father and grandmother? Maybe there are some differences in educational philosophy! This is a normal situation! It is really impossible to say who is right and who is wrong!

When the two children were enjoying themselves in the courtyard, how many people came to the gate of the courtyard? Zong Taiping, four of them? Although said to have dressed up, but still is the package of the head, with crutches on crutches! But everyone at this time is the performance of the spirit!

Along with them are several mothers. They choose to come to Siheyuan at this time to express their gratitude. Although they say that when they see Zong Taiping coming back, their tears can't stop. It's really heartache. But looking at the children's spirit, they feel that everything is worth it!

Last night, we wanted to have a banquet for Ding Yu, but we all know that? Yesterday, Ding Yu just came back, and what about Ding Yu? I always don't like to take part in such an occasion, so after Ding Yu expressed his opinion, we didn't mention it again.

But today is not the same. Ding Yu is at home. If you don't pay a visit and show the attitude of the family, it's really not a thing! Ding Yu is not so interested in the people in the first echelon, but what about the four people in the second echelon? It's a real heart! Anyone can see it!

Zong Taiping, when they entered the courtyard, xiaosiyan also stood up at once. They came not far away. They twisted their heads and looked at them. Then they snorted their noses. Obviously, they smelled something. Their front paws also couldn't help grabbing the ground.

Seeing this familiar scene, Xinran, who was following the two children, thought of something. However, when they saw the action of the bear, they also called out, and then they trotted to the side of the bear and rubbed the head of the bear! Whispered two sentences, but the voice is relatively light, really can't hear what is saying.

When Ding Yu came out, he looked at the little four eyes there, and snorted without good humour. Although he sighed the keenness of this guy in his heart, his face would never give him any good-looking. Instead, he stared at Zong Taiping. The four of them looked at him twice, then turned his head, and snorted at Ding Yu with disdain, and then shook his nose He walked away.It is obviously the first time that Zong Taiping, who is not far away, has seen such a situation for the first time. They have never seen anyone who dares not to face director Ding Yuding. But today? It's really eye opening. What about this big dog? He even snorted his nose at the director. He really didn't give the director this face in front of the public. It was shocking!

"Hello, director!" Zong Taiping and the four of them also stood upright, while Jing Guang and Jiang Yangsheng directly saluted!

Ding Yu's attitude is very indifferent, but he nodded slightly to the four aunts behind. What about the four aunts behind? For Ding Yu, there are so some understanding, and so on to see Su Yuan, also called Su Jie! What about Su Yuan now? Absolutely worthy of the title!

Two small teachers, looking at one of them is so some eyes straight! And this one? I once went to the school for inspection, and I have seen it from a distance. What about a deputy director of the Ministry of education? Is really unattainable that kind, but today came to the quadrangle, unexpectedly has such close contact, is not good, oneself feels some dizziness.

There are so many people at home, but what about the two children? A few polite greetings, and then also break free, otherwise in the body of these grannies, really can't run! Feel small face is about to be pulled round!

"Have you been informed?" Ding Yu looked at Zong Taiping's four people. There was no expression on his face. He was very solemn. "Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow night, I'll be ready to fly to the United States!"

"Director, we are all ready!" Zong Taiping and the four of them are also a little excited. What about the director? It's such a situation. It seems that nothing can touch him in the previous battlefield! Now I think I really admire you! In the face of such a situation, no one can do it!

How about bragging? Everyone will, really encounter such a scene, do not pee pants are considered good! What about the four of them? This can be said to be quite tasteful!

"You are not a professional inspector, so I have someone prepare some professional books for you. What about teachers? This is not under my jurisdiction. Go back to your home and find your mother! If there's no problem, that's it After thinking about it, Ding Yu was also a little twitch. "You are lucky today. The parents of two children visit home, so you should be able to have a meal with you."

Ding Yu obviously showed this meaning clearly. This time, he did not mean to give them the face to eat, but mainly the two children's teachers. Otherwise, no one would go back to pay attention to them!

After more people, it is also a lot of excitement. The two little guys are not restrained at all. What about Su Yuan? Is also a low voice complained about his eldest son a few words, some reasons? It's because they are too strict with their grandchildren. On the other hand? What about those mothers? Out of breath!

Where's your eldest son? Not to whom, even to his son and daughter? It's the same attitude. It's just because I made some mistakes in the past, so I'll directly lower it for at least a month. In fact, it's not really a fault at all. It's just the psychology of children? There are so many immature just!

But the eldest son ignored it! How about a father like this? Right?

However, Su Yuan also introduced his new dry daughter. The teacher did not know the identity of the two children before, but he was very concerned about the education of the children. What about these? It was not Su Yuan's impulse, but he really investigated for a long time, so he made such a decision!

The little girl is still very good! So I also give such a chance!

At lunch, Ding Yu accompanies them personally. As for the two children, there is no chance for them to go to the table. To a certain extent, this is also a family dinner. It doesn't need to be so particular about it. But Ding Yu is such a tutoring method, and the two children seem to have known it for a long time! So there is no so-called unhappy so said!

But the hearts of all the people who took part in the seats also sighed very much. What about Ding Yu's behavior? Obviously, they didn't mean to show them. What about the children at this age? Is absolutely not the mood to hide in the heart! Obviously, what about their usual time? It's the same way.

What about them? But Ding Yu's baby pimple, Ding Yu's own son and daughter! It's not a simple identity, say a bad word, in the future, will inherit all of Ding Yu's people? Maybe it's the two of them! No one can underestimate them!

But even so, Ding Yu's family education and accomplishment are also reflected in general in such a slightly simple meal!

Look at these two children, and then look at the four of Zong Taiping? Can follow Ding Yu's side! It's really a blessing! What about the four of them? This time can be said to be out of the limelight! Even people from the first echelon called!After all, Zong Taiping's treatment of the four people is really too enviable! What about the first tier? Never enjoyed it! If you can, I really want to change it. Everyone knows to follow the director's side? It's totally different from not following the director's side!

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