After lunch, everyone left immediately. What about today? It's basically empty handed. If you bring anything, it's not easy to get in, but when you leave? Basically every family is carrying things, things may not be many, but they are quite meaningful!

Even when the teachers of the two primary schools leave, they are the same gifts, no difference. Of course, what is the only possible difference? Even if Su Yuan deliberately added a scarf into it, it was a gift for her dry daughter.

Ding Yu called the two children to his study, but he did not let them stand, but let them sit beside him. "I may go tonight, or tomorrow, but before I leave? I want to tell you about it! "

"Dad! Go ahead, please. We'll listen carefully! " The two children are very careful to guarantee with Ding Yu.

"What about me about them? There are so many angry, this matter I have said before! Actually let you go down to work? I can't bear it. I even have some worries. But what about your father? I have to do this. Maybe in the process? You may not understand my practice, but I hope you can do it well! This is my hope for you

"Dad, why hope, not demand?" The little girl is also staring at her big eyes, very hazy looking at Ding Yu said, but from this words, can also see, there is quite thinking!

"Hope? Is it a kind of expectation for you, because of your education? Is enough to complete! What about the so-called requirements? It's a rigid arrangement, and it may even be something you can't do. There are so many difficulties! I love you both very much, but I really don't want to impose anything on you two! "

"Dad, can we take the bear with us?"

"Yes!" Ding Yu was very happy to agree, "although the home will arrange security and nanny, but I and your mother? Are not in, even grandparents, aunts and other people are not in your psychology? There's no sense of security, video? After all, it's just a consolation! With four eyes? You will feel very relieved, I will not refuse such request! Because it is a reasonable demand! "

"Dad, we don't have any problems!" The little girl patted her hands twice. Obviously, she didn't put this life in her heart. "Then we will make you feel proud. This is what we promised you!"

Looking at her daughter's outstretched hand, the son also stretched out his own hand. Finally, Ding Yu covered his big hand! Six hands together, shaking for quite a long time, but then the little girl also thought of something, ran back free, pulled the little four eyes in, it should be one of them.

In the evening, Ding Yu went to see his third uncle. He just came back and didn't even have time to have a rest. Because he also knew that Ding Yu was in a hurry and might leave at any time. Su Quan mentioned the situation in detail earlier! Otherwise, he would not rush back in such a hurry.

"I hear you are in considerable danger on the French side!" The middle-aged man also reproached and said Ding Yu, what about the room? There are three people in total, and the other one shakes his head. Obviously, he is dissatisfied that Ding Yu is in danger. Over the years, Ding Yu has made so many contributions. If something really happens, it would be a pity! It's not worth it, it's not worth it!

"There are some dangers, but they are relatively worthwhile!"

"That's all this fighting? Although it is said that some things will be returned from the British Museum, it should be more than that! "

"I took some students to the UK to learn about the trend in the UK. The most important thing is to talk with the consortia and some families in the UK. Their interests are still consistent. I need to make them mobilize considerable funds! At the same time, give some vigilance to some aspects of Britain! "

"Why?" The leader next to him also felt puzzled, so he mentioned it in front of Ding Yu, "I believe this fund? It should be huge, so big? Can't you frighten a snake with grass? "

"It can be said that the British side is particularly attracted by the United States. No matter the Weasels were planted around me in the past, the airport incident, and the subsequent wooing of my students, there is a shadow of the United States behind this. Of course, this is just a matter on the surface. The main problem is that Britain's problems in the European Union have become increasingly serious. "

"Xiaoyu, if this thing is really noisy, it will be very troublesome!" There are only three people in the room, so what about this talk? Pour also don't need so scruples, Ding Yu's this words once said, each other already understood is how a matter! "I'm afraid it will be very difficult for you to get out of it then!"

"It seems that they didn't think about my face when they did it before!" Ding Yu also said impolitely, "but what about this matter? I'll pull in some other families. What about the layout so early? I didn't consider any political influence. I was only interested in the economy. Most of my industries in the UK have already sold out. What about the loss? I need someone to return it! ""Well, I don't know you! But what about this temperament? It really needs to be changed! " The middle-aged man is also helpless to Ding Yu, this nephew? Sometimes it's a good way to talk. People respect me one foot, I respect people ten feet!

But if anyone bared his teeth in front of him, he would be embarrassed and started to swing his sword directly. Even if he didn't cut off his head, he would have to cut off his hands at least this time? Britain started to deal with him, although it seems that the matter has been settled peacefully! But what about actually? The action behind him is really not small!

"The British side is too insidious and ruthless. What about Taiping? They may have thought about it, so it's not a big draw, but what about Guo Li? Directly put the woman on his bed, and even put 100 million dollars in front of him. As long as he nods, everything is his! "

"This doesn't seem to be an ordinary test man!" The chief executive also made a meaningful remark.

Ding Yu looked at the chief and was stunned for a moment. Then he also laughed, "uncle! What about Guo Li? I am more optimistic about his development in medicine, he has this determination, nerve is also quite thick, but there are so many people off line! He asked for a billion dollars for Britain

"Billion dollars? The lion opens his mouth

"What about Guo Li? He really took a billion dollars into his hand, and then turned around and sold the British side. Although I said that I had said hello to this aspect in advance, I really didn't expect that he should have such a thick nerve. What do I think? What about 100 million dollars? It's already a limit! "

The words are like this, but you can still hear from it. What about Ding Yu for this student? Still very optimistic! Otherwise, he would never say so. What about Ding Yu? Both of them have a good understanding and can listen to these questions from his mouth? Guo Li, a child, can also be seen!

"Even if you told me in advance, it's a billion dollars! This is not a small number

"Uncle! You and uncle two people in front of such a big home, don't hit my attention! What about the money? I gave half to Guo Li. I said in advance. What about the other 500 million? I will devote myself to research in schools and so on! "

"You boy! It was not so stingy in the original time The middle-aged man also jokingly said, "but those things from the British Museum came back because of this?"

"Well! Although it is said that Guo Li has the billion dollars in his hand, it is not so easy to take comfort. I went to MI5 and made a considerable contract with them. What about within one year? No, Britain! We have also reached a verbal agreement! "

After hearing Ding Yu's words, the third uncle and the people next to him also looked at each other, "Xiaoyu! Are you so pessimistic about the development of the UK in the EU? This is a very important thing

"And England? His position in Europe is quite special. What about the EU? In fact, it's not that cold. What happened in the past? They are all a bunch of little brothers. Now they are not only on the same level with him, but sometimes they even have to embarrass him to be the boss. The British self-esteem is a little unbearable. What's more, the United States is doing bad things behind his back? "

"What about Britain's voice in the EU? It's not so high The chief executive sitting on one side also said with a smile.

"A lot of things about the EU? It's mainly Germany and France. Sometimes the British side can't make a voice, but what about a lot of responsibilities? The British side needs to bear the responsibility. Who is it? I'm afraid I don't like it! " Ding Yu also has some jokes about this, but what about the situation? It is also true!

The third uncle clapped his hand, "in a year's time, are you so sure?"

"Not so sure!" Ding Yu thought for a while, "what about the United States and me? They have always been hostile to each other, but what about the superficial relationship? All of them are relatively good. No one wants to take the initiative to overturn the table. But recently, there has been a continuous incident, and I haven't found the source yet! It's just the feeling of this aspect! "

"Make you feel the pressure?"

"Yes, I feel a lot of pressure. What about my personal feelings? It should be that a think tank has made a considerable plan, and then guided what happened next. But what about the specific implementation? It's not so good. It's full of holes! I'm looking for it, but I don't want to make too much noise! "

"It's not like you!" The third uncle thought about it for a long time, because he could feel it. Ding Yu still had some taboos about it. His personality was not like this!

"I don't want to attract the attention of the United States. What about this plan? For me personally, it has caused considerable constraints. What about the British side? It's where I started. What about some of them? Or have a good impression, but this time? It has caused considerable losses, and there will also be considerable changes in Europe. My foundation is not stable at all, and I have no way to fight directly! ""Yes, it's not easy to have such an awareness!" The third uncle looked at Ding Yu and nodded, "what about British affairs? We two have discussed, let the bank help! There's a word? It needs to be made clear. What about success? We have nothing to say, but if you fail, you can change your job. "

Ding Yu felt a little toothache. "Uncle, uncle, I'm still more interested in the work of doctors. What about my father? If I change my job, I'm afraid he is also so difficult to understand. This is really not easy to do! "

"So! If you succeed, won't there be any problem? "

In this regard, Ding Yu feels that there are so many speechless, don't wait for yourself here, OK?

"By the way, what about the things we got back? I've read the report. In the United States, it's just a card. It's used to support the family. Is it too expensive for you to get this thing back? "

"Uncle, to be exact, I really don't know what is in my hand! Useful or useless? Take it back and have a look! Useless words on a fire to burn, useful words is also a fire to burn, not much difference! But if it doesn't work, if you burn a fire, you won't be afraid to investigate, but if it's useful, you need to do a whole set of plays! So I can only ask for help from home! "

"It's good for our country, but relatively speaking? Your position is more important. Don't be so rash to do something in the future, you know? " The middle-aged man also reproached and said, "by the way, yesterday, your mother also called me personally and gave me a small report!"

Ding Yu scratched his head, "now? When I send my children off, they may not be too late! Now I have such an opportunity to exercise. I don't think it's a bad thing to see. It has nothing to do with age. "

"You want me to tell you a little bit about what's good about you? You, the father, are not around, and their mother is not. It's nothing to be strict with. But what about your requirement? Some of them are too harsh! Here it is? Your uncle and I really want to talk about you

Looking at Ding Yu's normal appearance? Middle aged people also feel quite speechless, really did not expect Ding Yu's action will be so fast? Two children so old, you so ruthless to send off! And at least a month! Are there so many too much children's play?

Now Ding Yu has sent all the children away? Even if they are how to criticize, what role can it have? It seems that there is no such thing! So what about this thing? Maybe that's it!

"Forget it, I won't say it! You teach him a lesson for me! I look at him and get angry Ding Yu's third uncle also patted the table, then left the office and went out to relax himself! Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, the person sitting there also shakes his head helplessly. Is Ding Yu a good child? What about his two children? It's pretty good, too, but kids? Healthy and happy growth is good. What about Ding Yu's disposal? The average family can't accept it.

But what about the people who came here? I still need to say something.

Ding Yu came back a little bit late in the evening, but when he came into the courtyard, he saw his father and mother sitting there, looking at Ding Yu with a bad look, and the two children were sent away directly! What about two people? I feel that I can't accept it. At least I need to wait until tomorrow?

"Xiaoyu, did you tell you before? How can you... "

However, just after finishing this sentence, Ding Yu's phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu also nodded slightly to his father and mother, and then walked to one side of the room, "how is the situation?"

"There's no problem with the architecture anymore! A total of four sets have been made, and they have been burned again with thermite, and then they have done quite a follow-up treatment. There is no problem! " Su Quan is also very patient to explain to his nephew, "but need to wait for a night time, tomorrow morning can be handed over to your hands!"

"The exact time!" Ding Yu also seems to have some anxieties, "I can't wait for someone here!"

"Five o'clock tomorrow morning!"

"Yes, I'll arrange personnel to pick up the goods tomorrow morning and get on the plane directly!" Without any extra words, Ding Yu also directly hung up the phone, and immediately dialed Zong Taiping's call, "tomorrow morning, we will gather at six o'clock to go to the airport! The plane will take off at seven o'clock! "

"Yes, director, we are ready to continue!"

After the arrangement, Ding Yucai returned to his parents' position again. What's the worry? It's no longer a problem! What happens next? Just listen to what your parents say! They want to nag? Just nagging is not a big problem! After all, they are their own parents, need to understand! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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