"Busy with work?" What about Wang Changlin? It's understandable to see your son, grandson and granddaughter be sent away. But what's the problem? In particular, I was sent away before the evening. I felt that I couldn't accept it! Is this son's heart a little too cruel?

"How are you! Go straight tomorrow Ding Yu's answer is not salty, it's obvious to send his son and daughter away? Not so much on the heart! In other words? That is their own son and daughter, don't they love it? But now heartache, always better than in the future when heartache!

Su Yuan felt that there were so many things she wanted to say, but now in front of her son, she didn't know what to say! He's not human, right? Some are not right! It's still reasonable, but what about his warmth? Some of them are not right. Most of the time, they are as cold as frost.

When Wang asked his son to bite his son in the afternoon, he didn't know what he was going to bite, but he didn't know what he was going to do!

Business can't be talked about, but private affairs? Let each other have so some embarrassment! Wang Changlin also really has so many doubts. If he changed to his adoptive father and adoptive mother, would it still be like this? This question always exists in Wang Changlin's mind! However, there is no answer and response!

"Xiaoyu! In the past, you took them with you, and you were at the side of their two children, so the family was very relieved, but now? There is no one at home to follow them, so let the two children out, if something really happened? Do you think so? "

Su Yuan tried his best to make his speech tactful and his attitude too tough? Can only let the relationship between each other rigid, and even there will be other changes! Su Yuan still hoped that his eldest son could tell himself where he had sent his grandson and granddaughter? I hope to take care of it!

"I'm already in school, and I'm not too young!" Ding Yu is very calm to express his views and opinions, "there is no harm in being a housekeeper early. What about other children? I don't care, I don't care, but they want to be the flowers in the greenhouse. Let's forget it! "

This is a very explicit statement! Even after listening to Wang Changlin is also slightly wrinkled up his eyebrows, it is obvious that the eldest son for this matter? Already have some ideas and opinions!

What about the old people and their children? But is it a kind of love for children? Not only love so simple, there is another layer? Education, love? Can't be above education! What about this problem? The eldest son's adoptive father and adoptive mother are slightly different!

What about grandchildren and granddaughters? They didn't put it in their heart, and the children didn't have any trouble. But if the two children really made mistakes, their technique was quite novel. The oral education was light, and the stick was really patted on the buttocks without any hesitation!

What about this problem? I knew from the beginning that it was right or wrong, and it was really hard to say too clearly! But can feel out, two small to their grandmother? Although it is respectful and afraid, but what about the grandmother? On the contrary, there is a very special feeling!

But what about things like that? They can do it. How about Su Yuan and himself? It's really not good to do what? Something about the eldest son! What about the eldest son? After all, there was a great change at the time. Although I'm back now, what about my family? There are always some distances!

What about yourself and Su Yuan? They all want to compensate some of their older sons, but they really can't find any direction. So they can only put this feeling into the two little ones, which may be because of this, so? However, some problems were ignored, and in this regard, Su Yuan's performance was particularly serious!

Before I really did not face this problem, but today? See the expression on the face of the eldest son, Wang Changlin is also suddenly had this aspect feeling, own this eldest son! The performance is too rational. It is impossible to confuse his mind with family affection!

It's not that he doesn't have family affection, but he distinguishes a lot of things clearly. When he should be confused, he can be confused, but when he should be sober, he absolutely does not pretend to be confused. Therefore, Wang Changlin also patted his wife's back gently. Although he did not make her wake up immediately, he was not trapped in it and could not struggle out.

"Xiaoyu! I understand what you think, but I don't agree with you! How about cultivating the wolf nature of children? It can't be a bad thing, but what's the starting point of the whole thing? I don't like it so much! What about me? It's your father and the grandfather of two children at the same time Wang Changlin said to his son earnestly.

"I don't care whether the other children are the little prince or princess in the family, and I can't care about it! But they are my children. I need to guide them to the road. Maybe this road is not right, but from the big direction, I feel there is no mistake! "Ding Yu's words did not say, "maybe in your eyes, they are still children, and no matter how old they are, they are always a child, but from another point of view, do you really need to wait for them to grow up and then educate them? I don't think so!"

What about this? To a certain extent, it also refutes Wang Changlin. How do you care about children? Is it your business? I don't interfere, but again, how can I educate children? This is also my problem. I don't want you to interfere too much!

A few words also made Wang Changlin quite speechless. When was the eldest son so eloquent? Is it because of two children? There are some different feelings! Another point is when dealing with other complicated situations? You can always find and solve problems calmly!

But in the face of the eldest son, why do you feel calm? What is the reason for this? Maybe it's because I care too much!

But really, what if we talk about it? Are grandsons and granddaughters not their own? Someone else's? All the children in the family! But what about this kind of love? To a certain extent, it also touches the bottom line of Ding Yu's eldest son! That's why he made such a choice! It's really hard for honest and upright officials to stop housework!

Although said to fly directly tomorrow, but at night, Ding Yu did not immediately go to rest, there are quite a lot of work to deal with! So after parting with his parents, Ding Yu also went into his study! Wang Changlin and Su Yuan look at the elder son's appearance, are also looking at each other with a sigh.

"You said that the two children were born of his son and daughter. Why were they thrown down from the cliff like lions on the African grassland? Why is he able to do this? "

Su Yuan's eyes are a little red and swollen. When she knew that the two children were sent away, her mood was uncontrollable and her feelings were a little bit excited! According to the truth, it should not be like this! But I don't know why! So now I have to ask my husband for help!

Oh! Wang Changlin also sighed, then slightly shook his head, "you this! Care is chaos! I know what you mean. Two kids came home. What about you as a grandmother? Sure, but what about the eldest son? But to look at the problem from a higher perspective, not to say what you think, but to the way things are handled by two children? There are quite a few opinions

"Isn't this still a problem with me?"

"Say so! Even if Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are here, our eldest son will adopt the same education method, and I am sure, what about Zhao Shuying? If you know this, you will never protect the two children, but give them a good meal and send them back! "

"It's not her grandson or granddaughter. Of course, she doesn't care!"

"That's not true!" Wang Changlin also made a sound correction, "if you let the eldest son hear it, I'm afraid there will be some ideas in his heart. Although there is no blood relationship, their emotional relationship is really good, and even makes people envious. But in terms of children's education, they are rarely able to keep consistent! What about this? It's really not easy! "

"I didn't see what it was like!"

"The eldest son won't say that, but look at Ding Ding Ding! It seems that I have been in Beijing for many years! Although I am not so concerned about this matter, but how much still know some news, it is not easy! No matter whether it is internal or external, things are handled properly, which can reflect a lot of problems! What's more, even if it's Ding Ding Ding's two children, Zhao Shuying doesn't mean to start with his hands. There's no time for ambiguity! "

After drinking a sip of water, Wang Changlin also continued, "look at our Xiaogang in turn? That's also our grandson. When did he get slapped? Where's our eldest son? Well said, love is a thing, whose children, who like, but education? Can't relax absolutely! This is another thing! "

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan talked for a long time. Later, Su Yuan was worried that his husband's work would be affected, so he ended their conversation! But when I got up the next morning, I found out where my eldest son was? It's all packed up!

"So soon? I'll go and get breakfast ready Although yesterday's things make me very dissatisfied, but after all, I am a mother, with my son so angry? It seems that some of them are not worth it!

"I have already eaten it! You eat with my father! I'm in a hurry! " While talking, Ding Yu also looked at his watch, "I'm going first! You and my father should pay more attention to your health! "

Su Yuan's canthus of eye beat twice, look at the time, it is still very early now, but he also knows, where is the eldest son? It won't be to avoid yourself, so I choose to leave at such an early time. It should be something else.He tidied up his clothes for his eldest son, and then sighed, "how about going out? Pay more attention to take care of yourself, don't be too arrogant

Looking at the eldest son getting on the bus, Su Yuan didn't move for a long time. Although other people were still in the courtyard, the eldest son was not there, and the grandson and granddaughter were not. It felt empty in Suyuan! There is really not much interest!

When Ding Yu arrived at the airport, the goods had already started to be transported, and he did not see his third uncle. But Ding Yu still got the message that the things had been carried onto the plane. As for Zong Taiping, were the four of them? It's already ready to go! But it's not more than three days, so what about the injuries on them? It's not quite all right yet!

But Ding Yu didn't mean to pay too much attention to them. He made a simple clean-up and let them get on the plane. When they were ready, they took off! The whole process seems as simple as drinking cold water!

When he was on the plane, Ding Yu didn't mean to talk to Zong Taiping. He didn't have so much free time. If he went to the United States, he had to face many things. This is absolutely not a fool to deal with the past. He needs to be prepared for it!

What about the four of Zong Taiping? They didn't mean to be idle at this time. When they came back home, although they said they were all decorated with color, they would not say their performance on the battlefield. Anyway, the final victory belongs to them. At that time, they would only show their bravest side.

There is no doubt that scenery is real scenery, but what about the scenery? We all know what we paid. What can't be ignored? It is director Ding Yuding's care for them. If there is no director Ding, how many of them are there! I'm afraid it has been thrown on the battlefield for a long time!

What's more? The senior brothers of the first echelon also called. After all, they are the same teacher. They are very envious of their four situations. But at the same time? It's also a small warning. Is there such a chance? Not easy!

The director is not a person who likes to talk about feelings too much. The more he is like this, the less he can ignore himself. He has to work harder to avoid falling behind. If there is a situation of falling behind, the director may send them out at any time!

What about Zong Taiping? Naturally, I understand why the senior brother of the first echelon called me. At the same time, I have communicated with the elders in my family. I also understand why the director is more attentive to them.

There is a question to be said in this: what about them? On the one hand? Is not to find a good direction of their own efforts, on the other hand? It may be a shame to say so, but what about their qualifications? Still a lot less than that!

What about Ding Yu? I think they still have a certain potential to dig, but we need to let them all keep up the heart. The congenital advantage is very important, but the effort after tomorrow is more important!

So after getting on the plane, Ding Yu didn't need to make any more arrangements. What about themselves? We have already begun to work hard on this aspect of the inspector! Relatively speaking? It's really a very good direction. For Zong Taiping, the influence of family environment makes them handy. But the problem is how to deal with it, which requires considerable experience and test!

This is Ding Yu's all the time? They are very attentive. Maybe they haven't tasted it too deeply, but they still have a good start. But similarly, Ding Yu won't keep them around for too long, mainly because he doesn't have so much time. What's more? They also need through their own practice, to slowly adapt!

Always according to the book, can only be high vision, low hand, finally high not low! This is not good. As for whether Zong Taiping can make a breakthrough in the end, Ding Yu really didn't think about it. Anyway, he has done his duty, so it's OK! isn't it? Are you really a nanny?

As for the United States? Is it urgent for Ding Yu to return? There are Ouyang Ying and Guo Li. Guo Li has been identified as Ding Yu's student. This is the first student that Ding Yu received. It is hard to say whether there are other students. But what about Guo Li? He has become Ding Yu's first disciple and the elder martial brother of everyone in the future!

But although the identity has been confirmed, what about Guo Li? It's still a careless look in the past. After seeing it, I really want to give him two punches to let him know why the flowers are so red!

What about Ouyang Ying? All of them look in their eyes, but they are unwilling to do so. What about Guo Li's ability to become a disciple of Ding Yu? Although he said that he would stay in the United States, but the identity of the matter, it seems that there is no news! For Ouyang Ying, such a situation is more or less intolerable.

Shen Mingzheng has won the teacher's favor. What about Guo Li? Become the teacher's first disciple, what about yourself? Although said to stay in the United States, but is this enough?

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