Where is Ding Yu back? There are really a lot of things with me. The United States does not know whether it is intentional or unintentional. It is all a small inspection! But it is just a check, there is really no other action! After all, Ding Yu has a special immunity. He worries about a little inspection, for fear that Ding Yu will find out and turn over his face.

After all, not everyone is similar to the British side, and they will start directly. In the end, there is no way to end it! Even Ding Yu still remembers his grudge. What about such a thing? There's no need to repeat it on yourself! There won't be any good results!

As for what has been detected? The United States has no meaning to say, nor does it mean to ask, but what about some people? I've already gone with the video data! How to deal with the next thing, this is another thing! Just have a look first!

"Guo Li, come to me later!" When Ding Yu got on the bus, he also called Guo Li. He didn't mention what it was. He asked him to come over. There was no one else. Guo Li was alone. After all, what is Guo Li's identity now? Is already own student!

Ding Yu didn't go back to the apartment directly, but came to the research center. The reason why he came to the research center directly after getting off the plane is quite meaningful! In other words, Ding Yu wants to inform old Peyton, but Ding Yu really doesn't want to call old Peyton directly. At the same time? I'm really not sure what's going on with Peyton!

After two rounds of shopping, Ding Yu quickly left and went back to his apartment. When he arrived at the door of the apartment, Ding Yu also saw Guo Li, who had been standing there for a long time. After all, Ding Yu also went to the research center, so he lost some time!

When Ding Yu enters the apartment, he also makes a careful inspection. Guo Li does not have any complaints about this, and even some of them are used to it! Although some troubles!

"Is everyone in a stable mood after coming back?" When he received the coffee, Ding Yu also handed it to Guo Li, and then went to have a small wash. His personal habits were a problem!

"Teacher, everyone's mood is still relatively high, but now I have become a villain boss, do you look at me in the eyes? Want to hit me to the ground, and then step on two feet! At least this is a goal of everyone! I personally do not have too many feelings, now has become a teacher, your students, I can not give you disgrace it! It's old-fashioned to study hard and make progress every day, but it's practical! "

Yeah! Although it's flattery, it's more comfortable to listen to, "come with me!"

Guo Li put the coffee on the table, cleaned up his clothes, and then walked into Ding Yu's study. After coming in, he saw the arrangement inside, and subconsciously called me! When I realize that, my voice has already been exported, and I can't stop it!

The room is a little bit big, and the cleaning up inside is still neat. But after a careful look at the layout of the study, in addition to books or books, from the sense of hierarchy, it is quite disordered, but some books and materials on the table and on the ground are slightly disordered.

"Sit down!" Ding Yu took the lead in sitting on the ground. Guo Li looked up and down. Then he sat on the opposite side of Ding Yu. Since the teacher didn't mean to be polite, what about himself? Don't need too much courtesy! Anyway, it's my teacher! I'll forgive him!

"What happened after you came back? I have some understanding, I feel more or less satisfied, can control their own temperament, this can be said to be very difficult! What about people after they have money? Will sprout out a lot of opinions and ideas, buy a car, buy a house, buy land and so on! What about these? It's all human desire, and it's human nature at the same time! "

"Teacher, hehe, let's just say that when you lie on the bed at night, you can't think about it at all, 500 million dollars! If it is converted into RMB, Forbes may not be ranked on the top, but there should be no problem with Hurun? After not every day, as for other? That's definitely a call to come and go! Thinking of the time, my saliva has been left! It's true! It's not deceiving at all

"Is it because there is too little money in hand? So it wasn't implemented? " Ding Yu showed a little interested expression, "if you don't mind, tell me! I really want to know what you think? "

"Teacher, I went to check the balance. After seeing the numbers in it, I really felt that one card was stuck in my hand, and I had it in the world! Even if it is the money in the card, it is enough for me to make a fool of myself all my life! But what about me? I've seen a lot of news, especially in NBA. Boys? I have some affection in this respect. What about the money in my card? Is it really enough to consume? "

"There's something wrong with what you said, but I know what you mean! What about the stars? Suddenly get a huge amount of money, there will be uncontrolled situation, whether to prove themselves, or to show themselves, in short, there will be a mess! I didn't expect that you could think of so much! ""Fallen too fast, and many people? Also did not stand up again! The problem is worth thinking about. I don't want to be a slave to money. What's more, if I think about it carefully, does the money really belong to me? Teacher, I don't mean anything else in this respect, that is

"A lot of ideas, I understand it very well!" Ding Yu also comforted Guo Li, "what about me? I don't really dare to guarantee other aspects, but I still have a good reputation for what I said. The 500 million US dollars is 500 million US dollars. Of course, after listening to your thoughts? I'm willing to tell you something good or bad! "

Yeah? Guo Li looked up at his teacher, then scratched his head, "teacher, what about money? I didn't tell others. As for those gifts, I also said that they belonged to the teacher. We students didn't doubt it? Family conditions are good, but no one can afford to buy so many valuable gifts

"What about Zong Taiping when they go back? It's true that I've got a lot of praise. I personally talked to the No. 1 and No. 2 leaders about this issue, and I also put forward considerable expectations for you! "

"Really?" Guo Li also jumped to his feet, but looking at the teacher who was still sitting there, he sat down again, and showed a very embarrassed look, "sorry, teacher, I'm a little too excited! Our family is a small family. In the past, even a mayor didn't see it with his own eyes, let alone others? "

"It doesn't matter. What about the things you get from the British Museum? The family is very happy, relatively speaking? We really don't have any opinions about your money. When you stand on the top of the selection point, you have made quite a choice, which is praiseworthy! "

"Teacher, if not for your courage and advice, I am afraid I would have been paralyzed! I've been a slave for a long time In front of his teacher, Guo Li didn't feel embarrassed to say that he should be what he should look like. He didn't need to sing any so-called high-profile, because all the reality is like this!

"After returning home? What about chief one and chief two? Maybe I'll see you! "

"See me?" Guo Li pointed to his nose, "why see me! I'm just a snot

"What about this? Two statements. What about the first one? After all, you are one of the parties involved in this matter. Although you have obtained considerable benefits, it has been done very well. How about meeting you? It is also to add an insurance on you. What about the second statement? You're my student. So far? You're still my only student! "

"Teacher, your identity must not be simple!"

Ding Yu leaned back on his body, "do you know now? Is it really too late for me to be hungry? What about Ouyang Ying? May know some, but will not know too much detail! You know too much? It's really not good! Are you sure you want to know? "

"Teacher, are you a secret agent of the state? No, if you are a secret agent, you should not be like this. Teacher, you must be the second generation of red! Yes, it must be! It's not right. If it's the red second generation, it's impossible to be indifferent to such a large sum of money... "

Hearing Guo Li say so, Ding Yu really has such a feeling of crying and laughing, "what about your imagination? Maybe some of them are too rich! Where do I start? I really don't rely on my family, but my identity is really complicated. I used to be a soldier

"Secret agent?"

"It's not so mysterious. When I was in high school? Preparing for college entrance examination, the fourth military doctor, what was my father's expectation and academic record at that time? It's not a problem, but it's Yin. What's the solution? At that time, the small county could not take part in the college entrance examination? What about the power of others? Overwhelming, even if it's rereading? There is no way, so I choose to be a soldier! But later, I retired, a little hazy feelings, but I was disgusted by others, so I directly dealt with a retirement, because my situation at that time was not suitable to stay in the army! "

"I'll go! Teacher, your experience is really so legendary?! But also, teacher, you are so pregnant. Although you say you are married and have children, I think if you like, there will be many girls willing to fly moths to the fire! "

"I don't have much interest in it! What's more, my woman? There are really quite a few! " Ding Yu thought that Guo Li was very interesting, so he also revealed quite a lot to him, not to mention these? For a small range, it is no longer a topic. We all know the problems and conditions.

"That's natural, teacher. You're brilliant."

"There are a lot of people willing to take pictures of this horse, but you don't have to?" Ding Yu is also a positive warning, Guo Li said, "not to mention you now? It's my student. I really don't want to see you in a state of floating! ""Teacher, you can feel from your words that you are very familiar with the first and second leaders! I don't know why. I feel like this! " Guo Li also showed a puzzled expression, "I know the teacher, you are for my good, just let me have such a chance, but I still some don't understand!"

"And my father? It's my adoptive father. Later I met my biological father. Although he knows the relationship in the family, what about my adoptive father? I never told him the relevant information, because I don't want him to be hit by feelings. If it wasn't for my adoptive father, I would not just be lost in the public. I'm afraid my life would have been whimpering now! "

"Teacher, I didn't want to hook up your memory! But my grandfather and grandmother are really good. We still want to drink mutton soup now! Beautiful

"And my father? Wang Changlin, if you don't care about it, you may not be familiar with the name, but what about my grandfather? Wang Pu, what about my grandfather? Subochen

Ah? This time, Guo Li's mouth opened as much as possible, and even couldn't be closed at all. Wang Pu's name may be worse, but Su bochen's name is not as simple as thunder!

"It's a surprise, isn't it?" Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "in fact, after I know this situation, I will put all the domestic business? I really don't want people to gossip about this. I can say that, what about my business? It has nothing to do with my family. On the contrary, it's because of the family. I didn't talk about it. Now I think of it, it's really not cost-effective! "

"Teacher, you are really the second generation of red! My God

"I didn't really get any benefits from the identity of the red second generation, but it was because of the identity of the red second generation? A lot of things have been extorted. What about 49 cities? In fact, many people are not willing to hang the status of the second generation of red on their own bodies. What about this identity? It's obviously derogatory! "

After thinking about it, Guo Li also nodded, "it's true. We have a lot of opinions about it. What about the admiration? With a bit of hatred, hate that they do not have such identity, but envy this identity, because in everyone's opinion, after having such an identity? You can do whatever you want

"Is there anyone like that? Yes, and quite a few, but what about a large part of them? Or do they perform very well, just like Zong Taiping, who have the heart to work hard and are willing to pay, and are better than Zong Taiping? There are still a lot of it! You'll get in touch with it later

"Me? Teacher, I don't seem to have any qualifications! "

"No, you already have. I have told you so many things today that I need to let you know. What about you? Is it my student, but also my first student, in the future we will draw on you? It must be more excessive than the British side, and the means will be more ingenious! "

"Teacher, why do you have to do this? I didn't affect you what?! Why do you have to push me to this position? I feel that I can't bear it! I'm just a hundred pounds. Even if my whole body's meat is gold, it doesn't seem to be so valuable, do you think? "

"You didn't affect anything, but the question is that you became my student? This identity makes everyone envy and envy, this is the original sin

"If you had known that, you would have come! Teacher, I don't seem to be suitable for you

"Ouyang! She has so many small smart, but what about these so-called smart? It's killing her! And even now, she still doesn't realize the problem in this respect. It's not as pragmatic as Shen Mingzheng, the same? Not as open-minded as you are, she! It's really a problem! "

"Teacher, she is my classmate after all. I think we should help her as much as possible! Maybe it's too young. We are all from the school, and we are not so mature in all aspects! "

"What? Is she interested in you, or are you more interested in her? "

"Teacher, I can't make fun of this joke. What about me? It's just fun for everyone. What about her? But the school goddess, each other is not on the same plane, and I don't want to find a girlfriend in the system, more trouble! I don't want to be the common language in the hospital when I go home! "

"There are really many ideas!" Ding Yu shook his head. "What about your personal feelings? I really don't mean to interfere too much, but what about the people who think now? Absolutely not too little! Young and rich! What about this itself? Is a kind of advantage, such fragrant cake, everybody is very expect! "

"Teacher, is that really good? Although I often daydream, but think about it carefully? It doesn't seem to do any harm to be plain. I don't want to get married? They are all utilitarian! In that case, it will be a little bit sad! "

"How do you say that? There are good and bad! What about the problem anyway? I don't interfere. You can think about it by yourself. What's more, I'm just your teacher, not your parents. What's the matter? You should consult your parents! ""I haven't told them these things yet, and for a moment and a half? I don't want to tell them too much. When they have time to go back, tell them to become your students. I think this is enough for them! It's a beautiful thing

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