Ding Yu communicated with his first disciple. This kind of communication was equal. Ding Yu transmitted a lot of information to Guo Li, which made him have considerable judgment in his heart, but was it effective? Who knows?

"Teacher, I venture to ask, do you feel happy in this position?"

"Happy?" Ding Yu blinked his eyes, "what about this word for me? It is true that there are so some novelty, but I sometimes feel very happy, of course, after happiness? Do something for the country, this is what I should do, so I feel very satisfied! "

"Teacher, where should I stand?"

"The understanding is not so thorough!" Ding Yu sighed a little, "I take you to be my disciple? Is there utilitarian? This problem is really not a good one. It depends on your specific performance and what kind of road you are willing to take. I really have no right to interfere in this issue, and I can't interfere in the same way! "

"Teacher, is it really good to be so straightforward?" Guo Li also mumbled, but then he also laughed, "teacher, I still think to be a doctor? Is the best choice! Anything else? I really don't care so much, and I don't have the ability! I'm not going to be ambitious

"What about ability? Cultivate slowly! How about being a doctor? In fact, it is very hard, but also very tired Then he pointed to the whole room with the bracelet, "what's in here? A large part of them are medical books. I have read them all and made notes! What about behind the brilliance? It's hard work

Looking at Guo Li's appearance, Ding Yu also indicated, "you can have a look. I really don't have much need to cheat people. What about in China? I have such a study. I also have such a study in England, but what about the British side? Most of the things have been taken back! There are my first memories. When I started to work hard, I was in England! "

Guo Li didn't believe it, so he stood up and went to the bookshelf. Then he picked it up. Basically, when he opened the book, he found that there were obvious signs and notes on it, and of course, there were notes! More or less!

After consulting for about ten minutes, Guo Li returned to his position again, "teacher, have you read all these books? Is there a little bit more? "

"It's just to keep the essence, not every book? All need to study carefully, at least I am not willing to take such a way, some books? There are too many crap in it, just find out the essence. When you read more books, you will find the fun in them

"Teacher, you put so much pressure on me! I feel that some of them can't afford it

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear it!" Ding Yu snorted, "what about it? You can enter the study, it is really a little lucky, maybe I see you more comfortable, but today's opportunity? It doesn't mean that you have the same treatment in the future. It's not so easy to get my approval! "

Ding Yu's words obviously let Guo Li feel something, "teacher, don't you, I haven't felt the breath in it yet. Let me continue to stay for a period of time, and always feel the atmosphere, so that I can better take care of your ideas and opinions from the teacher!"

Although he said so, Ding Yu didn't let Guo Li stay in his study for too long. "Tomorrow, I'll go and have a check. What about Shen Mingzheng? Put it back. Ouyang Ying, since they want to stay in the United States, let them stay! "

After coming out of the study, Guo Li's face was a little puffed, and obviously some were not very satisfied. The teacher didn't say that he would keep two books as a souvenir. It's really too much of a pity! Although he has the cheek to ask, but did not think of his teacher, did not give this face.

With the teacher's words, eat other people's mouth things, this is how a thing? And it's too disgusting! If you want to remember deeply, then you need to do it yourself. In this way, you will be impressed deeply and deepen your memory at the same time! Oh! This teacher! I really don't care about students at all!

"I just came back from home! I won't keep you! Go back and have a rest Ding Yu started to drive people out directly! Guo Li didn't mean to let Guo Li stay for a rest. Guo Li also showed his teeth slightly. Fortunately, the distance was not so far away. Ding Yu didn't mean to send him a car to take him back. Just take a taxi!

What about Guo Li? It was also the first time to see the four of Zong Taiping, "I'll go, brother Ping, what's wrong with you? How many days have you missed? Why is it like this? "

Zong Taiping four people look at Guo Li, from the expression on his face can see, there are so some small depression, it is obvious that there is a director there? It's not particularly good! I just patted him on the shoulder. What about some words? I don't need to make it clear, let alone the people here? A little bit more! Have time to communicate again!And ouyangying and others also first around Guo Li, "little Lizi, hurry to explain, teacher Ding to you is what? Become the big disciple of the mountain, and indeed, this identity is different. Now you can see teacher Ding alone! If you don't pour beans in bamboo tubes today, you know the consequences! "

"You're going to let me go! Give me a good batch after the teacher goes! " Guo Li also did not mean to say, "what is the teacher's temper you don't know yet? We are not so satisfied with our performance these days. And the teacher said that tomorrow, we should start the assessment, and the return to the home should be left? Stay! Of course, what should we eliminate? I need to be eliminated, don't say I didn't give you any information. I have already died! "

Wow? The crowd also cried sadly, and then they were all running. It was Shen Mingzheng and ouyangying who left behind. The two people's direction has been basically determined, and there will be no change!

What's more important is that two people are for themselves? With a lot of confidence! But the four people who were not far away looked at the situation, and they looked at each other, "Ouyang's girl still has some caution, but there are some too Pediatrics!"

"Come on! Where did she go through? Can't the director see through that? But it is because I see this clearly, so the director will leave her here in the United States! But what about it? If she and shenmingzheng compete with each other, I would like to look more on Shen Mingzheng! "

"Just medical!" Jingguang looked at three people not far away, but also shook his head. "If it is other aspects, I think Ouyang will throw out their several streets, but Guo Li? It's always a big deal. What's the matter? Not to say that nothing is on the heart, but has its own belly, as for Shen Mingzheng? Maybe because of family, so the character is too introverted! "

"Guo Li has had different situations! If it was me, I didn't have such courage! " Zong Ping is now able to examine himself, there is no envy, some just a little unwilling, and this kind of the unwilling? Also in the trend of their efforts to advance! At the same time, it is also the driving force of the continuous forward!

"For any of us? It's impossible to do it! Even if the first tier of the people come, I don't think they will do better than Guo Li! So? In the reckless, the generation of the tiger is, we! It's just because of a good birth. This may be our only advantage! "

"Yes! This may be the only advantage! "

People also have a considerable feeling about this, not everyone has the opportunity to follow the director, the first tier including the second tier, why can they follow the director? It is mainly because of the family origin relationship, this is no matter who can not deny it! Even at the end? The director passively took it!

And Guo Li and they? What about students who want to be directors? What about the test? It's really like the sky, and so far? Only Guo Li alone! Maybe Shen Mingzheng and Ouyang have such opportunities, but what about such opportunities? It will never be as big as they could imagine, they are not lucky as Guo Li!

Strength is very important, but what about luck? It is also necessary, and Ouyang and Shen Mingzheng? Obviously, it is not as good as Guo Li at this point! Even many people have so many inferior to Guo Li!

So when you look at Guo Li, there are so many envy, but also really want to give him two laps on his face, and turn him into a panda! Otherwise, it is really hard to send out the anger in your heart.

"Little plum, are you staying in the United States? Or back home? " Ouyang also inadvertently asked a sentence.

"It's not clear that the teacher has not made the final decision, may return to China or stay with you, but whether it is to return or stay here, there is nothing to do. No matter where I am, I can eat and drink enough. This is enough. I will not be bothered by it!"

Looking at the three noisy people, zongtaiping also showed some envy, but soon the four people also sorted out their own spirit, after all, they are not so free, and there are many things waiting for them!

The next morning, zongtaiping four of them got up very early. Time difference for them did not have any problems, at least they would not appear what so-called hypocrisy! And Guo Li and they? It seems that they are earlier, exercise their body, and then take advantage of time to hold up books! It's really not indulgent! No one wants to have any problems in the so-called assessment!

"Today's exam really didn't put it in your heart!" When sitting on the car, zongtaiping touched Guo Li with his hand. "As far as I know, the director is always very strict. Who should be put on his gun mouth, then? I'm afraid there will be no good days! We all have a deep understanding of this! "

Guo Li twists his mouth, "will not kill us?" Obviously Guo Li really didn't take a thing? Or his mentality? It's not really good!What about Zong Taiping after hearing this? "It's really hard to say. What about your words? Let me remember when I just met the director, the director with a gun handle some troublemakers? Directly to jump, at that time, we were scared to pee pants! It's real peeing

"Can't you?"

"Although it was to frighten us, what was the time? Few people are not afraid of it Zong Taiping now thinks of the situation at that time, but also feels a little chilly, "just how many of us? Today is also free, so deliberately follow the past to see, just want to know what kind of situation it will be! "

"Look at the foreign scene? Isn't it? " Guo Li's eyes were bright, but then he looked at Zong Taiping with bad intentions, "brother Ping, is this really good? If the teacher knew, he wouldn't give you a good look, would he? "

"You are bad enough Zong Taiping was very clear about what attention Guo Li was playing. "Let's shift our attention. Don't think about this matter. The director won't even be able to see it! So try your best! "

After saying this, Zong Taiping looked at Guo Li and lowered his voice, "if you can, you'd better stay in the United States for a period of time. What about you? It's really not the general interest, but what about the domestic situation? After all, it's different from here. It doesn't mean that you can be prepared if you want to be prepared! "

"I am just a student! It's not so exciting to start a school like this Guo Li is obviously aware of a considerable problem, last night, the teacher talked to himself about a lot of problems, he really did not have a complete joke, and now? Zong Taiping said so much to themselves.

"Has it anything to do with money? There should be a certain relationship, but it is not the most important one. It is mainly the establishment of your identity, after the director appears at the front desk? There is really no student who can become a director. There are many outstanding students before, but even if they are not, you are the first one! "

"I'm just a student of doctors! Is there any other big deal? "

"That's just what you think, and it doesn't mean everyone? That's the view! " Zong Taiping said earnestly, "what about the capital? Although there are not many people who know this matter, but also many, now each family is ready to move, you are really sweet cake! You don't even need to have a lot of future, just have your identity

"So important is identity?"

"Of course it matters? You're kidding! Have you heard of Cao Cao? "

"Take the son of heaven to make princes? I have become such a thing? "

"Of course not!" Zong Taiping was also upright, "but what's your identity? Some of them are so special that everyone wants to pinch you in their hands. After all, what about the director's brother and sister? They are all married, and the children in the family are too young. What about us? The identity is not so suitable, now suddenly a you come out, it can be said that all people's eyes are focused on your body! "

"I don't want to be such a sweet cake!"

"Do you want to? You are now! " Zong Taiping said ominously, "in different positions? There must be different considerations. No matter who we are, it does not mean that we really have a choice when we are in such a position. It is just like our marriage. In fact, we do not have many choices! "

"Can't you?" Guo Li didn't believe some of them!

"It's not just us, even the director. What about the director? We already have children. What do we know? Up to now, the position director has not been married, of course, it has a considerable relationship with that person's identity, but this should not be the most important, so you! We should also be well prepared! "

"Isn't it? I have seen the two children of the teacher. They are very lovely younger martial brothers and younger martial sisters. They are excellent! "

Yeah? "Have you seen it?" Zong Taiping also looked suspiciously, "but as far as we know, you seem to have never been to a quadrangle. Where are your two children? Basically, I don't show my face in front of people! "

"When my father came to Beijing, he happened to meet a teacher who took his younger brother and younger sister out to play, so we had a meal together! I saw it at that time. I had a good talk about it. I saw it at that time! "

Zong Taiping looked at Guo Li, and then he stretched out his thumb, "if you said you didn't mean to, your luck is really invincible! But do you want to come? It can't be intentional. If you do, I'm afraid you'll have been taken away by others! What about luck like that? It's really something that other people don't admire. But when do you buy lottery tickets next time, let us know? Let's touch the light too

"I sold it twice, but I never won it. I didn't even get five dollars!"

"You! I even have some doubts, or I won't get any money. But if I want to do it, I will be astonishing. But what about envy? But what about this? The more things are hidden, I think the director should have explained to you last night. How about brothers? That is to say, a little supplement has been made! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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