Why did the director call Guo Li alone? The things inside were peaceful. They could hardly understand it. If Guo Li returned to China now, there would be many problems in it! And it's going to be incredibly complicated!

And what about Guo Li? Students who have become directors are intuitively important, whether they are in the first echelon? He was the first student of the director, and he was also the student who was taken over by the director on his own initiative!

No denying it? Guo Li has done a lot of credit, but this is definitely not the main reason for the director to accept him as a student. He is still quite optimistic about Guo Li's qualifications. This is the key! Since the director is optimistic, then we do not need to hide and tuck in, as much as possible to help Guo Li!

What about human relations? It is so slow to get along, today helped Guo Li, maybe tomorrow they will need Guo Li's help, anyway, it is the director's door, there is no faction so said!

"There are so many troubles!" Guo Li scratched his head and then leaned his head against the seat of the car. But what about the whole person? Although there are some small fidgety, but did not seem to have how depressed, this psychological bearing capacity is relatively strong, not everyone can handle things at this age without surprise!

Not everyone is like the director. What about his age? Join the mysterious army, although the information is still unsealed, we can still know some news, from which army can the people come out alive? Basically, the country is raising it!

Because they have made great contributions to the country, and the director? It's one of the few people who come out alive and need all eyes.

Ding Yu is sitting in his own office. What about old Peyton? I haven't called this phone all the time. I've been to the research center, but old Peyton still hasn't made this call, which can explain quite a problem!

What about the things brought back from home? My side has sealed the library, as for the reason for closing the library? It's very simple to say. What about this time? It's not appropriate to send them out, so it's better to close them in the warehouse. What if the United States really means this? They go to see it quietly!

Do you mind if you do? This is another thing! Anyway, the guards there are also quite strict. If anyone is found out, he will be embarrassed! Let's kill a pair! I will never be polite!

What about the United States? I really got the news from France. What about the things? It's already in Ding Yu's hand! And what about the information they got? Although Ding Yu said that he got the news, he seemed to be destroyed by others?! And still use the thermite, but what kind of situation is really not too many people know.

Don't worry? It is true that there are so many fake, but the United States did not expect France to do so, you know, that is the United States is one of the few cards! So to get Ding Yu's hand inside, will become a disaster is really very difficult to say!

What if it comes to Ding Yu's professional level? He should have no idea what things are for, but the question is who dares to guarantee this? Look back and blame the French! But the problem is that the previous cooperation between them was good.

However, at that time, the United States broke a considerable agreement, which also led to the French side's abnormal anger, and then what about those things? It was directly transferred to Ding Yu's hand. His side was unkind and the French side was unjust. What about the boss? Don't say the second, who is not a good thing!

What about Ding Yu going back to China? It's only three days. Why? That makes sense, and what about those things? They have been burned by thermite. What if we just look at it from this point of view? There should be no problem!

But! It needs to be said in this. However, are those things really burnt by thermite? Who can prove this, and who did it in the first place? Say it was the British side? They didn't seem to admit it! Of course, this is also because of the contradiction between each other!

So on the whole, the current situation is really extremely complicated. If it is possible, we still need to snatch things from Ding Yu's hand. But this is easy to say, but what if we really started? No one dares to make this guarantee! Don't be kidding!

Do you know when to make a plan? We have already mentioned this issue explicitly. What about the United States? But if you can't do it, don't do it. Even if Ding Yu does, try not to fight with Ding Yu, and try to put the fire of war as far as possible? Burn it outside!

Some years ago, we didn't really realize this problem, but in the past two years? It can be said that the domestic problems in the United States are becoming more and more serious and will not be moved? It's the shooting news! Of course, this matter may not have much to do with Ding Yu, but to say that there is no relationship at all, it seems not so sure!What about the so-called gun ban? The effect is not so obvious as expected, let alone the fight with Ding Yu? When it comes to the issue of interests, two schools have been formed in the United States. One is behind Ding Yu, the other is? Stand directly opposite Ding Yu!

What about the past? Although we say that because of the relationship of interests, the unrest is more serious, but the relationship between each other is more serious because of the government. But now? The relationship between each other has appeared serious opposition, even no less than the previous civil war!

What about some people? We have realized this problem, but recognizing this problem does not mean that we can solve this problem! What about Ding Yu? Standing there, who dares to have more actions now? If something happens, how can the stall be cleaned up? So what if possible? Or try to maintain the situation in front of you!

So after Ding Yu came back, even if the United States knew that things were in Ding Yu's hands, there was no big movement. Anyway, things were placed there. What happened before? Someone has seen it! But that is to see just, really dare not have any other reaction!

What about things? Need to come step by step, can not be achieved overnight!

Ding Yu's assessment is on this side of the hospital. Ding Yu didn't sit down in person. He also invited one. Two people sat down at the bottom, but what about two people? The expression on the face is more or less serious! "What about your request, Ding? There seems to be some strictness, even on the American side? There is no such strict demand

"I don't want to come out of my hands? All mediocre

"You've always been strict with your requirements. At least I've learned a lot about it. You can also say you admire it. What about the students now? Of course it's a good thing, but what about the little guys? It won't be hit too much! I really have some doubts

"What if it's good? Nature is not afraid. What if there are problems and problems? Then you can check it out! So many people? It's really hard to say whether there is a question of making up numbers by making up the number. Now it's on this table. Everyone will show it and let everyone have a look at it. "

After that, Guo Dingyu pointed to Li! What about your eyes? All eyes on you! You don't hide, Ouyang, you're the second one, Shen Mingzheng, you follow me! "

Guo Li didn't mean to be nervous. What about Ding Yu? It is also a direct start, not only the test of knowledge above, but also the specific operation, Guo Li completed quite well, in full view of the public, there is no tension, the mentality can be said to be very good!

About an hour, because Guo Li is the first person after all, and needs other preparation, so the time is a little longer, "Ding, your student is very good! Although the technique may be so slow, but the mentality is very good, when a doctor? Hand speed is naturally important, but the adjustment of mentality is the most important. If you are a little flustered, if there is a problem, it is a big problem! "

"I've been paid in!" What about Ding Yu and Guo Li? I was satisfied, so I said, "but what's the performance now? It can only be said to be general, can not be said to be too perfect! It's going to take a lot of experience! "

"You are a typical one. You can sell it cheap! What about people with good skills? More to go! Even the medical school graduates? Can account for more than 20%, but at the same time good mentality? It's not easy to make up for two of these 20% achievements! It's really too few! As far as I know, there are still a lot of people taking sedatives now! "

"There are doctors in that country? Psychological quality must be extraordinary, not everyone can do it! " Ding Yu also had a lot of emotion about this, "don't talk about them. Even if you and I are standing on the stage, you really don't feel excited at all? After all, it's about living life! "

"Yes, on our hands? It's about living life! Maybe one knife is wrong, then heaven and man will be separated forever. If patients are handed over to us, they will trust us and become doctors? Even more dedicated than parents

"I've been a war doctor, and now I'm a regular doctor, no matter what the occasion is? Save all life Ding Yu shook his head, "but think carefully, what about under our hands? It is to save a lot of people, but the same down on the operating table? It seems like a lot of them! "

"It's really such a thing! There are many people lying on the operating table, but there are many people who don't walk down, but I don't know if they are used to it? Anyway, now there is not much feeling in this respect! Tell me a joke. Where was one of my assistants? Blood sickness, you know, what about our operation? Basically, they are major operations. When they are used, they are used to study in pots. But now? You give her a drink, it's all right! "

Ding Yu also took a breath, "it's a bit exaggerated to say so. In fact, after seeing it, it may be numb, but is it really numb? Some things? I really can't say that. After all, we are all human beings"Yes! It's all people! So! It's really not easy to find someone with a good attitude! "

Two people also looked at the stage, Ouyang's hands are very fast, the answer is also quite fluent and clear, "this girl is pretty good! Are your students so good? "

"What about her? It's a medical family! Their own conditions are very excellent, but what about the heart? It's not so calm. I'm really ready to have a look! " Ding Yu also put the information inside the handle to the position once again, "press her? It's not a bad thing! "

"I don't think so!" The doctor next to him shook his head. "You don't see her eyes. What's in this? But it's quite vigorous! Even quite ambitious

"There's something in it? Let's hear it! "

"Don't be upset with that! I don't think you are a jealous person. Why do you have to press her? I understand that you in China will hide your talents, but it seems that there are some inappropriate things like this! How about this kind of pressure on her? I don't think it's a good thing! What do you think? "

"Do you like her Ding Yu also slightly shook his head, "what about her? Medical family background, their own nature is so arrogant, do doctors? It's my requirement to have a peaceful heart, but obviously she didn't do it, which hinders her future development. Of course, there are some problems involved in it! "

"I understand that the two countries have different systems! What about China's system? I also have some understanding, but from my personal point of view, if it is convenient for her to stay in the United States? Maybe it would be better to exchange information with personnel. At least, what about the quota? I can give it! Don't take your own! "

Ding Yu rubbed his fingers twice. "Is it to occupy your quota or mine? This is not so important. I have two requirements. What about the first one? I gave her three to five years to take everything down. What about the second one? If she's successful, you'll need to make a good recommendation! "

"You see? Why not do it yourself? Forget it, I don't say it

Where's Guo Li? He did not step down, but with Ouyang to the following students to do a considerable guidance, after all, his side? There should be no too many problems, how much in the heart or quite sure, oneself is no problem, but other students do not know it?

All day, Ding Yu has been in the hospital, but even so? The assessment has not been completed!

"Don't rest at night! Go on Ding Yu looked at the rest of the people, but also said, even at night, how can it be? Is it necessary to rest at night, the hospital should be closed, even if patients come? You can turn it off? How could it be!

However, taking advantage of his leisure time, Ding Yu also said to Ouyang Ying, "how do you feel about your performance?" Ding Yu holds coffee and looks at Ouyang Ying in front of him!

"I feel like I passed the exam!" Ouyang Ying looks at Ding Yu, a little bit stubborn!

Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "what about the reality? I don't like your strong personality. Although your performance is good, what if the domestic environment is really changed? You are definitely a trouble, but also a big trouble, this has always been? I'm holding Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng, but I've been holding you down

"I think I'm not good enough."

"No, what about your performance? Not to say not good enough, the performance is still good, psychological quality? Barely pass, but what about personal thoughts and performance? A little bit more! What if we stay in the domestic environment? It will bring a lot of trouble to school and home. Can you understand what I mean? "

"Teacher, do you mean to let me stay in America?" Ouyang also asked tentatively.

"What about today's assessment with me? He's a member of the Hopkins Medical Team. What's his ambition for you? I have a little interest. I think you are a good candidate, but I need you to take down all the things that should be taken down in three to five years. Do you want to know the residents in the United States? It will take at least seven years! "

The pupil of Ouyang eye also has so a few contractions! It's obvious that this matter has touched her heart a lot!

"Mr. Ding, I have this confidence!"

"Do you have this confidence? It's another thing. I wanted to put you in the United States at the beginning? I have also considered this aspect. If you do not change the domestic environment, you will not get ahead or even get good development. But what about coming to the United States? The situation is another thing! In advance, what about your future? Do not make rigid arrangements, you choose by yourself! Because it's your right! "

"Thank you, teacher. This is the opportunity you gave me. In fact, I still hope to be your student!"

"What about the two of us? There is a considerable deviation, so I really become my student, and the future situation may be very bad, but what about me in the United States? There are some forces. What's the matter? You can go to me, or you can find Guo Li! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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