Ouyang's heart can be said to be very clear, teachers find themselves? It's not to justify what, there is no need for this aspect at all! Because if you really want to kill yourself, just say you don't agree! I have nothing to say!

But what? My own careful thinking was seen too thoroughly by the teacher! The teacher also told himself clearly, if you want to stay in China? Of course, you can stay under his door, but you have to change your mind. Even if there are teachers and families who are supported by the back, if there is a problem, it will be a disaster. No one can save himself.

What about the other way of thinking? Just stay in America! No one will be in front of himself, as long as he can give himself the ability to prove himself, of course, this is determined by two social attributes, and there is not much relationship with other awesome!

Do you want to stay at home or stay in the United States? In fact, it has been decided for a long time. The character decides the fate. This is true! What about this? Maybe we need to discuss with our family, but we still don't discuss it? In fact, it is not so important, it is more like a process!

"Teacher! Thank you Ouyang Ying bows to the end! Is really to Ding Yu expressed thanks, that is to have Ding Yu such open-minded teacher, if change to any other person? May have abandoned themselves to the side of the position, and never want to guide themselves to go the most correct way!

"Don't worry. Thank me? I've never been a willing loser! " Ding Yu's face also became indifferent, "what have you learned? Nature is a good thing, but don't forget your origin, and also can't forget your education. When do you have time? It doesn't matter whether it's for the sake of fame or for the sake of profit. It doesn't matter whether it's for the sake of fame or for the sake of profit. It doesn't matter if you come back to China and the school to pick up some younger generation. At least it doesn't matter if it's for the sake of fame or for the sake of profit! That's what I want

"Teacher, I am a Chinese!"

"I believe what you say. To be a man, you need to believe it!" Ding Yu looked at Ouyang word by word and said, "what about Guo Li? Nerve is very thick, but he is very careful, at the same time? I also have quite tolerant psychology. I choose him as the student? It's not because of how good his studies are! Because he made a lot of credit when he went to England. This is what I promised him, but what credit did he make? It has nothing to do with medicine. He has done a lot for the country

"Just him?" Ouyang Ying is also skeptical. Looking at her teacher Ding, she doesn't say she doesn't believe it, but she feels that she is so incredible. Everyone is a classmate who has been together for so many years. Although she doesn't know how much hair he has on his body, he can basically do it with a good understanding of his roots!

"And me? Taoist Origin, look at people? How many have their own experience! " Ding Yu said jokingly, "what about his future development? Different from you, at least not as pure as you think. Relatively speaking, what if it is the development of pure medicine? I really like Shen Mingzheng and you. What about Shen Mingzheng? Especially in front of you, do you know why? "

Anyway, there is still time, so Ding Yu doesn't mind communicating with Ouyang Ying. After all, her experience and experience are still too few. Ding Yu really doesn't want her to go to the dead end. It would be a pity if she did!

"Shen Mingzheng is more pragmatic!"

"Well! You're right. He's really pragmatic, and there's nothing ambitious. Do you want to know his family background? In case you don't need to deny it! Under such circumstances, it is not easy to maintain such a mentality! So relatively speaking, I am more optimistic about his development in China! "

"Teacher, are you saying the opposite? If he is so pragmatic, will he... "

"You! I'm not old, but I have a lot of experience in this area! Shen Ming has suffered a lot of temptation, even a lot? You students do not know much about it, but he can still stick to his own, it is not easy! As for domestic development? This point really does not need to have any worry! At least he won't be like you. He can hold on! And you! It's really unstable

Looking at the teacher's smile, Ouyang immediately understood. With this teacher, what else to worry about?

"What about it? I really don't want to give you out and give it to others as a student. It's totally in the open grab. But the same good opportunity is placed in front of me. Even if you can understand, I can't forgive myself. I've never been a person who likes to block other people's future! What about my younger brother and younger sister? Maybe you're going to go ahead with your goal. Set an example for them! I believe you can do it! "

The conversation between the two was not very long, and after that, Ouyang's mind was finally silent. However, when Guo Li saw Ouyang's return, he also took a peek and said, "I've been taught by the teacher! It's good to watch! "

"Well!" Ouyang also slightly, um, the voice is not very loud, mainly because there are other people nearby, do not want them to hear, "our teacher is really a good teacher, it's a pity! Let you run in the front, I worked hard! In the end, it's just a waste of time. It's not worth thinking about it! "oh This is really a strange feeling for Guo Li! I looked at ouyangying very badly. "This is not very like what you said. How do I feel a little confused? Let go of your mind? "

"Let go!" Ouyangying also has no concealment, "always feel that our teacher has prejudice against you and Shen Mingzheng, but now we find that there are biased people? It's me. What about this knot? It was finally untied! But little plum, you must not be pulled down too much by me, otherwise, you will lose face later! "

"So fast, my heart knot is all unravelled? It's not easy! "

"Don't play me? The teacher told me that you had made great contributions in England, so you were admitted as the first disciple of the mountain! " Then ouyangying also used his eyelids to see Guo Li. "I didn't really see it, so you can still make great achievements? But one thing, I can see, your boy is no longer a virgin! "

"I'll go, Ouyang, don't have to bury me like this!" Then I peeped at it. "What about the details? There is no way to tell you, there are really some dangerous, if there is a chance in the future, please tell you more! But since you already know, I will give you a gift later, which is a consolation for your mood. I am still very good! "

"Just your watch! I look good! "

Guo Li was a daze, then also secretly inside out his thumb, "powerful! What about this watch? It is really the bigger coming, which is what I like. Your vision is really different, but it is just a watch. I can still afford this small money! "

"I don't see it yet. It seems you are selling yourself? "Given up by the rich woman?"

"I said don't mention it. What can my wife do in the future if I mention it again?" Guo Li also uses his thumb to buckle two times, is to Ouyang knock head recognition mistake! "Although it is said that it has made some contribution of sesame size, what is the actual situation? Let go of your own life! What do you think otherwise? "

"No? You're going to be so brave? I didn't really see it anyway! " Ouyangying also did not believe, "by the way, I saw Ping brother's injuries, as if they were all wounds caused by gunshot. I noticed when I changed medicine. There is nothing in it!"

Oh! Guo Li also complained to see ouyangying, and then lowered his voice, "you don't know curiosity killed the cat! Such things also said, I think you really do not want to die! I don't know what to do later. I have no problem with this relationship, but if you take it, it's another thing! "

In fact, it is very clear that Guo Li can bear this connection, because he is Dingyu's big disciple of opening the door. Anyone dare to say a word, his teeth are broken off! But ouyangying is not the same. Although she said she occupies a considerable position in this small group, she is not a student of Ding Yu after all!

If the mixture is too deep, there will be only one result! That is to let oneself sink into it, without this identity to be mixed in this, what kind of result will be there then, is it still unclear? So after hearing Guo Li's serious warning, ouyangying also slightly points out, "I know!"

"Ouyang, what about this? It's not that I scare you, it's not necessary at all, and it's not about giving you what? We have been with our classmates for so many years! Just give you a wake-up, be sure to pay attention! "

Looking at Guo Li, Ouyang nodded, "OK! What about the extra words? As I did not say, but we said it, a watch, this matter I have been in mind! If you don't, you will definitely look good at it! "

The two people talk for a long time, and then they help to do the final test. What about some people? It's been divided into the United States. What about some people? And it needs to be back home, and what about those who come back home? Shen Ming is in charge of some, but what about some? It's been eliminated!

But Dingyu will not say things too directly, that will seriously eliminate the enthusiasm of these students, of course, they are not good, but the problem is that Dingyu does not have so much time, so can only fight back to their origin!

If they can wake up, maybe there are some possibilities, but if they don't wake up at all, then it is another time! Anyway, I have done what a teacher should do!

Whether it is to take them back to their hometown, to the United States or to the United Kingdom, Dingyu has always been doing his best, many things are done by Dingyu! What about them? Is really overdraft a little bit of heart and blood!

After the examination, Dingyu also let Shen Mingzheng gather all the people who returned home! "From time? It's not too early. You even need to rest! But what about something? I need to say understand some! Some people need to go back home, and they may be thinking, are they going to be abandoned? "

"Teacher! We understand your pain! " Shen Mingzheng also looks at Dingyu with firm eyes!"Do you understand? Doesn't mean everyone understands! Everyone's thoughts are different. After all, their positions are not the same, so the thoughts in this heart are naturally different! " Ding Yu also comforted everyone with his hand, "relatively speaking, I took you out for quite a long time, and you all have their own experience in your heart! Also see some development of this industry in the future! Don't you have any other ideas? "

Point to the next student, let him express it!

"Mr. Ding, after such a long period of time, I don't feel much about other things, but the only thing that makes me feel a little bit regretful is that when I was in school, I wasted quite a long time and boasted that I was smart, so I didn't care about the knowledge at all. But when I really stood up, I knew that I was completely deceiving myself! ..。”

It took a little bit of a long time to say something. Even when I said it, the whole person was full of tears!

"What about this awakening? It's good to take you out! But I really don't want you to warm up for three minutes. What about when you go back? No two days to forget! Because the environment is different! What about supervision? It won't be as severe as it is now, so you naturally do? They will relax! "

"Don't believe it. It's normal. What about me? It's not to say that there are many people who want to make progress, but whether it will be you or not is hard to say! What about the problem? It's not about the gap in terms of conditions, but whether you have the courage to continue to work hard. This is the most important thing! "

With these students said a little, Ding Yu is to pull Shen Mingzheng to the side of the position, "after going back? Look at these people! What about the extra? What about this? I won't say more! If you feel that my teacher is OK, I'll tell you a few digressions! "

"Teacher, I will listen attentively!" Shen Mingzheng is also looking at Ding Yu eagerly! Under the heart also has so some small excitement! Besides Guo Li and Ouyang, there are no other students among them!

"What about your family? Can be said to be quite general! What about the so-called basic line? Can't reach it! So after you enter the school, there is no problem with your homework, but in other aspects? I am very cautious, and even have some mood, which adds great pressure to myself out of thin air

"Teacher! ..。”

"What about Guo Li? He is an optimist and has a lot to do with his family. How about you? Those who belong to the practical school have the same relationship with their families. What about their studies? I'm not really worried, but what about life? I'm really worried. I'm afraid you can't stand your own heart! "

"Teacher, I am just a student. I will be a doctor in the future."

"Don't be so belittled. I really want to experience you, but it's definitely not the experience of life. Because you are different from Guo Li, you can't afford to experience the experience of life. It's very easy for you to collapse. I can't watch you fall down. It's unfair!"

"Teacher, it should not be difficult to stick to my heart. I have done it these years!"

"Did you do it because of your environment? It's too narrow, so it's not difficult for you to do this. What about the school environment? Although all these changes, but relative to the whole society, or a big gap, not to mention you can abide by the original heart, your brothers and sisters? How about the folks who helped you? What about your parents? Wait for these? Have you thought about it? "

"Teacher, I am just a poor student! I don't think so much about it? "

"How about this kind of thing? It's also very common. It's hard to avoid getting into a high position at the beginning? It's very normal for you to spread the depression in your heart! What about me? I don't mean to be in charge of these things, but what about you? After all, I've been taught under my door, and I'm more optimistic about you, so I'll tell you a little bit more! "

"Teacher, I just want to be a doctor. I don't have any other ideas?" Shen Mingzheng also told Ding Yu.

"Guo Li is different from you. What matters to him doesn't matter. If I can do it, I will do it. If I can't, everyone will understand. If I can't, I can also put it down. I can eat with chopsticks and put down the bowl to scold my mother. It doesn't matter to him, but you are different! You can't do such a thing! What about Ouyang Ying? Not quite the same, she was born in a family of Xinglin, and she has considerable insight! The two of them are not universal! "

Looking at Shen Mingzheng's appearance, Ding Yu patted his shoulder twice, "what about me? It can also be regarded as a small door and a small household. Although I live well now, I see too many things in it! Can you keep your heart? On the one hand, but at the same time? You can't forget what you do


"Yes, what about all you have? It's all your knowledge. As for the others? Only hard work and hard work can be regarded as praise, yur's? It's not worth mentioning! I hope you can remember! What about teachers? I can't see you too miserable, but I have to pay back the money I earned. I don't have so much money in my house! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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