"Teacher, after I earn money, I will pay it back!" Shen Mingzheng also told Ding Yu.

"Pay or not? I don't care so much about family property? But also many, many dare not say, how many life? It's no problem to be more precise. What about me? I really do not want you because of the outside world, there are other problems and conditions, Guo Li is a dandy, it doesn't matter! But what do I want you to do? Can take up this responsibility in the future! You have the ability and the future, so I don't want you to wither on the way! "

"I understand! Please rest assured

Because it was too late, Ding Yu didn't say anything else. The matter has come to an end. What about others? It seems that there are so many! Ding Yu really doesn't like to play riddles with his students, so that they can guess what out of thin air, there is no need for this.

What's more, they don't need to raise poisonous insects, let them live to bite, there is no need for this! Let them be at ease as soon as possible! What about the results? Not for themselves, but for themselves!

The next day, Guo Li also personally sent Shen Mingzheng. They went to the airport and looked at the things Guo Li handed to himself. Shen Mingzheng also had some doubts, "what! Why are you still sneaking around? It's not much like what you've done personally. "

"What is furtive? But there are some things that are not right! What about me? Follow the teacher here, but are you back home? Can't I mean nothing? What about me? As a senior brother, I dare not tell others, but where is the teacher? It must be a place for you. I need to talk to you well! "

"Did I hear you correctly?" Shen Mingzheng said, "am I a teacher's disciple? I'm not used to it now, but I'm not used to it?! Are you afraid of what the teacher says

"It's over. You've been completely spoiled by our teacher. You've only been with the teacher for a few days! In the past, it was very boring. Now, how can you suddenly become so smart? " Guo Li said indignantly, but see his expression to know, pure is to play joke just!

"Say it! What is it? "

"I gave it to you. You must know that I made a little fortune. I was blackmailed by Ouyang earlier. But what about you? It's always muggy. In the morning, I mentioned it to the teacher. Although the teacher didn't agree, he didn't mean to object too much! What about? Brother, I'm interesting enough

Seeing Shen Mingzheng throw things into his arms directly, Guo Li also laughed, "OK, don't think too much! You really think these things are for you. It's too beautiful to think about them. They are for our dean. You can give them to the Dean when you go back! "

Then Guo Li also took out a watch from his pocket and said, "what about the previous things? Forget it. What about this one? I snatched it from our teacher's hand and offered flowers to Buddha! " Although the words are so said, but Guo Li is really a little unwilling!

After hesitating for a moment, Guo Li also frowned on his brow! What about the two of us? I'm an old classmate. Where's my watch? Two hundred thousand dollars, it's not cheap. I'll talk to you. "

Before he finished, Shen Mingzheng directly seized the watch. He really saw this watch. He still remembered a small mark on the chain. Although it said that Guo Li's watch might be more expensive, what about that? I'm not rare.

Looking at Shen Mingzheng's action, Guo Li is also a small face pumping together, for such a thing? Obviously, there are some reluctant! I really want it! But what about Shen Mingzheng? It's not a vegetarian! Not only the watch was robbed in the past, but also directly replaced the watch at his wrist! Not so irritating! Right?

"Forget it. It's boring to be out of sight. Have a good journey!"

"I'll treat you to roast duck when you go back! Please

"Really?" Guo Li is also overjoyed, let this iron cock treat himself? It is true that the sun has come out from the West. There was no such opportunity in the past, mainly because of the conditions in their home? Not so appropriate, but now is not the same, do not need to consider so much! "I remember! A gentleman's word, a quick horse whip, and one more thing, don't forget what I asked for when I go back! There's not enough roast duck. I'll have a kebab! "

Shen Mingzheng punched Guo Li's chest hard. "I don't have to worry about this side, but what about the teacher? It's up to you! The teacher's work is too busy. What about everything? We are all looking in the eye, two days a day can be installed, but such a long time is absolutely not installed! I hope you can help the teacher share some responsibilities as soon as possible

"Go away! I still use you to worry about this! " Waving, a very impatient look, "what's more, it's so convenient now, maybe I'll go back to see you tomorrow! Don't be a girl! GoneAfter seeing Shen Mingzheng off, Guo Li also came back to report with Ding Yu, but he was immediately expelled by Ding Yu. Now he is with him? It can be said that the fart is useless, and I can't teach him anything, so it's better to follow Ouyang Ying, because I really don't have so much time!

But before leaving, Ding Yu hesitated for a while, "Guo Li! what about you? I'm not a martial arts practitioner, so what about the internal and external Kungfu? I don't know much, but what about Ouyang Ying? Xinglin family background, when you have kung fu, ask for advice! If it's useful or useless, you can at least increase your own experience! "

"Teacher, I have asked for advice earlier, but Ouyang's girl is really cruel. This guy is not my dish at all, but the problem is that she always wants me to prepare her dowry, which is a bit of a dilemma!"

Just as the two people were talking, Jin came from the outside. The expression on his face was so ugly. He took a look at Ding Yu's expression, and then said in a low voice, "Sir, madam called. The two children are ill! Do you want to send it back to the capital first? "

"Sick?" Ding Yu's brow also frowned, looking to go, but also a stare, scared Guo Li also stayed there, "what disease? I was very healthy when I left. Am I sick now? Are they made of flour? "

"I have a cold! Too much water, too much attention! "

Hum! Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it. "When the children don't have a cold and fever, let them continue their labor reform there. The children of our family are children, and the children of others are not children? Can't even eat so much bitterness? It's not labor reform during illness. No one is allowed to visit, I said

"Sir, your mother is very dissatisfied with it!" Jin is also very helpless, the things at home are really not easy to deal with!

"No matter! It's not a big deal to have a little bitter! I'll call home when I get there! " Waving his hand, he directly let Jin leave. Turning back, Ding Yu also looked at Guo Li, "I mentioned Ouyang earlier. It's your personal business. I can't control it!" Wave and let Guo Li go!

Guo Li hesitated for a moment, but also stopped his own pace, "teacher, little younger martial brother and younger martial sister? After all,.... "

" do you think this is against you? I don't have so much leisure. What about my tutor? Is there so much strictness, whether it's my children or my students, that's right? Give a reward, but make a mistake? They need to be punished. They will not change because of their different identities. If there are no rules, there will be no square? I think you should know, get out of here

Guo Li is out, but Ding Yu? Look at the time, now call home? Time seems to be really so some not suitable, two children have a fever and a cold? What happened? Ding Yu is really in such a hurry? Bullshit. What about those two? But my own child!

Until more than six o'clock in the evening, Ding Yu also made a phone call in the past, the phone was answered by a little girl, "Dad!" Although called out, but the voice still has so some glutinous glutinous! The nose has so a few not very ventilated, listen to also very let a person heartache, but Ding Yu's tone? But I didn't relax.

"You two have a cold? So careless? "

"Dad! We didn't mean to, or play too hot, and then took off clothes to play with water, so we had a cold! In fact, there is nothing too big. Don't blame your uncle and aunt. It's the two of us who made it. It has nothing to do with other people! " When talking, the little nose is also a puff!

"Well, I haven't blamed you two, but you two are pleading for others? Yes? Don't think my punishment is enough? I still feel that you have been wronged, so we have to face up to it

"Dad The little girl also said, "Dad, you are bad!" Since the positive is not good, then be coquettish!

"OK, I already know. Since I have a cold, I should pay attention to it. Although it is not comparable to the conditions in the courtyard, there is no problem in treating a disease! Have a good taste of life there

Then Ding Yu said to his son again, but the tone was a little more severe. After all, he was a son and a little man. It should be a little more severe!

After talking to the two little guys for a period of time, before the phone could be put down, Jin took another phone and walked in. Ding Yu scratched his hair too. You can see who's calling by looking at Jin's face!

"Hello, Ma! Are you up? " This tone is totally different from that of two children!

"When are you still up? I ask you about the illness of your two children, don't you?" Su Yuan was worried about his grandson and granddaughter. He heard that they were ill. He didn't have a good rest last night. In the morning, he also called his eldest son, but he didn't get through!

"I see!" What about Ding Yu's tone? It's very plain? I didn't seem to put this matter in my mind. "I called them, I also asked the security guard and the nanny. There's no problem! Take a good rest! Don't worry at home! It's not a big problem! ""Don't worry?!" Su Yuan's voice was also raised in a flash. "Xiaoyu, I said what did you think? They are still children, and they are all your children. How do you become a father, OK! You have a lot of busy things. I can understand this, but you can't let them both be out there like this! "

Dingyu did not because of her mother's voice up, how? It was very peaceful, "Mom, what about two children? It's not a kid. Maybe it's in your eyes? They are all children, but they have to experience the wind and rain after all, and besides, there are people around them to take care of them. They are my children, and I don't want to. But if they are sent back now, then all of them will not be wasted? "

If Dingyu can hit two sentences? Su Yuan may be better to suffer, but the problem is Ding Yu, the eldest son, is speaking? It seems that there is no wrong place, but it also makes Su Yuan heart have so many depression, whether he is not hot eldest son to do is wrong, but for two children? Some of them are too severe!

"Ah! I love their two children. You are father after all, and Taixi! What about her? After all, it's mother. What about something? I'm not good at saying anything! " Hard doesn't work, then come soft!

"I know!" Dingyu said an end words, and then hung up the phone. What about some things? What about parents' starting point? Maybe it's good, but I still have to do it! Not to say that you must gamble, and this is really not any relationship!

Su Yuan put down the phone, even breakfast is not used, so depressed sitting there, Wang Changlin is quite helpless, because this matter is clear, really good? But I can understand my wife, "boss! Although it's tough, do I think? He has his own thinking, and we discussed it earlier! "

"But the two children are ill!" Su Yuan said bitterly, "how old are they! Cold fever for them, is a very serious thing, and there are parents there do not know how to do things, regardless of whether they are born! "

"Ah! Don't say that! " Wang Changlin frowned. "How do you know that parents there don't care. If this is to be reached into the ears of the eldest son, what do you think about the eldest son?"

"I'm just complaining at home!" Su Yuan also clearly knows that some of the words just now are not right, but it makes me say wrong, as if there are some who can not go, "two children are ill, I have so many worries! So there's a little excitement! "

"We should be excited, but why don't the boss get excited? We didn't see. What about all the words? Think twice before you can Wang Changlin also ordered a little, but there is no deep meaning!

What about something? It's fine until it's time. It's really not necessary to say it!

Su Yuan is such a performance, but when it is zhaoshuying's turn, it is another event. What about it on the phone? He opened his voice, Dingyu had so many doubts. Whether the roof of the shed in the house would have been raised, it is very possible to have this aspect! This mother of her own is not a good stubble.

Although across the thousands of miles, even across the phone, but Dingyu also hand out his ears, mother's voice is too big, it is also obviously irritating abnormal, he really has not too many good ways!

For so many years, I know my mother's temper, or do you need to wait for her to finish her fire and then say something, mother? It's always like this, the knife mouth tofu heart! Can you not understand this son of your own?

After waiting for his mother to finish, Dingyu said with a smile, "Mom, you don't get angry, you said I am so noisy who? Can't it be that I have other kids? I care about them just as much as you care about me! "

"I can't guarantee it!" Zhao Shuying also complained.

A word almost to Ding Yu to the south wall, "Ma, at least I do not have it now! I have no questions about Taixi's feelings. What about this? There may be some over - of - the - line! But I'm also for their two good. You don't want two dandies out of your house, do you? Yes, neither Dingding nor I are! That was how you and my dad taught us that year. What about me now? It's also about educating children! From generation to generation! "

"It's better to say than sing. They are two children!" Hearing Ding Yu say this, Zhao Shuying's tone is quite soft, but still there are still so many reluctant, "I see their living environment, not so good! Education should be education, and education should be given when mistakes are made. This is not to say, but can not be in other aspects? There is something. "

"Mom, I know, I have security here, and nanny, so I and Taixi are sent to catch up! Not to say that you can't really take this time, but you need to teach them such a lesson! That's what I want to do! I think you and my dad must understand it, don't you? "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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