When she came out of the apartment, looking at Elizabeth waiting by the car, Ding Yu also slightly nodded her head, but that was the end of it. There was really no other gentleman's performance and their identity with each other? It doesn't matter! He is such an attitude, willing or unwilling, have to suffer!

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Peyton, let me call on you!" Elizabeth was very respectful!

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, but it was almost invisible! Elizabeth also has some frowns. When did she come? Old Mr. Peyton really didn't tell himself exactly what happened! Is to let oneself come to visit Ding Yu deliberately. I really don't have any preparation!.

"I see. How's his old man doing recently?" Ding Yu used a specious question!

"OK? It's just some anxiety! " Although Ding Yu used words improperly, he was not good at refuting what!

"This old fellow! It's really an old fox Until this time, Ding Yu also turned to look at Elizabeth, "I know the matter! If this matter is explained to you, it is really a good candidate! Find him out, I really want to see! "

What about Ding Yu? Elizabeth didn't quite understand some of them, but Elizabeth understood the whole meaning. Did old Peyton let herself come? It's about negotiating terms with Ding Yu, and what about Ding Yu? Seems to be willing to talk about this condition, the same is to open a condition for themselves, from the equivalent!

But what about the whole thing? Let Elizabeth a head of fog, old Peyton did not tell himself the details! And Ding Yu? It seems that they didn't tell themselves the details, which is to let them find a person. How to find this person and how to find it? There are many problems involved in it!

Looking at Elizabeth who wants to speak, Ding Yu waved his hand, "I heard about what happened in France before?"?! Although the information blockade is still strict, it should not be a big deal for you? "

"I heard that!" Such things do not need to have too much concealment. If you can't receive such a little news, then don't do it yourself. Even when you were in France at that time, you were not so far away from Ding Yu!

"Tell me about your investigation!" It is obvious that Ding Yu is deliberately testing Elizabeth!

"I heard that there are many people involved, but the main one is mercenaries. The United States has also sent a lot of people, and the British side has also mobilized a lot of people. As for the other kittens, there are two or three kittens, but I think you will not pay attention to them, Mr. Ding! Although the situation at that time was very dangerous! "

"Continue?" What about these things? It doesn't represent the real value, so Ding Yu is obviously not satisfied.

"I heard that the United States originally wanted to force Mr. Ding, but then I felt that the time had come, so they were so desperate at that time! I don't know why. Most of the time, we all know that this kind of behavior is impossible, but we will always go to the top

"This horse is interesting to shoot!" Ding Yu is also a sudden rise, "see me? It's like beating chicken blood! I don't know whether it's good or bad. I even have some doubts about how they stick to it? Such persistence? "

"The more frustrated, the more brave! In fact, we all hope to find some balance in Mr. Ding! In the so-called Chinese language, this has become a magic barrier for everyone

"That's a good word." Ding Yu also clapped his hands and praised, "I have almost called some people's magic barrier! When you open your eyes? What you see is me. When you close your eyes, you think about me. You say I'm not money. Why are you so interested in me? It's hard to think about it! "

"Because of personal charm, not everyone can understand it!"

"I'm not the most beautiful and charming person? Don't say that! " Then Ding Yu's expression also slightly turned, "what about things? I left it in the warehouse. Although there are special personnel to take care of it, many people have already seen it! In fact, when I came back to China, it was specially shown to people! "

"I've never heard of it!"

"If things are not damaged, then everything will be left behind. Even at a considerable cost, they will definitely leave things behind, but things have been seriously damaged! There's no point in staying. There's a problem with using thermite instead of other things! "

"Mr. Ding, please forgive me. In fact, I went to see little bud and cooperated with him quite a lot." Speaking of this, Elizabeth seemed to suddenly think of something, "Mr. Ding, I heard that you and little bud or comrades in arms? This is a very strange thing, but also a very curious thing

"Comrades in arms?" Ding Yu couldn't help but be stunned. Then he felt so funny, "are you my comrades in arms? What about that? But I broke his nose! It can be regarded as our comrades in armsAh? Elizabeth was also stupefied for a moment. "No wonder he always feels a little awkward when he looks at him, but he has always been taboo of Mo Shen. There are still such fastidious things in it. In the past, I didn't know that!"

"My father and I are comrades in arms! But it's been many years ago. I haven't seen the last side. It's really a pity, but it's a little friendship at last Why does Ding Yu want to explain? Can't Elizabeth really find out? It's impossible. It's a deliberate beating of Elizabeth.

"I have investigated the problems and found that there should be a lot of people who started it. It can be seen that everyone didn't want this thing to fall on Mr. Ding's hand. Even the French side at that time seemed to have some opinions about it! Although it is said that the thing has been handed over to Mr. Ding, it does not mean that the matter is over! "

"Yes! The most important tool of our country Ding Yu also snorted. Obviously, Ding Yu knew what this thing was. "In fact, I had some other ideas at that time, or what? Take it back to China. If you don't hold it in your own hands, you can at least let the United States throw a rat's paw at it! "

"But now I'm afraid it's just a pile of scrap iron!"

"Yes! Now it's just a pile of scrap iron! What's more, it's useless scrap iron, in our Chinese words? It's chicken ribs. It's tasteless to eat, but it's a pity to abandon it! So I put them on the other side of the warehouse. Anyone who is interested in this aspect will come and talk about it. If not, it will be fine! "

"There should be quite a lot of people interested in it. After all, it's the most important tool of the country. But what's in your hand, Mr. Ding? I'm afraid everyone wants to be afraid of three points! " This is also quite straightforward and clear!

There is no way to do things, although to say things? Ding Yu is still in the warehouse, but who dares to do this? At most, I'll take a look at it! If you really want to take it? It is not to say that there is no possibility in this aspect, even it is quite easy!

But what about the easy part? But there is a Ding Yu standing there! If he is really annoyed, what kind of consequences and costs will be? We are really too clear. What's more, what's more, what's more, Ding Yu has no opinions and ideas in his heart about things in France? It seems that it is also an unlikely thing!

Therefore, in a comprehensive way, we can only watch with open eyes. At the same time, we are also hanging in our hearts. If Ding Yu was not stingy that day, he took things directly to the sun, which is still a problem! After all, it is also a national treasure. If it is destroyed like this? Lots of questions!

What about Elizabeth this time? To some extent, it represents old Peyton, but on another level? It also represents other forces. Let's see if this thing can get into your own hands! If the cost is not big, or try to get their hands first, at least insurance!

But just now he talked to Ding Yu about this issue. What about Ding Yu? Obviously, there is considerable consideration. I just want to take things back at the price of scrap iron? This seems to have some unrealistic.

You know what to say? Sometimes you can't listen positively, sometimes you need to listen in reverse, just like now! If the thing has not been destroyed, Ding Yu is not very easy to deal with this thing, but the problem is that now that the thing has been destroyed, what can Ding Yu do with it? There's more room to turn around!

Ding Yu may not be a person who asks for money, but he is ruthless. What about this? I didn't experience it by myself, so I want to get things in my hand. This seems to be quite unrealistic!

He said it was the price of scrap iron, but what about the actual situation? Opening is the price of brick and stone, even the price of gold will not be put in the eyes of Ding Yu! One thing needs to be mentioned here! What about Ding Yu's Apprentice? Seduced! What kind of terms and prices did Ding Yu open?

One billion dollars! It's just Ding Yu's apprentice! You know that's a billion dollars! Not a small number? What about the money Elizabeth has been in for so many years? It may be more than a billion dollars, but do you really have that much money in your hand? Don't be kidding!

Not a hundred million dollars! This is the truth, not a polite thing! But Ding Yu grabbed the handle of the British side and bit off a piece of meat. Maybe there are some other things in it. But judging from the amount of money, there are so many things that are too bad for heaven!

Elizabeth has also seen Guo Li's situation, but she has only seen it. She has no intention of reaching out. Even other people or forces seem not to be able to reach out! MI5 has reached out. What is the price? Ding Yu kicked the gate of MI5 directly!

After robbing the British Museum, the British side lost one billion US dollars. We can't help but feel that we are so frightened. Don't make fun of this? No one can afford it!

Isn't it good to do something else with this money? You're going to spoil it like this? Even a so-called sound can not be heard, this is really so stupid! What's the good news? The British side has given you quite a warning, so there should be no other problems, right?Guo Li became Ding Yu's open door disciple, which is a kind of recognition. Even to a certain extent, Guo Li represents Ding Yu. Of course, what about Ding Yu? It's not to say that the scope has not been drawn at all. Guo Li is just a student of Ding Yu's medical science, which actually shows a lot of problems and situations.

Guo Li dealt with this matter very well. Even when Elizabeth knew about it, she was quite sighed. She was really a character. The nerve was very thick! Ordinary people encounter such a thing, even if it is able to swallow things to the mouth, I am afraid the whole person? And he sleeps trembling.

What about Guo Li? It was a good performance. This performance even played the people of MI5! Guo Li has talent is a thing, but Ding Yu can see this talent, even can adjust this talent? It's another thing! It's really evil enough.

Elizabeth has even been in close contact with Guo Li. What about her appearance? It's not outstanding at all, even quite ordinary. What about the clothes and dressing on the whole body? That's just one thing! What's the only thing you can see? It could be the watch on his wrist!

Watches are valuable, but what about Guo Li? It seems that it is just a matter of that time, and even has no intention to care at all! Not deliberately, not intentional, ah! Ding Yu's student! It's really not easy to do!

Just for the watch? You can see a little bit of duanni. What about Ding Yu's student? I'm afraid there are many similarities with Ding Yu. The nerve is not so thick that it can be taken up and put down. Of course, there is also something different from Ding Yu, that is, he is very cheerful, and Ding Yu's cold face is obviously different from that of Ding Yu.

"Mr. Ding, it's hard to make a move if it's broken!"

Ding Yu suddenly laughed, but in a flash, "it's not good to move? But it doesn't mean you can't sell it at a good price. If you can't, put it there! Someone will be in a hurry! Anyway, I was not in such a hurry "

when I came to the hospital, Ding Yu did not mean to be polite to Elizabeth, and she left directly. Elizabeth also got on her own car and pondered for quite a long time. This is really not easy to do! Some people are worried, but Ding Yu is not so anxious about it.

Are you in a hurry to buy or not to sell? It's totally of two properties! Ding Yu now occupies the absolute initiative! And what about old Peyton? The attitude towards this matter is slightly ambiguous. Can you hold something in your hand, but not in your hand? it's fine too!

In other words, what about old Peyton? It is possible to take things in his hand, just whether he wants to or not. This is the most obvious difference with other people. What about others? It's impossible to get things into your hands!

This is the double spring between Ding Yu and old Peyton, but the problem is that some people need to pay for it!

But the question is, what about the people who want to pay? I don't want to pay any price, or there are some worries that some of the price will not be able to pay, but one of Ding Yu's students is one billion dollars! How much money does it take to replace the baby pimple that has become scrap iron now?

Originally, it would be good to let old Peyton come forward directly, but the problem is, what about the design this time? Directly put the old Peyton into the same box without saying hello in advance. What happened afterwards? There is no clear explanation. What is the problem? Although said that has not been named, but each other's heart is also quite clear.

The forces there didn't explain clearly because they were worried. What about old Peyton? Not in a hurry, because he has a plan in mind. Anyway, he is not so anxious about this matter as he imagined. Since he is not in a hurry, other things will be easier to handle! It can even be dealt with slowly.

It's like sending Elizabeth here. Why didn't she have the full power to inform her? There are some ideas. Things don't need to be discussed in a hurry. Even if Ding Yu explains clearly, she still has plans on her side. She calculated me earlier? It's really a dog's gall!

What about old Peyton? It's also a deliberate procrastination. I didn't make any phone calls to Ding Yu before. The reason is that it's here. Even if someone is looking for him now, how about old Peyton? It's still just Elizabeth coming? I didn't mean to start at all.

If it had been placed in the past, old Peyton might have come over for a long time. It would be a good thing to relax and walk for two steps, which is a good thing to do. But is the question now? It's really inappropriate!

If I pass now, I don't know how anxious I am? With this gang of guys so pit themselves, they can't say anything, so there are so many bullying people!

I have lived for so many years, it seems that I have not been bullied so much? Just like this, I want to let myself fall down. What a wonderful thing?!

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