Elizabeth had tasted quite a thing at this time! So I didn't call old Peyton at all. I asked the people below to prepare gifts. I was too abrupt this time. I didn't have any preparation in my hand. What else? It's a close contact with Guo Li.

What about things? Although Elizabeth did not say, but old Peyton wants to know, it is very simple, even not worth mentioning! The old guy also picked up the coffee cup in his hand and nodded with great satisfaction after taking a sip, "today's coffee is good! The heat is just right! "

Elizabeth dealt with the matter very well, so that they are very satisfied, Elizabeth side? You can be in a hurry, but you can't be anxious. You can't solve any problems in a hurry! It can even backfire! Whether they are themselves or Ding Yu, they all understand what this represents!

As for Guo Li? It is a good candidate. After all, he is Ding Yu's great apprentice. Now people in all aspects are interested in Guo Li, but are they interested? It doesn't mean that we can get in touch with each other, and Elizabeth takes advantage of this opportunity to explore a little bit! It's not bad!

As for the results? Old Peyton really expected that Ding Yu would "fly into a rage" for sure! Why do we do this is to give everyone a warning that no one should think about this flowery thing. Otherwise, Ding Yu doesn't mind using his own means to see who will suffer in the end!

Guo Li has been waiting until the evening off work when Elizabeth, tight his backpack belt, and then face puzzled and puzzled looking at this? He's an ocean horse? It's true, but I don't like it. I'm a little older! When this foreign woman gets older, she doesn't have to watch it! At least I don't like it.

"Hello, Elizabeth!" Seeing Guo Li's bewilderment, Elizabeth is also the first to say hello!

"Hello, Guo Li!" However, Guo Li also shook his head, "I just got off work, and I'm tired. If there's nothing else, I'll go back to have a rest, and my colleagues are waiting for me!"

"Send you off! It should be faster! "

"It's OK!" Then Guo Li also pushed his bike over. Either my bike was put on your Benz, or was it? You will accompany me to ride a bicycle, anyway you choose!

For Guo Li's unfairness, Elizabeth also smiles, and Ding Yu is really the same strain, but such a thing is very easy to deal with, just a bicycle, no big deal! What about Guo Li? It is quite let oneself have so some appreciation.

I didn't refuse myself, but what about the same? Will also let the outside world know the same no words, after all, even bicycle? It's all carried! Even can say is blackmail, he has no capital to refuse, so follow his own way! It's normal.

For someone to open the door, Guo Li didn't mean to refuse. He sat in without any discomfort. "Mr. Guo, the watch is very good! It looks very tasteful! "

Yeah? Wrist watch? Guo Li also stretched out his arm and looked at the watch on his wrist! At the beginning, I was glad to do something, so it was a little reward for myself, but to some extent, it should be used to look at the time! There seems to be no other discovery besides this! "

"Good taste! "It's a kind of admiration for men." Elizabeth also said in a compliment. "I had a good interaction with your teacher. I was arrogant at the beginning, but soon I was beaten by your teacher! But what about everyone? Now I can have a cup of coffee when I see you! "

"I'm just a little cracker! It's still hard outside, but it's a pea instead of a copper pea! How much is it? I can still tell! And I really don't like coffee so much. I think tea is very good! My humble opinion! It's not much of a theory

"But your teacher loves coffee!"

"Even the younger martial brother and younger sister? They also don't like coffee. They drank juice last time

Playing with yourself, I underestimate myself. If the teacher likes coffee, does he have to drink coffee? How could it be? What's more, even the teacher's children don't seem to have a cold about it? What's more, it's still yourself?

This mouth is OK! Elizabeth felt as if she really underestimated Guo Li. In her doubts, Guo Li also looked at Elizabeth, "I should have seen you in the hospital! A personal visit? It should be said that there is a loss of welcome, not very good, the front of the pizza shop is good, I just take some supper back

This bastard even dare to tease himself, but also make himself very embarrassed, do not stop? It's totally rejected Guo Li's request. What about the next conversation? There is no way to do it! But what about parking? Where is your identity? At least in front of Guo Li? There is not a trace of face!Of course, do you really care about it? Really not? But now? There's no need!

"What size do you want? I'll order ten for you and deliver them to the door of your apartment. "

Guo Li is really not too polite, quickly took out his own mobile phone, the above requirements are said again, listen to Elizabeth also feel the root of the teeth have so some itching! But there is not much to refuse! Treat it as a treat! But think about it. It seems that the guy sitting next to him is a rich man.

"I've learned your master's skill. It's very powerful. You really have some of your master's demeanors!"

Guo Li is looking at Elizabeth, "teacher and master? I want to be a disciple, but what about my ability? It's really not enough. I still have this self-knowledge, so I'm just a student. Even if I can be a good student, it's still a matter of two words! "

"You are very smart. I think that's why Ding Yucai accepted you as a student. What about me and Ding Yu? A partner, but the same thing. What about my teacher? It was pulled down by him. Of course, there are many problems involved, but it is also because of my teacher that my life can be left behind! This is a price! "

"Enemy?" Guo Li took a look, which was just a smile, "I didn't see it! I thought it was a friend

"What about the enemy? It's not Ding Yu. He's just doing it with ease. Standing in that position, the way of thinking about problems naturally has some differences! How do you describe it with an idiom in China? It's all about winning and defeating the enemy! There is nothing to say, let alone my teacher? It's buried in the National Cemetery now! "

"So much hatred?" That's what it says, but what about Guo Li? I don't really mean how to put it in my heart. One is that I don't have any interest in it, and the other? My teacher has seriously warned myself, so I really don't want to commit this taboo!

What's more, she took the initiative to find themselves, need to be afraid? There is no need at all. Many problems can be found from the situation that she pays for it. What about the one in front of her? How can you give yourself? So I don't need to have any worry and fear, just hang out with her!

"Dr. Guo doesn't seem to have a girlfriend yet? Shall I introduce one to you? "

"Is it? With such kindness, what do you think suits me? " Guo Li's eyes suddenly brightened, "what about home? I have been urging this matter for a long time. You don't know China! Three of them are unfilial. When they reach a certain age, they will become the most important? Need to consider this aspect of the problem! ..。”

Elizabeth was also furious when she heard the long and wordy meal. She could see that this guy was a chatterbox, and the one who scratched his nose and face did not have any worry and fear at all! No wonder Ding Yu threw him out! As expected, they are not ordinary people! I've learned it myself!

"Have you ever met your mother?" Looking at Guo Li's expression, Elizabeth also laughed and looked very proud. "I know your Chinese habits. How about your mother teacher? It's very virtuous. Although it's not unique, it seems that it also has a considerable reputation

"I haven't seen it, but I believe in my teacher!"

"I really don't dare to pay attention to this aspect, because I'm afraid your teacher will make trouble for me. Kim Tae hee, I think you should have heard of this name! Of course, I didn't know before, but I will know it in the future! "

"Kim Tae hee? Is that the one? " Guo Li seems to be also suddenly remembered what, this name? It still has a considerable reputation. Although some of them have disappeared in recent years, there are still many legends in the lake.

"Yes, that's the one! What about Korean industry? Originally, Li Fuzhen was in charge of it, but now? Basically, Kim Tae hee is in charge of it. In two days' time, I think they will all have gifts. "

Guo Li scratched his hair. What about Kim Tae hee? The name itself is really clear, but what about Li Fu Zhen? The feeling is not so familiar! "I seem to be in a trap? Is it? "

"It's not a trap. Sooner or later, what about your master? Don't tell you, but someone will tell you, let alone me and your teacher? The relationship is OK, but is it private? That is very general! Although I said that I was a little worried, I didn't put it in my heart so much! "

"I see. There's someone behind you!" Guo Li smile! Then he also sighed, "I feel like a bit of a bastard! What are you looking for me! What about me? One stupid student? It's not a man of ability! You seem to have got the wrong person

"Are you a fool? Only you know it best. You are a student of Mr. Ding Yuding. I think no one dares to say you are a fool even if you are aiming at this point?"

"I can't stand it. I feel like goose bumps are rising. I always take pictures of other people's horses, but now suddenly someone is taking pictures of my horses? I'm not used to it. At the same time, it's quite uncomfortable! " What about Guo Li? For such things, although not so familiar, but the purpose can be said to be very clear.You can eat rice. Where's Niu? Can sleep, no problem, but do things? It's another thing!

"I want to ask Dr. Guo to give Mr. Ding a word! There's no big deal. Even if the scrap iron is still in the warehouse, it's useless! "

"Oh, I see!" Guo Li also pointed to the outside with a smile, "I went to the place, I won't ask you to sit down! After all, there are so many classmates and colleagues! There's a lot of pizza, but not enough points! Sorry Waving, Guo Li is very happy to start, carrying the bicycle, at the same time, let people put the pizza and coffee to the door, walk very happily.

"It's a character!" The co driver looked at Guo Li who got out of the car. After waiting for his figure to disappear, he also said in a low voice!

"It's not ordinary people to be accepted by Ding Yu. Whether it's by mistake or on purpose, what about the play tonight? Still hiding! But he really has so many no skin and no face! Isn't there something bad about not even giving a tip? "

"Will Ding Yu be greedy for that part of the fund? There seems to be no other good things on his whole body except that watch, which is questionable! "

"You said, he is a character, you see his watch, the price is not cheap! But he didn't take it as a thing at all. Since he can wear such a watch, on the one hand, what about it? Ding Yu has no so-called harshness about this, and even doesn't pay much attention to it. On the other hand, it shows that this guy is very self-made! This is particularly frightening. I'm afraid other people have already gone with the wind. "

"A billion dollars! Is Ding Yu really willing? "

"It's not a matter of giving up or not, let's say it! If it's Taylor, do you think it's appropriate or not to exchange a billion dollars for such an opportunity? "

"Miss Taylor and Guo Li are totally different from each other in terms of origin and education. There is no comparison between them!" Middle aged men are also dissatisfied with this metaphor.

Elizabeth shook her head. "There is such a comparability. Do you know what a billion dollars is for Ding Yu? It's just a number. It's not money at all. What about Guo Li? He may have been quite shocked, but if you look at him now, do you think there is any change in his appearance? "

"It seems that he didn't really know about it. As far as I know, he was at the scene at that time. What about everything? It is possible that they should not be concealed! "

Elizabeth nodded. "If it were you, how much would you think would be appropriate?"

"How much? What about a billion? It's unlikely. A billion dollars! That's too much! But without 100 million words, this heart will not be too balanced! Although he has become a disciple of Ding Yu, how about exchanging 7.8 billion yuan with this disciple? I think Ding Yu's reputation is all destroyed! I think about two hundred million! If there are more, it seems that some of them are not suitable! "

"That's your judgment, as far as my own judgment is concerned? Is Ding Yu a penny? If I were Ding Yu, I would choose two steps and take part of the money? Donate it. What about the other part? Guo Li, find a proper way to settle down! I think what about the money properly placed for Guo Li? It should be no less than 300 million dollars! But it won't be more than 500 million dollars. It's a limit! "

"Why 500 million is a boundary? It's unreasonable for Ding Yu to highlight the so-called fairness! "

"You haven't contacted Ding Yu, so what about this person? There may be some people who don't quite understand. This guy is different from others. He is willing to give others a fair chance, but the problem is that many people choose the wrong one because of greed, cowardice and so on! I'm one of them

"I don't understand!"

"Ding Yu can be relatively fair! There is no such thing as absolute fairness in the world, as we all know, but what about Ding Yu? Basically, he can be relatively fair. At least he is willing to give everyone such a chance. Do you think he is a bad man? Not really. Is he a good man? What's more, good and evil are intertwined! "

"That's a freak!"

"No problem!" Elizabeth couldn't stop laughing. Ding Yu was really a freak, "but what about this? If you dare to speak in front of Ding Yu? I need to give you a thumbs up. What if it's behind your back? It's not a hero! "

"In front of Ding Yu? F...。 I'm not going to die? What's more, even if Ding Yu doesn't kill me, I'm afraid there will be many people who want to kill me, so don't play this joke! " The co pilot also made a smile.

What about that? Yes, but what about the heart? It's really ten thousand beasts roaring by!

"What about Ding Yu? What about this disciple? The same is true of him. Why can he find such talents? In the future? "This is like exclamation, but it also seems to be mocking. He contacted Guo Li closely, but did Guo Li really agree? The fool in front of him didn't recognize it. He just showed that he knew it, but he didn't promise to do it! Know with go to say, this is completely two things!

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