"Sir, Guo Li called me last night to say that Elizabeth went to see him and bought some pizza and coffee, but the conversation was not very long."

Ding Yu put down the document in her hand and looked at Jin, which seemed to have some interest in it. "Elizabeth seems not to be an abrupt person. The British side contacted Guo Li, and the consequences and costs are known to all. Now that she is in contact with this way, there are obviously some taboos! Doesn't she know? "

"I think she should have understood something, so she deliberately went to see Guo Li. It was your attention to beat him, but she was able to make friends with Guo Li. It's a good note! It's a powerful character, worthy of its reputation. "

Ding Yu also laughed, "it's really a little hard to deal with!" What about the so-called bad handling? It's not that Ding Yu can't give Elizabeth any more? There is no such problem!

A lesson for Elizabeth? It is to let her take advantage of the loophole, but if you don't deal with Elizabeth, other people will take advantage of it. What about the people outside? Will find Guo Li, is really not so good to take the balance among them!

"Let Yingnan deal with this matter." Ding Yu immediately took up the document in his hand! "Are you going to take care of it? Not so suitable, these guys! It's really a covetous one

Jin has no opinions and ideas on this. He is very optimistic about Guo Li's performance, but the problem is between them? The nature is really so different, but for Guo Li's treatment? I feel very satisfied!

This guy still knows very well. He didn't do anything else. It's interesting. Would you accept him as a disciple? It's really good! Let him visit Yingnan first, but it can't be said that it's a bad thing. Then it may be the visit of other people!

It's not that Guo Li needs to touch anything, but this picture? Need to slowly expand to him, can't be too anxious! After all, what about his main business? It's still in medicine! But this question Jin really did not want to model his meaning, need to rely on his own to understand.

So Jin also deliberately went to find Guo Li, and even paid attention to see a period of time, but it is not easy at all! In fact, I have never relaxed my observation of Guo Li. Do you believe Mr. Li? After all, Guo Li is too young to enter the society.

There are smart people, but are they really talented? Can't really under this aspect judgment! Sir, take him as a disciple? I absolutely don't want to die in the middle of the way. At least, I have great expectations for him.

"Mr. king, what are you doing?" When he was blocked, Guo Li was stunned for a moment. When he saw the visitor clearly, he also blinked his own eyes. He didn't really see him just now, which is not to say that he was blind on purpose.

"Something! Go to New York in the afternoon! Someone wants to see you! "

"See me?" Guo Li pointed to his nose, "Mr. Jin!"

"Correct it. What about me? It's just the security of your husband. Just call me my name. When are you going? Pay attention to your etiquette. Sun Yingnan is in charge of all the affairs! "

"But I don't know anything!" Guo Li is also very puzzled. He really doesn't know anything. It's no big deal for him to visit a stranger. But the problem is, what do you want to do when you let yourself visit? I feel a head of fog.

"Take your time to understand! I should know it later! " There was a strange smile on Jin's face, "what about you, sir? I hope you won't let your husband down too much

Guo Li feels really inexplicable, what and what are all? What about last night? I have already told Kim that he came to talk to himself today, so that he could not understand what happened! No direction at all!

Have been waiting until noon, Guo Li is finally blocked his teacher, looking at the teacher's coffee cup, but also a smile, "good teacher!"

Yeah! Ding Yu handed the things inside to the people behind, "I'll go to the office later!" Then he looked back at Guo Li and said, "what? It seems that your spirit is not good? Do you think too much about things in the morning? "

"Teacher! What is all this for! I feel like I'm floating in the air, without any sense of direction or even any sense of security. I'm at a loss. Yes! It's right to keep calm, but you need to have a direction to do anything! So I can only come to see the teacher you! Please show me a direction! Otherwise, I'm afraid the students will have to find a rope for themselves! There is no other way

"Being a rascal, isn't it?"

"Teacher, I'm not really a rascal. How old am I already? What's more, even if you play rogue, you won't come to your side, right? I really don't understand? Why on earth did the ocean horse come to me last night? Make me a head of fog, and even almost be fascinated by their own eyesTwo people slowly walked to the window, Ding Yu also turned his mouth, "let you see Yingnan, it is not a bad thing, but what did you say just now? It means that you still use your heart! "

"Teacher, you mean, I need to find the right direction!"

"Do you see how cats play ball of string?" Ding Yu also pointed to Guo Li, "in fact, it's similar to human beings. What about smart cats? They will grab a thread first. This is to find the direction. What about the so-called thread end? It may be hidden inside, or hidden outside, or even the broken thread. Of course, it may also be the thread of suspicion. Do you grasp the thread? But is it the right direction? Need to judge! "

"Teacher, you mean to find the thread before you know how to play this game!"

"It's a little bit misunderstood. It's not bad. Have you found the thread? So you've started to get involved in the game, but what about a lot of people? It's all misty water at one end, just like a fly without a head. It flies everywhere, and then it's quickly eliminated and finds the thread? It's just one of the steps. It's a very testing process, because someone will make trouble, make trouble or even set a trap. You need to avoid it yourself! "

"Teacher, it's too much trouble! I just want to be a doctor

"It's because you want to be a doctor, that's why I tell you this. If you're not a doctor, get out of the way! what about you? He is also a rich man! What about the money? If you are more careful, I'm afraid there are not too many problems in spending to your grandson's generation! "

"Teacher, let alone the generation of my grandchildren in our family. Even if it is the grandson of my grandson, there is no problem. How about the basic necessities of life? It's just a matter of time. Our family is not going to raise any so-called nobles! "

"You guy, you have such a mind!" Ding Yu was also angry and sighed, "so say it! When Lenovo acquired IBM, the so-called capital, I mean cash? It's not more than 500 million US dollars, regardless of the rich and the rich, but not many people can directly take out 500 million dollars in cash, and it's still 500 million dollars in cash. It's really improper to take money, isn't it? "

"I wipe it!" Guo Li also made a rude remark. Seeing that his teacher didn't react much, he also laughed, "teacher, what about money? It's not so much on your mind, just enough! "

"The so-called enough is good. How do you use it? I used to be greedy about this! What about this? You don't need too much taboo. Now? It can be said that driving Audi is the same as driving Alto. Aren't they all cars? What about this? It seems that you are forced to be very high, but what about the actual situation? ..。”

Guo Li also secretly laughed, "what about money? For me now, it's a number, but what about the money I make? It doesn't matter if you can stand the test! People this thing? What I'm afraid of is that I can't stand the test. This is also my worry about you. Can you withstand this test? You know, you're my student. What about the English player? It's just Pediatrics! "

"Teacher, am I supposed to be grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden?"

"The scenery in the Grand View Garden is different. It's OK to have a look at it, but how can you forget to go back? It's just another thing! " Ding Yu also clearly pointed out the problem, "where are my two children? Recently, I have made some mistakes and asked their grandmother to take shelter. I've been banished and reformed! What about the house? Although it's not like flying around, it's quite noisy! "

"Teacher, there are so many worries in my heart!"

"What about Yingnan? In charge of the overall situation, he has been sitting on the US side. What about the US side? Hote is in charge, Sasa is in charge in Europe, Li Fuzhen is in charge in Asia, and Osama is in charge in Japan, and Tanaka is assisting him! What about South Korea? It's Tai hee, and the mother of two children, so you can go for a walk

"It's over! Teacher, I'm really going to bleed a lot

Ding Yu's smile is so proud! Guo Li knows etiquette. What about that? Or do you want to make yourself quite happy, and then Elizabeth's chance? It's not a bad thing to push Guo Li out!

Guo Li made some arrangement here. He went to see sun Yingnan for the first time. Seeing the whole building, he felt a bit silly. Because he was just told, what about the whole building? All of them were from the teacher's home. The joke was a little bit too big. Even Guo Li didn't feel like a joke!

Sun Yingnan is not waiting for Guo Li in his office. What about Guo Li? It's the master's student. Are you here? Although it is just a simple visit, but they will not take this identity! When I saw Guo Li, I also looked at him. My eyes were very clear, but I had some doubts and curiosity! Very interesting!

But still really did not discover what so-called ambition, small shock is surprised to have, but not so interested!

"Sun Shiniang!" Guo Li is honest and honest with this gentleman!Sun Yingnan also a smile, "you call my teacher mother? That's not true! I am your teacher's woman, this is true, but the identity of the teacher's mother is too big, it's Taixi? Can afford this identity, other people can not afford this identity, if you do not dislike, call me aunt? It's OK! "

"Too old! Hello, sister sun

"Your teacher! There is really no wrong person Sun Yingnan is very happy for this address, "come here!" And then I went to my own elevator, which only served me, because what about other elevators? It doesn't go straight to your own office floor!

"You've been working here, sun?" Ding Yu holds the elevator. Because the speed is so fast, he is really not used to it. Sun Yingnan is looking at the scenery outside. "When I came to the United States, I didn't work here. Later, after I bought this building, I moved here slowly."

When I came to sun Yingnan's office, I didn't think it was so luxurious. It could only be said that it was very clean and comfortable. It was totally different from what I imagined! "Sister sun, the president's office should not be

"Too much TV!" Sun Yingnan asked people to send two cups of coffee. "It seems that you really don't know much about Mr. Sun. However, since you have been asked to come, I'll tell you about it! Let's say it metaphorically! Does anyone care what kind of watch bill will wear? "

Guo Li shakes his head, who is bill! Then Guo Li also widened his eyes and murmured, "Bill Gates?" This is not even what I believe!

"Bill is very playful sometimes. He has a good relationship with his husband. Of course, he has a good relationship with other people. What do you think is the biggest reason for this? Tell me what you think

"Microsoft's company?"

"No!" Sun Yingnan shook his head, "maybe in the eyes of others? Microsoft is such a huge company, but in some people's opinion? It's the intricate relationship behind him. There is no denying that bill is a genius. He has successfully used his talent and then broke out into a world. These are not appearances. There are more people with deep relationship than him, but not many people can reach this height. The problems in this are worth studying deeply! "

"I haven't heard of it. I'm a doctor." Guo Li's face was a little depressed.

"What about the conditions in Bill's house? pretty good! This means that his father and mother, including his grandfather, have laid a certain foundation for him. What about him? Using this foundation, we can build on the ground. "

This has been said so thoroughly, if Guo Li does not understand, he is really a fool! However, Guo Li was not so concerned about it. "Sister Li, I really don't have much interest in it. I'm not telling any lies. At least up to now, I still have no intention of this aspect! Why do teachers and you do this? "

He he, sun Yingnan's laughter is still like a crisp copper bell, "you! It's really not stupid in general! "

"What do you do?"

"Doctor! Internship! "

"That's right!" Sun Yingnan also feels Guo Li's nerve? It's not a general big article, but I'm very satisfied, "how about you? I am a doctor. It doesn't matter if you are not interested now. If you have interest in the future, it will be something in the future. But what about you now? It's a doctor

Doctor! Guo Li also took a long breath, "I see. I'm a doctor!" After saying this, Guo Li's face also showed a very happy expression, "sister sun, I understand that I'm actually a doctor, and I just want to be a doctor! There is no other idea

"It's not a bad thing to be a doctor. You are also a doctor, but you have extraordinary courage and extraordinary energy. Of course, the efforts behind you are also indispensable. It's necessary to be a doctor well. But you are always a student of your husband. Do you have some social intercourse? It's also essential. It's not bad to learn more! Life should be more wonderful! "

"Can't you be a doctor safely?" Obviously, Guo Li is not so cold about this!

"You do! Don't your teacher want to be a doctor honestly? There is no way to do things, standing on that position? It's not about taking a step further and sneezing a little bit? It may make the whole United States cold, so ah! What's your identity? It's really extraordinary! This point is not only me, but also many people have expressed considerable concern! "

This is a very interesting thing to say!

"I feel that the teacher's medical level is very high, if there is no painstaking research in this area, I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve, take me as an example! If I can reach the teacher's level in another 20 years, I think I can go home and burn Gaoxiang now. Really! "

"What about that? You need to learn from your teacher, sir? It's not that I don't want to teach you anything, but I need to let you see further, so there is such an arrangement! Study hard! Will benefit for life! I have not studied for a long time by my husband's side, but I feel that I will benefit from my life. You are his student, and the time will be very long. How much I can learn depends on your own! You know, many people are looking forward to this opportunity! But there is no such chance! ""I will cherish this opportunity and cherish it as well."

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