"I hope there is room for discussion. If there is room for discussion, I think the result will definitely satisfy you. I can use my family's reputation as a guarantee in this respect."

Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, then looked at Charlie. "Charlie, you said that makes me feel very embarrassed. For me, 200 million pounds is not a small burden, but since I can take out 200 million pounds, even if it is another 200 million pounds, I think it will not be difficult!"

This is a pure threat. It's just telling Charlie that it's only 200 million pounds. If this price can't make you feel satisfied, then the previous 200 million pounds will be regarded as the life money for those guys. Since they don't care about it, is there anything else?

Charlie also let out a long breath, "I'll show you the result!" After that, he also stood up and reached an agreement with Ding Yu. As long as the agreement is reached, the remaining things will be easier to handle.

Charlie just left, someone sat in front of Ding Yu's body, "coming?" Ding Yu also said hello. It seems that she is not so surprised at the appearance of lily. She has already noticed her earlier.

"Well, I went to measure my wife's clothes in the morning." It goes without saying that it must be Charlie's mother. Only she can afford this status. More importantly, what does it mean to see that lady at this time.

"I can make the so-called choice, but is it too abrupt for you to make this choice?" Ding Yu still feels a little confused about this. After all, Lily's this time can be said to be a change of court, and things can be said to be quite big.

"If there is no way out, people have already treated me as grass. What can I do?" Lily was also reluctant to smile. After the incident, she had been waiting for the news, but no one came to find her. Even when her wife called, she still did not make the so-called choice.

But now? I have no other way to choose. I don't mean that I am a person with a bone in the back of my head. I don't mean that I like betrayal. But the problem is that the people over there make me feel so disappointed that even now they haven't been able to give me an explanation. So I can only make other choices.

"This is your choice!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu also looked at Lily curiously, "you should not come to me for this matter! Is it for the 200 million pounds

For Ding Yu's sensitivity, lily also nodded, "200 million pounds, for all aspects, is a lot of money, this money will not be repudiated, but want to take out the cash, for them, it seems that there are some improper, not want to give, this involves many reasons!"

"What can I get?" Ding Yu's performance can be said to be abnormal rationality.

"The terms have not been fully worked out, but I know one of them is that 250 million pounds worth of blue chips will not be traded for five years, and the UK side is the first party buyer! As for other conditions? I am not very clear, because my position is still slightly lower

"This condition is open?" Ding Yu also smile, "I already know the matter, just now I have talked with Charlie, there is no other thing, you don't have to cross in the middle of the position, both sides are in a dilemma!"

"I have a big head now. You know, I don't want to be involved in such things, but the problem is that I don't have the right to choose now. What's more, those guys tried to force me to death at the beginning. Now I have to stand on the same front, which makes me feel a little awkward! I don't know what it feels like! "

"I'm not used to it. I feel I'm not used to it!" Ding Yu immediately began to laugh. "You know, although Charlie and I are friends, we always stand on different angles. If we say that two people stand together, we really have some awkward feelings! I don't know why! "

Two people looked at each other with a smile, and Lily still felt admiration for Ding Yu, because at this time Ding Yu can still keep such a calm, which is not an easy and difficult problem. Previously, he had been facing death. If there was no preparation for a successor, it would be difficult to say what problems and conditions would arise.

But even if it is like this, Ding Yu is still not crazy. Now he can still look at the problems and the situation calmly. He really admires Ding Yu's mentality. If it was his own, he would never sit here so smoothly. Now Ding Yu is not crazy, but there are some uncontrollable.

Originally, the party also knew some news, but I didn't expect that the asshole under his hand was so shameless and cruel, and did things? It's also quite careless. I was caught by someone. Although it's a tumor, it's still growing on my body. I feel a little pain when I move my hand.But can you do it now without doing it? Absolutely impossible thing, how many pairs of eyes are staring at it! What's more, Lily's choice is helpless, which makes the faction feel helpless. It's not to say that she has no choice in this matter. She can only say that the subordinates are too incompetent, pig teammates.

If we want to solve this issue, it is not difficult. What is important is that the impact of this matter on the faction is really too bad. If this issue is publicized, how can other parties look at the party side? Everyone needs to think about it. How much money can't buy this effect.

But what about the message from Lily? Ding Yu is not as angry as he imagined, even quite calm. Obviously, the party has recognized some problems, but there is not much action when he realizes the problems.

Regardless of whether Ding Yu is angry or not, the party's influence on Ding Yu is indelible. Can anyone who can offer 200 million pounds at once be underestimated? If such a person becomes an enemy of the party, it may not have too many problems and influences in a short time, but what about a long time?

Really, if you stab you in some place, it will really suffer, so? This time, the matter needs to be solved perfectly, that is to say, it needs to resolve the resentment in Ding Yu's heart. After all, he wants the life of others. Such a thing is too unreasonable. No matter what kind of conditions Ding Yu puts forward, it can be considered.

"Father, I have already talked to Ding!" Charlie also said respectfully to his father.

"So we have another friend?" After saying that, he also laughed, "you appreciate him so much, it has nothing to do with skin color and nationality. I've even been interested in it. You seldom praise people like this. Since you went to university, you seem to have been like this!"

"Ding Yu is a very powerful guy. I'm afraid that there is no understanding of Chu Dingyu's true face. This is also because Ding Yu doesn't like to be involved in some things. Although lily has made certain arrangements, Lily's identity determines some things. It's just a coincidence that there are some circumstances."

"I'd like to see you if I have time! It's said that he is going to practice. I'll arrange this matter. " When he heard his father say so, Charlie was also a little surprised. His father said so, he must have given some recommendation. To know that he did not get such a recommendation, the treatment was really a little different.

"Is father interested in Ding Yu?"

"There are some interests. Some of them come from you, and some of them come from this time. This little guy is really not very simple. You should know that he played very dangerous this time, and he almost lost his temper. To master this kind of fire really requires extraordinary courage and courage. Of course, there is no lack of wisdom among them!"

"But father, the relationship between me and Ding Yu is very delicate. They are friends. But what is the position between them? It seems that there are some relative, normal dialogue may not have any problems, but let him visit you, I'm afraid this will not come true, he still has some arrogance

"It doesn't matter whether it's layout first, useful or useless. This is not so important, do you understand?"

In the past, it was quick, but what about the means to deal with it? It's also a popular one. It's thunderbolt like. All the people who were involved in this business, without exception, have been eliminated. This kind of clearance is not only the separation from the position, but also the loss of life to a large extent.

I'm afraid that the people who started to fight against Ding Yu never dreamed that it would be such a consequence. The disturbance caused by this incident shocked many people and forces. Even many people did not know that the shock was actually caused by Ding Yu.

What's the most important condition that you don't need to be transferred to the other side of the United Kingdom

"The conditions are not low." Ding Yu also snorted and laughed, "I don't have any special requirements. To say a clear word, it's important for people to have self-knowledge. In a bad word, greed will not end well. What's more, this incident has caused such a big disturbance. I don't know how many people regard me as a thorn in the flesh!"

"Many people died!" Lily couldn't help but shiver. "I've experienced a lot of things over the years, but the turbulence this time is really not much. In the past, I might have left my position. But this time, I was really killed, which is rare in the past history."

"Is it worth dying so many people for a mere 200 million pounds?" Facing Ding Yu's scope, lily also gave a wry smile, "Ding, that's 200 million pounds, not two pence. For this 200 million cash, even the British side uses blue chips to exchange, which is enough to illustrate some problems!""Well, that's all! What I'm more curious about is what kind of efforts Charlie put in behind this. It's really a headache

As for Ding Yu's words, Lily feels that she can't understand. Does this have anything to do with Charlie? What kind of effort did Charlie make in the whole thing? Did it affect Ding Yu?

"You take the initiative to find me, which makes me feel quite surprised!" Charlie is really surprised, did not expect Ding Yu would take the initiative to come to the door, "you are still so insipid at this time, whether it is pretending, or you did not put this matter in mind, I am more curious!"

"Calm is relative. Talking to you is for one thing!" When talking, Ding Yu also noticed that Charlie's expression was so strange, "don't worry about it. I just want to know what kind of efforts and costs you, or even the family behind you, have put into this incident."

Yeah? As for Ding Yu's question, Charlie was also dull at once. He thought about a lot of questions and situations, but he didn't expect Ding Yu to ask about this matter. What his father said to himself earlier was also fresh in my mind.

"It seems that great efforts have been made!" Seeing that Charlie didn't mean to speak, Ding Yu also gave a smile, and Charlie also responded with a smile, "I've tried for some conditions, and my father originally wanted to see you, but for other reasons, he didn't invite you, but gave you some recommended places!"

"I see!" Ding Yu also said faintly, "the matter has been solved. Although I didn't see the final result, I know that the result will certainly satisfy me. If there is nothing, I will go first!"

Ding Yu came abruptly and left in such a hurry. Charlie looked at Ding Yu who left, and he also took a breath. This guy is really not sensitive in general. His father did not expect this, so he didn't send out the so-called invitation before. It must be like this.

Sun Yingnan is also in a hurry at this time, because Ding Yu is not so good at blue chip stocks. Sun Yingnan is still quite angry about what happened to Ding Yu, because sun Yingnan is really a person who belongs to Ding Yu, which is so simple.

To be exact, sun Yingnan is Ding Yu's private property, and the main humiliating minister died. Such a word is absolutely suitable for sun Yingnan's body. What about the so-called blue chips? For sun Yingnan, it is also an opportunity for revenge. The master has no so-called experience in this respect, but it does not mean that he does not have the same.

For sun Yingnan, what about the so-called blue chips? It's not an unchanging layer. I need to make a good screening. For the British side, I really didn't expect sun Yingnan to be such a tough nut to chew. What about the conditions she put forward? It's really a little harsh, in sharp contrast to Ding Yu.

However, at this time, the British side will never find Ding Yu. Previously, it was shameful enough, and what about Ding Yu? There is not too much fuss, the British side absolutely need to be grateful, if not, then it is asking for trouble, but who would have thought that sun Yingnan should be so shameless.

However, it is also understandable. After all, sun Yingnan is Ding Yu's person, and he may even get Ding Yu's hint. It may not be possible. That's all. After all, the major events have passed, and no one will care too much about these small things, which is not worthy of much attention.

However, all the people who wanted to solve Ding Yu's problems were all returned to the Bureau. How to deal with their affairs? This problem can't be cared by Ding Yu, and it's not Ding Yu's people. Ding Yu's ability to put them back shows his attitude, which is enough.

It also shows Ding Yu's attitude towards the release of these people. But what about the British side about how to deal with these people? Really feel a little headache, kill it! They're from the intelligence department, but if they don't kill them, they don't seem to be very easy to explain, so let's leave this matter to the intelligence department!

Of course, the information management department knows how to deal with this matter, so Chen Feng met Ding Yu at the first time. Ding Yu looked up and down and said, "go back home!" It's just three words, but it's enough to show all the intentions clearly. This time, I don't want to say anything else.

Chen Feng has been locked in. He doesn't know much about the outside world. He wants to ask. But looking at Ding Yu's face, he twitches his mouth slightly. Obviously, it is impossible to get the so-called information from Ding Yu. He can only think of other ways.

Then Chen Feng also contacted with the leader, and there was no command above, that is to let himself go back at the first time. This is what happened. Chen Feng was also a fog at the end. But since the above said so, he executed the order himself, and the rest of the things had nothing to do with himself.The Chinese side really knew the news in this respect. In fact, they had doubts about it earlier, because the news was so unexpected. What about the result? Of course, there is no loss in this process, which is guaranteed.

As for Ding Yu's problem and situation? Now, it's better not to have too much consideration. It's OK to win over Ding Yu. As for other means? It seems that it is not appropriate. The relationship between Ding Yu and the British side is more subtle. What's more, the relationship between Ding Yu and the domestic side? It is also more subtle.

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