I don't know what Ding Yu is thinking in his head. Anyway, it's not the best choice to contact Ding Yu first, and what about Ding Yu now? It's still in England. It's a little inconvenient.

It is undeniable that there were some problems and situations during the previous contact with Ding Yu, so that Ding Yu had some opinions and opinions on their problems. If the estrangement is not solved, it is really impossible for Ding Yu to get closer to each other.

Within a week's time, sun Yingnan also finished the blue chip stock business. Ding Yu has signed. For this time, sun Yingnan is still not as satisfied as he imagined. The only thing that makes him feel somewhat satisfied may be the special immunity, which is particularly important.

In other words, the British side has given Ding Yu a talisman, or compensation to Ding Yu. Is this compensation? How much can be said in the past, of course, from another point of view, that is to tell Ding Yu, we have given face so much, do not make things too big.

Ding Yu sat down for negotiation at the first time, and did not express too many opinions and ideas. This still makes the British side have so many defenses. In the British side, how can Ding Yu, who is so young, have no anger at all? If he can successfully pick up this anger, it will not be a bad thing.

If Ding Yu gets angry, then I'm afraid he can't control himself. What kind of things will people do when they are angry? I'm afraid no one can estimate this, and when the British side comes forward to clean up the situation, no one will have any words.

But the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't mean to be angry at all. He doesn't have any anger at all. Since someone wants to negotiate, he can negotiate. I can bear the anger. And this is also a move that makes the British feel sad. This is not the situation they expected! This heart is somewhat empty, so it is the first time to solve the matter.

Judging from the current situation, Ding Yu still gives this face. In this case, Hello, I'm good. How about this time? Anyway, it didn't make it to the surface, so it was dealt with behind the scenes. On the surface, everything seems to be calm, but who knows? We all know exactly what kind of storm this time is.

Things calm down, life continues, everything seems to be not much different from the past. What is the relationship between Ding Yu and Charlie? It is not because of the united front that people have become closer. The so-called standing on the same front is just an impression of the outside world.

Both Ding Yu and Charlie deny this. Lily has stood up, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu is the same. Although many people have already looked at it like this, Ding Yu doesn't have any meaning to explain. If she does, she can't explain clearly.

What's more, how about doing this? There will be many misunderstandings, so Ding Yu said nothing and did nothing.

Ding Yu is still living a two-point and one-line life at this time. There are no other changes in her school, apartment and life. There are so many insipid meanings. But what is Lily's party now? It is also the people who started to hate their teeth itching. If Ding Yu really has any action, it will move.

But what about actually? Ding Yu is a very honest person, bullying the so-called honest person, you also choose a good object! Can anyone who can get involved with lily be a very honest person? I don't know what those guys were thinking at that time.

"I've been recommended!" Ding Yu looked at Charlie who was sitting in front of him. Then he held his chin in his hand and looked at Charlie calmly. "This is the third good news I heard today. It seems that Rachel has also been invited. Your good news seems to come late."

"So your application has been approved?" Charlie is also quite curious to see Ding Yu. He has been busy these two days. He really doesn't pay much attention to the news in this respect. However, it can be seen from Ding Yu's performance that his application should have passed.

For Ding Yu, this does not seem to be a difficult task. He is the most knowledgeable and practical person in the whole college. Besides, his interpersonal relationship is also very good, and his relationship with the professor is very close. It is not difficult, even easy, to apply for graduate students.

"Yes, it has already passed, but it still needs one year's internship before you can go to graduate school. What about you? We should be prepared in this respect. " For Ding Yu and Charlie, the so-called graduate students basically do not need to be assessed. As long as they have an interest in this aspect, just talk to the professor.

In fact, there is a situation in China, which is to go through a so-called process. Ding Yu expressed his interest in this aspect, and then told the professor that other things were relatively simple. However, one year's internship could not run away. Of course, because of his good relationship with the professor and Ding Yu's rich experience in this field, so this is the case What about internships? It may not be as difficult as you think."Look at your expression, it seems that you are not excited at all!" Charlie also had some funny remarks: "I haven't talked with you for so many years. Let's go out for a drink in the evening."

"Good!" Ding Yu also did not express any refusal, "I'm afraid it will be very difficult to have such a chance in the future." What Ding Yu said is a pun. After going out of school, the relationship and positioning between them are very different. At that time, the feelings between students will change, and no one knows what will become in the future.

In the evening, two people went out of the campus together. Charlie introduced a bar, and each of them asked for a glass of beer. That's all, "speaking of it, I haven't been in a bar for a long time. At that time, I deliberately consulted you about this issue. Although it was effective, the process was not memorable."

"Are you still complaining about me?" Ding Yu also smiles and raises the wine cup in his hand. "I also came out of this process. This is not a joke, but a fact! But it works, doesn't it? "

"It's very effective, and it's really worth remembering. It's an unforgettable tonic in life!" Charlie also sighed and said, "to say it, you make me feel like a saint. Everyone has always doubted your identity. To be honest, even now, I still have some doubts about your identity. This is the truth!"

"This is to find out about me." Ding Yu also said with a smile, but judging from Ding Yu's expression, Ding Yu didn't seem to have too many opinions and ideas about it. "I used to serve in the army for a long time. Later, because of some ridiculous reasons, I retired. Now I want to come, I'm a little speechless!"

"Why? I feel like I've been through the vicissitudes! "

"Almost! At that time, I was still young, and in the army, life would inevitably be so monotonous, so there were some vague feelings. This feeling was a kind of mutual attraction. But later, a third party appeared, a third party with similar conditions to you. I was a common man! Invincible

This is half true and half false, but Charlie believed it. He also raised the glass in his hand. "If it was me, I might do the same thing. The feelings are selfish. This is not true. But it is easy for everyone to do something hard to explain at that time."

"In fact, up to now, I have some things that are hard to let go, because I don't want to leave. I started to contact the society from the army. It's very difficult to get rid of this feeling, but heaven doesn't follow people's wishes!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu also stamped the wine cup in his hand.

"Well! I admit that I feel very happy to see you venting your feelings like this now. At least I feel that you are still a person, a living person, rather than a so-called machine. The foundation of these years gives me the feeling that you are a saint, too self-discipline! "

"Self discipline? Charlie, when you come out of that mental state, what do you think has changed in your life? " After that, Ding Yu sighed, "in fact, I don't know why I became this way. In fact, many times, I want to be a quiet person, but I don't know why, everyone likes to come to the door, just like you, I still feel some doubts!"

Charlie was also a little tongue tied by Ding Yu's question. After waiting for a long time, he slowly said, "although you never like to stand at the front desk, your light is really dazzling!"

The conversation with Charlie brought the relationship between them a step closer, and they also knew each other a lot. Obviously, Charlie had already confirmed that he might be involved in a certain relationship with special departments, but Ding Yu would never be a member of special departments. He could even use his reputation to guarantee it.

Just like myself, she must be involved in a certain relationship with special departments. Sometimes, she helps each other, but she is absolutely not subordinate to the special department. Ding Yu is also the same.

Sometimes it's very interesting. From the nature of Ding Yu, he doesn't want to make a big fuss about it. However, he himself is so excellent that gold always shines. No matter where he stands, people will notice him at the first time. Lily is like this, and so is Charlie.

The school can no longer satisfy Ding Yu, but before this? Ding Yu still has a period of rest time. As for Ding Yu's arrangement, it belongs to Ding Yu alone.

Ding Yu made a phone call to his parents. They are very busy now, but they don't need Ding Yu to come back to accompany them. There is no need for Ding Yu to come back and have a look. What about Ding Ding Ding? Forget it! The spirit is a little too lively.

While Ding Yu was still hesitating whether or not to go to the United States to have a look at the situation, some people came to the door on their own initiative. Ding Yu felt puzzled and did not know the person who had found him. "Hello, this is Ding Yu. Are you?" Where are the two people? At this moment, he is looking at Ding Yu with a scrutinizing eye."You are Ding Yu?"

This tone is like interrogating prisoners. Dingyu has some differences. Few people talk to themselves like this. Especially after arriving in England, Dingyu doesn't show his anger. He nodded a little, and then he went to the automatic coffee machine to bring two cups of coffee. "Is there anything?"

"It seems that we have been here for some years. What about the international students' Association here? I have been in an observation stage for you all the time. I hear you are doing very well! "

When hearing this talk, Dingyu frowns slightly, and his voice is slightly larger, but good self-cultivation makes Dingyu say nothing. Look at the two people in front of him.

"Your own conditions are not in accordance with our rules, but someone has recommended you, so we will come and see!"

Dingyu also laughed, "Oh, it turns out to be so, thank you!" Whether the two people across the face understand.

But Ding Yu felt that he had made his intention clear. He was not so cheap. He wanted to enter the friendship that he didn't know what it was now. They were too proud of it.

"Dingyu, you must think about it! Don't think you are a medical school, you are nothing on the side of the fellowship! "

When talking, Charlie in the distance also looked for a wave at Ding Yu. The young man who was good at talking, when he saw Charlie, his expression was also startled. His face was also suddenly on the side. Then he stood up immediately. He walked towards Charlie with a big stride. "Hello, Charlie! I didn't expect to meet you here! "

Charlie looked at the person in front of him, and he blinked his eyes. "Hello!" Actually Charlie did not have the impression of who the guy came in front of him, and then he looked at Dingyu next to him, at least give himself a hint! You are all Chinese. Ding Yu also raises his fist and hammers it against Charlie's chest.

"Goo!" Looking at Dingyu's action, the people who rushed in immediately swallowed their saliva subconsciously, because Dingyu's action was so appalling to himself. Charlie shook his head helplessly. "Invite you to my fiancee dinner party, you are the first guest I invite!"

"With you, let me prepare the present!" Dingyu smiled, and then nodded a little, "I'll prepare for it!" Even when leaving, they didn't care about the two people behind. They didn't know what the two guys were, they were arrogant, and they were in charge of it!

Charlie looked at the two people in front of him, and nodded slightly. "Sorry, I have other things. They are free!" That's what you say, but what about it? I just tell the two people in front of me. I have no interest in you. What do you love? Don't get in front of me.

The two people standing there also looked at Charlie who left with a smile. Because they knew that the power in Charlie's hand was not imaginable. They did not say it. Besides, the resources and power they had in their hands were also the two of them looking forward to their back. No more than two people had so many doubts at this time.

The suspect is Ding Yu. He has such a good relationship with Charlie, can be invited to the banquet, and is the first invited object. Obviously, this identity is not the same. But in the past, he has not heard of this person in communication! And Dingyu came here seems not a year or two years! It's strange.

In their opinion, Dingyu's family and family were better than joining them. It was just a good school, so it was worth pulling together. But now, it seems that it is not like this.

To know that it is not everyone can do it with Charlie. At least they can't do it. "I have seen Dingyu's information. His parents are just a broken doctor and teacher. The family can't be ordinary anymore. It is the existence of mud legs. It is unreasonable!"

"Dingyu looks a little interesting!"

At this time, Ding Yu has already started to prepare his own gifts. After all, he received Charlie's invitation. Such an invitation will not be open to the outside world. And Charlie also said that this is organized by his fiancee. Charlie sends an invitation to himself, which is also an identity display to some extent.

It is necessary to say that Charlie is really too smart. Charlie knows Dingyu very well. So it is urgent to show Dingyu at this time. No matter what the situation changes, Dingyu is already one of them and will not make any changes.

This is just a meaning Charlie invited Ding Yu to come out. Don't think it's really simple to attend the party. There is no such cheap thing. But Dingyu has been able to accept it now, at least not expressing too much disgust.

As for gifts, let Lily help! I really don't have much research on this, "you got an invitation?" Obviously Lily didn't know about it. "And yes, this is Charlie's style. He definitely let you get out of this control, and do it? It's also a decent one! At least it won't be too offensive. ""This problem has already been put on the table. Charlie won't waste such an opportunity. In fact, it doesn't have much influence on me personally. I'm not an unmarried girl. I'm no one to be seen!" Ding Yu's words have some self mockery meaning.

Lily helped Ding Yu choose the gift. In fact, what about this party? Although I won't attend, I still have a lot to do with myself. All of Charlie's fiancee's dresses come from my own hands. This is not only a kind of praise, but also a kind of return, mutual.

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