When Ding Yu came, it was a good time. It was not early, but he didn't play. Because it was a dinner hosted by Charlie's fiancee, he could not see the so-called elders. Almost all of them were of the same age. Ding Yu's arrival soon attracted people's attention. After all, many people heard of the previous events.

Pick up such a big storm, but after the event actually safe and sound, such people are really not too many! As for why Ding Yu appeared here, we all know what it means. Charlie is really bad enough, but this is also a matter of no blame.

Charlie likes this kind of investment, but for some people in the medical school, Charlie's doing so has profound implications. They can say that they have a very good understanding of Ding Yu's existence. No one thought that Ding Yu and Charlie came together. We should know that in the school, they are the opposite.

However, some people don't understand it, which does not mean that all people don't understand it. For Charlie and Ding Yu to stand together, some people still feel very admirable. What they admire is Charlie's method, which can turn the school atmosphere around, and stand on the United Front with Ding Yu at the same time. It's so powerful that it can't even be described as excellent.

They added a little more confidence in Charlie, and then? It also revealed some news to those who still did not know. At the beginning, of course, it was the people in the medical school. After listening to this, they were suddenly enlightened. At the same time, they fell into a period of thinking.

When he first entered the college, Charlie had already started to plan for this aspect of things. After years of operation, he really succeeded. It is undeniable that Ding Yu played a crucial role in this process, but who can ignore Charlie's efforts?

Ding Yu also made a lot of contributions during the banquet, but Ding Yu also understood that he was coming this time? It's for Charlie as a foil, too much publicity is not good, so after a short time, Ding Yu found a spare room to rest, anyway, he is not the leading role of the party.

However, after a short time, he saw Charlie come in alone. When he saw Ding Yu, he also raised his chin. Then he sat down not far from Ding Yu. "I found that you are really too smart. Even I doubt whether you are a perfect guy."

"What do you say?" Ding Yu raised the mineral water in his hand and said, "I just came to hide and hide! It's not as bad as I imagined. I'm a little skeptical about your saying that! "

"I pushed you out on purpose today, but it's already this time. You are still not intoxicated by the light and wine outside. I have some doubts. What do you think? Of course, there are also some doubts on the other hand. Are you ready for this

"Bullshit is just that I don't want to adapt to the situation. To be more practical, I didn't even think about today's scene, even in my dream. So I don't know what kind of reaction should be made for a moment. If you have to impose an adjective, I think the word" caution "is very appropriate!"

"You are contradictory enough. You should know that the slightly normal people should be very excited at this time, and even some will forget themselves. But what about you? But I'm reflecting on myself. I don't even know how to explain it. At least in my own heart, there are some explanations that can't be explained! "

"My experience is a little bit special, so it's not very strange to have such a feeling!" What does Ding Yu say? To a certain extent, it also has the smell of warning. Although he has come, it does not mean that he will be at the mercy of Charlie.

"Understand!" This understanding also gives Ding Yu a guarantee, even respect, because Charlie knows Ding Yu very well. This guy doesn't pay much attention to the common things, but it doesn't mean that he really doesn't care. He doesn't cross his bottom line and has no problems. If he really crosses the bottom line, it's hard to say what will happen.

When Charlie and Ding Yu were talking, there was a sound of footsteps at the door of the room. Then the door was pushed open. Looking at the girl who came in from outside, Charlie and Ding Yu looked at each other.

The girl standing at the door didn't realize the situation in the room. She was carefully looking at the situation outside through the crack of the door. After waiting for not much feeling, she also took a long breath, then patted her chest and turned around in shock.

After seeing Ding Yu and Charlie sitting there, they were like frightened cats, jumping three feet high. "Who are you?"

Ding Yu and Charlie laughed together, "say you or me?" Charlie turned the glass in his hand. "I have a good memory, but I don't seem to remember you on the invitation list!"

The girl looked at Charlie suspiciously. The light in the room was dim, so it was a little fuzzy. Ding Yu had already recognized who the girl was. As for how she came in, Ding Yu was not very clear, "I came with my friends. Who are you? Why are you here?""Friend?" Charlie smiles, but just ready to press the hands inside the security alarm, Ding Yu slightly coughed, "Jingyi, how to run here?" Charlie listened, slightly a Leng, hand is also raised, standing in the door position of Zhou Jingyi is also a Leng? At the same time, he looks at Ding Yu curiously.

"Your friend?" Charlie laughed. Since she is Ding Yu's friend, no matter how she came in, he needs to give this face. However, it is necessary for him to investigate the situation of some security guards. It is necessary to know that no one can enter the party. The safety factor is too problematic, which can not be forgiven.

And then Charlie stood up too. "I don't have time for you. Excuse me." Ding Yu also held up the mineral water in his hand, "I won't say hello to you when I leave. Take me to greet your fiancee!"

"Come on, she likes the gift you sent. By the way, I have given you the invitation letter for marriage. This is a reservation in advance. No matter what kind of situation or accident happens, I don't want you to be absent!" When he said this, Charlie also turned to smile. "Actually, I'm looking forward to what kind of gift you'll give. This is the truth!"

When Charlie went out, she didn't pay any attention to Zhou Jingyi standing at the door, with some indifference. Zhou Jingyi also looked at Charlie carefully, because she had already recognized who Charlie was. However, she had no impression of the people sitting in the distance, so she couldn't see clearly.

Zhou Jingyi also has some doubts. What kind of big man is Zhou Jingyi? I don't seem to have much impression! However, when the room's headlights were turned on, Zhou Jingyi also narrowed her eyes. After seeing clearly the person sitting there, she covered her mouth subconsciously.

Ding Yu also stood up at this time, looking at Zhou Jingyi's dressing up and shaking his head, "let's go!" Zhou Jingyi also spits out her little tongue. She really didn't expect to meet Ding Yu here. What about Ding Yu? I don't have to ask how Zhou Jingyi came here. I don't have so many ideas.

However, Zhou Jingyi did notice that when Ding Yu left, many people at the banquet said hello to Ding Yu. What about Ding Yu's attitude? Not cold or hot, Zhou Jingyi is very clear about who can attend the party. She has been struggling to attend the party, but she thinks there are still such accidents.

Just after coming out of the party, Ding Yu met a familiar person outside. Ding Yu stopped for a moment and then let Zhou Jingyi out of the room. Ding Yu's driver also drove the car to Ding Yu's side, and the waiter there also wanted to open the door.

"Brother Ding!" Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it, "pay attention to rest!" Ding Yu didn't make any comments or opinions on this time. Instead, Zhou Jingyi's mother looked at Ding Yu suspiciously. However, before waiting for a ride, Ding Yu had already got on the bus. To a certain extent, she was indifferent.

"Why is he here? Looks like a good mix? " Zhou's mother looked suspiciously at the far away car, and then pulled her daughter over. "Mom, don't say it. It's all your ideas. It was almost caught by others. I don't know how to deal with it!"

"Didn't you catch it?" Zhou Jingyi looked at her mother, looked at her and said, "Mom, this time I depend on you, but I don't want to look like this again!" After that, she also went to the car in the distance, which made Zhou's mother feel very surprised. What happened to her daughter?

After getting on the bus, Zhou's mother also said with some doubts, "why is Ding Yu here? Oh, by the way, he's also from medical school, but it seems that he shouldn't have done it!"

Zhou Jingyi also has some doubts in her heart, but her contact with Ding Yu is not very long, and her understanding of Ding Yu is not as much as imagined. However, it can be seen that Ding Yu and Charlie are all equal, without any servitude. That momentum is not artificial.

But the problem is that there is no connection between them at all! They were all their own mothers. When they came to England, they turned them out before they could settle down completely. Later, some small accidents happened. I didn't expect that he was the object of his blind date. However, at that time, I was really not very sensible!

The little boy friend I made at that time had already been dumped in Nantian by myself. I couldn't even remember who that guy was. I didn't have this impression at all. What about this evening? Meeting Ding Yu, also let Zhou Jingyi have other ideas.

In fact, there is still some understanding of Ding Yu's situation in China. Ding Yu's ability to resolve the crisis is really something that the domestic side has never thought of. How much money Ding Yu has is not as big as they thought. They took an advantage of Ding Yu, a special immunity.

This right is even more special than the immunity of diplomats. Although there are not many people who know the news, China still knows that the national interests that this special immunity can bring may be beyond imagination. The British side will not slap itself in the face, especially on the issue of Ding Yu.But there are also some worries above. What about Ding Yu? There are some special reasons why he went abroad at first? It has been investigated clearly, but in the follow-up processing, there has been a huge mistake, which can not be avoided.

In other words, do you want to repair the relationship again? It's not as easy as you can imagine. Ding Yu is a very sensitive person, but also a very cautious person. It is very clear that he received different training in the army.

However, it is also because it is too clear, so also know that things are not easy to do. At the beginning, Ding Yu left the army, there are some difficult to say, which also involves many reasons. Of course, there is another aspect that can not be ignored, that is, the reason why Ding Yu entered the army at that time. Although there are some bullshit, now it seems that it can not be underestimated!

After all, what about the people involved? If it is extended, it is also quite troublesome. If there is really a conflict in this respect, it will be difficult to solve. At the beginning, Ding Yu was able to avoid some situations because he entered the military.

The military is a relatively independent force. At least, it is very difficult for political influence to penetrate the military. So what was Ding Yu's time? It can be said that he survived, but for Ding Yu, there is no estrangement in his heart.

In the case of estrangement, it is difficult to win over Ding Yu. If Ding Yu really puts forward any conditions, how can this problem be solved at that time? So there are some headaches on this issue.

At the beginning, when he joined the army and later retired, he was involved in a mess. Even if Ding Yu's heart was big, he couldn't have any idea. Now, do you want to find someone to talk to Ding Yu? After all, Ding Yu is also a soldier who has been deeply educated by the party for many years, which can't be denied, and it can't be denied if you want to.

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