Guo Li had a good time in the evening. Flowers, beauties and wine were really enjoyed all over the place. The whole process was quite memorable. Guo Li even had some doubts about whether it was real or dream! If it is true, why feel so ethereal, if it is dreamy, but what do you see?

What about those on the bed? It should be a rare character on the big screen! And there are more than one, to the end, Guo and Li have been so weak, little brother really can't stand up, not to say that they don't want, but the heart is more than enough, the people on the bed have really squeezed themselves out! And it's the one that doesn't leave a drop!

Guo Li didn't want to do this, but he couldn't help it! Since there is no way to resist, then try to enjoy it! This is the only thing that can be done! So now can only be bored lying on the bed, real even their own fingers do not want to move! Body space is empty! Of course, it can also be said that it is aftertaste!

"Dr. Guo, it's very enjoyable, isn't it?" Elizabeth came in without any fear and consideration, and touched the smooth face of the creature on the bed. "I paid a lot of money for this! Under such circumstances, should you give me an account? Otherwise, I'm sorry for my efforts! "

"Account? What account? " Guo Li said powerless!

"I gave what I should, but you didn't pay what you should pay!" Elizabeth raised her legs and said with a sigh, "although you are a student of Ding Yu, it seems that you should not be so careless in doing things."

With a snap of fingers, two women came in and looked at the things in their hands. Before Guo Li wanted to get up, they had pressed him there. Elizabeth gave a slight smile, "since you like it so much, how can I let you not enjoy it? Don't worry, you can still hold on to it

What about two women? He cleaned Guo Li's hair from top to bottom. Of course, he also cleaned his hair. But looking at the sharp razor, Guo Li really felt that there was something hanging over him. He was also the one who had taken the scalpel. It was two times that he took the knife with others, OK.

It's a double blow of psychology and physiology! Guo Li is very clear, Elizabeth is not able to give herself how, but the problem is herself? I don't have any ability to fight back. Just like joking, it's hard to beat two fists and four hands. What about the two girls in front of you? You have to squeeze yourself clean!

But even so, still did not want to let go of their own meaning, hungry words have food, sleepy words have a bed, thirsty words have water and wine, even go to the toilet? Do not need to do it yourself, enjoy is really enjoy! But the body is really so some can not hold on!

So the next morning, Guo Li didn't get up by himself like he used to. When he opened his eyes, someone had already shaken up on his body and looked at the white flowers in front of him. Guo Li really didn't know what to say! Is the baby brother still his own? Some are doubtful!

"I'm hungry!" Guo Li looked at the woman sitting on his body! That's what I said, but it didn't have any effect. What about this one on Guo Li? It's as if you can't understand, just swaying your posture. What about Guo Li? It's a man after all. What about some things? It's not that if you want to control, you can control it!

The sound of Pa Pa Pa makes Guo Li really bored. He really wants to kick the woman above him out of bed! But how could they have been tortured and unable to move? But at the end of the day? Also left a sheet in their own stride, is a small cover up!

Even if the handcuffs were opened, Guo Li really didn't want to move. He had been waiting for water on his head to wake up. But he was also looking at Elizabeth foolishly. She also covered her nose with a handkerchief. It was obvious that the smell in the room was slightly pungent.

"Do you want to take a bath? I've prepared a lot of food for you. At least it's a very good supplement for yesterday."

"Do you think I can still stand up now?" When talking, Guo Li also looked at his little brother. His abdomen was so sore that it was obviously too much yesterday! And the waist is almost numb!

"Where can I get it! In fact, I have prepared a lot of people for you, even medicine? I'm ready for you Elizabeth is very insipid, said as if things have nothing to do with her, "rest assured, will not cause any damage to your body, if you have a problem, I have no way to explain to your teacher, right?"

"You're good!" Guo Li struggled to get up, but then came two women, the waist twist, let Guo Li look at feeling quite exaggerated, not afraid to break his waist? Two people helped Guo Li into the bathroom, and it took about an hour to toss down.Clean up is very clean, but that is to wrap a bath towel just, and then put Guo Li to the table in front of the table, "everything is for you, is a very good supplement to you! I consulted a lot of experts. Don't worry. Did you have this meal? Although it will not be immediately vigorous, but there is absolutely no too many problems! "

"Is it really good to play with me like this?" Guo Li is also under the guidance of Elizabeth eating, what is raw and cooked, the others are not sure, in this point? I have little research, after all, I am also a doctor! I haven't eaten pork. Haven't you seen how pigs run?

"There is no way! You are Mr. Ding's student. If you are really punished, what will happen afterwards? It's really hard to explain, but in this way? Even if Mr. Ding knows it, it's no big deal. I've paid a lot for it. It costs a lot to invite these people! "

Guo Li wiped out most of the things on the table. What kind of soup and water, regardless of all together, was stuffed into his stomach. Then he sat down opposite Elizabeth, "what's next? What happened to me before? I've seen such a scene, but

Before she had finished speaking, Elizabeth turned her back on him? Take a rest, swim, and then with the previous situation is almost the same, do not want to escape, if you can run here, I will not have to do things! If you don't suffer, how can you know the power of it? "

"It seems that the teacher agrees with this?" Guo Li seems to understand something!

"Well! Not bad. When did you think of this floor? " Elizabeth's face also showed a little smile, "can you think of this layer? It's not easy! What about your teacher? It is not directly stated, but obviously also hope that you have this aspect of the lesson, so I also can't help it! That's great! "

"You are out of breath. I have learned a lesson. What about the same teacher? Did you educate me? " Guo Li also can't laugh or cry, from the whole process, we all got what we want!

"What about these? It's just superficial. How about your teacher using my hand? Educate you, and me? How about using you to prevaricate others? Do you want to know what's going on behind the scenes and see what's going on? We can't just see what's on the surface. We need to see it longer! "

"I really don't have any interest. I can learn a long lesson. The more I know, the faster I die!" Guo Li's head was shaking fast, "but what about it? I've learned this lesson, or I'll do it like this! I enjoyed it very much yesterday. Thank you for your hospitality?! What do you think of it? "

"The matter is now in the process of getting involved. If I let you go now, I'm afraid Mr. Ding will be there? There is no way to explain! So stay for another two days! Also let me this host treat you well! don 't worry! I can't squeeze you out completely. I still have this assurance! "

Obviously, Elizabeth didn't mean to let go of Guo Li. She would never have such a chance again. If she didn't take care of Guo Li, she would be very sorry for herself! As for whether Guo Li will resent himself, this point is not so important, after all, Ding Yu is still there.

Jin is also looking for Ding Yu? Put the blame on him, let alone!

Guo Li had a long rest in the afternoon, but what happened after the break? Guo Li began to work hard again, which can be said to be quite skeptical. If you want to find a daughter-in-law in the future, how to explain it?

It's easy to say something about Britain, but what about America? Feel oneself is really bad, still have a bit? I'm afraid I won't have any interest in women for a long time. I'm really powerless! My teacher is too bad! Even think of Fang's next set!

When Elizabeth was released, Guo Li felt his legs were soft and could not walk at all! It's not that you don't want to go! But the actual situation? Let oneself really is helpless!

When he saw Jin, Guo Li almost even shed tears, not pretending to be poor, but his most real expression! If you don't do this, will you let yourself live?

"Why such an expression? Aren't these two days very enjoyable? " "You know, in order to invite a few people, Elizabeth has invested a lot of money! Are you ungrateful? "

"But my body and mind have been quite hurt!" Guo Li said pitifully.

"For you personally, it's just an experience! Sooner rather than later, but what about your appearance? It's really just a little bit pathetic. Since you can't resist, then enjoy it well. Isn't it better? "

"I don't have that mood yet. What I want is how to explain to my wife in the future?"

Kim scratched his head with his hand. Obviously, what about this? Let him also have so some did not think of, "I really have no way to explain this problem, from my personal point of view? It doesn't matter if you are not married, but what about getting married? You should be a good gentleman"The teacher did it on purpose! Why do you do this? "

"What about torture? This way for your physical and psychological impact will not be so big, you are still too young, betrayal way? There are only a few, faith, money and women

"I will not betray my teacher!"

It seems that you still don't understand what Mr. Zhang means. Mr. Wang hopes you can be a useful person, a virtuous and talented person, rather than a talented person without virtue. What about women and money for you? Basically, it doesn't make any sense. What about faith? This is not something that individuals can interfere with! "

Guo Li took a long breath, "how about the process? It may be comfortable, but I don't know why? It's just that I can't get over it psychologically! In fact, I have always been able to see things open! "

"What about this? Just wait for your answer! Of course, what happened to you this time? In fact, there are other reasons, but since you don't want to be involved, then forget it! Let alone tell you? It doesn't mean much! On the contrary, it will add to your troubles! It's quite inappropriate! "

"Brother Kim, may I venture to ask a question?" When he saw Jin nodding, Guo Li also said with a smile, "what's the problem with master? Is it also very casual! I just feel a little curious

Jin waved his hand and shook his head at Guo Li. "What about this, sir? It's really different from other people. He doesn't like noisy life. Relatively speaking, it's relatively quiet. In the end, what? Sir, women should be less than you! I can guarantee that! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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