When seeing Ding Yu, Guo Li also looks at his teacher with a kind of grievance on his face! "Teacher, do you want me to be the bridegroom every night? I don't have a hobby in this area at all! Although I once had a little imagination, this is totally two things with the reality! "

For Guo Li's complaint, Ding Yu basically turned a blind eye, but it was a small explanation! "And Elizabeth? She is a senior veteran. She comes from the Department of emotion management. What if I arrange other people to do it? You can't bear it, but what about her? Used to these things? So it's a very good teaching for you! "

Guo Li also paid attention to looking at his teacher, but also can find the bad taste of the teacher's mouth, "teacher, I am no longer a child, and I gave a stick directly. I also said earlier that I am afraid it will be difficult for me to explain to my daughter-in-law in the future. How should such a thing be said? It's really shameless to see people! "

"It's quite pure, but what happened after this time? There should be no problem. On the one hand? You're less interested in women. What about the other side? You are not short of money, so you want to find your weakness? It's more difficult! This is a process, habit is good! Don't care so much! "

"Teacher, did you go through this process Guo Li didn't know whether it was gossip or intentional! Anyway, I asked casually, but there are some revenge meanings!

"Me? It's really not! " Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "I belong to the entrepreneur, what about more time? I'm a bystander, I don't like to show up, so many people have been misled. My interest in this aspect is not so big! Just let it be! "

"Teacher, you can blame me for it!"

"When you can't resist, just enjoy the process." Ding Yu said slowly and leisurely, "what about this experience? Not everyone can enjoy it. Of course, you are very resistant to this? I really did not think of it, but from here can also see that Elizabeth's entry point is very correct! I've got you to the point

"Teacher, I am very aggrieved in this way." Guo Li looked resentful to his wife, "I..."

"Well, don't you, my! Not to mention men? Not all things need to be told to your wife, or you need to stop. Don't always use such an excuse Ding Yu cast a glance helplessly, "what about these two days? Noisy things may be a little bit so big, so be careful yourself! But after this time, I don't think anyone will do it to you again! "

Guo Li twisted his nose, why did his teacher say this, he did not believe it? However, Guo Li really won't do any refutation. Things have nothing to do with him. Although he said he knew some things, he didn't really have much curiosity.

"Teacher, I have already been like this? Can you give me a hand! I really don't feel so appropriate for such a means! " When talking, Guo Li is also peeping at his teacher, there is no way, he has a considerable worry about this, afraid that his teacher again two times, I am afraid that really useless!

Ding Yu nodded? It's really hard to say. The chance you've caught up with is really great, so I can't help it. As for whether there will be such a chance in the future, it's hard to say, but your homework in the past two days seems to have dropped a lot. I think you should also be very clear about this! "

Is that ok? Guo Li's mouth is open, no matter what you think? Did not think of their own teachers should have such a hand, around are their own wrong! And there is no reason to say that he has so many shameless people!

"What about Ouyang? May be about to go through the procedures for graduate students, and you? It's OK, but it's better to put it in my name anyway! " Give a slap, naturally also give two sweets to eat, "by the way, I asked you to look for someone else, did you find it yourself? Hold on, don't delay

"Yes, teacher, I'll start at once!" Guo Li found that although his teacher said that people gave themselves a means, but it is only a small hand, really did not rise to a certain height, otherwise, he is absolutely unbearable!

But the teacher! Is it really good for you to be like this?

"Sir, there is a visit!" After getting the news, Jin also whispered in Ding Yu's ear, "old Bostonian! It seems that there is some anxiety

Ding Yu nodded to Guo Li. After waiting for a long time, Sanchez, a representative of Boston Financial Group, also came in. He saw Ding Yu, who was standing there, was also the first to stretch out his hand and hold it together with Ding Yu's extended hand.

"So late? And this time to come? " Ding Yu asked, "what news did you hear? Or is there something coming this time? " Ding Yu will not gossip with him, there is no need to express directly! Didn't Sanchez understand what he meant?Sanchez looked at Ding Yu and shook his head! Or is it so direct? How many major military industrial groups? Recently, we have received orders. We have a huge order, and even the budget in some aspects has suddenly increased. It has a certain tendency! "

Just make it clear. Ding Yu definitely understands what this represents. The increase of orders and budget of the military industry group is not as simple as selling well here! It's not a simple matter for the Senate and the house of representatives to pass. What about the government? I don't want this to be too noisy!

What about the thing in Ding Yu's hand? I know it, but I didn't think it would fall into Ding Yu's hands. Why did the government suddenly make this decision and even took out considerable benefits? It just didn't want Ding Yu to continue to toss about, so he began to soften up!

Where is Ding Yu sitting on the sofa? He was also leaning against the armrest and holding his chin with his left hand. Obviously, he was thinking about something. After a while, he was also sent a box of cigars, accompanied by drinks.

"I didn't mean to stop you. There was not much good time in a year, so I can really understand the joy when I met such a thing!" Ding Yu also expressed his feelings directly!

You've got the benefits, no problem! I didn't mean to stop. Hello, Hello, everyone. This is my consistent style, but now you have got the benefits. What about me? I didn't get anything. It seems that there is something wrong with this!

What about Britain? It's you who lead it out. OK, you're the means behind it. I can take it as nothing. But what about France? You started directly and even killed me. Do you have to say something about it? It's hard to say that I'll suffer from depression alone!

When Sanchez came? I've already thought about it. What about this? It's really easy to deal with a good deal, but can't it? Is it really difficult to deal with, so that Ding Yu can talk about this issue calmly? It's not difficult. Ding Yu will never give Boston and other consortia this face.

Everyone has been more supportive of him. He has a good relationship with the consortia here. It's easy to say such a thing. However, it is really difficult to find out how to compensate Ding Yu. This is a matter for the government. Although the government did not directly come forward, Ding Yu seized the handle.

Ding Yu is stuck. If he wants to let him go, he will have to pay a considerable price. How can we say that if he kills a snake, he will suffer from it. That's why? Just knock Ding Yu to death with a stick. If you don't have this skill, don't think about it! Don't believe in this evil? Who was the last one to be unlucky? It is already self-evident!

"I believe they should be prepared!" After Sanchez lit his cigar, he also gave a smile. Anyway, what about this matter? I'm not prepared to stand up again. I've got a lot of interests in my mouth. What about the government? They paid a considerable price to appease themselves, OK!

But just want to use this to take out the things in Ding Yu's hands. It's impossible. Why pacify yourself? I just don't want everyone to give Ding Yu platform. When the time comes, there will be more waves. But what about this? Can not isolate each other and Ding Yu's relationship!

We are not for Ding Yu platform, but in the end, this benefit is for Ding Yu, who can not forget this point! So now we are all looking at whether these waste products in Ding Yu's hands can be sold for a diamond price! We really wait and see!

If you think about it carefully, there is a possibility in this respect. What about those things? All of them have become waste products. They have been burned with thermite, but they are not so clean. At least they can tell what they are.

Why should the government bow its head? If this thing is really exposed to the public, then the government can not bear the pressure. At that time, it will be possible for the whole United States to step down? Still really can't hold this pressure, so it's better to compare with harmony!

But what about peace? It can't go around Ding Yu all the time. What about in France? All want Ding Yu's life. Under such circumstances, it's strange that Ding Yu can let these guys go! Ding Yu's ruthless hand is black, everyone has a taste, so this time? If the price of diamonds can be brought down, the government may be burning high incense!

"I've heard that old Peyton guy has been very quiet lately!"

"Let Elizabeth come! I also took Guo Li my students away! After this meal, what about my students? On the surface, it was unhurt, but it was hit quite hard. I was still complaining about my grievance just now Ding Yu also means to say, of course, this is a what situation, is another thing!

"He was crammed into this thing?" Sanchez is really not so concerned about Guo Li's affairs. Although there were British affairs and other situations before, what about him? It's just a little ant all the time. It can't jump very high, so I don't really put it in my heart!"What about the old Peyton family? I have been studying, but from the current situation, the research results are not so big. I have done my best. What about their families? But what about this situation? Suffered the envy of others! There's no need! What do you think of it? "

"Ha ha, this old guy has his day, too!" Sanchez raised the glass in his hand? It's really an old fox. We are really afraid of him. We didn't expect to wait for us to start? They themselves have started a civil strife When he finished speaking, Sanchez was also staring at Ding Yu.

Ding Yu understands what Sanchez means by saying this, and how can he bring old Peyton here? So he shook his head directly, "old Peyton! It's an old fox, and also an old fox who has practiced for many years. If it were you, what kind of choice would you make? "

Sanchez also sighed, "I will choose to stick to it. Although we are divided into different interest groups, what is the relationship between them? Complicated, what's more, it also involves the so-called credibility. If there is no so-called reshuffle, even if it is eliminated, it will never make any other choice! Even directly on the other side. "

"We think so, and so does old Peyton. Over there? No matter whether it is unnecessary this time or for some other reason, he has a foothold. What if he comes here? Will we believe him? It's basically impossible, but what about over there? I'm sure I'll kill him completely. I don't like him on either side. Why should I? "

"I don't feel quite reconciled."

"Someone's giving old Peyton a lot of trouble. What about the old fox, old Peyton? He is definitely not a vegetarian. What about him this time? It's absolutely necessary to find this venue. We'll wait and see! "

"By the way, his family's condition has not developed well until now." Sanchez is still a little unwilling!

"As far as I know? Not much progress has been made! " Ding Yu also frowned, "but I'm only in charge of treatment. I don't really mean to be involved in specific research. I'm a doctor, and I'm not an expert in biology. At least it's not my direction. There are too many mysteries in human body."

"What about their genetic diseases? It really scared a lot of people This is really not a joke. How many marriages? Fall here, the two life of death, not everyone has such courage!

"Now it has been alleviated. It may also be because of this. No one wants to see the rise of their families and consortia. But in fact, what about it? I have different opinions about it! " Ding Yu also expressed his own different views, and this view also made Sanchez a little puzzled.

"What about their family? Will can be said to be a considerable appraisal

"That's not what I mean. I don't mean to win over their families. What about the change of families and consortia? Is it because of talents that it has much to do with other things? They are always living with fear. If this problem is solved, do you think they will live like this? I don't think so! "

What about this problem? Did you really think about it? So Sanchez also looked at Ding Yu strangely, and Ding Yu nodded, "this is actually the same as the sudden wealth. After someone became rich, they were luxury cars and villas. Anyway, what about the money? It's for nothing. It doesn't matter! But some people will choose a good investment! "

This explanation can be said to be quite clear, Sanchez obviously understood, why Ding Yu is not so enthusiastic about this, and even did not use any so-called means, for Ding Yu? What if the old Peyton family really solved this problem? When the time comes, it will get considerable development, it is really two said things!

There is no so-called dandy in that family, even if it has received the so-called elite education is the same!

What about the old Peyton family? They have received a different kind of education. There are fewer dandies in their family, but it does not mean that they do not exist. If their problems are really solved, will they not have more dandies?

It's really hard to say about the rise of the so-called family? It is not to say that it can be achieved in one day or two days. It involves many problems and situations! Especially in this era!

"It's said that old Peyton has begun to cultivate!"

"I've seen him before, and I've done quite a lot of diagnosis and treatment for him!" Ding Yu did not use affirmative words, just expressed the opinion, "the little guy is young, but he is quite cruel. There will be considerable development in the future, which should not be a problem!"

"Are you so optimistic?" As soon as he said this, Sanchez himself also laughed, "I heard that you seemed to be very optimistic about Taylor at the beginning? At that time, we all paid close attention to it! "

"Taylor's accomplishment is good, and her talent is also good. But old Peyton took her as the target, which showed that she did not have the luck. In fact, I really wanted to take her as an apprentice. It's a pity!"This also made Sanchez lose his mind for a while. He did not expect Ding Yu to be so optimistic about Taylor. You should know that it is totally different between accepting students and accepting apprentices, especially in Chinese tradition! It's even different. What about the two? Even in terms of no comparability at all.

"I really didn't expect that she should be so favored by you!"

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