The U.S. feels quite a headache about the conditions of Ding Yu's opening up. This is intentional revenge. The implication is too obvious! He sold a lot of blue chips in the UK. Now? Ding Yu demands compensation from the United States!

Would you like it or not? It's your business. What about my terms anyway? That's it! You can deal with it by your understanding.

Relatively speaking? He put forward two hundred cultural relics? It doesn't seem so important! It's just cultural relics. It's not difficult to make do with it. But what about these blue chips? It's really a lot of trouble! Whether to give or not, Ding Yu seems to have given considerable negotiation space, but in fact, the negotiation space is really small.

However, the government does not have too many options. The longer the time goes on, the greater the changes may occur. Perhaps what about Ding Yu's next moment? Will change their own attention! This is not a good thing to say!

What about the waste? As a matter of fact, the government has already checked it. It is really useless. It is waste. But the problem is, after the waste is taken back? It's waste, but in Ding Yu's hands, it's not so simple! Too many things can be extended!

"Mr. Jin, it takes quite a long time to raise cultural relics and discuss blue chips!" Elizabeth is now aware of the choice made by the government, "but what about us? There are also quite requirements. Things should be destroyed under everyone's attention. If they are completely destroyed, there must be absolutely no residue! "

For Elizabeth's request, King obviously felt a little puzzled, "if there is an agreement between us, everything will belong to you! It seems useless if you don't destroy it! "

"Things are of little use, anyway! After the destruction, everyone may be at ease! " Elizabeth also deliberately stressed this point, there is no way! It's true that Ding Yu is so scared. Who knows if this guy will come up with other coquettish things? We need to be prepared in this respect!

When Ding Yu knew about this matter, he also looked at Jin quite puzzled. How many meanings does the US government mean? Why put forward such conditions, they do not check it? It seems that they did not deliberately arrange this aspect of the matter!

It's really not Ding Yu's paranoia, but there are some things that are so strange that people can't feel their heads! "Kim? What do you think they want? It's all given to them anyway! How to deal with it is also their business. Why should it be destroyed under everyone's eyes? "

"Sir, they have been insisting on their opinions in this respect. I personally think that these things can be taken back? There is no effect, even the face will be more embarrassing, and in front of everyone to destroy it? It will solve a lot of unnecessary troubles, and at the same time, it will also eliminate some thoughts of others

"What others think?" Ding Yu sipped his mouth and shook his head slightly. "I can do this, but if other people do it, there will be no good fruit waiting for them! When the time comes, the knife and gun rack will be on the neck. I'm afraid it will be light. If it's heavier? To steal and destroy the family! "

"There will not be too few people who are desperate for money. What's more, other people can't trade this thing. But what if it's returned to you, sir? The meaning of this may be different again! Take it back anyway? There's no use. If you don't want to take up space, it's better to finish everything and cut off everyone's thoughts! "

"That's interesting. Whose brain is pumping like this?" Now that this issue has been mentioned, what about Ding Yu? I don't mean to oppose them, let alone those things? It's not true. Even if it's destroyed, there will be other troubles. "Whatever they want, as long as they are happy."

Ding Yu really didn't do any other actions. Anyway, the things are at the warehouse. Now it can be said that there are layers of guards. It is absolutely impossible for a fly to fly by. The United States expects Ding Yu to do something, but the problem is what is Ding Yu? There is no action at all, even the guards are evacuated, only a few left!

As long as there is an agreement between them, what about those things? There is no more use value at all!

On the whole, the above-mentioned agreement has been reached, but there are still some troubles in the details, so there are also some delays in the time, but what's the good news in the end? We still sit together, there is no agreement signed!

The United States has provided 120 cultural relics. What about the funds for blue chips? There is no exposure, but there is one advantage, that is, Ding Yu put a huge amount of money into the market, which really caused some water spray on the capital market, and accelerated the prosperity and circulation of the market.

Those funds are real money, not fake things. For the government, it's really a good thing. Ding Yu is such a guy! What about revenge? Yes, but the same thing. What about doing things? It is not to say that there is no control at all. At least we should know how to handle and choose.Comparatively speaking, the United States has only paid 120 cultural relics, but what? In exchange for Ding Yu's massive funds are put into the market, absolutely good! Absolutely acceptable! Everyone's face is much better.

However, for the UK, it is not as simple as losing face. Ding Yu sold the assets of the UK, which caused the turbulence of the whole British capital market. What about this turbulence? I'm afraid it can't be eliminated for a long time! But Ding Yu transferred the capital to the capital market of the United States, which made people spit blood!

The United States is really good enough! Encourage us to fight against Ding Yu in Britain, and then use our British blood to compensate the United States. The three families are tangled together. What happened in the end? Britain is bleeding. What about the United States and Ding Yu? Benefit from both sides! It's not a human being to do this?!

It destroyed Ding Yu's special immunity and caught up with the personnel of MI5. At the same time? Let Ding Yu tie his hands and feet in England again, but in the end? Ding Yu patted his buttocks and left. The United States bewitched him and left. But what happened when they left? But it's all puffy in the pocket!

What a bully! Britain really wants to cry! But if you want to cry without tears, who is going to argue?

Looking for Ding Yu? The problem is that the British side took the lead in dealing with Ding Yu, this one, and that one. Now it seems that Ding Yu has not had much reaction, just passively defends. That's all! What's more, it's not so simple to talk about Ding Yu. This bastard is cruel!

Let alone trouble the United States! One is that the distance between each other is too far away, what's more? The relationship between each other is also complicated. If there is a real collision, then Britain will definitely suffer. After all, what about the British side? In Europe, do you want to maintain your position? It really needs the support of the United States.

Missing teeth and swallowing blood are absolutely the best portrayal of Britain. Do you admit it or not? In fact, it is such a result! Either Ding Yu or the United States, or what? Bear it! It's so simple!

On reflection, the British side is also decisive advice!

However, the external counseling does not mean that the internal counsels are the same. Contradictions always need to be transferred. Since this contradiction can not be transferred to Ding Yu and the United States, then someone needs to carry the black pot. Didn't MI5 carry the black pot once before? Then recite it again!

What's more, the MI5 has not given an account of Guo Li's affairs? They have made such a big basket, but there is no investigation on it. Although it is said that there is Ding Yu's problem, who let them be so careless. There was no education and education before, it was because it was inappropriate, but now? There's nothing appropriate or inappropriate to say!

Of course, apart from MI5? There are also some senior staff also follow, bad luck! At the beginning, when they started to attack Ding Yu, they could say that they were strongly advocating, although they said that the MI5 department? Can pass on some contradictions, but the effect will not be as good as imagined, so we need them to carry some!

It's not just a simple matter of breaking the roots of these guys, but also the need to uproot them. If it wasn't for the demagogues of these guys, how could such a change happen? So these guys can't stay!

Of course, Ding Yu got the news, but he sniffed at it. Now he wants to do it. It's really late! It's not too late to mend the knot. This sentence is not really suitable for this time!

If they can make a decision at the airport, there will be no follow-up problems and situations. However, some people don't have long eyes and don't give them a little taste. They don't know what is peach blossom all over their faces, let alone where they are now? It's still a long way to go!

Ding Yu hasn't really made a move yet! Now the British side has been unable to sit still. If it really fell down at that time, what would they do? Jump? It doesn't work at all. Take the whole UK to fill the hole! But I don't know if this pit can be filled in.

If you can't fill it in, then I'm sorry! Just throw you all in. Anyway, there are not many more people, but a lot less. Ding Yu has already started the operation of this aspect, but the question is what about the British side? Is always stuffy in the drum, intentional calculation, not intentional, when it will be a what kind of results, still need to explain?

However, Ding Yu really did not have the unrestrained behavior and action, and also did not have any excessive caution and caution. It is similar to the previous time. What should it look like? What is it like? The United States always pays attention to Ding Yu all the time, but to a certain extent? It's just a show!

How about observing Ding Yu? It's the least interesting thing. What about this guy? During the day, I basically spent a day in the hospital, and the patients I contacted most were the patients. Then I went back to the apartment at night and stayed in the apartment honestly. I didn't deal with the outside world very much! This is not a moment of silence, but all the time? He's all like this.Life doesn't mean that he has no communication at all. His social circle is also very wide, but the problem is, what about this guy? Not active people, quiet just like a sculpture, what's more? It's really not good to observe Ding Yu too close. This guy is definitely not a vegetarian!

Past experience and history have made it clear to all that if we get too close, there is only one result, that is, it will disappear without a trace, and there will be absolutely no residue left. Ding Yu is such a tyrant.

But surely this guy should start to act now. Some of the cultural relics have been packed and will be transported back to China by Ding Yu. There is no doubt that there are still some cultural relics? Ding Yu stayed in his apartment in the United States. Why? No one can tell.

As for those waste products, they have been eliminated for a long time, and the elimination is very clean. The follow-up treatment is carried out in front of the public. We can all see that Ding Yu did not send any heavyweight people here, but Ding Yu absolutely knows the process and process of the destruction!

If there is no capital invested by Ding Yu in the capital market, what about the United States? May be really not satisfied, but now Ding Yu has invested such a large sum of money into the market, it is really let all aspects have nothing to say.

This thing Ding Yu does is very beautiful, can only be so mentioned!

"Old Peyton, it's definitely not a good time for you to come and play in autumn!" Ding Yu looked at the old man who was puffing in front of him, but he was not very kind. "The so-called landlords don't have any surplus food."

"The matter has been investigated." Old Peyton looked at the cigar in his hand. He really liked it! But what is the thing belongs to Ding Yu, he can only occasionally run here twice, mix two, only that, as for whether lose face, that is not so important!

"I haven't heard that you have too many movements and movements, but I think I should give you an account! You old man, you are sitting in front of me now. Things should have been solved perfectly, haven't they? "

"Things have been solved, but what about perfection? Not really! " Then he also took a look at Ding Yu, "originally I thought I could find out that person, but I didn't expect to be robbed by you! Since you have already taken the lead, it's hard for me to say anything, but at least I should give this old guy some psychological comfort! I'm an old man already

At the end of the speech, he was also holding the cigar in his hand. Ding Yu also thought about a little time. What about the deal? Really is the value of comparison! "Two boxes!"

"So stingy?" Old Peyton also blew his beard and glared, "Ding, you shouldn't be such a mean person. Do you want to know how many people are thinking about that guy? Anyone who has some strength is sure to win for that guy

"Well! You make a price Ding Yu didn't mean to be too harsh.

"Two boxes!" Old Peyton's knife is really cruel!

"Two boxes are absolutely not available. I don't know if there are two boxes of surplus output. What's more, if they are all given to you, I don't want to be too quiet in my home! Let's see! I'll supply you with a box of two months until the end of next year. If you still ask for it, I really can't do anything about it! "

"Yes Old Peyton's eyes are bright too. Ten small boxes! It's a good deal, "but what about me? Also can't empty mouth white tooth's bully you, I take the thing to you! Absolutely good thing

As for what it is, now we don't need to tell Ding Yu, but it will definitely make Ding Yu feel satisfied. Ding Yu has given himself this face, and he is the same? Also need to know the good or bad of it! There is a return of courtesy, and we would like to see you in the future.

"By the way, I've brought a patient here. If you have time, give me a look! I know you won't stay in the United States for a long time, and it's hard to tell whether you have this time after you go back! "

"It's almost finished in the past two days. How about staying here? There are really not too many things! " Ding Yu has already made preparations for this aspect. Old Peyton is coming here. On the one hand, he is discussing with himself to finish the previous time. On the other hand, what about? It's about letting yourself do it.

The so-called end of the previous thing, this is easy to say, each other has already got the things they want. Things do not need to be too detailed, there is no need for that, we can understand in our hearts!

As for the treatment? You need to see Ding Yu's mood!

When he saw Ding Yu reach out, old Peyton also gave Ding Yu a document. When Ding Yu looked at the document, he also jokingly said, "by the way, I heard that you have accepted a student. I heard that this student is still very good!"

Ding Yu took a rare look up and said, "what? Are you interested in him? " Then he looked at the information in his hand again, "but he is not so interested in foreign women. He was upset by Elizabeth before. Of course, if you can move him, I don't care, but the chance should be small. I'll take him back!""To be valued by you should be extraordinary."

"It doesn't fit your family well. What about him? He can only be regarded as a monk in the middle of the road, but I personally don't like to impose anything on others, let alone he is still my student! Any choice he makes is his business! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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