What about Guo Li? Old Peyton didn't care that much, mainly because of his own child Tyler. If he didn't make any choice at the beginning, what about Taylor? May become Ding Yu's student, even directly become Ding Yu's apprentice, which treatment is absolutely different!

But Ding Yu's heart is too firm, gave a chance, you cherish it? That's good. What if you don't cherish it? Then I'm sorry! Every time I think about this matter, old Peyton feels a little annoyed, and as time goes on, this emotion is becoming more and more intense.

If there is Ding Yu's training, then Taylor's growth will be absolutely different. He has been observing Ding Yu's employment for years. It seems that it is not appropriate to be strict with his subordinates. He is more willing to give full play to the subjective initiative of the following people and give you a direction. How should we do it? It's your business!

I'm not an expert, so I never give directions, just keep good in the general direction! And what about subordinates? What do you need? I give you what, time, space and so on, as long as you can play your own good! Greatly improve the enthusiasm of the following people!

And Ding Yu himself? They don't get entangled in these trivia, and they have plenty of time and energy. What about this? He is also very much admired, Ding Yu's initiative to decentralization, if it is his own words, really can not do.

Of course, every entrepreneur is different, and there is no need to repeat what to say at this point. The main reason is that Ding Yu's education of his two children has really made his eyes hot. The children in his family have also received such education, but there are not so many people who can show their talents.

What about Ding Yu's son and daughter? Although the age is still young, but the light is also enviable! What about Guo Li and Ding Yu's education? It's also hard work, even spare no effort. If it's your own, it's really hard to do this step!

But what about these? Now I can only think about it. There are other children in the family, but the problem is that there are many differences in qualifications. People who can match Taylor are not! I have tasted it carefully! Oh!

"Guo Li doesn't seem to be very old. What do you think of Taylor's match for him?"

Ding Yu roughly looked at the material, put it on the table, and also looked at old Peyton. "I have no objection to this matter. How can Guo Li choose? It's his business. How does Taylor choose? It's her business. What about China? There is an old saying that it is better to demolish ten temples than to demolish one marriage. What about marriage? It's about fate. If they really have this fate, we should congratulate them. If they don't have this fate, don't ask for it! "

For Ding Yu's words, old Peyton also pondered over some time, and his heart was clear. Although Ding Yu was not so optimistic about things, he did not mean to oppose them.

What about other people's words? Letter three points may have been the limit, but what about Ding Yu? But there is no need to have such worries and concerns. Since Ding Yu has no objection, it shows that he really will not pay any attention to it. The rest depends on his granddaughter's means! Will two people have a good result? Who knows?

Later, Ding Yu accompanied old Peyton to the research center. When he saw the patient, Ding Yu scratched his nose with his hand. "Old Peyton, I really have some doubts. Of course, you can refuse to answer. I just have some strange things, although I am curious? It could kill the cat! "

"Giving birth is the first thing!" Old Peyton did not pay any attention to Ding Yu's banter. What's more, he is already so old, and is familiar with such things. Even if Ding Yu said something, what could he do?

"You are quite frank enough Ding Yu shakes his head, from starting to leaving, the time spent is not as long as imagined. After all, the one on the bed is still very young, so it is not as much energy consuming as imagined.

The next day, Ding Yu called Guo Li and Ouyang Ying to her side, "what about the others? Continue the internship, you two will come back to China with me, the time is not short! "

Guo Li did not have any reaction, but Ouyang seemed to be a little puzzled, "Mr. Ding, this is the time to go back!"

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his finger, "Guo Li, you go to explain the plane at night! Of course, other things are easy to handle, but if you delay this matter, you know the consequences! "

Standing next to him, Guo Li also pulled Ouyang with his hand. It is obvious that he knows the most about the situation. The teacher doesn't want to explain, so only the student himself can do it!

"What is Mr. Ding's plan, Xiao Li? It would be nice if you followed me back. How can I go back with you? " Ouyang Ying is also looking at Guo Li with a bad complexion. Although she said that she did not have any students who could become Ding Yuding's teacher, she still had the original attitude towards Guo Li, without any change.

"Good thing, no one else wants such a chance, don't you think?" Guo Li also disdained to hum a, looking at Ouyang raised the fist, is also immediately to jump out of a step, at the same time put his hands on his chest, "just talk, do not do it for the gentleman!"The words are said, but there are still two punches on the face, "I am a woman, not a gentleman!"

"Ah, only women and villains are hard to raise!" Guo Li was reluctant to say, "the teacher went back to see the No. 1 and No. 2 leaders. The two of us, together with Shen Mingzheng, were taken to see the world. If you don't want to, forget it! This matter is the teacher mentioned to me earlier! But it's confidential! "

"What?" Ouyang Ying had raised her hands, and all of a sudden they were lying there. After Guo Li repeated that, she also jumped up high and put Guo Li's head in her armpit position, "are you serious?" The words revealed considerable disbelief and surprise!

"Let go, let go, this is in the teacher's house, not in the school!" Guo Li didn't dare to fight back, but kept shouting, "of course, it's true. How can such a thing deceive you? Hurry back and pack up! Given us such a short time, I haven't finished packing up my things yet? This time I went back, but I have prepared a lot of things. You are such a disgraceful woman

On the plane back home, Ding Yu didn't have so much time to accompany Guo Li and Ouyang. Instead, he had time to guide their academic problems! "You've seen a lot of things this time, and you've all had your own fortune. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Now no one can appreciate it. Maybe when you are old, you will look back and have a different idea

"Teacher, the school should be waiting for news."

"I won't go back. I've already contacted the headmaster. Just go back and report! There will be arrangements at school. What about Ouyang? You decide on your own. This time with you, the main reason is that the leaders want to see you! I don't mean anything else. It's not easy to catch such an opportunity! "

"Teacher, are you not going back to school?" The expression on Guo Li's face is somewhat different.

"I won't go back at this time. What about the two bastards at home? I've been exiled. The backyard is smoking now. If I don't go to put out the fire, I'm afraid it will be a big problem, so I won't go back! "

Their two grandmothers now call each other every day, which makes Ding Yu feel quite big. They are busy outside. What about their home? I can't stop it. I really can't help it. So I can only catch up and have a look at the performance of the two children during this period!

Eh? This jump is a little bit too big for two people to accept! Especially Ouyang, what about his teacher? I really admire you, but what did this teacher do? It is really that people can not feel the head, and there is Guo Li there, it seems that there are so some of the biased.

When he got to the capital, it was already dark. Ouyang went home directly. Anyway, his home was on the side of the capital. As for Guo Li, he followed Ding Yu to the courtyard. "Find a place to live by yourself."! I have other things to deal with. You can do it yourself! "

"Teacher, is the place too big?" When speaking, he also touched his head. Although it was dark, the light in the courtyard was not completely turned on, but it was enough to make Guo Li feel a little restrained.

"Want to go out and play wild?" Ding Yu is also feeling so funny, but think about it is also, in the courtyard here? Guo Li is also quite restrained, and if he is not there, he may be more uncomfortable, let alone bring him to the courtyard? It is also a signal to the outside world that whether he will stay or not is not so important.

"With you? That is to give you a certain position, but since the goal has been achieved, the rest is also at will, find a car to go wild! Pay attention to safety! "

There was not much to pay attention to Guo Li's meaning. Ding Yu took the list and went to his father's place. After seeing the teacher's leaving, Guo Li sighed a long sigh. But when he saw the vehicles in the garage, Guo Li scratched his head again.

"Don't drive an Audi!" The housekeeper Deng Rong also led Guo Li to a square Mercedes Benz, and put the key on Guo Li's hand. "You are a student of Mr. Li. How about driving Audi in other times? Yes, but what about tonight? It's the best car to drive! "

"Steward Deng, is this too extravagant What about being a man? Naturally, Guo Li also likes this car very much. He is absolutely bold and heroic. But the problem is that this is the teacher's car, not his own car.

"After the car was bought back, only the second lady has driven it several times. Originally, the second Miss also has one, but she is already old. The second miss is married. Now it is a little inappropriate to drive such a car, but it is not the same for you!" Deng Rong also carefully explained, "Sir, there are arrangements, you just drive out!"

When driving out of the courtyard, Guo Li was also careful, but the problem is that after this guy drove out, the cars around him basically took a detour and didn't know the brand name? Don't you know the car yet? Do you know the car? Naturally, it is needless to say, but what about Guo Li? It's very cautious and careful.But being able to drive the car shows that Guo Li still has a considerable place in Ding Yu's mind. Guo Li went to Shen Mingzheng, and then he stopped the car under Shen Mingzheng's building. He didn't mean to drive the car to be chic. They just found a kebab and drank beer to roll string! It's too late to eat roast duck!

This makes a lot of people gape, driving Ding Yu's car? Even without any big action, I went out to drink with my friends. You are looking for a good place! It's a small shop belonging to the roadside stall. Are there so many inappropriate shops! Even if you don't have money, you don't have to go to a place like that, right?

Whether it is intentional and artificial, or whether there are other reasons, remains to be investigated!

When Ding Yu came to her father's place, Wang Li had already arrived. When Ding Yu sat down, she also handed the list to her sister. "It was transported back from the United States, and the things are at the airport! The time is just right now. You can deal with it later. "

"I'll cut it off!" As soon as Wang Li's words were finished, Su Yuan's slippers flew over. Although she said that her daughter was married, what happened? No matter what, she is her mother, and Su Yuan's temper is obviously so big, even a little angry! So it's also a little reckless!

After getting a shoe sole, Wang Li also sneered, and then she leaned on her elder brother's side, "brother, how did things come from? So many good things? A hundred pieces in all, zero and full! "

"There are 120 items in total. I have collected 20 items. If there are other uses, I will not give them to you at the Palace Museum. What's more, you have also collected a lot of good things. I'm afraid it will take quite a long time to digest them even if they are cleaned up and studied."

While talking, Wang Changlin also came back. Looking at the things in his daughter's hands, he also took a quick look, and then put his eyes on his son's body. "So many things can't be bought with money!"

"It's in America!" Ding Yu did not explain the reason, because there are many things? Can't say too clearly, at least their father now know is not a good thing!

Wang Changlin narrowed his eyes. Earlier, his eldest son came back and seemed to mutter with Su Quan. What was involved? He was not so clear about it, but what was inside? There must be a way!

But what exactly it is, I really don't know, but I don't have much to explore. Now I've got back a hundred things. What about these things? It's not the imitation of Liulichang. It's the real thing. Although I don't have any research, I know that money can't buy so many things! You have money, you can't buy it!

"It's time to stop for a while after you come back?"

"Well! Go and have a look at the two bunnies. It's said that this period of time is very noisy! " What about Ding Yu's speech? It really didn't taste much, but listening to Su Yuan's ears, he couldn't help himself. After his grandson and granddaughter had been out for such a long time, Ding Yu, who was a father, had been indifferent.

Now all of a sudden, it's a good idea, isn't it? What's more, do you want to follow me? Think about it, or forget it! The eldest son passed by. If he followed him, what would happen? I'm afraid it can only make the relationship between each other more embarrassing, so there is no such word.

"How are you in America?" Wang Changlin asked tentatively.

Ding Yu did not speak, but to Wang Li hum, Wang Li is very dissatisfied with a look at their big brother, and then with their mother together to prepare to eat! After Wang Li and her mother left, Ding Yu just slightly nodded her head, "there is nothing too much, everyone has stopped! All is well

"Has it all stopped? There is a story in it

"It's a coincidence that Britain has been hit by chance. What about British assets? In general, they were sold and then invested in the capital market of the United States. It is such a situation for the time being! Now the United States will be very quiet. It will take a long time to digest these things. What about Britain? You need to lick your wounds! "

"It seems that I didn't hear anything from such a big movement?" Wang Changlin did not understand a question!

"No one has seriously stood up, that is, in France there was a little impulse, we exchanged fire, but to say that really out of the so-called movement, it really does not count, is to vent each other! It's no big deal! "

"Zong Taiping, are you going to take them all the time?"

"Take it with you." Ding Yu said in a bored way, "their qualifications are still a lot worse. Compared with the people in the first echelon before, they are also quite different. What about the second echelon? There are two good candidates, but they are all transferred by the first echelon, so there are some idiots left! "

Ding Yu didn't finish his words. He took a breath and continued to say, "but what's the good news? After the baptism in France, they all made considerable progress. However, if they are released now, they will soon be swallowed up. They have not experienced so many problems and situations, so I have nothing else to do with them for a period of time! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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