In the morning, Guo Li and Shen Ming also deliberately went to pick up Ouyang. Ouyang looked at the big iron box, and he really felt that he was so ugly! At least not in line with their own aesthetic point of view, but Ouyang is also very clear, the price of this luxury car is really not cheap! Not everyone can start!

"Yes! Little plum, even the car is mixed up Ouyang's words are more like dissatisfaction!

"Don't make fun of me! If it's really my car, I really need to think about it. It looks like it's hot blooded, but some of them are not practical. Let's go! Go to the teacher first! " Guo Li didn't mean to argue with Ouyang. After all, today's situation is different! Take it seriously!

Came to the courtyard, Ding Yu is also sitting in the living room, although there are many people, but the courtyard is also quite large, but the layout of the room is not so empty!

"Sir Deng Rong is also standing beside Ding Yu.

"Have them examined!" Ding Yu gently ordered, "they don't know much about this aspect of things, so they will be in a hurry when the time comes."! By the way, men and women are different! Pay attention! Don't make a joke

After waiting for about ten minutes, the three talents came back to Ding Yu again. How much could they see that they were slightly nervous and said, "let's go! I'll take you to have a good lunch this afternoon

Because Ding Yu has always been not so much language, so Guo Li and they did not ask more about what, just follow the teacher when the little daughter-in-law! When he was on the car, Guo Li's mouth opened several times, but when he got to his mouth, he didn't mean to say it! Because my teacher obviously didn't want to talk.

Come to the place, Ding Yu is a little better, but Guo Li and they are checking and registering, not a general trouble! However, it can be seen from here that there are some differences among the three people. Guo Li is still careless and doesn't see any tension at all.

What about Shen Mingzheng and Ouyang? Although the muscle jitter is not so obvious, but psychological up? It must be quite exciting! Many people around him nodded and exchanged greetings when they saw Ding Yu. As for Guo Li, were they three? Now is not so into the law eye, so the attention can only be said in general!

When he led the three of them to the door, looking at the people waiting there, Ding Yu also nodded. Soon, the four people also filed into the office. Ding Yu found a position and stood there, "you are so lazy that you find students for yourself. Do you think you can teach these students well?"

The No.1 chief officer looked at Guo Li and the three of them, and they shook hands cordially. As for Ding Yu? But there are so some blind meaning, "uncle, I have such a big ability! What about other aspects? It may be quite different, but what about medicine? When they are a guide, there should be no problem! "

"You boy!" The middle-aged man stood in front of Guo Li, "you are Guo Li!" Looking at Guo Li who nodded in a hurry, he also patted him on the shoulder, "good boy, study hard and make more contributions to the progress and development of our country's medicine!"

"Yes! Chief Guo Li also put his chest to the old high! I'm very proud.

"Little Ouyang!" The middle-aged man looked at Ouyang Ying and said, "is everything OK at home?"

"Hello, chief!" Ouyang Ying is not the first time to see this one, but it is the first time to have such close contact, and her expression of excitement is beyond expression, "everything is good at home!"

"You are Shen Mingzheng! Good boy, upright and bright! It seems that your parents have high expectations for you. Don't let down their expectations and become a useful talent for the country

"Yes, chief!" Shen Mingzheng's hands are already shaking!

"And your teacher? I have a cold temper. I may be so strict when I teach my students. But what about these? It's all for your good, for the strength of this country? Your teacher has always been on the front line. I hope you can contribute to the prosperity and strength of our country in the future

After a good encouragement and persuasion, he let the three of them go to dinner. When Ding Yu was left in the room, the middle-aged man also sighed, "what's going on in America? I've heard that there has been a lot of noise! "

"What about America? I'm also afraid of beating the wolf at both ends. Fortunately, the matter has been solved. What about the funds I got back from Britain? A large part has been invested in the U.S. capital market, blue chips, so that each other can accept, as for the rags in my hands, publicly destroyed! No one wants to have such a hot potato in his hand. "

"Hot potato?"

"Everything has been discarded. Even if it is taken back, I'm afraid there is no way to explain it. Moreover, I'm afraid there will be other problems and situations. So it's better to destroy them in public and solve all the problems at once! At least that's it? No one can pick up any more waves! " Ding Yu explained a little, "what about my side? You get what you deserve. What about over there? Eliminate all the hidden dangers, everyone can accept it! ""I read the report! Things are still very useful! Now that it's over, let's put a full stop to it! " The middle-aged man nodded to Ding Yu. Obviously, what about this? It's always hanging in everyone's heart. Don't think that if Ding Yu gets it back, there will be no problem. It's not like this.

"So I'm going to calm down a little bit. Where are the two rabbits in the house? This period of time is also noisy, there are so many fierce, they left alone in the countryside, it seems that there are so some improper, if I do not go to have a look, the old people in the family will really hit the door! I didn't give me any good looks when I came back this time! "

"You will find a chance Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, we can see a little tired feeling from his eyes. During this period of time, his pressure can be said to be the biggest. If there is any problem and situation, he will fall down? Maybe he's not alone! What about the students? It's not going to work out.

"But you should have a good rest, too." The middle-aged man comforted Ding Yu and said, "you don't have to be alone in front of you, but your students are still good! Progress is very great! "

"What about those in the first tier? Whether it is from family, individual, or now work and study? They all have a good foundation. What about all the time? I didn't make too many arrangements for them. I just hope they can find their own direction by themselves. It's not like Zong Taiping. Even if I pointed out the direction, I still circled there. "

"Ten years of trees and a hundred years of cultivation, but your education is very special!"

"It's just severe. When it's time to start, it's absolutely unambiguous. Maybe it's because I'm not worried about so many things as I imagined! But now I still want to see my son and daughter. Anything else? That's it

At noon, Ding Yu really had a meal here in the canteen. He didn't eat a lot. Guo Li knew all these things. However, when he took Guo Li out with them, looking at the people standing not far in front of him, Ding Yu also stopped his own steps, "Dad, how are you here?"

"Well!" Wang Changlin also said hello, took a look at Guo and Li and nodded, "I come to have an emergency meeting! You're leaving in the afternoon, aren't you? "

Ding Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. His father's suggestion to himself was really obvious, and Ding Yu's reaction was also really dissatisfied, "well, give them a surprise, go to the airport directly, and you should be able to see their two Bunnies in the evening."

After coming out of here, Ding Yu didn't mean to get on the bus. "Anyway, you've visited here, and there's nothing left. What about Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng? Go back to school, Ouyang. How about you? Things in the United States are also relatively busy, and there is no need to stay for too long, understand? "

Although three people have so some do not understand, but the teacher has said so, so listen to the teacher's good! Ding Yu also got on another car and went to the airport directly. There was no need to make any so-called arrangements at home!

All the way to the airport, Ding Yu also made a call to Taixi. He left the two children alone. What about Taixi as a mother? There must be quite a total in my heart, but what about Ding Yu's education of children? She never meant to participate and interfere! This is already quite not easy!

Where's teh hee on the phone? It is also crying, after all, when the mother, but some words? I really can't say that, after all, the two children have made mistakes. If we continue to appease them now, it will definitely be harmful and unhelpful for the growth of the children. I don't want other problems in the future of the children, so it's better to be aggrieved now.

But what about the heart? It's really not the taste! In particular, the father of the child called, his emotions are really out of control! I also said a lot on the phone! Even when I put down the phone, I didn't know what I said just now!

When I got off the plane, I didn't mean to rush to the children's house immediately. There was a long distance. When I got to the place, it was already dark! When Ding Yu appeared in front of the two little guys, the two children looked at Ding Yu straightforwardly, and even did not react for a moment.

Immediately also is Ao's two throat, directly rushed to Ding Yu, the tears in the eyes are also so some uncontrollable, lying on his father's body convulsion unceasingly! However, the little four eyes in the back slowly came over and turned two times around Ding Yu. Then he was lying on one side. But what about the other five dogs? It is an end of the arch to Ding Yu's body.

"Dad After crying for a while, the two little guys just let go of their hands. Ding Yu also looked up and down, "there are so many blushes on my face. It seems that the living conditions here are very general!"

Soon, someone packed up the things. Ding Yu cleaned up carefully. He came in a little bit in a hurry. He didn't have much preparation. What are the conditions here? Relative to the home, it is really too general!"I haven't eaten yet? Would you like to have some with you? "

"Ramen?" Two little guys are also mumbling!

Even the two children also took the initiative to help. Ding Yu did not have the saying that a gentleman is far away from the kitchen. So he deliberately came to the kitchen and took a look at it. "Hello, master Ma. You're in trouble!"

"Ouch When the busy master in the kitchen saw Ding Yu, he didn't know where to put his hands. What about himself? I was specially invited here. I want to shake hands with Ding Yu, but what about your own hands? It's all noodles. "Hello, Mr. Ding! Old man

"Hello, master Ma. The two children have caused you a lot of trouble here."

"No trouble, no trouble, the two dolls are very cute!" Master Ma didn't expect Ding Yu to be so approachable. When he was invited to come, he was really worried. But after a period of contact, he found that the situation was completely different from what he imagined!

What about the two kids? It's very cute, but I don't know why the parents of two children want to send them to this place? What about here? It can't be said to be poor mountains and evil waters, but relatively speaking? It's not a place to raise people.

But I really do not want to do this aspect of inquiry, others are to let themselves cook, honest cooking is good! There is no need for others! But what about daily contact? Still can see a little different place!

Where are the two little guys? What about self-reliance? Especially strong, do not need nanny supervision, eating, bathing and so on, are to complete on their own, and even stack up the house is also quite good, see oneself is also abnormal eye heat!

They even have such an impulse to abduct the two children directly! Go back to be their own grandson and granddaughter. Where can I find such a child? Where can I find my grandson? It's already seventeen. What about eating and bathing? Maybe no one else is needed, but what about quilts? They never fold! Clean up the house? Don't fool the old man!

Today, I met the parents of two children. Master Ma also wanted to learn from them. How did the child educate him?

"Dad, do you want mutton? The freshest today Two little guys clean their hands, and then they pull two bowls of noodles. The weight is not much, even the ingredients? It's all done with the help of master Ma, but what about this idea? Is it really good? Master Ma is also very hot.

"Not bad, much better than your father! I really can't! " Ding Yu also praised and said, "if you have a chance, let your mother taste it. She can't bear to come and look at you two!"

"Well! When we're going back, we'll give it to my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and they'll all have a taste! "

"Please master Ma! There are still some people out there! " Ding Yu also told him, "if master Ma doesn't dislike it, come and have a seat together when you finish something?"

After cleaning up a whole table of things, master Ma was also very careful to sit on one side of the position, "they two little mischievous did not give you any trouble?! You know, when they are at home, they are very troubling

"No, very obedient!" The actual situation is like this, oneself also didn't want to avoid what, "be a while ago fell ill, but very quickly also is recovered, have no problem!"

Ding Yu does not refuse anything on the table. However, Ding Yu doesn't mean to drink. What if it is possible? Ding Yu will not take the initiative to drink and smoke, habitual problem! The two children sat next to Ding Yu. They had already eaten, but when the father came, they also had some fun.

Seeing that the things on the table are slowly decreasing, master Ma also keeps looking up at Ding Yu. All of the things are under his stomach. You know, it's mutton and noodles. What about these noodles? Even if it's four more? There should be no problem, and I did not move a few chopsticks.

The two children did not move a few chopsticks, and almost all of them had gone down to Ding Yu's stomach. They must not eat them badly. Although they boast that these things are very good, there is no such way to eat them, right?

"Laugh at me!" When you put down the chopsticks, what about the table top? Ma Dingyu's food is very good. It's not good enough for Ma's master! It's not the same taste with the master at home. It's more simple and more open-minded! "

"As long as Mr. Ding likes it!"

Ding Yu indicated to her little girl that she picked her chin. The little girl also jumped and carried Ding Yu's purse. Looking at her father's appearance, she opened her father's purse. You can count it with your fingers, and then she took out three coins from her purse.

"Master Ma, how about these days? Maybe I need to trouble you! ""Mr. Ding! I.... "

"I know what master Baima thinks. Are the two children here? Thanks to master Ma's hospitality, how about the two of them? Can only eat ash swallow soil! If the old people in the family know this! I'm afraid it's going to be a disaster! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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