The next morning, Ding Yu got up early, and soon found a place for exercise, that is, a place for two small exercises. As long as you have a careful relationship, you will find something! Ding Yu also stepped on two feet in the two people's exercise place, felt the strength, knew the two people's exercise degree! The result is not bad! Not long ago, two small also came to Ding Yu's side position, the top of the body's clothing is also training clothes.

Ding Yu's way of practicing martial arts is not as rigid as two children, and seems to be very arbitrary. What about the two children? In the process, Ding Yu didn't correct anything. At most, he looked at it!

Master Ma wakes up very early because he is old. Even when Ding Yu comes out, he has already woken up. Although he is busy in the morning, he will take advantage of his spare time to watch the exercise of his two children. Today, with more Ding Yu, he feels that the picture is really harmonious.

"It seems that you are not lazy. You are very good!" When pulling the bow, Ding Yu looked at the two people's postures and movements, which was also a rare compliment. He squatted down beside the two children and corrected them carefully! Although Ding Yu has a small cleanliness habit, but now it is completely ignored.

The two children are also attentively staring at their father's guidance. The opportunity for their father to speak in person is not as much as imagined, so the two little guys also have considerable expectations! Ding Yu's guidance is also very attentive, but more often than not, Ding Yu gives priority to guidance, allowing the two children to touch and feel by themselves.

Everyone has his own different perception and experience of the world. Ding Yu can teach the two children basic knowledge, but how to develop and develop in the future is the two children's own business! The future is theirs, and they really don't want the past to bind them.

So what about Ding Yu's education for them? There are some stocking flavor, but from the current situation, the effect is really unexpected good! Some Yuding didn't even expect it!

"Good morning, master Ma!" Ding Yu is very warm-hearted greetings, the two children are also very polite greetings, Ma grandfather, good, not because of the identity and other reasons, it seems indifferent!

"Good morning, Mr. Ding! Breakfast is ready Master Ma also said with a smile that people are polite to themselves, but don't be ungrateful!

What about Ding Yu's breakfast? There is no need to arrange anything deliberately, but what about breakfast for two children? It's a little different! Although the conditions here are very general, but the home can still meet their supply!

Compared with the prosperity in the East, what about here? It's very quiet. It even gives people the feeling that it's a different world. After breakfast, Ding Yu, under the leadership of his two children, also walks on the top of the mountain. When you look around, you can see that mountains are mountains, but what about your feet? Except for the loess, maybe it's stone!

"What's it like to be here?" Ding Yu is in the front, and the two children are around Ding Yu's side. What about security and others? Is far behind behind, and does not have any to go forward.

"Dad, it seems more desolate than grandma's home, even worse than that of my grandfather's, but the environment and air are really good, and the interpersonal relationship is relatively simple. But when I see some old people and children, I don't find anything else, and there are few things to play with." The little girl is not idle.

Ding Yu immediately looked at his son, and the little guy also looked at his father with a smile. "Dad, we went to live in the school for a period of time, and the conditions were very ordinary. However, there was no discrimination. It is possible that because of our sudden arrival, there may be some small barriers, but we can still play together, What's more, although the children are very young, they have already begun to take on considerable responsibilities! "

"Yes! It's not fully developed here. What about the East and south? The conditions here are not so excellent, and that's why I'll let you have a look! Let you feel it

Stop their own pace, Ding Yu looked at the distant location, "walking for two days, do you want to try it?"

The appearance of the two little guys is also eager to try, his father put forward such a request, of course, to challenge his father, but these are need to prepare, not to go away! After walking around for almost a morning, the surrounding environment was familiar to two little guys with Ding Yu.

From this point, we can see that the two little guys are quite wild. If we just take a bus, we will never remember it clearly. They have made an on-the-spot investigation!

Ding Yu didn't eat a lot of lunch. Master Ma thought he was not good at it! The mood is also a little bit guilty, or the little girl told master Ma, her father at noon has developed a habit, rarely eat!

"Sir, the message from the capital!" Jin arrived at Ding Yu's side for the first time, and handed over the message received inside to Ding Yu, "the situation is quite special!"After seeing the briefing, Ding Yu also slightly twisted his mouth. No wonder his father gave him such a signal that day. However, it's really hard to say whether the code is his own meaning or not!

But really, what if we talk about it? It seems that I have never been involved in this aspect. On the one hand, I am not happy because on the other hand? It's also because I'm worried about this. Now it seems that what they have done is quite right? What's more, he is far away from the emperor! What can I do?

"Heaven's evil has something to do, but you can't live if you do it yourself." Ding Yu said with emotion, and this is the end of the sentence, "Jin, things over the capital don't have much to do with us. Just pay attention, don't get involved!"

"Yes, sir!" In Ding Yu's side for so many years, Jin has been familiar with Ding Yu's way!

After lunch, Ding Yu also went to take a look at the two children's things. The things were sorted out very well, but there were so many things. I'm afraid that if you can't walk a few miles, you'll be lying down!

So Ding Yu also deliberately pointed out that this can be different from the usual travel! However, although Ding Yu has corrected it, he has not strictly ordered the two people to pick out everything, so that they can learn more from this aspect? Better than anything! No lessons? How can you have a long memory?

Even if you want to walk, the morning exercise still does not mean to stop. Walking is walking, and exercise is exercise, which can't be compared and confused at all!

After breakfast, they checked their own things and equipment while they were resting. Then they were on the road. The people who followed them were also Jin! What about other people? All of them are by car, some of them are following, the other part is going to the scheduled place! The maximum protection of Ding Yu and the two children's safety, but also can be orderly to arrange the relevant things.

At the beginning, the two little guys were very active and often ran to their father's position. Because of the regular exercise, what about Ding Yu for them? Is also carefully cultivated, so their two people's physical quality to far exceed the same age of children!

However, the improvement of physical quality does not mean that two people can do whatever they like. So after walking for no hour, they can only follow Ding Yu's side steadily. Previously, they were laughing and laughing, which was called a happy moment. Now? Shut your mouth!

"Dad, when shall we have a rest?" The little girl turned over the hat on her head, narrowed her eyes and looked at the sun for a period of time, "I feel a little tired, I want to drink water!"

"Because you are children, not to mention today is the first day, so I can give you more rest time, but tomorrow? There will be no such treatment! " Looking for a big stone, Ding Yu also swept two times with his hand slightly, and laid a damp proof mat to let the two children rest!

As for Ding Yu and Jin, they didn't mean to be too close to each other. "Jin, your breathing regulation is very good. I paid attention to it when I came along! It's already crossed! "

After hearing this, Jin was also very happy, "Sir, can I go on to the next step?"

"You can try it!" Ding Yu looked at Jin and said with malice, "but it's hard to say if you can stick to it or not! But it's like what I just said to the two kids. Anyway, it's the first day. You can rest a few more times! "

At this time, the two little guys not only rest, but also play with Xiao Siyan. When walking, Xiao Siyan takes a car, but now that they have a rest, they also get off the car. Although it is said that Siyan has grown up, what about the dog? It's really not suitable for long-term hiking, not to mention the ground for them, the damage is huge!

It won't take too long to walk, and the meat mat will be worn out! Although Xiao Siyan has been training for a long time, he can't stand such friction. Although Ding Yu doesn't care about xiaosiyan, he won't do it!

Jin dragged the shoes and socks down, standing barefoot on the ground. Ding Yu explained to Jin in detail what the process was very cumbersome. Ding Yu personally let Jin feel the activity of his muscles! In the whole process, Jin was like a puppet, and he was left to play with it.

But even if it is, the people around are extremely hot. Not everyone can have such an opportunity. It is not that Mr. Jin is stingy, or that he has a good relationship with his husband. The main reason is that their ability has not reached the level of gold. Even if it is given to them, they can not do it.

For example, what about Kim's engine? It's been upgraded to six, but what about them? Now maybe even two cylinders are struggling. Although they are all cars, the embodiment of this ability is really different! So everyone envies, but there is no so-called jealousy.

What about you, sir? They are basically the same, but everyone's ability and potential are different, so we can achieve different standards! It varies from person to person, and what about gold? It's not a mean guy. If anyone can meet his standard, even if he can't get his guidance, I believe Kim will come forward.What about the ability? Then there is really nothing to say! As if it is now, even if we are envious, it seems that there is no use for it. We can only look at it eagerly, but in our hearts? They are all holding back their strength.

It took about an hour for Kim to understand. What about the two little guys over there? At this time, there is not too much movement, is playing with the dog on the side of each other, as for the small four eyes? Is lying on one side of the position, but the head is always high raised! This point is obviously two cases at home!

"Dad, let the bear follow us! The big bear can't, but the dog can't

"Yes, but it needs to be protected in the best way!" Dog users have long been ready for shoes, but when to wear them depends on the situation! However, when Ding Yu looks at xiaosiyan, xiaosiyan is also staring at Ding Yu. Looking at that, he is obviously preparing for a contest.

There are so many twitches in Ding Yu's mouth. This guy really deserves to be beaten. Has he been? Although he said that he suffered a lot of ridicule, but no one really ridiculed himself for such a long time and was still so arrogant. What about the Little Four Eyed guy? It could be the only one! the one and only.

On the road again, Jin slightly showed some hesitation, but the two little ones stopped a lot, and with the big bear around, they really didn't feel how tired, but now they have more or less felt that their father told them not to take too many things. What a right thing!

At the beginning, I didn't feel at all about this aspect, but now? I really want to leave the backpack directly, but how could it be? I knew this. I should have planned it well before, so as not to be in such a mess now. Even looking at the big bear next to me, both of them have some ideas about how to keep the backpack on it!

When waiting for noon break, two small have already paralyzed there, is really can't walk! Now what about the rest? Do not want, just want a big bed, holding a bear lying on it, this may be the best thing!

Because some people came to the local garrison earlier, so it didn't need too much trouble. Ding Yu looked at the two children lying on the mat. It was also funny. However, he quickly massaged the two children and listened to their humming and ha ha. It was fun.

As for the others? After getting ready to eat, in addition to the necessary vigilance, other people are surrounded by Jin's side position, unable to learn, can't they look at it more? Gold is also barefoot, not live to feel cohesion, force and other actions, this is completely different from the usual action!

"At half past one in the afternoon! You can have a little rest! " After the massage, Ding Yu also helped the two children to tidy up their clothes, "but I'd like to point out that the things in the backpack are not allowed to be discarded, because this is what you prepared when you realized it! In the evening, I'll check them one by one. "

I don't have so much time to lament these things! I counted the contents of the package, what to eat, what to drink. My father said that he was not allowed to discard it, but there was no problem after eating it! After lunch, it's also a good time to have a rest, the tent is still good!

When I wake up, although I can't say it's full of blood, but it seems that there's no difference with that in the morning! Even with small four eyes fight together! Seeing Ding Yu, I feel so envious! What about in such an environment? It's really not easy to have no feelings.

Whether it is food or housing, in fact, the conditions are quite poor, but the two children do not have any complaints, at most there are so many tired, in fact, if it is not for their own sake? The two of them don't need such security around them. It seems that they have become the biggest drag.

With your own security? It seems that there are some things I have to do because of what I have done? It seems that there are so many people hate, under such circumstances, it is better to be honest! Whether domestic or foreign, people who are interested in themselves are definitely not as few as imagined.

"Brother ten, such a leisurely life, how could you call me?"

"Less feathers!" How about calling ten? It's not that I have to, but there are some thanks. I became a Wuzai very early. What about this name? It's not so nice to hear, but what happened in the capital still makes him feel extremely uneasy in his heart!

But although nervous, but not so afraid, at least feather less did not give up their own, and very early? I've been divorced, and even explained the details clearly. In two days, the relevant questions have been inquired. Now I'm calling from home.

"I have a clear idea of the matter. If you have time, come to the capital and have a seat here! I've been to your place many times, but you never seem to have come to Beijing for tea"Yu Shao, thank you for your kindness! I can't thank you enough! "

"Nothing, left. Stay at home these days! Let him go to the courtyard! There's nothing wrong with me. Let him come to me! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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