To the left is Ding Yu, whom I saw the next morning. Compared with the past time, it is clean and tidy, "uncle!"

Ding Yu nodded, "take two children on a hike, you come to be a companion! By the way, I heard that your uncle is hospitalized in the capital. How is it going? "

"I saw it when I got off the plane! Not so good, looking for a lot of doctors, but my uncle refused chemotherapy, can only let the personnel listen to the destiny It is obvious that his uncle's situation is not so optimistic!

"Your father called me about this before!" When cleaning up his things, Ding Yu also said slowly, "some of his problems were found too late. What about the situation at that time? Do chemotherapy is the best result, maybe there are still some possibilities, as for now? It's a big problem! It's hard to say! "

"Thank you for your concern, uncle!" For this problem, left can not say what, after all, is his uncle, he just does not do chemotherapy, how can he do? Even his father did not have any way, even if the uncle in front of him personally, I am afraid there is no way!

"So! To exercise regularly, at the same time, regular physical examination, exercise? It's not that you won't find your body if you are sick. It's mainly to increase your body's resistance. Even if you have a problem, you can recover quickly by actively treating it! "

The two children came to see the left. At the same time, they tightened their backpacks. After yesterday's consumption, the food and drink inside the package were basically eliminated! For both of them, it lightens too much burden! If it is still important to yesterday, they will really cry!

Left is closely following Ding Yu's back position, two small guys with small four eyes in front of jumping, as for gold? He walked a little bit slowly, giving people the feeling that he was even a little awkward. However, he didn't mean to speak too much to the left. Everyone knows that Jin is uncle's bodyguard and security supervisor.

As for why Jin walked so awkward, even uncle a didn't say, so he was a nuisance!

"The conditions here are still very difficult. Have you experienced them before?"

"The conditions are also very difficult when filming, but the elders give more care, so they bite their teeth. However, there is not much experience in such a scene. There are many driving times, and sometimes there are expectations in this respect. But I don't know if I can stick to it. Thanks to uncle a, you give me such a chance! ”

"what gives opportunities!" Ding Yu waved his hand, "where's your father? There is no involvement in any matter. Even if it is involved in something, now it is still a crime and meritorious service. What about this matter? I handle, always can't let the father in the inside so wring, not very appropriate, this time let you come over? That's what it means

"Uncle, my father asked me to give you a kiss of thanks. When you have a chance, I will come to visit you personally!"

"Well! What about Hong Kong City? There are still some small ones. It's quite good to come to the mainland for development. It's good to play steadily! " Ding Yu is quite satisfied with Xiang Shi and does things carefully. Since he is willing to get involved, he doesn't mind pulling him, as long as he abides by the rules.

"Yes, uncle, I will tell my old bean!"

After walking for a distance, I noticed the big dog beside the two children. Although he said that there was no traction belt on his body, he was very vigilant in following the two children's side. Even if the two children were fighting and making noises, they did not have any reaction. They did not really see what kind of dog they were.

Although they say that they don't own dogs, they have some knowledge of this aspect, but it's really rare to see such a huge dog.

"Uncle, what kind is this? It seems that I haven't seen it before! "

"They adopted them when they were children. It seems that they are our local dog. What's the scientific name? Chinese garden dog, but more fierce, ordinary people are really difficult to get close to, raised for so many years, with their two rabbit son? There are so many heart to heart, go everywhere with! But it's very spiritual! "

"It looks so big, and it's also quite fierce!"

Ding Yu also snorted, "what about home? I have a good relationship with two bastards. As for the others? The relationship is quite general, and no one is willing to make trouble. When I meet with unhappiness, even my pants are torn. I really have no place to reason, and I don't pay much attention to it in general! "

Left some do not believe, but also take their own hands to see the small four eyes not far away, and walk in front of the small four eyes is obviously feel something, back standing there to examine two eyes, has been waiting for two small greetings, slowly and leisurely continue to move forward, make left is also a little lost in mind!

The distance seems to be a little far away! What's more, I just have a look at it. As for such vigilance?

Waiting for the rest, left is also very curious to lean past, but in the left close, small four eyes also raised their head, claws are scratching the ground, "left brother, wait!" The little girl is also touching the head of small four eyes with her hand. She doesn't know what she is saying in her ears!But small four eyes are always staring to the left, and for a long time he stopped scratching the ground, but his head never meant to be put down, but he also snorted his nose to the left, and then turned his head to one side.

But then a few puppies also gathered around, so that they didn't know where these puppies came from. Anyway, I didn't see them in the morning! Now all of them are shouting at themselves.

Left can only be gray back, said also strange, left left left, a few puppies are around two small in there, but is not barking, see left since depressed, is curious, oneself have so annoying? I didn't seem to have this feeling before!

"Uncle!" To the left, it's hard to understand. Ding Yu looks at Jin, who is still lingering in the distance. When he looks back to the left, he feels a little funny, "it's just such a virtue. How can you compare with it? There are really some people who can't make it. It's good to get used to it! "

For the left, there is no such bullying, at noon, left is also deliberately to get out the ham sausage inside the instant noodles, as if it is a treasure to come to the body of small four eyes, squat in front of small four eyes, and then seduce small four eyes! See left this action, two small almost at the same time covered their eyes.

Small four eye hind leg force, its speed is also so fast that left can not do any reaction, and so on to have a reaction, but dare not move, because he is acutely aware that his neck is warm, although said to be across the clothes, but to the left can only be lying on the ground, hands spread out.

Until the two small cry, small four eyes slowly release, but do not know when the release is intentional, or unintentional, put out his tongue in the left face is also a lick, left have to cry! It's a real bully! When did you get such treatment?

Returning to the left is also completely honest, Ding Yu also gave him a check, there is no skin or any wound, wipe a time after there is no problem! But to the left? Is really belong to the type of indomitable, afternoon on the road always have so some want to get close to the meaning!

"Sir, how many cars are coming by?! It's like a military truck! "

"Military vehicle?" Ding Yu scratched his head, "it seems that this is not a military restricted zone! What's more, I haven't heard any news! How did you come here? "

"Not particularly clear!" The security guard is only responsible for reporting the relevant situation. What about military vehicles? Straight to here, the purpose seems to be particularly clear, "Sir, do we want to do something to guard against!"

"Just look after the two children! There's no need for big moves! "

After getting Ding Yu's order, the car behind also drove over and surrounded the two children there. It didn't take long to see several cars parked in a short distance. Some people came down from the car, and three of them also came in a big stride.

"Hello Jin also unloaded his backpack and said in fluent Chinese, "what can I do for you?"

Ah? The captain in charge of the team was obviously unprepared. The foreigner spoke very well, and his Putonghua was quite standard, so that he had no time to react! "Hello!" The first one made a salute, "we received a report on the way to practice, so come and check it out!"

"Report?" Kim also blinked his eyes. "Just a moment, please." Then Jin also went to Ding Yu, "Sir, the officers in front said that they had been reported, so they should check it out?"

"Report?" Ding Yu is also feeling that there are so some can not feel the head, "what did we do?" Where are the people around? You look at me, I look at you! No one knows what happened!

Looking at Ding Yu's attempt to stand up, Jin also quickly blocked him, "Sir, I'm not sure what happened! ..。”

"It's OK. Just go and have a look." Then he walked outside and saw the captain standing there. He also looked at him carefully and said, "Hello! If you receive a report, it should be a matter for the police! I really haven't heard of it. After receiving the report, the military will come directly! What a surprise

"Hello, sir." The captain in charge of the team saluted again! "I am the commander of the team. We have received a report. I hope you can cooperate with our inspection."

Ding Yu didn't say anything. He just stretched out his hand. The officer in charge looked at him in surprise. What's the meaning of stretching out his hand? "Officer's card!" Ding Yu also reminded him, "how can I know whether you are real or not? This is common sense! "

The captain who led the team also took a good look at Ding Yu. He was ordered to come over and inspect him. However, these people did not mean to run in all directions. However, many foreigners were not far away from him? Always let oneself keep vigilant psychology, who knows what they are doing!And what about the location of these people? It's also the wonder of detailed list. Even the whole camp is specially set up. It can be attacked and retreated. What about almost everyone? Are standing in the position of cover above, this let oneself feel in front of these people is absolutely not simple!

However, I didn't think that the guy in front of him should check his military certificate, but he was specially trained, and he didn't really carry an officer's certificate on his body! "ID number!" Ding Yu doesn't mean to be unreasonable! Captain

said the ID number, and Ding Yu looked at it. "Please wait a minute!" It didn't take long for the relevant information to be sent back! "You can take two people in!" Since there is no problem with the identity, it doesn't matter if you check it. It's no big deal!

It's just a coincidence, not a special trip to find their own, so there is no trouble, no trouble! The captain's eyes at Ding Yu were also so different. He had reported an ID number, so he allowed himself to check over such a short period of time. Is it so funny?

"Turn off the insurance! Don't be too nervous! There are children in it. Don't scare them! "

"And children?" The captain murmured that the order he received seemed not like this! However, he did not have any hesitation, and soon went to the motorcade. He really saw two children, not only two children, but also a big dog and several small dogs! When I saw three people on my side, I cried out.

Ding Yu made a clean-up, and soon someone came out of the corner. The captain in charge of the team was also sharp eyed. When he saw the guys in the two hands, he immediately touched his waist position. The two people behind him stood back-to-back together for the first time, holding up their guns and looking at the crowd!

"Put the gun down! Be careful

"Who are you?" Where's the captain? The gun has been taken out, but looking at the movements of these people around, it is also a little cold, and then the gun in the hand is lowered. Try to relax yourself, "put the gun down! Watch out This is for the two people behind!

"If you don't mind, sit down and wait! Someone has gone to investigate, and I believe there will be news soon! "

The two little guys were not so afraid, and soon came over with little four eyes, "Dad, do we not have to go in the afternoon?"

When such a thing happened, the two little guys even thought that they didn't need to walk in the afternoon, which made people say that it was OK! Ding Yu also felt that he couldn't laugh or cry. However, a soldier sitting in the back looked to the left as if he recognized it. He also said something in the captain's ear.

"Hello, I need to report to the outside world!"

"Yes! But let the two of them go. I believe they are? You are willing to run errands. You can stay here and have tea. " Ding Yu then took a water cup, sat down and poured out two cups of coffee, and then handed a cup in the past! "Have a taste. The coffee at home is still very good."

The captain in charge of the team simply said two words to a man behind him, and then sat cross legged in the opposite position of Ding Yu.

"I read your profile, college student! You should be alive when you are promoted to captain so soon As he spoke, Ding Yu also signaled to the people nearby. Someone also handed a long gun to him. Ding Yu pulled the bolt and unloaded the bullets in the barrel. Then there was the cartridge, and all the bullets in the magazine were unloaded.

After a re inspection, there was no bullet in the gun, so he was visited in front of Ding Yu. "Would you like to have a try?" What about Ding Yu's speech? Obviously with a little provocation, "what about the investigation anyway? It will take some time! Idle is idle! It's like performing a show! "

Looking at the captain who didn't make any movement, Ding Yu moved his fingers for a moment. The two little guys also squatted on the side, holding small four eyes, "Dad, come on!" There was no sense of nervousness or fear at all. This also made the captain feel very surprised. Children of such an age should not be afraid. They must be used to it at ordinary times.

Just when his attention was not focused, Ding Yu's hand had touched the spear, which didn't feel very fast. However, when the two men responded, the parts of the gun were placed in front of Ding Yu, clean and neat, and the whole movement was orderly.

"I haven't touched these things for a while! It's really a little strange! "

The captain's mouth twitches, and the soldiers behind him don't believe it. Wipe their eyes. What's the situation? I seem to have blinked my eyes! The whole gun was disassembled, and it was so neat that it was included in the training program.What about the requirements of professional soldiers? How about disassembly and installation? Half a minute! But what about this guy in front of you? In a few seconds, the gun will be disassembled! Although it is not installed, how about installation? It won't take too long! What is the origin of it!

After moving his finger once more, Ding Yu installed the gun again. Not only was it so simple, but also all the bullets were pressed into the magazine, loaded again, and even had time to correct it.

After playing with it, Ding Yu also put the gun on the ground again, which means very simple. Do you want to have a try?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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