Wu Dong looks at Ding Yu's hand, which is very thin, tender and white. Even a woman's hand can't catch up with Ding Yu's hand. What about such a hand? Holding a gun may not be so appropriate, but playing the piano is definitely a good player! Anyway, my intuitive feeling is like this!

But it's just this kind of hands, holding gravel is like squeezing biscuits! Wu Dong didn't believe it and tried, but the result was disappointing. He pricked his hand a little bit!

"What kind of Kung Fu is this?" Wu Dong's eyes at Ding Yu finally become so different! Although there are many strange things in the world, people like Ding Yu have never seen or heard of before!

I have seen a lot of warlords here in the military area command. The cocoons on their hands are too thick to make needles. But even if they are like that, they have never been able to squeeze stones into powder with their hands? What kind of power is this? Do you want to believe your eyes and judgment now?

"My kung fu! You may be a little bit less involved Ding Yu faced a smile, "there are people out there, there are days out of the world. No one dares to say that he is the real number one in the world. If you aim at me with a gun, I may be able to escape, or I may not be able to escape. It may be a matter of bullets!"

"Did he also train his own Kung Fu?" Wu Dong looked at Jin not far away. Jin also took off his shoes and socks, as if feeling something there, but Wu Dong couldn't explain clearly.

"What about what he has learned? Just some basics! Nei Jia Kung Fu is not invincible. In a big way? How about a small place to keep fit? Be able to make yourself faster, higher and even stronger! "

Ding Yu successfully leads Wudong to the wrong side. Maybe Ding Yu is very clear about the purpose of Wu Dong's coming here, but the question is, does Wudong know himself? This makes Ding Yu very suspicious, so Ding Yu is also directly deviated from some topics, find a target that makes him extremely interested, and can divert his attention.

"I have participated in the election, but I have never heard of such a force!" Wu Dong said for sure.

Ding Yu's eyes at this time also looked to the distance, "I think your personal understanding? There may be mistakes and deviations. Who am I? Is there such a force? It's just two things! You're an officer. What are you after? Maybe it's an extreme. What about me? I used to be a soldier, but what about me now? The pursuit is another kind of acme! "

"Great Kung Fu?" There are some brain holes in Wudong.

"Kung Fu is great? Wrong understanding. I came out with two children to see the scene. What about me? Now I'm a doctor. What I'm pursuing is to make progress in medical skills, and even carry forward them. But from now on, the gap is a little bit far away. As for the matter of Kung Fu? Eating fruit occasionally is also a kind of adjustment

The corners of Wu Dong's mouth twitch so much. Seeing Ding Yu's hand makes him feel some uncontrollable excitement. However, Ding Yu's reaction makes his heart directly fall into the ice hole. What he values is in other people's eyes? It's not even worth mentioning. Is there any reason for this?

"And me? Ding Yu, Ding of a, B and C, feather of feather When talking, Ding Yu also pointed to a sign on his body, "at the beginning, for fun, I didn't expect to become a sign now!"

Wu Dong looks at the place where Ding Yu's fingers are, and his heart is full of cold hum. This guy is so fussy that he sews the expression on his clothes. I really don't know what the guy thinks in his head! It doesn't make any sense at all!

"Mr. Ding, this is the place for the barren mountains and mountains here?"

"You mean the two little ones?" Ding Yu immediately put his eyes on the child's body, "where are the two of them? It's the baby pimple in the family, even the heart tip of the old people in the family. It's afraid to melt in the mouth and fall in the hand. There's no place to put it! It's really a headache to remember! "

"So let them come here?"

"What if it's placed somewhere else? I'm afraid the old people in the family will run to them at the first time, so there will be no educational significance! And here? Although the mountains and mountains, but do not have a taste, not to mention did not meet you? There is no more danger

"Since there is no danger, why does Mr. Ding still carry a gun?" Wu Dong never wanted to understand this matter. What about the order? It's from the top, but I can't understand it from my own point of view! What about guns? It can't be held by common people in China, even those so-called dandies!

What about national standards and legal norms? It is not allowed to be destroyed! No one else is allowed to trample on! Although Ding Yu and his firearms are well hidden, even without any exposure, but they hold firearms? This is an indisputable fact! There's nothing to say, but why is this guy so calm?

"What about this? It's not that you can't answer it! " It's only half a story. Ding Yu's point is to stop. The meaning is very clear. It can be said about this matter. But what about you, Wudong? I'm just a captain. Why should I give such an answer? Is it that every one comes here, he or she has to do such a solution?Wu Dong takes a deep look at Ding Yu. People have said it so clearly. How can he not understand it? Even now is not their own position to follow? Obviously, the military region also has considerable consideration! But the question is, who is this guy named Ding Yu?

Since people don't want to talk about it, and their own identity is not enough, then don't talk about these issues, will let each other? There are conflicts in other aspects, the two little guys had a rest very early! The three of them also felt quite surprised when they saw Wudong? Because of the arrangement of the two little guys? There's no one else!

Wu Dong didn't believe them. He took a look and then sat down beside Ding Yu. Anyway, he didn't mean to rest. "Is that really your son and daughter? You're sure they're not aliens, or they're disguised! "

"Nonsense!" Ding Yu was very dissatisfied with a look, "it's not my child, but someone else's!"

"I don't feel like a father like you. At least I should tidy up the tent for them! I doubt what you think in your heart, even if you haven't coaxed them to sleep

Ding Yu said with a smile, "if it's at home, I'll really do it, but outside? I seldom do this. All of them need to rely on themselves. If they don't cultivate their ability in this aspect now, when will they cultivate them? "

"But they are children Wu Dong exclaimed.

"In the eyes of my parents, I will always be a child!" Ding Yu directly said, "you will always be children in the eyes of parents. This is the same. They will always be children in my eyes. They will not change because of their age!"

Wu Dong didn't look at Ding Yu until this time. What about this guy? To say that love is true love, but to say that heartless is also really hard to a certain extent, if it is their own daughter, absolutely can not down this heart.

When Wu Dong woke up in the morning, he found that he had already got up so late. Ding Yu took his two children to exercise in the distance. What about the distance? A group of guys seem to be exercising their own body, did not hear anything, but look at the heat on their bodies, you know that the exercise time is not short!

The two people behind Wu Dong also widened their eyes. Last night, there was a watchman and everyone took turns to rest. So it was very clear that Ding Yu and his two children had already got up at more than four o'clock? It was less than an hour before I woke up! This is a little exaggerated!

"Company commander, I have read it carefully. Ding Yu got up at 4 o'clock in the morning. The two children got up a little late, that is, five o'clock! No one wakes up. They get up on their own, clean up by themselves, and then follow Ding Yu to exercise there. But the exercise things are very different! "

Wu Dong stood up and looked at the two children who were bouncing back, as well as some dogs following him. He was very happy, without any dissatisfaction or slack. What kind of environment made them so optimistic? You know the little princess at home, when she wakes up in the morning, she gets up very angry.

It is really coax and coax, may be able to let her show a little smile, but that happens too little!

What about the food in the morning? It can't be said that it's too good, but considering the conditions and environment here, I'm afraid it's not easy to eat these things. What about the three of them in Wudong? It's just the kind that is connected with each other. More than one of them is not much, and less of them is a lot! It doesn't matter.

"Sir, a little bit of news has been delivered from England!"

"What's the news?" Looking at Jin seems to have so some nervous appearance, Ding Yu also asked.

"According to MI5, many of their directors and senior executives have stepped down. This is just above the surface, but what about the secret? I don't know how many heads have landed on this issue? What about some people in MI5? Obviously, some of them are out of control! "

"Running for me?" Ding Yu also felt funny, "what do they think? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, OK? It's their own problem. They can't find a direction. These guys! I'm afraid it's just that virtue! " Obviously, Ding Yu has some disdain.

"Sir, is that virtue not very important, but it is obvious that some people can't control their emotions. What about this matter? It's information from MI6. What about some people? Obviously, I want to point this sign at you, sir. I think it will be very dangerous if it goes on like this! "

There was no change in the expression on Ding Yu's face, "do they want to directly aim at me?"

"From the information we got, it should be like this. Even now they should have started to take action in this respect. The internal management of MI5 is quite chaotic now!""Why are these guys so indecisive? Isn't the previous billion dollars and so many artifacts enough to teach them a lesson? " Obviously, Ding Yu also felt a little impatient!

"Sir, I think that's what they are most angry about! After all, what about France? They are also behind the drum a lot of things, but failed to succeed, this in their mind, I am afraid has been a long thorn! It's only natural that there is such a situation now! "

"Even if there are thorns, they should not be used on me!"

"Sir, the message has been sent from MI6. What about MI5? They should also send a message, so that if something really happens, they may directly get rid of themselves! " Jin is very clear about such things!

"I don't stop at all. I still want to find some excuse for myself!" Ding Yu is very disdainful, "I remember little William seems to be very leisurely recently! How are you doing with his trial? "

"If he is allowed to stay in the UK, will there be a strong reaction from the British side?"

"Who knows?" Ding Yu's reply was ambiguous, "what if MI5 said this? Let little William wander in the past. What if MI5 didn't say hello in this respect? Let's just let our people in the UK hang around. For so many years, they seem to be quiet in the UK, too much! "

While Wudong, when they packed up their things and were ready to leave, it was obvious that they found something different. Someone specially came to provide them with bulletproof vests, and even provided them with weapons and equipment. Although they all had bags to cover them, the things were too obvious!

"Mr. Ding, what does that mean?" Wu Dong walked by Ding Yu's side, his face was so gloomy.

"Did you catch up? I can only say that you are not very lucky! " Ding Yu looked at the distance, "I have no right to transfer troops, you have no right to mobilize troops and soldiers, as for the police? This is not a very good attention. If the police come here, it will be quite troublesome. They are used to deal with ordinary events, not special events! "

"Special events?" Wu Dong tightened the backpack on his body, "so that you need to use knives and guns? You know, this is China, not any other place! "

"For me, it seems that I have become so used to it. Who knows what will happen? It is necessary to prepare for this aspect! What about your group of three? It's not our members, but it's because you're not our members that we need to pay attention to. I don't want to be responsible for your affairs! "

"I need to report to the superior!"

"Report to the superior? It won't play a very important role, but how about preparing for this? It's not that you can't, but it's really hard to say whether you can catch fish with a big net! What about those who have worked hard? It seems that some of them are not appropriate! " When Ding Yu talks, he also looks at the distance, but he doesn't worry much.

"What will the opponent look like?"

"What kind of person?" Ding Yu sipped his mouth. "The people of MI5 in Britain should still have ghosts disappearing from the battlefield! What about mercenaries? There won't be too many possibilities! "

"MI5?" Wu Dong tilted his head and looked at Ding Yu, "do they come to China to make trouble? Water in the head? "

"Without MI5, it's hard to say what kind of people they are! But what about the ghost that disappeared from the battlefield? They will take with them, that is, how many problems! This is not so sure yet! "

"Ghost on the battlefield, what does that mean?" Don't you understand? Don't pretend to understand, just ask questions.

"What about the ghosts on the battlefield? It can be divided into two types. What about one? It's a sniper. What about the other one? It refers to those who have been sacrificed, but they belong to those who have been sacrificed. They hide their identity and do some dirty and hard work! "

Hearing these things, Wudong felt that his scalp was numb. What are these? "Mr. Ding, why did they come to you, and why? I don't really want to pursue it, but there seems to be something wrong with it. I need to

"What about this? No, what do you need? Now that you are here, please follow my arrangement! What about you? It's also a good thing. You came here by yourself. It's not a good thing, but now you have such a chance waiting for you. It seems that your luck is really good! "

Is that good luck? Wu Dong has some impulse to try, but what about this? It seems that it is really not their own decision! I need to report the relevant situation as soon as possible!

A little more? Who knows whether Ding Yu in front of him is talking big? No one can guarantee that!

If this thing is false, the joke will be a little bit bigger. Of course, if the matter is true, the joke will be even bigger!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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