But anyway? Wu Dong still reported the news to Ding Yu, but he didn't get any response. Instead, Jin went to Ding Yu's side and said, "Sir, the information was also delivered from MI5. I just learned about the relevant situation, and their people started four days ago!"

"That is to say, they may not be in that gully now, are they?" Ding Yu did not have any expression of panic!

"There is this possibility, and it is quite possible that we will not take the conventional route. If the conventional route is said to be too obvious, it is very easy to check. The MI5 has now announced this news, indicating that their personnel should have been in place!" Kim's words were very positive.

"Take the unconventional route!" Where are we now? northwest! It would be very easy for us to cross the border from Outer Mongolia. But it seems that we are well prepared to be able to determine our position so soon! "

"Without considerable support, it is impossible to know our position so soon! There must be quite a support team behind it! " Gold slightly has so some exclamation, but also has so some excitement, has not had such experience for a long time! Now you remember? It's really impulsive.

What about two kids and little four eyes? They all wear special bulletproof vests. If it's close, there may be no way. Even if they have bulletproof vests, their bodies can't withstand the impact of bullets, but what about the long distance? It's much better. What about the so-called ghosts? It's better to do some precautions in this respect!

"What? I haven't heard from you yet? " Everyone has gone to do some preparation. Now the two children are leaning on Ding Yu's side, and they don't mean to explore the way ahead. What about little four eyes? Also feel what, the nose one by one, also do not know what can smell!

"Mr. Ding, this is a very important matter. It is very difficult to mobilize troops without definite proof! You can't make a decision just because of your one sentence or two sentence! "

"What about me? I really don't have the meaning in this aspect. What about your report? This is normal. What about me? There is a inference in this respect, it is also a normal condition, there is no difference! What's more... "

Speaking, Ding Yu's satellite phone also remembered, "Hello, I'm Ding Yu!"

"Xiaoyu! I heard that the surroundings are not so good! " Su Quan's voice was so tired, "what about you? It's no big deal to come and go in the water, but what about the two children? After all, there are still so many young people, you know what I mean by saying this! "

"It's just taking two kids out for a visit. It doesn't seem like a big deal."

Ding Yu's tone is very casual, as if he knew what had happened!

"Since I can get the news, I don't believe you have heard nothing. The news may be so outdated, but what about the capital? There are some inconveniences, and it will take time for specific coordination! "

As for the problems in this, Su Quan is not too straightforward. He believes that his nephew is very clear about the problems. What about this time? Too sensitive! What's the good news? After all, it is in China, even if the relationship is difficult to coordinate, but it is still better to deal with!

"I have received the news. What about the beginning? It's the information from MI6. Just now MI5 also delivered the message, which is fast enough! But do you want to come? There won't be too many people coming in! This is a tolerable thing

Su Quan took a deep breath, "Xiaoyu! I don't doubt that you can bear it, but the problem is that two children are involved in the comparison. You must pay attention to it! What about my side? Is doing everything possible! "

Now I want to give my nephew some pressure, but at the same time can not give too much pressure, things involve a lot, not in a moment and a half can be completed!

Putting down the phone in his hand, Ding Yu narrowed his eyes for a moment. "Jin, disperse the team in front of us. We stop to find the right place. The team takes us as the center and conducts investigation within a radius of 10 kilometers! Let everyone pay attention to safety and give up the task if necessary. "

Jin issued the order at the first time, and the relevant personnel also began to look for suitable places around him. Ding Yu is still the same as before. He doesn't have to direct everything. He is only responsible for the general direction. As for the details? All of them are assigned to the personnel below. They are professional and they are also professional!

It's a very simple thing to build a small station. But for other reasons, what about the structure of the position? Only because of the local materials, because the conditions are not mature! The two children didn't make any noise but followed Ding Yu's position. As for the small four eyes? Around two children! Very vigilant.

"Sir After Ding Yu came to the position, I'm afraid that only two people can stand on our side! What about MI5? It's very timely. It's just in our weak spotBecause after all, it's at home, not abroad! Ding Yu has not enough people to carry with him. Even now, even if he wants to transfer his staff, it is a very troublesome thing! Restricted by many conditions, what about Ding Yu? It seems quite passive!

Of course. What about things like this? There won't be another chance! Everyone knows this, and even MI5 is quite clear about it, but it has already mentioned something related to Ding Yu in advance! So we can't attribute all the responsibility to us, can we?

We still need to be reasonable. This is the only strength of MI5! And how crazy is it going to be? It's hard to say, and dare not say it! After all, what about the other person? It's Ding Yu. This guy can't be reasonable!

"Is it our weakness? It's really hard to say! " Ding Yu snorted, "go and release the news of little William to the British side. It's not rude, isn't it? We also need to respond in this respect, and we can't stop little William from making his own decisions in this respect! "

When MI5 got to know the news, there were also some big eyes and small eyes. Previously, Ding Yu just gave Ding Yu such a hand. But what about Ding Yu? In the same way, it gives them such a hand, which makes people feel as if they have some deliberately angry smell in them! But it really makes the UK feel a little tricky.

For Ding Yu, the intention is very obvious. If you manage your people well, I will manage my people well. If you feel that it is not appropriate, find a place to vent your temper. There is nothing wrong with this. Fight a so-called agent war, or fight a real knife and real gun, or fight a life and death battle!

But now you have such a hand, it seems not so rational! Since you are crazy, then I will accompany you crazy! See who's going to hurt more! In my understanding, whether they betrayed MI5 or for other reasons, what is my personal understanding? They are your MI5 people!

They come to my trouble? I'll let people go to your trouble and not to insult!

MI5 has thought about this issue, but it really didn't expect Ding Yu to be such a rogue. What's more, the British side has made quite a decision earlier! No matter what kind of problems and conditions happened to the team, MI5 does not know.

If we know it, then the whole thing is that the MI5 is deliberately targeting Ding Yu. If we get this handle, Ding Yu will not be able to catch the toad and pinch out urine? Ding Yu can definitely do such a thing!

Ding Yu's reaction was so fast that it let MI5 go there quickly? There's no time to do anything! How to deal with this matter now? What about the abandoned team? Also has entered, even at any time to launch attacks on Ding Yu, and Ding Yu side of the little William? Although there was no garrison, Ding Yu had already made an early warning.

To put it plainly, Ding Yu deliberately let MI5 go there? Admitting that this team was sent out by them can be controlled. Ding Yu doesn't care. What Ding Yu cares about is whether you will issue this order.

What about the order? There are many other ways, especially in the modern society. Even if you order a song at a certain time in the radio station, or release certain messages, these can transmit commands. As long as you make this small plan in advance, you can do it!

But for the British side, can they do this? There are such people in the team, and they even occupy a very important position. But what about the whole team? The rebellious people occupy the main body, and their goal is to maintain a high degree of unity, that is Ding Yu!

Now if you want to change your goals and objectives, it seems impossible to achieve them at all! If these guys know the whole thing or they are dominated by MI5, then they are likely to change their target directly, aiming at Ding Yu, but in the end? In view of MI5, isn't this a case of lifting a stone and hitting yourself in the foot?

Ding Yu pays attention to the change of the pointer on his hand. The expression on his face can't see any change at all. It's very insipid. Wu Dong, who is not far away, has always been paying attention to Ding Yu. What's the atmosphere around him? It seems that there are some tension, but actually there is no problem.

I also took time to take a look around the layout, the whole layout? I have noticed that three people have disappeared and disappeared. I have observed them carefully, but I have not found anything. They must be around, but I can't tell where they are.

What about yourself? He is a soldier, and he is also a soldier who has undergone strict training. Previously, when Ding Yu mentioned some problems, he still did not accept it. But what about now? The situation is totally different from what I imagined!

Three people are completely in their own eyes slip away, but they did not find any, and deliberately determined that they will never be far away from the current position, but their eyes widened also did not find! The gap is a little obvious.I'm a professional soldier, but what about these guys? Maybe it was a soldier, but now? It's not a soldier at all, but they have such a quality that they feel so ashamed after seeing it.

What about Ding Yu and Jin? It seems to be standing there, but what about the body? Slightly forward, two feet are also one before and after the fork, once encountered the situation, you can adjust your body at any time to make the most response, these? They are the most detailed problems, but they have done it!

"Company commander!" The soldiers who followed Wudong obviously felt something, and then they also touched Wudong with their hands, "look over there?! There seems to be a situation! "

Wudong along the direction of soldiers' knowledge, there are a few black spots in the distance, the distance of the straight line? It may be more than three or four kilometers. If you don't look carefully, you can't see clearly. It seems to be waving something!

The people on Ding Yu's side didn't seem to make any action. At least, Wudong didn't find anything, but soon the figure over there disappeared. What about Ding Yu? He also walked down with Kim, but soon there were people who had been on top of the previous position, but only after some arrangement did they lie down on one side again.

Although Ding Yu said that he took the children out to play, but the security equipment is really quite complete. This problem does not need Ding Yu to do any consideration. The security aspect comes to the row by himself. Anyway, there are cars. What's important is that there have been such problems in the past, and we have made quite a plan.

Ding Yu didn't sit in the temporary headquarters, but took two little guys to watch the scene. Was he in the team? It belongs to the role of deputy commander. Only when there is a problem with the commander, he will be on top of it. It is not that Ding Yu has no command ability, but he does not need Ding Yu to show this aspect now.

Of course, now Ding Yu is not the deputy commander's role, mainly because there is no need. What about Ding Yu now? He has become a big boss. What about his appearance? There are still some who are too early to look up to their opponents. What's more, they need to give the following people a chance to show off, right?

The two children are very interested, and there is no sense of tension at all. Their father is in the position beside them, giving them the feeling that even when the sky falls, their father will help them resist! It's not a big deal!

"Company commander, their equipment is advanced enough, three UAVs! I really doubt whether they are out to play, or that they have been prepared for this aspect for a long time! I really express serious doubt and incomprehension! "

When Ding Yu launched the UAV, Wudong also saw it. It was different from the ordinary UAV they saw, and even different from the military UAV. It was smaller and more flexible. It also made him feel abnormal heat in the eyes. At least, he had never seen this type before.

Previously, we could still get close, but now? Too close to there are so some too uninteresting, because the three of them after all do not belong to Ding Yu, once there is a problem and situation, this is also irresponsible! As the head of security, Kim is naturally responsible for rejecting them.

However, Ding Yu saw the situation of the three people, but also walked out of the command car. The two little guys stayed in the car, but they didn't mean to get down. However, they just watched. At this time, they would never make trouble.

"What? It feels very different! "

Wu Dong heavily nodded his head, "I thought it was just a few cars before, but I didn't expect that there would be a team behind, and even the command car was equipped! There are some doubts. What route did you take to come here! If such a team arrives, it is bound to cause vibration in all aspects

"I think a lot about it." Ding Yu didn't mind explaining, "the plane brought it here. Earlier, when two little guys came, I didn't bring much stuff, so I didn't attract any so-called attention. What's more, what about the Ministry and your provincial hall? It's all reported! "

"The provincial department has already reported it! In that case When he got here, Wu Dong suddenly thought of something. It was wrong! And seriously wrong!

If the provincial department has already reported it! So when they received the report, they should not have come here! When

spoke to Ding Yu, Wu Dong really did not have much doubt, because there was no need for it at all. This matter can only be investigated afterwards. Although he is only a company commander, but this will not have any so-called obstacles.

"Mr. Ding, this matter is very strange!"

"Strange or not? It's not so important to you. What about your earlier arrival? It's not a good thing, but now? I don't know! Grasp your own yardstick Ding Yu also made some suggestions in this respect. After all, he was also a soldier at that time! Can't just watch.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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