Because of the UAV, although there are few people on the ground, they can control the surrounding situation very well. In addition, Ding Yu doesn't mean to move forward at this time, which makes the British team feel a little tricky.

They have already done the ambush, but did not think that Ding Yu would not move forward at all. What should we do? Towards Ding Yu? Unlikely things, whether the sky or the ground, the conditions are extremely bad! If they have any action, it may lead to exposure!

But if we don't get close to Ding Yu, it will be a trouble, because Ding Yu can carry it! He has plenty of time, but what about the British side? We don't have to have this time! After all, this is China. If the Chinese military appears, they will be turtles in a jar. There is no room for them!

Although they are cannon fodder, they still hope to cause considerable damage to Ding Yu, the culprit. This is also the purpose of everyone here. What is the distance from Ding Yu? The location is not as far away as you can imagine, but it just can't get through.

Who could have thought that Ding Yu was really afraid of death when he came out with so many guys, or was he prepared for this aspect? It's really hard to say! But what about now? It seems that there is really no sense, or think about how to deal with it next! That's the key!

"Sir, all the surrounding conditions have been surveyed. Our position is not the best. There is still no obvious target. Those people should hide. The UAV we let out should still cause some shock!"

Ding Yu rubbed his nose with his hand, as if contaminated with a little dust, "wait! We need to be prepared in advance. One of the things we need to do is to find a way out for us

"Set a trap for those guys?" Kim said with a smile!

"No!" Ding Yu was very sure and said, "what about the guy in our hand? It's enough to be shocking. If you shoot, there are really some people who can't tell the truth clearly. Let Wudong take their shot! For them, it's just a chance to experiment! See how effective they are

As soon as the words were said, Jin also moved in his heart, and then nodded. If Wu Dong and Wu Dong were allowed to make a move, the nature of the whole thing would be different! A lot of problems will become simple! This is a very good choice!

After releasing the two UAVs, Ding Yu found Wu Dong on one side again. "I said that just now. I don't need to think too much about things. What's the problem? I'm afraid I can't understand for a moment. What about those guys hiding now? They won't show up at all, but they don't dare to be too scattered! "

"If these people escape, it will do great harm to the society!"

"Yes, still a soldier!" Ding Yu's words do not have any meaning of ridicule, "how is the matter finally determined? This is not a question you should consider. What should you do first? It is to control the position of these guys and make the final decision. They are not good stubbles! There's no need to waste your life for them! "

"Is this a murder by knife?" Wu Dong looks at Ding Yu seriously.

"Kill with a knife? This word is used to make me feel very speechless Ding Yu slightly sighed, "even if you understand, you don't need to be so straightforward. It will make me very embarrassed! But I still need a little explanation. What about here? After all, it's China. What about the guns in our hands? It won't move easily! You can understand that I'm just scaring people, but who are they? Otherwise

"Mr. Ding, you have a gun in your hand, but you still have this worry?" Although Wu Dong didn't sneer at him, the meaning inside and outside the story is already very obvious! Just point to Ding Yu's nose!

"To be a man? Still need to have the heart of awe, at least I always keep awe, if you want to make people perish, you must make people crazy first. It doesn't hurt to be calm. You don't seem to calm down. At least you can't look at the problem with your ordinary heart. Is this for your personal development? It's a big obstacle! "

He was even educated. Wu Dong didn't know what to say. He didn't deny what Ding Yu said? That's right, but what's the feeling of saying it from his mouth? It's not right.

What about this guy's hand? It's guns and guns, but what about doing things? It's so spicy and stable, relatively speaking? I'm like a hairy boy. I don't think there's much difference in age between them. But what about the comparison? It seems that the gap is not generally obvious!

Wu Dong didn't know why he was born with such a feeling out of thin air. Anyway, he had such a feeling in a flash. So Wudong also took a deep look at Ding Yu and tried to suppress his jealousy because he knew what Ding Yu said? There's nothing wrong with it!"There should be time now."

"Yes! Of course, there are. We can even cook a good dinner. Before that? Those guys won't touch it. And just now, someone reported the weather to me. There won't be any weather change today. That means I can fully control the surrounding situation. Even if it's a rabbit, I can find it out! "

"I want to ask you a few questions!" Wu Dong's tone was still a little stiff, "you used to be a soldier, but now you suddenly change your identity. I want to know what kind of soldier you were? Domestic or foreign! "

"Curious about my identity? Or are you interested in me? Want to set a goal for yourself? " Ding Yu said, "it's not impossible, but if you want to set a goal, I think the position you used to be? Is the goal you should set up! At least you haven't reached that standard yet. What about my identity? To put it bluntly, it's no big deal, but do you want to detect my files? You may not have enough on you! If you change to Venus, maybe there is a possibility in this aspect! But what about Venus? It's more difficult than three Venus

"I don't believe it!" Wu Dong's tone is very skeptical.

"Believe it or not? It's your own business. It has nothing to do with me. I can't make fun of you with such a thing, but I've heard about your military district? There are several powerful teams, but what about the old people? They should have retired by now. "

"I've been in the army for a few years! You should know something about it! "

"I remember a big guy. What about this guy? Almost killed a sheep, although the sheep is not very big, but I was really scared at that time, machine gun is very strong, this flash may be more than ten years! At that time, I spent a lot of time to suppress this big guy! "

"And the name?" Wu Dong turned his mind, but for a long time he had no impression of this aspect.

"Name? There are so many laymen about this question! " Ding Yu shook his head. "If that big guy is still in the army now, he should be a colonel at least! However, if he retires now, he should be admitted to the criminal investigation department or the judicial department. Of course, the premise is that he is still alive! "

"Never heard of it!" What about the arrangement of military retired personnel in Wudong? I really don't know that, but I know very well that I want to enter the criminal investigation department or the judicial department? It has nothing to do with the so-called way of doing things. It mainly depends on one's ability!

Just as the two men were talking, Jin also reported some information to Ding Yu. Soon, two military vehicles came by. Ding Yu just watched. When the people with him came to Ding Yu, he also gave a salute directly. Ding Yu suddenly laughed at the leader.

"You boy! When did you come here? "

Zhang Piao was laughing at Ding Yu, "chief..." Seeing that Ding Yu's face was so serious, he immediately changed his address and said, "report, Zhang Piao has been ordered to come! Please direct me! "

When Wu Dong saw Zhang Piao, he also bit his own back teeth. Of course, he knew Zhang Piao. He had not competed with Zhang Piao in the previous selection. However, he was not generally convinced. Two people competed with each other fairly and openly. He could not compare himself with others. There was nothing to say about this, but he did not expect Zhang Piao to know Ding Yu! This made me a little surprised.

"What do I direct? You boy is very promising. Yes, you have lived up to your father's expectations. When I sent you to serve as a soldier, on the one hand, to fulfill his wish, on the other hand? You also have the quality of this aspect. Now it's really coming. By the way, you haven't let everyone down! "

"Well, what about the details? Talk to Wu Dong! I'll go to find Jin later. You're familiar with it. If you have any problems, it's better to communicate with each other! "

Wu Dong looked at Zhang Piao, "commander Zhang!" He just yelled and didn't ask about the situation. Then he also explained the relevant questions. After talking with Wudong, Zhang Piao also went straight to the command car. Previously, Wudong couldn't get close to the command car, but now? Zhang Piao but with himself on the command car! The treatment difference is some big!

Gold looked at Zhang Piao, but also looked up and down, and then slightly nodded his head, "good spirit!" Reminiscent of the past is just a sentence, and then also explained the relevant situation, "Sir, what about this side? We are responsible for it. What about the periphery? I'll leave it to you! We share the information from the command car

Thank you When getting out of the car, Jin also patted Zhang Piao's arm. His encouragement was very strong. Obviously, he was very optimistic about Zhang Piao, otherwise he would never be like this!

"Commander Zhang, you know them!" Wu Dong looks at the gold that leaves, also is frowning his brow to ask.

Zhang Piao was looking at Wu Dong and didn't say anything. Instead, he arranged the handover work of the soldiers below. After the work was arranged properly, he looked at Wu Dong again. "The director should have some interest in you. As far as I know, if the director has no interest, he will be thrown to the side directly!""Director? I don't see that he has a lot of identities! " Wu Dong pointed to the command car not far away. "You saw it just now, communication vehicle, command car, and unmanned aircraft. Don't you feel strange about these?"

"There's nothing strange about it!" Zhang Piao still has some understanding of Ding Yu. When he was in the courtyard, those dragon sons, Phoenix grandsons were made miserable by the director! At that time, I was one of them. Now what do you think? The director looks at them differently, otherwise, he will never do so.

"There's nothing strange about that? Is your eye OK! They don't have firesticks in their hands The original impression of Zhang Piao is still very good, but now? I feel that Zhang Piao is totally different from what I imagined! Therefore, the tone of this speech also changed the taste.

"The identity of the director is so special, even if I know it, it is not so clear. What about the director and I? However, I had a little contact. The time was very short. Now I think of it as a great regret. I didn't take this opportunity to learn more at the beginning. "

Yeah? Learn more, "I heard your father was a soldier, and I thought it was family history!"

"What about military literacy? It's basically the result of my father's subtle influence, but what about other aspects? My father is not good at speech Zhang Piao did not have much to hide about it. "The director was once a soldier, and he was an excellent soldier. It's a pity that he retired."

Wu Dong hesitated for a moment, but also stretched out his thumb, "this?"

Zhang Piao shook his head, "I can't say it clearly!" In a word? It also makes Wudong's heart have a considerable positioning, more advanced than this, looking at his appearance? Childe's brother is not really like him, but what about his earlier exposure? But let oneself have to be convinced.

Some things? Zhang Piao is not easy to say too clear, his understanding of the director can not be said to have so deep, his father? Also rarely mentioned this aspect of the matter, although said that he had taken the initiative to ask, but the father's words? It's too strict!

However, facing the instruction of the director at the beginning, Zhang Piao felt that he benefited a lot. Not everyone had such a chance. What about those people in the first echelon? Although I don't pay so much attention to it, I still have a lot of connection in daily life, even Su Chen? It's the same. After all, we were together!

"I didn't expect that you still knew him. I really underestimated you in the past! But you're a college student? I don't think you will have any contact with such a childe At this time, Wudong also became very gossipy.

"Strictly speaking? He is my father's student, and that's the origin! But what about these things? I didn't know it until I went to college and before I entered the army! "

Maybe he felt that Wu Dong's mood was not right. Zhang Piao also looked at Wu Dong with a smile, "company commander Wu, although you didn't say it, you can feel it from your emotions. Are you trying to resist this thing? It's normal. What I saw was more real than you! "

"Company commander Zhang, don't talk about my family!"

"This is your own feeling. In fact, what about the director? I am a very easy-going person. If I eat a roadside stall together in my spare time, it's not so much for the director! "

"Director, director, what kind of director is he?"

"Of course, they are in charge of a group of people, but none of them are fuel-efficient lamps. What happened in the beginning? They were all the masters who fell from the east city to the West City in 49 cities. No one can comfort them. I still remember the first thing they asked them to do? They were given a bucket and shovel to each of them. They shoveled gum and advertisements on the square. In three days, they were as sun dried as they came back from Africa, but no one left! "

"49 cities smashed from the east to the west?! It sounds like a little crazy! "

"It's not crazy, it's about having the confidence!" Speaking of this, Li Piao also went to the upper position with Wu Dong. Both of them were lying there, and did not mean to stand up. Who knows what kind of situation is in the distance? Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Now stand up? It's not brave, but reckless. Looking at the terrain and landform in the distance with a telescope, "this place is very good! It won't be so good for anyone who wants to lean on! Don't even think about it unless you use heavy weapons and equipment

"It's said that these guys have a lot of history, but I don't know if their heads are flooded with water? Even if you want to go now? I'm afraid I can't even leave! " Since Li Piao has come, what about the periphery? They're just meat on the chopping board! It depends on when it's ready to go! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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