In the evening, Ding Yu went to the hospital first. There was no difference between the two days before. When he saw his mother, he nodded and handed the contents to the medical staff nearby.

"Your grandfather's spirit and improvement have obviously improved these two days!" Seeing his eldest son, Su Yuan was also quickly pulled to his side position, "in the afternoon, the comrades of the health committee also came here to see it! They did not expect your grandfather to have such spirit and effect! It's amazing! "

"Hey, why the big deal?" Ding Yu was not so concerned, "but what about this situation? Fortunately, my grandfather had a good foundation. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to say what would happen

Su Yuan also looked at his son unsatisfied. Soon he took something from the hands of the medical staff and fed his father himself. In fact, what is the point? It's like a bowl of porridge, but there are some things that I can't explain clearly, even the comrades of the health care committee.

But what can't be denied is that his father's spirit is so much better, and his talk in the past two days is obviously more. Originally, he always yelled to go out for a stroll, but after his son said it once, he didn't have the meaning in this respect. At most, he pushed the car to the corridor for a stroll!

After eating something, Ding Yu also started it in person. Other people also helped Su bochen massage or turn it over. But Su bochen had a little temper. When Ding Yu started, he felt very comfortable! People in the family are quite envious of this, but what about envy? It's useless!

"Xiaoyu! How is this porridge made? I'll do it! Your work is so busy

"It's OK. It's only a week's supply anyway. I don't have anything else for the time being." It's not that Ding Yu didn't tell his mother, but something? My mother has no way to control, boil these things is not so simple to say! Unusual trouble and tedious!

Wang Changlin came a little bit late, mainly because his work was really too busy! When I saw my eldest son busy there, I nodded. I really didn't mean to disturb you!

"Have you eaten yet?" Su Yuan next to him also asked in a low voice. Seeing her husband shaking his head, Su Yuan also said, "after a while, the old three will come over. Go to Xiaoyu for dinner! I didn't eat it with Xiaoyu! "

When Su Quan's people came to take over, Ding Yu and his family of three left and came to the courtyard. Wang Xiaogang was also babbling. He did not know where to get the firecrackers in his hands. Maybe because he was too lively, Su Yuan caught him and patted him twice on his buttocks! And then it was in my arms.

Ding Yu goes to wash and gargle first. When he comes back again, the food is ready. Wang Xiaogang is still in Su Yuan's arms. Ding Yu also makes a color to steward Deng, holding Wang Xiaogang in his own exclusive position. There are only spoons and forks, but no chopsticks! I still can't use it at this time!

Su Yuan hesitated for a moment, but he didn't say anything. Wang Changlin looked at him with a smile and didn't say anything!

Wang Xiaogang is not so used to holding a spoon. He looks at his grandmother eagerly, and then takes a peek at his uncle. He puffs his mouth, and then lies on his stomach to eat. Although he says there is a babysitter nearby, what about this care? Is also quite limited!

Su Yuan is also around watching, really worried about Sun Tzu eat rice into the nose, there is this rice? Food is everywhere? The nanny doesn't care? But the eldest son in person, yesterday's husband also mentioned this matter to himself.

It doesn't matter if you take care of other things, but what about this one? Never mind, even a superfluous word? Do not go to say, although Wang Yang and Ding Yu are their own sons, but this also involves some other problems and situations! That's so simple!

Looking at Ding Yu's two children? Everyone wants to be able to send the children to the courtyard, but want to return, but who did? Nobody did it? What about Xiao Gang? It's also because Ding Yu took the initiative to hold it. That's all! In the hospital this situation, we all have some understanding!

So what about this? There are other people said points, but absolutely not Wang Changlin and Su Yuan said points, other families do not know how to envy it? But in other words, is envy useful? If anyone can get into Ding Yu's eyes, there's nothing to say, but the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't like it! There's no way!

The meal time is really so long, mainly because Wang Xiaogang is too tardy! What about the food? It was also a little sloppy. The soup was everywhere, even on the hair, and even dropped a few golden beans during the meal. However, no one came to comfort him as usual, so he cried for a while and continued to eat!

Of course, there is another reason, that is, these things are really very in line with their appetite, so even if no one coax themselves, Wang Xiaogang still eat happily! After dinner, Ding Yu also nodded to the nanny, "let him wash himself as much as possible, and give him some help."Wang Changlin and Su Yuan saw everything in their eyes. If they had been at home in the past, I'm afraid Xiaogang would have cried hoarse. But what about today's quadrangle? At most two golden beans have been lost. What about the others? It's really not! It's amazing.

However, Su Yuan was still a little worried. After brewing for a period of time, he also wanted to run over and have a look. He didn't have to start, but he had to watch! Wang Changlin looked at his wife and shook his head. He wanted to say something, but he looked at his eldest son and swallowed the words.

"I heard that Zong Taiping's injuries have not been cured yet." When Wang Changlin spoke, he also paid attention to the expression change on his eldest son's face, "so optimistic about them?"

"Not very optimistic!" Ding Yu said it directly.

Yeah! Yeah? Wang Changlin looked at his eldest son with consternation, not optimistic? Then Wang Changlin also held his chest in both hands and hesitated for a moment. Ding Yu also stood up and walked outside together to smoke in the living room? It is true that there are many inappropriate, not to mention wait for a while mother out, do not know what will happen?

After coming out, Ding Yu handed his father a cigarette. As for himself? Is to put the cigarette in the hand, really do not want to smoke the meaning, I do not have too many preferences for this! Whenever can avoid, or try to avoid it!

"They don't think they're good at their ability!" This words with a little inquiry, but also some affirmation, Wang Changlin has been in such a position, naturally this thinking is very clear.

"You can say that!" Ding Yu pinched the cigarette in his hand! "What about motivation? It's pretty good, but what about this qualification? It is really quite different. I have chosen a direction for them to monitor. What about their back? They all have considerable power. At the same time? They are all of this family background, and there is no problem in tact, so there should be considerable development! "

"It's a good choice!" What about these guys? What about qualifications? It's really a lot worse, so the boss is also looking for a new way, and what about this direction in the future? It will also be a very good development!

"Who knows what kind of development they will have in the future, but it's still hard work, so they pay more attention to it!" What about Ding Yu? "As for the injury, is it? This should be expected. They are still lack of experience. If they lose their lives, it is their bad luck! "

What about Wang Changlin? This is what worries the eldest son? They don't avoid it at all. At the same time? It is also very clear that no one knows when they will go to break through the gates of hell. If you are lucky, you will come back alive. As for the bad luck, what will happen? That's another story!

What about it? It can be said like this, but the problem is that we really won't go to see it like this! " What about Wang Changlin? I don't worry about my eldest son, but what about others? It is true that there are so many worries, for his son and daughter, and even for his nephew are so like, for other people can imagine!

What about people who understand? We all know that Ding Yu is for everyone's good, but what about people who don't understand? This idea is different!

Ding Yu took a look at his father, and then lit the cigarette in his hand? Do you have other ideas in China This remark is full of irony!

"What about the kids in the first tier? At present, they are full of spirit and energy, and they have pulled several people from the second echelon. But relatively speaking, all the people who have been tested in the second echelon have been counted, and there are less than ten left. Now we all have their own ideas. "

"Any ideas? It's their own business. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me! " Ding Yu also did not have a good breath of hum, "my side of the matter is still relatively busy, what's more, now I have a student, another student is also on standby, medical school work? It's even more likely! "

It seems to be quite a lot, but for Wang Changlin, these are just some objective reasons! There is really not much persuasion! But what the eldest son said is to stop some people's mouths. What's useful is useless. Anyway, the son also gives us a statement. If you want to listen, listen to it. If you don't want to listen, it's also called.

At least his eldest son is a indifferent attitude, so there will not be too many people trying to test the law. What's the problem? We all know that no one can find this uncomfortable, because the final result will be very miserable.

But what about Wang Changlin? Really did not feel that their eldest son for this matter has so much determination, to a certain extent? There should be some possibilities, but the question is, what kind of ways do you need to impress your eldest son? This is really a headache!What about the first tier? It was forced to give his eldest son, at that time, the eldest son was unable to refuse! What about the second echelon? At that time, everyone put pressure together. For this matter, the eldest son took the gun out. What about the third time?

What about the forces behind the first and second echelons? But they all need to be affectionate. Although these people have not shown their meaning yet, everyone knows that their future is definitely bright!

Under such circumstances, what kind of choices can we make? Let the eldest son accept it? What about Wang Changlin? Also really not so optimistic! At least I don't think I have too many choices!

The eldest son has no interest in domestic politics. What's more, he doesn't care about the situation at home. What about himself? It is to carry the flag of the Wang family, but the question is how many eldest sons of the people under the banner have contacted? Not even as much as Wang Yang and Wang Li?

What about Wang Yang and Wang Li? In the future, it is impossible to take over the big flag in your hand. This is for sure! What else do you need to say in such a situation? As for money, what else does the eldest son need? Even more impossible!

I'm not afraid that you have something to ask for, but I'm afraid you have nothing to ask for. This is the real trouble!

And now? We are really facing quite a lot of trouble, looking for the so-called breakthrough from Ding Yu's eldest son? Is it really not as easy as you think, even let yourself be a father? It's tricky, not to mention others!

When two people talk, where is Su Yuan? Also slowly walked out, see willing to listen to no one, there are so some strange, soon also found two father and son secretly smoking, eyebrows are also up, fierce came to you in front of Wang Changlin and Dingyu father and son! My eyes are a little fierce.

Wang Changlin also shook his head, "how about Xiaogang there? Can he bathe himself

"Playing with water in it? In the past, the boy liked to play with water, but now he is more happy. Basically, he can still do some things! But I haven't learned how to draw a gourd When he mentioned his grandson, Su Yuan's expression on his face was finally relaxed!

Ding Yu also put out the cigarette in his hand and returned to the living room with his father and mother. However, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan did not sit for too long, and soon left! There is no dissatisfaction and worry here, and there is nothing to stay. I'd better go back and have a rest earlier!

Where's the courtyard? It's not that I can't, but it's more appropriate not to go home. When he got on the bus, Su Yuan also showed off his grandson. "Xiao Gang is still very smart. It's hard for us to be the boss of our family? I've been thinking for a while, but what did you tell him? "

"Hard!" Wang Changlin shook his head at this time, "what about other things? It's OK to say something, but what about the relevant things? There is really no way to speak! You don't know our eldest son yet! What about politics? I want to be able to do not touch hands, how far away from the far

Su Yuan also felt a little headache about this. Before his eldest son came back, people kept coming to visit him. Sometimes he could only hide in the courtyard. What do you mean? Su Yuan is also very clear, but what can he do? In front of the eldest son? It's really not very convincing.

"I heard that some of Zong Taiping's brothers are valued by Xiaoyu. Is there any other change in this?"

"What about it? It's really a problem, relatively speaking? The boss's attitude towards the first echelon and the second echelon is almost the same, but how can they live in peace? The qualification is poor, but it's hard work, so what about the boss? I tried my best to help him. What about his heart? I still admit these people! "

What about this? What Wang Changlin said was quite thorough. How many of them did Ding Yu tell Zong Taiping? It's a comparative preference, but there's a reason for this. It's not to say that Ding Yu is really optimistic about them in his imagination. It's totally two things!

"That's why! I heard that Guo Li has become a student of Xiaoyu. What about Shen Mingzheng? Also want to become Xiaoyu's students, now we are quite interested in them! However, everyone is interested in it, but no one dares to use the so-called means

"I've heard about it, but there's a little bit of secrecy in it!" Wang Changlin hesitated, "what about Guo Li? It's not only the students in our family who are so simple, but also have a lot of wealth. I'm not so clear about what happened in England, but it's obvious that Guo Li can be the eldest student, and that time is the key! "

"Wealthy?" Although Su Yuan didn't see it in his eyes, it was quite surprising to be able to let her husband say this!

I was also a family. When my eldest son didn't come back, I had a good life in my family. But at that time, I was quite restrained. Some money could not be contaminated. Once contaminated, it would be a dead end!Later, after the eldest son came back, the situation at home became very different! Since then, I care about this aspect of the situation is not much! So now even if we know that Guo Li is rich, he does not have much interest! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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