However, Su Yuan did not dare to be interested, which does not mean that other people are also afraid to be interested!

What about Guo Li? Ding Yu's student, but also Ding Yu's first student, plus his wealth is quite thick, such a person? Absolutely a good match! Who if Guo Li to get in the hand, the future time will definitely become the pillar of the family, such an opportunity no one is willing to give up!

We can't use any special means, but it doesn't mean we can't get in touch, do we?

But what about Guo Li? I really don't have the meaning and interest in this aspect. After I came back, I hid in the hospital. I didn't have so much contact with other people. I stayed in the hospital. What kind of contact can I have with other people?

What's more, Guo Li? It's really hard to say whether Ding Yu will be provoked if he really drags him to death. After all, everyone knows something about Ding Yu's temper and character. When he is OK, he has to take a detour. What if something happens? Isn't it the same as looking for death?

But we can't start from Ding Yu and Guo Li. Can't we start from Su Yuan? Right? And what about a lot of people in the faction? This can also be said to be quite enthusiastic, regardless of whether it will succeed in the future, introduce it to you, there is no problem in the end?

There are several things that Guo Li can't marry all his life? In the future, I always need to find a girl to start a family. And what about the time when Guo Li came back? All of the situation is obvious to all, the performance can be said to be very good! It is even praiseworthy.

What's more, what about Guo Li's relevant information? It's also a fact that has been investigated. From birth till now, almost all things have been exposed. These are necessary!

What about Ding Yu? There must be a lot of understanding, otherwise, we would never rashly accept Ding Yu as a student. There is no problem in all aspects. It depends on when to start! You know, there are not a few people who are looking at them! If you start late, you will regret later.

Is the real wolf more meat less, even this description is not so appropriate, Guo Li? Just one. How many people are watching? Although it has not been torn, many people are ready for this aspect.

But there is no way to go around Ding Yu! Isn't it normal competition? It's not hard to believe Guo Li? Just like Ding Yu! Although they are teachers and students, teachers and students are different after all! Right?

"Uncle!" I've been in the capital since I came back to the left, except for the hospital? Basically, I didn't see how he looked forward to this problem? Ding Yu may not have much to discipline, but what about his left father? But he preached severely to his son!

"Your thirteenth uncle still won't?"

The expression on his left face was also sad. "I didn't listen to any advice. The current situation is not so good. The family is also very worried about this. My thirteen uncle always has a good idea. What about other people's persuasion? The effect is not so great at all

"As I said earlier, what about his situation? It's already quite a crisis! What's more, it's just like a balloon blown up. There's already a naked eye on the body. Even if it's going to explode in the next step, we still need to solve the problem from the source, otherwise there's no way for the gods to come! "

What should I say? Ding Yu said, "although I haven't seen your thirteen uncle's medical record, but judging from the current situation, I'm afraid that even surgery will be carried out next? Can't do it, there will be only one way! How about saving lives? It's the doctor's duty, but if the patient doesn't cooperate, no one can do it! "

"Uncle, where are Lao Dou and me? There's really no way out. There are not so many people here! "

Looking at the way he talked to the left, Ding Yu also felt a little funny, "OK, anyway, I don't have anything today. Let's go." Ding Yu is not a heavy ass must be carried that kind of people, really even if not! And I also plan to go to Wang Li's place to have a look, it should be these days!

When he came to the hospital, he quickly pulled Ding Yu to the ward and looked at the people lying on the bed. Ding Yu also wanted to come over and take a look at the pathology and the film. After seeing it, he also frowned slightly, which has already happened! Still think of conservative treatment, there are obvious problems!

Then Ding Yu also sat on the edge of the bed and touched his pulse. Maybe he felt something. The people on the bed also woke up with their eyes. When they saw the left, they also nodded their head. They didn't care about the people next to them.

After touching for a while, Ding Yu also loosened his arm, opened the patient's eyelids and looked, "uncle!"

Uncle let the people on the bed open their eyes. He didn't call himself like this to the left. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was looking at the young man beside his bed to the left!"To the left, you go to the hospital and ask for a list of drugs. I'll have a look at it!"

Left without any hesitation, soon also out of the room, with the rest of the room? At this time, they all went out, "why do you have to be here in the capital? I have some doubts

"I've heard ten brothers talk about you, and I've heard of Xiang Zuo mention it. I didn't expect you to come in person!"

Looking at the person struggling to get up, Ding Yu shook the bed pole himself. There was nothing wrong with it. He was a doctor himself. In the hospital, this was also a common thing. It didn't matter what embarrassment!

"Brother ten mentioned your situation to me, and left also mentioned your situation to me. What about me? I'm a doctor. Although I don't know much about this disease, I still know something about it! "

"No matter whether the leaves fall back to their roots or for other reasons, we have done a lot of things over the years. What about this? There are also a lot of wrong things, always think of a little psychological comfort, maybe this is the reason! So now maybe it's a matter of peace of mind! "

"Believe in Buddhism?" Ding Yu inquired and then shook his head, "what about me? Taoist Origin, should be able to say so! For comfort in your heart? It's just a step into it! It doesn't matter what you believe in, it's just a spiritual pursuit. Keep pace with the times, you should understand it more deeply! "

"What if I had understood this earlier? It may not be the way it is now! " Xiang shisan put his hands on his abdomen and said, "there is something to ask for and nothing to ask for. In fact, it's just a matter of time! Is it right or wrong? Leave it for future generations to evaluate! It's just that I feel so sorry for the people around me! "

"I see!" Ding Yu also nodded, "what about me? I know something about traditional Chinese medicine, but what about your condition? I really dare not to prescribe medicine, in front of the left side? I can't say that, I hope you can understand it! " Although not too deep! But Ding Yu's meaning is very clear! It's the last time! When people are powerful!

He took a deep breath to shisan, "is this the time? What understanding does not understand, human nature just, a person's life? We should do more and do more good things! "

"Ten brothers come to Beijing? I'll stay a little longer. What about the future? You can also come to Beijing for development, but what about the left side? I'm going to press it. He's still too young. I understand what ten brothers mean. But what about him now? There are so many things missing! "

"I've been smart all my life, but I'm not as good as ten brothers at this point!" Xiang 13 didn't have so many scruples at this time. When people got to this point, they didn't have any reservation, "what about Xiang Jia in the future? Maybe it depends on ten brothers! At least he has such a chance

After chatting for a while, he knocked on the door to the left, then pushed the door and came in. Ding Yu also looked at the list, but he didn't say anything. When he left, he also clapped his hands twice. Instead, he stretched out his hands to shisan and held them tightly. Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head!

After leaving the door, Ding Yu also followed him to the left and asked for his mobile phone. He went to one side of the room. After the phone was connected, he was also in a slightly emotional mood and said, "brother ten, if you have time, come to the capital city! I've just seen brother shisan. I think you should come and take care of it for a long time. "

The words are very euphemistic, but the meaning is quite thorough!

After listening to ten, the voice also immediately sobbed, "feather less, is there really no way to do it? What about our two brothers? Although there are some disputes! But after all, it's a brother! "

"The situation is very dangerous. I'm afraid there are not many ways to do conservative treatment now! If earlier, there may be some hope, but as you know, what about this condition? Earlier? Can only keep some hope, but later? It's up to God

"I see. I'll be there at night! Let Yu Shao go for a trip

"Don't be polite!" Ding Yu also comforted, "if you are free tomorrow, I'll invite you to dinner. It's in my house. Although the food outside is good, it's still not as tasty as the one in the house."

Then Ding Yu also rushed to the maternity hospital. In fact, he didn't need to come to the hospital so early. However, the merchant was extremely worried! What's more, it's just these two days! So many requirements, Wang Li can only be reluctant to live in, but simply can not live!

When Ding Yu came, she was walking around looking at the newborn. She didn't know what worry and fear were. She was full of spirit. Ding Yu also subconsciously turned her mouth, her sister! It's really a big heart!

But this is also a good thing, Wang Li's body is very healthy, the child also does not have any problem, everybody is happy!

"Brother, why are you here?" Seeing her big brother, Wang Li is also very happy!

"I just went to see a friend. I came by to see you! I've been busy these two days, and I haven't found the right time! " Ding Yu explained a little, "what about Shangnan? Is this the time? Not yet? ""It's the same whether he comes back or not. His work is relatively busy. Moreover, he can't help anything when he says he'll come back. Is it possible that he can take my place to give birth to this child?" Wang Li also jokingly said, "by the way, I heard xiao gang went to your place, how about it? The bear boy didn't make trouble, did he?! I know he is quite mischievous

"It's OK. I was beaten up by the fish in my porcelain jar earlier. All of them turned upside down. The flowers and plants that I raised didn't escape his poison. How about learning from monkey grandson these two days? Carrying a stick every day, fortunately, the courtyard is also relatively large, otherwise it is not enough for him to do harm to him! "

"How is your grandfather? Have you seen it? "

Brother and sister have no intention to go to the ward. What about Wang Li's body now? It's good to be active, and what about her personality? I don't know what will happen if she is left idle?

"Yes, I've given some medicine. Now I'm in a much better state of mind. If there's no big accident, how about this year? There will never be any problem! "

"In fact, I also want to go and have a look. My grandfather is the best for me, but the family always keeps me from passing! It's not a big deal! It's not as pretentious as they think Wang Li has always complained about this.

"Well, how big a thing did I think? But what about you now? It's really inconvenient. What about grandfather? I'm really not too excited. How about you? It's the same thing. I can't be too excited! Just make do with it. We'll talk about it after this time. "

Wang Yiyu's daughter-in-law is not happy when she sees her daughter-in-law? I am very satisfied, not only to resolve the huge contradiction and gap between the two families, but also to make Shangnan and Wang Li happy!

"Xiaoding, when are you coming, don't you come in for a while?" Manqin of Shangnan said.

"Auntie!" Ding Yu is also slightly bowing, "I saw Wang Li outside, looking at her very well, and I was relieved! I've been busy with things at home these two days, and I haven't come here. I want you and my uncle to

"What are you talking about? By the way, how is old Su's health? "

"It's OK. I've been watching the hospital these two days. The problem is not so big! Previously, Wang Li said that she would go to have a look. There was no need for her. Now, no one can be too excited about her! Just make it through this time! "

There is no need for Ding Yu to go to the ward. After all, this is a hospital, not a home! What's more, what about this side? There are a lot of free places. It's good to sit down and have a chat!

What about the conversation? Although it's all family matters, but from another point of view? Ding Yu is also placed in a certain position, not everyone can speak with this lady, and still speak on their own initiative! Ding Yu did not mean to be proud of himself. Although he didn't speak much, his attitude was very good and he didn't have any impatience!

Until someone came to Ding Yu's side, his wife ended the conversation. Ding Yu listened to the security and nodded her head slightly, "Auntie, Wang Li, I have something else to do here. When the baby is born, I am an uncle here! Here's something! What about you, Wang Li? Don't dislike it

What about the box? It's also handed it over. What if someone else? Wang Li really won't accept it, but what about the things her brother gave her? It's really different! Wang Li is really not polite to say so! Shangnan's mother also sipped her mouth and laughed. When Ding Yu left, she also deliberately sent a piece.

"Your brother! What a good boy When she came back, Shangnan's mother also kept praising her. She didn't mean to say good words in front of Wang Li, but she had a deep feeling. What about Shangnan? His mother knows more about it. He attended the wedding, but it added a lot of glory to the wedding!

"Mom, sometimes my elder brother is a little bit cold! I haven't harmed big brother these years Wang Li was also laughing. "Just now the elder brother sent two jade portraits. The gifts are very valuable. You can take them back later! I don't have any problems here. You should go back to have a rest earlier! "

"Why do you have a rest early? I'm an old lady. I don't have any serious business. What about our family now? You are the most important! " How about the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? It is also quite harmonious.

Ding Yu goes back to the courtyard to make medicine. In the evening, he needs to go to his grandfather! What about Wang Xiaogang? Ding Yu had already gone to sleep when he came back! The quadrangle is big enough. It doesn't have to be so restrained as at home. After all, even if the house is big enough, it's just a little space. It's not like the courtyard here! Can run everywhere!

And around you? There are also small animals, it is like a flower and fruit mountain here! And himself? It's the monkey king. It's just two feathers in the back!

After Wang Xiaogang took a nap, he didn't have any intention to stop. He shook his hands and made a lot of noise. When he saw Ding Yu, he didn't know whether he was scared or slippery. The stick in his hand was also thrown out directly.Ding Yu looked at the flying stick. Because he had something in his hand, he also lifted his foot and hooked it. Then he threw it gently. Ding Yu kicked the stick to one side and stood there. However, Wang Xiaogang was also a little silly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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