Hesitated for a while, Wang Xiaogang is once again holding Ding Yu's thigh, for him is really too strange! But what about other expressions? I'm afraid I won't pay any attention, so I'd better take the most direct one! Holding Ding Yu's thigh, he began to gnaw! The most direct expression! Is also the best way to express!

It's also time for Xiaobao to come here. I just saw this scene, and I was so happy. I didn't expect that big brother had such a side. I was met by myself. It's very interesting! It's fun, too!

"Brother, are you looking for me?" Xiaobao took Wang Xiaogang up and threw it twice in the air. Then he patted his ass and went to play! Stop messing around here!

Wang Xiaogang immediately carried the stick in the corner and took a group of dogs to make a monkey. There was a nanny following him. Although the nanny was following, he didn't mean to interfere too much. He was envied by Xiaobao.

When I was young, I didn't have such a happy place. Although there are many children in the courtyard, how can I say that? The relationship inside is too complicated. It's not simple at all. What else? Is a group of children fooling around, really left behind small? It's really not as much as you can imagine, some regrets.

Ding Yu didn't know where to find a piece of paper. "What about the contents? There should be a place in Shanghai, but the time may be a little longer, so there are not so many things left behind. The people in the family are not so free. You happen to be there now. If you have time, help me to find out! "

Looking at the list carefully, Xiaobao also looked up at his big brother, "brother! That's it! What kind of treasure did I think it was? You scared me! Leave it to me! Don't worry

"I don't have so much leisure time in my family. It's not for me. It's mainly for a senior brother of mine. He thinks about this. How about money? I won't give it to you! Anyway, if there's any fun in the house, you can choose one yourself! "

"No! What about your stuff, brother? If I want money, it's over. I'm afraid I can't lift this head in the future! What's more, I still help you do something! If it's anything difficult, it's OK, but it's not a difficult thing at all. Don't hit me in the face! "

Ding Yu also smiles, "whatever you like! I'm making medicine here? Let's go to the hospital to see the old man in the evening! Come and give me a hand! "

Xiaobao is very happy to do this. During the process, Wang Xiaogang comes to make trouble from time to time. However, Xiaobao also notices that the trouble comes back to trouble. However, he is quite prudent and always pays attention to his uncle. Obviously, he wants to attract his uncle's attention!

But what about Ding Yu? Really is not the general busy, at most is the leisure time looked at Xiaogang, between each other? Is a mutual process! Xiaobao doesn't have much time to take care of Wang Xiaogang. He's really busy here. It's called a dizzy brain!

"The boy is very active It's almost done! Xiaobao is also sitting on the chair, looking at the noisy Wang Xiaogang, also feel quite envious. "Did we look like that when we were little? Really don't have too much feeling! It's almost forgotten now

"I was too prim when I was at home!" Ding Yu also gave Xiaobao an apple, "what about the environment at home? What should be loose enough? What about the loose? Nonsense! So what about the nature of the child? It's not released at all, haven't you heard? Good things come from taoxiao! "

"Naughty Enough!" When Xiaobao bit an apple, Wang Xiaogang did not dare to show weakness, but did he want to eat apple at this age? It's really difficult. There's a nanny nearby, but after drinking a cup of squeezed apple juice, "but big brother, I'm afraid you have this patience! Did you stay the same way with the two children at home? If it was me, I would have been herding sheep for a long time! No patience

"I really can't say what is the reason for the uproar to the present situation!" In fact, Ding Yu scratched his head with him? Is the happiest thing, they are simply carefree, there is no so-called worry, the way of expression is also very direct, very pure! Now you and I can be so direct and pure? Don't make such a joke! We don't believe what we say

"It's true that children never have any kind of playfulness!"

"Sitting on this seat? There are too many things out there. What about yourself? The head has been spinning, there is really not much free time, so? Also can only be in the child body to look for this sense of balance! Of course, if we can train them, we can't? It's also a joy to be content with

"Yes! I'm afraid there are few suitable people to enjoy it! " Xiaobao also understood what big brother meant, but what about himself? I really don't appreciate this way, big brother? It's really weird! At least in this way? It is quite different from others! How about it? I can't say, anyway, this is the way of big brother!But what about this way for yourself? It's really not so appropriate. There are many ways to relax, but this kind of taking care of children really makes me feel chilly! I don't deny that I like children, but do you care for them? Really need to think about it!

"Fit or not? It's everyone's choice. Speaking of it, everyone is very worried about you. What about the redundant words? I don't say anything! " Ding Yu also ordered a sentence, but it really didn't mean to say more. People who know Ding Yu know that Ding Yu is seldom willing to poke people intentionally! Make others embarrassed, oneself also have no taste! Why?

Looking at the noisy Wang Xiaogang, Ding Yu also waved, and then caught him in front of him. He played with Wang Xiaogang for a long time, waiting for the medicine to boil before letting go!

"Eat at home at night! Your uncle and I are going out! " Wang Xiaogang immediately threw the golden cudgel in his hand. His brother and sister were all there at the time. There was no problem. Now he has left himself. It's not good! So holding Ding Yu's thigh won't let go! Don't try to leave yourself behind!

Xiaobao also picked up Wang Xiaogang and said, "OK, stinky boy, take you one! Go and change your clothes

Looking at Wang Xiaogang running away, Xiaobao was puzzled and smelled, "brother, you can rest assured. When I went to the hospital, I looked at him and absolutely did not let him make a fuss!"

"It's not to say that I'm afraid that he will make trouble. It really has nothing to do with this. What about the environment of the hospital? For an adult is really nothing, but for a child, or some influence! So I don't like to take my children to the hospital. Is it superstitious? "

Looking at Xiaobao's appearance, there are also some funny, "in fact, the impact is not as big as imagined, as long as you don't stay in the hospital for a long time? There's no big problem, and what about this jerk? These two days is obviously too much yang qi, this is rowdy! If you can't, give him two needles! "

"I'll go. I'm scared to death!" Xiaobao also patted his chest position, "but big brother, you said so, I found that there are really not many children willing to go to the hospital! Is it a subconscious resistance? "

"What if you criticize it unilaterally? There are really some problems! " When talking, Wang Xiaogang has already cleaned up! It's not so easy to walk! But speed is called fast! For Xiaobao's embrace, there are still some resistance, like lying on Ding Yu's body!

What about Uncle himself? There is no strict requirement. Even if the flowers and plants are broken, the nurse will tell you at most. Even if you eat all over the table, the uncle doesn't scold him severely. What's more, he is in the courtyard? Can completely indulge themselves, although Wang Xiaogang is not so clear, but these days let him feel very happy.

Happy even forgot his father and mother! And more importantly, what about uncle? It's very attractive. I can't tell what I like. Anyway, I lie on my uncle's body? Is comfortable!

"How did you bring him here?" When Su bochen saw Wang Xiaogang, he had a rare smile on his face. Of course, he liked children, but what about the hospital? It's really not a good place. There are many problems with bringing children here.

"He's the only one left at home! I don't feel interesting. It's a good time to be active now, and I've been in a quadrangle for so many days. So it's a small reward to take it out for a stroll! "

Ding Yu also sat on the chair beside the bed to feel the pulse for the old man. At the same time, he looked at the old man's eyes carefully. After checking, he also nodded, "the mental recovery is still very good. Grandfather, you are still lucky. Just take care of it slowly. There is no big problem!"

When she was talking, her aunt came in from outside. She just went to the bathroom. When she saw Ding Yu and Xiao Bao, she also said hello! Xiaobao can be better, but what about Ding Yu? It's really a mixture of love and hate. It's hard to make it clear.

What about the military this time? But there was a big earthquake. What about the husband? The situation has been explained a long time ago, although what about the position transferred now? There is so much leisure, but as long as people are OK!

Think carefully, if there is a problem, then the whole house will collapse! Who is most to thank? It should be Ding Yu! But on the other hand, his son is still in it! What is the reason? It seems to have something to do with Ding Yu!

If it was not Ding Yu, he would not have been so confused at the beginning! What about the problems between husband and son? Let her really don't know how to deal with Ding Yu at this time. She said two words in front of her and gave her a smile. I'm afraid this is the limit! What about the others? I really can't do it!

After all, I am a person, with a lot of love and hate. I can't think that everything has not happened. I really haven't evolved to that point! But what about Su bochen? Looking at his big daughter-in-law, did not speak! Some things? Just understand in your heart! There's no need to say it.When Su bochen ate something, Ding Yu carefully massaged his grandfather, "Xiaoyu! If not, go home first! I feel that the spirit of these two days is very good. It's really uncomfortable in this ghost place! "

"Take it easy, old man! Not yet! " Ding Yu refused without hesitation, "what about the conditions of the hospital? It must be less comfortable than at home. Everyone knows that, but can the security guard at home control you? You say, they don't even dare to breathe out loud! "

"Ah! I really don't like to stay here in the hospital! " Su bochen also snorted, there are so some intentional flavor, of course, there is also the meaning of trial! Unless the great grandson speaks, who else will let himself go?

"If you had not caught a cold earlier, would you have come here?" Ding Yu was also quite dissatisfied and said, "the guards and medical staff in the house have advised you, but you don't listen to them at all! At your age! A little cold and fever, will cause other problems! And it's a big problem. You don't have much resistance anymore! "

"I just didn't notice!" Yes, but what about the voice? It's really a lot smaller.

After the massage, Ding Yu wiped his hand and sat down again. He looked at his grandfather's aggrieved face and his funny face. They all said that old children and old children, and his grandfather would really become an old child now!

"Finish the medicine first! We'll check the situation then! "

"Really?" Su bochen was so happy, even his arm was shaking, "this is what you said!" It can be seen that Su bochen was really happy to hear this!

"I'll have your place checked again! And? If you can be more obedient, I'm afraid it won't be the way it is now Ding Yu also sighed a little discontented.

"Well! I promise With that, he was lying on the bed.

Looking at his father-in-law's appearance, I also feel so funny. If other people in the family dare to say so, I'm afraid they would have hit their heads with crutches. Who's laughing with you! But what about Ding Yu's speech? The old man listened to that is to benefit, but it is really that people die more than people!

But Wang Xiaogang feels extremely meaningless, is pouting the buttocks, do not know what to do there? When Ding Yu saw it, he narrowed his eyes and shook his head to Xiaobao. Don't disturb him at this time! Anyway, I have seen it! It's no big deal!

Xiaobao looks at Wang Xiaogang, but also has some exclamations, falls in the elder brother's hand? Even so naive, let yourself say something is good? I'm really worried about this little guy! What about big brother? For him, it is absolutely the existence of the wolf, which will make him "dead"!

After a while, Wang Xiaogang got up, puffed up his small face and turned his back. Seeing his honest appearance, Ding Yu also snorted. Wang Xiaogang peeked at the past, and then approached Xiaobao. Xiaobao lifted his hand and pinched his face. This little guy! It is true that there is no honest time! This is a hospital, not your own home!

There is no problem with grandfather. Ding Yu also stands up and looks at Wang Xiaogang, who has no need to hug. Ding Yu snorts. Xiaobao also holds Wang Xiaogang and finds the nurse. Everything on the ground has been damaged! I don't know where he came from such a big villain!

What about the nurses? After careful inspection, what about the damage to public goods? This is a very unfriendly behavior. Ding Yu really needs to teach Wang Xiaogang a lesson and let him know the power of it! If you don't get the education you deserve this time, what about the next time? He'll do it again!

Wang Xiaogang looked at the bright needle, and it was also a cry. He buried his head directly on Ding Yu's thigh, and then began to cry. Ding Yu pulled out the pillow, and then put the needle into Wang Xiaogang's buttocks. After all, he was a child and couldn't turn back!

What's more? Ding Yu also used some small means, so Wang Xiaogang also felt his ass numb! This is even more amazing! When Wang Xiaogang raised his head again, he looked at Ding Yu with tears and his nose came out! "What about destroying public goods? It is a kind of behavior without morality and recuperation! What about this time? It's a lesson for you! "

Other good to say, Wang Xiaogang is also staggering to cover his butt, like a little bear, if he had known this, he would not have gone to get that thing!

On the way back, Wang Xiaogang always felt that his little butt was uncomfortable, so he didn't sit at all. Instead, he was lying there all the time, with his head resting on Xiaobao's thigh, he would kick Ding Ding Yu next to him with his little foot from time to time. Anyway, it was not intentional, because his butt really hurt a little!

Xiaobao also sent the video to Wang Yang at this time. This is really interesting! What about kids? How could you do that! With the little guy! We should learn from this aspect! Otherwise, it will be God!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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