"Hello, teacher!" Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng have been here for some time! I came here after work, but I didn't see Ding Yu, so I had to sit down and wait!

Each other has known each other, so it is not necessary to show too deliberately! What about Wang Xiaogang? Still is the mouth, like a small frog, from time to time to rub their own butt, it is so painful, even now is still no improvement!

If I had known that, I would not go to the hospital! Went to the hospital instead is to let oneself get such a needle, say what is good? But at this time, even if he is asked to say something, he is afraid that he can not say it!

After getting acquainted with each other, they really don't have any so-called sense of restraint. At night, they eat hot pot. Wang Xiaogang has some twists and turns. His previous attempt in the hospital also made him suffer. He is really curious about the hotpot and even wants to touch it!

Ding Yu took a look at the temperature of the hot pot, but also took out a piece of beef and stuck it on the edge of the pot. The sound of tearing and pulling remembered, the smoke also rose. Wang Xiaogang looked at the beef beside the pot, then looked at his fingers, and carefully moved his body back. He even wanted to rub his face just now!

But Ding Yu looks at Wang Xiaoyang provocatively, and even deliberately picks up his chin. The meaning is very simple. Try it. It's OK! It won't die anyway! Wang Xiaogang shakes his head like a rattle! Uncle, big villain!

During the meal, Xiao Bao also paid attention to Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng. What about the two? All of them are not so rigid as expected. They even joke with Ding Yu from time to time. For Xiaobao, such scenes really have such a fantastic feeling! When did big brother become so amiable?

What about the first and second echelons? I have been in contact with him, and I have longer contact with him. Generally speaking, my elder brother has a straight face. But when I saw Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng, his face didn't get stiff, and he even looked very harmonious. It's really hell!

"How are you doing these days?"

"Back to school, the headmaster is a torment! Come to the hospital, the director is even more oppressive, this is still a mother's children, those who have no mother's children, now they can't cry out! "

"I didn't see you shed any tears anyway!" Ding Yu accepted, "what about the hospital? You really don't have time to go. You can take care of yourself! Especially Guo Li you! Learn more from Mingzheng and be calm. Don't be monkey like! "

"Haha! Teacher, the beef in your family is delicious. What about the vegetables and the food in our canteen? Maybe it's enough nutrition, but what about eating it in your mouth? It's not much different from eating a nutritious meal! "

"Wang Xiaogang is one of the five of us? You say the third, really no one dares to say the second, Xiaobao also dare not! There is a long way to go compared with you. What about next time? Don't be empty handed! What if you eat this way? Sooner or later, the courtyard will be bankrupt for you

"Teacher!" After swallowing the meat in his mouth, Guo Li also cried and said, "look at Mingzheng, our faces are already full of dishes! It's not easy to get a chance to improve! You are a rich teacher. We are both poor students. We are not married yet? Teacher, you have pity on us

Wang Xiaogang nearby also took advantage of not paying attention to Guo Li's bowl and twisted a spoonful of chili oil, and then sat there in a proper color, as if nothing had happened!

Xiao Bao also shakes his head. Shen Mingzheng beside him is so curious, but he doesn't mean to make a sound. He even deliberately adds some coriander on it to cover up the chili oil. Of course, he doesn't forget himself, and he also puts some coriander for himself.

The boy is wilting! Xiaobao is also a little funny. What about Xiaogang's nephew? There are really some imagination! But how did Xiaogang come up with it? He is not old, but he seems to have a lot of bad minds! But what he didn't notice was that his uncle seemed to dip his fork in chili oil!

"How about getting married? You two

This words just finished, Xiaogang is also a wow, two small short legs are also disorderly pedal! Tears have come out, and then also holding their own juice began to pour! This voice also attracted the attention of Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng. What happened to the child? Is it burning when you don't pay attention?

Looking at the two people who stood up, Ding Yu also said, "eat your, it's OK!" Xiaobao also handed the handkerchief to Wang Xiaogang. Wang Xiaogang couldn't help but spit out his tongue. Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng both had some doubts, and then they were fishing for meat!

Shen Mingzheng didn't have any reaction, but when Guo Li ate the sauce in his mouth, his tears came down, and then he covered his mouth. He grabbed the glass next to him and drank it in one gulp! It's hot, but it's good. It's really full of sweat!But it's an adult after all, and what about this beer? Is also really comfortable! Then Guo Li also looked at the small spot next to him, as if he understood something! Wang Xiaogang looked at Guo Li, and then he also looked at his uncle. But what did he look like? It seems that some of them are not like each other. I turn my head and look at Uncle Xiaobao again!

"Injustice has its head, debt has its owner. Don't look at me, boy!" Xiaobao also warned and said, "what's more, if you don't do something bad, you won't end up like this! But your juice is a little bit too much. I'm afraid it's going to flood tonight. No, I'll have to shoot a video and take it back to enjoy it! "

"I'm sorry!" Wang Xiaogang is still very smart, fell down from the chair, staggered to Guo Li's side, took Guo Li's hand and said sorry! True or false? I'm afraid no one can say it clearly, but what about it? It's just a child's mischief, not to mention that he also tasted the taste of it!

"It's naughty enough. Brother forgives you!" Of course, Guo Li doesn't have the same insight with such a child. What's more, people have already apologized to themselves. What's more, his tears have not been erased from his face?

"Do not do to others what you do not want!" Ding Yu looked at his nephew with a serious expression and said, "I always want to do bad things, but before doing bad things? Also need to think about, do not think about how others treat you, you do not treat others so! This is a lesson for you! "

"Teacher, he is still a child. Are you too strict?"

"It's no reason or excuse to call him a child!" Ding Yu is also an educator. He said, "if a child does something wrong, God will forgive him. This is just to listen. If he is not strictly disciplined, what can he do in the future? Didn't you do that? Let him have a taste of it

Wang Xiaogang puffed his mouth! Other questions can be refuted, but what about this one? He couldn't refute, and he didn't dare to refute at all! Can only look at their own uncle!

But after Ding Yu said two words, he did not continue to discuss his problem, "OK, don't change the topic. Just now, you said you and Mingzheng were two people? There should be a lot of people looking for you during this period of time! Must be in your heart? They all have their own ideas. There are no outsiders today. Let's talk about it! "

"Teacher, I can't bear it!" Guo Li is also shouting the sky to say.

Next to Shen Ming is also wipe his forehead above the call, in line with the said, "physical and mental exhaustion!"

"And this one? Come here Ding Yu also aimed at Xiaobao and raised his chin. "Now, wherever you go, you can be said to have a lot of experience in this respect. You can consult him well!"

Get it! It's no wonder that I stay here to eat and drink for this reason. Xiaobao is also quite helpless, "elder brother, you don't know my situation! It's all tears

"Of course I know. Just because I know, I let you tell them a good story, so that they will not be in decline in the future." Ding Yu's words are also very ironic, "I always feel that the things in other people's rice bowls are good. In two days' time, your father and mother will soon fight in the courtyard! I never said I would support you

Wang Xiaogang didn't feel impatient for a long time! In any case, he has eaten enough, and knows that if he continues to make a fool of himself, there will be no good result! Ding Yu also allowed him to leave, but it didn't take long for him to hear the barking of dogs, which was miserable!

Get it! Xiaobao also patted his head, Ding Yu also rubbed his face with his hand, "OK, you eat first! Good communication Then he got up and left, and didn't know the situation for a long time.

A wife of small four eyes was bullied, what about the fur on the dog's tail? It's gone! At least someone has watched, otherwise what will happen? It's really hard to say that Wang Xiaogang may have been so scared. After looking at his uncle, he also leaned back on his body!

"The fire from there?" You don't have to see how it happened. It must have burned the dog's tail! No wonder the cry just now was so sad! "Bring it here and I'll see it!"

Wang Xiaogang hesitated for a moment, but also stretched out his hand, Wang Xiaogang also ran to the side of the position, picked up the lighter, it is still contaminated with soil! Then he reached out to his uncle!

"What? Are you really playing tricks? " Ding Yu also looked at Wang Xiaogang with a smile, "fire and water are merciless. What about this truth? You should not understand, the family has not taught you, this can be understood, but you play such a game? It really surprised me. I really need to teach you a lesson in this respect! "

Carrying Wang Xiaogang back to the table again, Ding Yu also explained the situation. What about Xiaobao and the three of them? Also is all stupidly looking at Wang Xiaogang, this boy is really too out of line!"Fortunately, it's not an open fire lighter, otherwise it might be really hot tonight!"

"Is it flourishing? I don't really know that, but what about this bastard? I really want to be the devil Ding Yu is also shaking his head, "although taoxiao is good, this is what I said, but there is no such naughty power! How on earth did he learn it? "

"It calls at me! What's more, you're still shouting Wang Xiaogang argued.

"So you burn his tail?" Ding Yu also did not have a good breath of hum, "pour still really did not see, your boy unexpectedly still is a master who does not suffer losses! Haven't you heard that beating a dog depends on its owner? I said that you boy, even if it is straight, you can't come in front of your face! Why don't you do it behind your back? "

"Big brother? You have a bad idea

Ding Yu is also a white eye, "what's more, it calls at you, do you beat it? There is no problem, but if you play with fire, the nature of the problem will be different! What if there's no one around? That big dog? I'll tear it for you if it's not direct? Are you really afraid of anything? Or don't you have a brain? "

Anyway, it's not small four eyes, hit also hit, Ding Yu did not really as a thing, but you use fire to burn, really if make a good or bad to come? It's not the same! So Ding Yu's voice and tone are quite heavy!

"I was wrong! Uncle

"Did you admit you were wrong? It's a good thing! But I think I should teach you a lesson! " Ding Yu thought about it for a while, but also called the housekeeper Deng Rong to come over, "I remember that there was a set of ruler in the house before! You'll find it out for me later! "

A ruler? Wang Xiaogang did not know, so, what was that for? Deng Rong is looking at the little melon head standing there, there are some pitiful, that is a ruler! What about the young master and the young lady? It doesn't work. It's Wang Xiaogang's turn, OK? Just a few days ago! It's about to be used!

Soon Deng Rong also turned the ruler out. Looking at the board in Ding Yu's hand, Wang Xiaogang subconsciously wanted to cover his buttocks, but he didn't forget the previous hospital affairs! Even now there are still some dull pain!

Ding Yu put the ruler aside and said, "you boy! Be honest. What about tomorrow? Teach you activities, by the way, write with you. What about this ruler? We'll call again tomorrow! "

Looking at Wang Xiaogang running away, Guo Li also poured a cup of juice to his teacher, "teacher, that's your nephew. Do you have to do this?"

Ding Yu gave a dissatisfied look, "I can also go to this hand to kiss my son, not to mention any nephew! And the two of you? Also give me quite clear, also have Xiaobao, you also calculate one, how old saying says? Don't take good for small, don't do evil for small. In a more popular way, can good things be done easily? What's the bad thing you can't do? do not do! What about me? It's not done, but I hope you can do it! "

"No! Big brother, we are always boasting of you

Ding Yu waved his hand, "what about me? It's not really a good person, Xiao Li and Mingzheng? Maybe you don't know something about it, but you don't know it yet? So I hope the people around me? It can develop in a good direction! "

"Brother! You've been in trouble all these years, so we're waiting for ready-made food? "

"Bullshit!" Ding Yu also laughed, "if you didn't work hard to put it into practice, it would be impossible to reach the present height, and it would have been abandoned long ago! What about me? As I said just now, if I am not a good person, I can not be regarded as a kind or soft hearted person! So this point is with me? It won't work! "

"Teacher, I don't understand a little bit!" Guo Li also looks at Ding Yu carefully.

"You want to say why I always say I'm a bad person, don't you?" Guo Li nodded in front of him, and Xiao Bao beside him slapped the back of Guo Li's head directly. Obviously, there was a certain smell of hating him. Big brother just said that. You bastard took it seriously!

Ding Yu waved his hand to Xiaobao. "These two days in the hospital looking at the old man, suddenly some ideas came out, some thoughts about life, so today I also made two complaints! People! In fact, they all like to put themselves on the commanding heights of morality, oppress others and highlight themselves! Think carefully, I seem to be like this

Xiaobao is so stupid. What's wrong with this, big brother? Why do you feel that you are not used to it? What about Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng? Look at each other. What about the two of them? Although I can't be a doctor yet, I know a lot about it.

What about doctors? Not to say indifference, but to see the joys and sorrows of separation and reunion is too much, so can only be the heart to pressure in their own heart! It's not that they are not touched at all! Obviously, what about the teacher these two days? The touch may be a little bit bigger, so it is the situation now.So Guo Li also slightly shook his head to Xiaobao. Xiaobao didn't know what the reason was, but he looked at Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng? It seems that they have some understanding, can only say that they are teachers and students after all, how about the understanding between each other? Maybe more profound!

How about the relationship between them? Of course, I'm closer to myself, but if I know from my major, I'm really comfortable! After all, I am not a professional!

"Teacher, everyone has such a time, life is full of life, birth and death! It's one of the normals

Ding Yu sighed, "thinking a little bit so much, I really have no way to imagine, if I arrive at that day, what kind of state will it be? Will there be such an optimistic attitude then! Even when I look at my grandfather, I have a little fear and worry in my heart! "

"Teacher, is this a fear of life and death?"

"No Ding Yu shook her hands, "I've been walking on the line of life and death several times! I have seen a lot of the so-called great terror between life and death. Have I really seen a lot of them? What have I considered? It's not really about life and death! People! It can never be a stone

Xiao Bao seemed to understand some things, but he didn't seem to understand anything. At this time, he also fell into a moment of thinking. Ding Yu did not disturb him. He asked Butler Deng Rong to send two bottles of wine. Today, he did not know where the interest came from. Anyway, he wanted to drink wine!

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