In the morning, when Ding Yu finished exercise and had breakfast, he looked at Wang Xiaogang sitting next to him. After these two days, he had been able to eat with a spoon! When I eat, I also peep at my uncle. Last night, I was still a little scared!

"After dinner, take a rest, and then write to make you familiar with the shelf! That's how it was arranged in the morning! "

Ding Yu's voice is not high or low, not salty or light. It sounds very tasteless. Wang Xiaogang is also holding his mouth and looking at his uncle, but his small mouth opened and closed, and finally he didn't say anything!

After playing for a while, Wang Xiaogang was also led into Ding Yu's study. Ding Yu led Wang Xiaogang's hand and wrote on the study that Wang Xiaogang wanted to be lazy, but looking at the ruler not far away from him, he also thought about it for a long time, then hung down his head, or forget it! Uncle will never be too polite to yourself!

although it was not long before he came to the quadrangle, there were many people in contact with it, but Wang Xiaogang knew exactly who was the one who has the final say. What about the uncle in front of you? Absolute number one! There is no need to have any doubt!

In the middle of the rest, about 15 minutes, is used to give Wang Xiaogang mischief, save him to go to the toilet and eat, write for an hour, practice shelf is also an hour of time, during which Wang Xiaogang is rolling on the ground, but Ding Yu's hand inside the ruler is also in Wang Xiaogang's buttocks waved two times!

Wang Xiaogang can only be tears, wipe continue to practice there, has been waiting for his mother to call over, Ding Yu is just let go of Wang Xiaogang, Wang Lisheng! This is a good thing. What about Ding Yu? In the past, I have given gifts in the past, but now there are some things that are not suitable for me! Because the time is really not appropriate!

In the afternoon, I still need to make medicine for the old man. It's too time-consuming and laborious! Besides myself? Other people really can't take over, so Ding Yu also asked Deng Rong to go there. What about his own side? Go back at night! There are a lot of people and a lot of chaos now!

In the afternoon, Wang Xiaogang also had some sheep herding. Originally, he wanted to see his uncle's reaction, but Ding Yu didn't have so much time to pay attention to him. Wang Xiaogang wanted to steal into the study, but how could the people at the door let him in? If it wasn't for Ding Yu, he couldn't have come in this morning!

Distress can't solve any problem, which was already known when Wang Xiaogang entered the courtyard on the first day! So I also took the golden cudgel in my hand to find my wife with four eyes to vent. How about the dog? But Wang Xiaogang is completely tired to get down! By the time we found him, it had become a big character!

Ding Yu also took a look and checked Wang Xiaogang's body. There was no problem! What about revenge? It is true that there are so many strong, but it is clear that there is no purpose in doing things! Of course, the main reason is that he is too small! This can not be denied!

When going to the hospital in the evening, Ding Yu needs to take him with him because he will visit Wang Li in the hospital later. Where's the old man? It should be that he has received the news and even seen the photos sent. He is in good spirits. With Ding Yu's special medicine and massage, the old man even has the intention to see it in person!

"Grandfather, you are a little more leisurely. What about me? But I worked hard. I had planned to go there in person at noon, but I had to make medicine for you in the afternoon, so I didn't move all afternoon. If you want to go, will my efforts be in vain? " Ding Yu also said with warning!

"Is that exaggeration?" Su bochen still has some doubts and heart is unwilling!

"What about you, old man? On the one hand, you should pay attention to this! After going home, let Wang Li take the baby to your place! " Ding Yu also said with relief.

Taking a look at Wang Xiaogang sitting on the sofa next to him, Su bochen also looked at Ding Yu and said, "how can this monkey boy be so honest today? It's not like his style? "

"Don't mention it! Last night, I wanted to teach him a lesson. When eating hot pot, I poured chili oil into my student's bowl. A dog barked at him, and he burned the dog's tail with a lighter! This morning, I taught him how to write and how to practice his shelf. I know that broken mushroom. I played two rulers. Is the reason why I am so honest today? Because I did something bad here last night! I went to the doctor for an injection, otherwise I would be honest

"Darling, how long has it taken to do so many things?" Su bochen also stretched his neck, "it's OK. It's just a little naughty. When you encounter something wrong, you should spank your butt. As for other things? There's no need to be too restrictive. I see the little guy is OK! "

"It's not so stupid, it's a bit spiritual! But it's so naughty. What about the discipline of Wang Yang and Qiu Yan? Maybe some of them are too restrained! But your own kids? They will be spoiled a little bit. The two rabbits in my family are also like this. Sometimes they are lawless"And the children? They will not have to be too restrictive, which will restrain their nature. But what about modern society? The development is really not the same! There are too few places for children to play! On the contrary, there is no natural environment in the past. I'm afraid this can not be changed in a short time! "

Ding Yu chats with his grandfather. After waiting for someone to come, Ding Yu takes Wang Xiaogang to see her sister Wang Li. When she comes, there are not so many people! What about most people? It was at that time! There are still a few people like Ding Yu who come over at night!

However, we can still see some people, mainly in the Palace Museum, during the day? There was really not much time, but when Ding Yu saw Shangnan, he was stunned, "when did you come back? And because you're not coming back? I'm a little late here! "

"Big brother!" The expression on Shangnan's face is beyond words, very excited, he has sons, and still two! "I came back in the afternoon! I was beaten twice by my mother Although the words are so said, but Shangnan really has no other feelings! Just happy! It's excitement!

When he saw Wang Xiaogang beside Ding Yu, he was also direct, so he picked it up and swung it twice! Scared Wang Xiaogang is also shouting!

"Congratulations! It's a successor! " Ding Yu also congratulated and said, "what about the small days in the future? It's gone. What about Wang Li? Sometimes I have a little temper, so you! Sometimes we should be more considerate! "

"Big brother, my little life is still very harmonious! What about things at home? Has always been relatively rough, basically handed over to Wang Li, as long as the general direction is no problem! I have nothing to ask for! "

"It seems that your requirement is a little low." Ding Yu sighed, "but what about life? Insipid is not a bad thing. How many major events can you encounter in your life? A lot? In fact, they are just trivial things! But today? Absolute life event! I, the uncle of mine, must come to enjoy myself

Shangnan took her elder brother to see the twins. At this time, they had not returned to Wang Li's side. Although she said that she had no physical problems, she still needed considerable observation! This is also for the sake of children! However, it seems that many people are surrounded, and everyone is in their own sigh!

Of course, the twins sighed. When they saw Shangnan coming, they also said hello to each other. What about Ding Yu? Most people really don't know each other. Is it Ding Yu? There are so many too low-key! What about the people who don't come here? Obviously, they are not so stupid. Can't Shangnan personally lead people to come here, and can't explain the problem?

Ding Yu looked at the two babies lying there. After standing there for a while, Ding Yu also nodded to Shangnan, patted Shangnan's arm, and then went to see Wang Li! Wang Li is very spiritual now. When she sees her elder brother, she is also a fool!

Not only Wang Changlin and Su Yuan are here, but also the parents of the merchants. For the merchants and the Wangs, it is a big event! Because of his work, Wang Changlin is no more than Ding Yu in the morning! When seeing Ding Yu, everyone also expressed a great welcome!

Why did Ding Yu come so late? It's not any opinion. We are all very clear about the situation!

Su Yuan looked at Wang Xiaogang who was following him. His eyes were bright, and then he waved his hand. When Wang Xiaogang saw his grandmother, the tears came out at once, almost crying and howling in his grandmother's arms! There was always no chance before. What about this time? Finally, I found the opportunity!

For Wang Xiaogang's reaction, not only Su Yuan, but also the parents of the merchants were stunned. What happened to this boy? Seeing his grandmother's reaction like this, isn't there something unusual?

"Grandma! Uncle hit me Wang Xiaogang and Su Yuan face close to the face, whispered, the tears on the face have not been wiped clean? Su Yuan was a little absent-minded. What about his eldest son? Is more powerful, this point even oneself will not have any doubt, but said that the boss attacks him? It seems that there are so many improbable!

"Did your uncle beat you?" Su Yuan held Wang Xiaogang in his arms, and said in a positive way! After that, everyone burst into laughter. No wonder Wang Xiaogang ran to his grandmother crying and howling. It turns out that this is the reason. This boy is a bit interesting!

"Hit the ass!" Wang Xiaogang is also drum up his small mouth, "also injection?"

"And the injection?" Su Yuan had some doubts, but he wanted to rip his butt off, but he didn't do anything. At least in front of the public, he didn't do anything like this, which would embarrass his eldest son, "why did your uncle beat you! There has to be a reason, right? "

Su Yuan seems very patient at this time. It seems that this thing is unintentional, but what about himself? It is really not good to do what biased, if not handled well, it will even cause misunderstanding between the two brothers, so it will not be good!When asked by her grandmother, Wang Xiaogang is so restless in Su Yuan's arms. But what about this time? It is to focus all the eyes on him. The complaint is very simple, but you will be responsible for it!

Looking at Wang Xiaogang did not say any reason, Su Yuan also looked at his eldest son. Ding Yu's expression on his face did not change. It was just looking at Wang Xiaogang, Wang Xiaogang looking at his uncle's eyes, brewing for quite a long time. During this period, he was lying in his grandmother's arms for countless times, but finally he broke free! Standing next to his grandmother, the small appearance is so poor!

Looking at his grandson's appearance, Su Yuan also felt a little heartache. Xiaogang just went to the courtyard for a few days! How did it become like this? "Boss! Is it too strict? "

Ding Yu said," I went to see my grandfather yesterday. He was making trouble in the hospital. Last night, I invited someone to eat. He secretly poured chili oil into the guests' bowl! The dog barked at him twice, and he retaliated! Take the lighter and light the dog's tail! Almost got bitten by the dog! What happened today? And say something else

Ah? All the people are in a daze at this time! Wang Li, including Wang Li on the bed, said that the boy was good, but how old was this boy! Pour chili oil and dog tail into other people's bowls! This is really a few out of the circle!

The expression on Su Yuan's face is really indescribable. Some unknowingly picked up his grandson. The little guy glared at his eyes and laughed, as if those were not his own!

"Oh, my God! You are... " Su Yuan is really speechless! This grandson! Really need someone to treat him well, otherwise there will be a big trouble in the future!

And the people also laughed at this time, the child is so interesting! No wonder Ding Yu took the position around him. If you don't have a good discipline now, don't go to heaven in the future! But if the education is really good! In the face of the present intelligence? The future must be extraordinary!

"You Su Yuan also points Wang Xiaogang's eyebrows with his finger, "it's light to hit you! Do you still know the accusation? " Su Yuan also had some "hate it and not fight" at this time, this stinky boy! I don't know if I'm in luck!

What about Wang Xiaogang? We also slowly shifted the topic to the two new children. Shangnan has this meaning, but what about this? Now it's really not appropriate to mention some of them! In the future, look at the fate of the two sons! Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, don't they?

When he left the ward to leave, Wang Changlin also walked with his eldest son, "boss! Is Xiaogang so naughty? I don't remember that. " After all, he is his grandson, so Wang Changlin is worried. Although he is young, he can't grow up to be a dandy!

Ding Yu also nodded his head. "He was confined to his home before, and there was no such broad environment, so what about him? For a moment, there are so many too open! I did it on purpose! It's a good thing to let the children let go of this mind. Strict discipline is good, but there won't be any big problems! "

"You have to be well disciplined Wang Changlin also had some worries, "what about the children at home? Even if it is naughty, it seems that there is no such naughty in my impression. This is totally playing with new tricks! "

"It's OK!" Ding Yu said placidly, "what about him? What about the world? It's not completely started, and there's no big problem in training now! What about children? The cognition of right and wrong is not so obvious. Is it related to this aspect? I know what to do with it! "

"What about his problem? You need strict discipline. What about you? Previously, I came back with two children, and then I was ready to stay in the courtyard. Now I take care of three children, and one is clubby beans? " What about Wang Xiaogang and his brother and sister? There is really no comparability!

"Take it as a convenience! It seems that the bustle of this period of time is so excessive Ding Yu touched his cheek. When did he say this? It seems that some of them are not very interesting! I just mentioned my nephew, and now I mention myself. Does this influence have such a big impact?

Wang Changlin was stunned by his eldest son's answer, and then he also laughed, "you! What about this uncle? It's true that there are so many unqualified people who only need to set fire to the state officials and forbid people to light lamps! What about yourself? A strong to toss, but not let nephew toss! It seems that it's a little too much! "

"I really hope Xiaogang will? Can good toss a time, but he now tosses the way obviously has so some is not quite right! After all, we haven't gone into the sea yet. We don't know how to make trouble. It's understandable! "

"What do you mean? Let your two little demons take it with you? This day has to be pierced? ""Just looking for a new toy. I don't think there will be any problems or problems! I'll look at it anyway! " Ding Yu's expression was obviously a little playful. "At least I still have some time now. Who knows if it will be so leisurely in the future? I don't really dare to make any guarantee! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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