In fact, Wang Yang had already known his son's affairs last night, and Lin Qiuyan also knew it!

This also makes them have so many no way to face their big brother, the son has so many too naughty, even completely beyond everyone's expectation and imagination, how could have done so! So it's better to slow down as much as possible!

At this time, if I went to the courtyard, what about the growth of children? It's definitely bad! For the future of this bastard, even if there are some heartache now, it is totally worth it!

Wang Xiaogang is a little bit "heartless" at this time. Although he complained earlier and saw that his uncle was still afraid, how could he be afraid? I'm just complaining. I'm not making a mistake? Can big brother still hit himself?

Obviously, Wang Xiaogang has not fully understood his uncle's means at this time, but when he really tried the taste, I'm afraid he will not think like this! But the same? After all, Wang Xiaogang is too young! It seems quite unrealistic to let him understand now!

Back home, Wang Xiaogang was also taken over by the nanny! Take a bath and get ready to go to bed, but do you want someone else to bathe him? Don't think about it at this time. At most, I wiped the back and other places. As for other things? Wang Xiaogang's own to complete it! This is the standard of quadrangle!

When getting up in the morning, Wang Xiaogang is also quite polite to say hello to Ding Yu! Then he sat on his own chair. He is too young. Now he really doesn't need to get up and exercise. What about his age? Enough sleep for Wang Xiaogang, is the best way to grow up!

"There will be guests at home today!" After breakfast, Ding Yu is also looking at Wang Xiaogang, which sounds like there are some warnings, but it seems that there are some provocative tastes!

After breakfast, Wang Xiaogang played for a while, and then Ding Yu caught him in the study. He could read and write! What about Wang Xiaogang? I'm interested in writing in my brother's arms, although I always want to fight against my uncle? It's very comfortable.

After writing a few pieces of paper, Deng Rong also came to ask Ding Yu for instructions! Ding Yu wiped his hand with his hand and patted Wang Xiaogang However, there is no deliberate warning. Children should be more lively and radiate their energy! Especially Wang Xiaogang should be so!

"Less feathers!" Is it really the first time that Xiangjia and his wife came to Siheyuan and came to the entrance of Hutong? I feel that the walls outside are so simple, but the personnel are really few, basically can't see any people! But after the screen wall, you will find the big difference here!

The capital is cool at this time, but when you enter the courtyard, it's just another scene. If you don't say it's green, there's a faint smell on the face. It's not clear what kind of taste it is, but it makes people feel that spirit is coming up all of a sudden!

As the saying goes, the gate of marquis is is as deep as the sea. What about places like Hong Kong City? Xiangjia and his wife have visited many people, and they have some feelings after entering the house. But when they come to the courtyard, they really realize what this sentence means!

Although the quadrangle is large, it does not see too many people walking around, but there is no sense of serenity. On the contrary, it gives people the feeling of being relaxed and happy. The Xiangjia couple also look at each other, seemingly even themselves? Did not feel, after entering the courtyard, even atmosphere? I dare not breathe!

When Ding Yu came out, he was also dressed in a pair of front lapels and cloth shoes at his feet, which seemed out of place with the modern society, but he had a certain style of character: "ten brothers, ten sisters in law, welcome to be a guest!"

Ding Yu's attitude is very good, but what about two people? Really can not be too self! What about here after all? But Siheyuan is not any other place. It's better to be cautious! What's more, what about the people? But Ding Yu, with more and more understanding of Ding Yu, the two people are also more careful.

At that time, not everyone had such a proper arrangement!

"Little feather, a little bit of heart!"

Ding Yu nodded to Deng Rong, the housekeeper behind him. He turned around and invited them to sit down together. However, as soon as he sat down, he saw Wang Xiaogang running over with a traction rope in his hand. When he ran over, he was also staring at his big eyes!

"Hello, uncle and aunt!" Wang Xiaogang was obviously called! But what about him? It's not easy to shout! What if you let him bow? There are still some things he can't do, what's more, he doesn't have to!

"Good boy!" Xiang Shi and his wife did not expect to meet children here. What about the two children in Ding Yu's family? They are aware of it, but suddenly another one came out today, so some of them don't know!

"My brother's child!" Ding Yu explained, "some of them are too noisy! So stay with me for two days With a finger to play Wang Xiaogang's forehead, Wang Xiaogang is also from his back to feel the golden cudgel, led the dog barking and ran away! However, I didn't recognize life at all. I came and went in a hurry!"Yu Shao really has a heart!" Wang Xiaogang, who was looking at Wang Xiaogang running away from him, sighed, "ah Zuo, you've been bothered by ah Zuo this period of time. My husband and wife are also very grateful."

"Thank you very much. I'm really out of touch! What about Zuo? Still have a little perseverance When talking, Ding Yu also looked at the ten couples, "but since ten elder brothers have said it, then I will ask a lot of words! Are you going to lift it

Looking at his wife at ten, two people nodded at each other, "feather less, do we want to enter the mainland? Or do you need to start from your old business and other things? Not so skilled! Every other line is like a mountain! "

"To the left? I grew up in Hong Kong City! How about entering the mainland? If it is to have fun, or even make some money, these will not have too many problems, but it is not easy to borrow his hand and open a channel. From my personal point of view? I'm even going to press him down. Of course, this is just my personal opinion and idea. "

Xiangjia and his wife are obviously puzzled, but they also know that Ding Yu will never mention this matter for no reason, and there will be no meaning to oppress Xiangjia, because Ding Yu is not such a person!

But Ding Yu is quite ruthless, but the same? What about the people around you? It's also quite tolerant. I cast a lot of names at home, even secretly? He has done a lot for Ding Yu! If Ding Yu really has any opinions and ideas about Xiang's family, he may not even meet him today!

"Yu Shao, when we first entered the mansion, we may have

"What about me, sister-in-law? For ten elder brothers really have no opinion, for left? There are some ideas! What about him? Or younger, in the future? I must have my own career. Now? There's no problem playing with tickets. What if it's just to make a name for it? On the contrary, it will make the following road so difficult for him to walk! "

"Yu Shao, what about me? As you know from that family background, I really have such an idea. The method may be so direct! " Xiang Shi didn't hide anything in front of Ding Yu. He directly revealed his own ideas, "even if it was smashed, but after this reputation came out, everything would be easy to do!"

"Fame has come out, but the road is not easy! It's also a problem! Want fame? It's not necessary to adopt such a way. The development of entertainment in the mainland has been very fast in recent years. Even a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend among them. What about the Hong Kong City in those years? Can be said to be very similar! But what about inside? There are many different places. What about the mainland? It is open, but also very conservative sometimes

"Yu Shao, we are rude people!" Listening to Ding Yu's words, Xiang Shi has basically understood Ding Yu's meaning, but what does it mean? It doesn't mean you know how to go on the next road! Because this is not a thing at all.

"Ten elder brother, if you say so, I am also a rude man! What's more, I still take the knife directly! " A little joke to ease the atmosphere, "what about South Korea? With Tai hee over there, I have a good relationship with Samsung. What about Japan? Dashan and Tanaka are over there. There is no problem. What about the United States? This resource is also available at home. How about arranging it to the left? It's really not a problem! "

"Yu Shao, you love ah Zuo so much. I'm really

"If there is no such resource in the family, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. It is really not good to force something. But what about the family? Since there is this resource, it is easy to say a lot! To put it bluntly, what about waste? After all, there are some bad things! But what about the abalone and shark fin? I really have some worries about whether he will have indigestion! "

"How about entertainment in the mainland? We are interested, but we can't reach it! " What about Xiang 10? There is the idea of entering the mainland entertainment, but what is their identity, is it difficult for them to really do not know?

What about the mainland? It's open, but what about the same? It's also conservative! What about the boundary? I'm not really good to step on! What's more, what about your major career? Basically, it's all over the harbor city! Although there are less feathers behind the support, but left the foundation? If you do anything by yourself, you will be timid!

Now what about the son? Feather less since has done this aspect hint, then oneself pour also does not need to have what other aspect worry! What about the other problems? It's really easy to handle!

So many years of effort? Or have a considerable return, their own son out? With this little feather in the back, he will definitely be smooth sailing, of course, he still needs to mention his son more, the difference between him and Yu Shao is really too far!

Don't say this calm, even if it's ability and means, give people feather less shoes, people want to see their own face! If there are any problems and problems with my son, then what will happen then? How much is your face worth? It's really hard to say!When you don't see it? It's already a terrible feeling. After seeing the siheyuan with less feathers, I really know what the courtyard is deep! What about the land under your feet? But the capital? Not anywhere else? The center of gravity of the whole country!

There is such a big quadrangle on this acre of land, which is definitely better than the Taipingshan mansion in Hong Kong? More luxury! What about the houses on the other side of Repulse Bay? There is no comparability! What about the mansion in Repulse Bay? I can still fight for it, but what about the mansion on Taiping? Don't think about it!

Of course, there have been some changes in these years! But it is also the expectation of the whole Hong Kong people. I am the people of Hong Kong! So this comparison is not so strange! After all, it is only in these two years that I slowly began to contact the mainland! What about before? Is really not very dare!

"The mainland is very tolerant! If you have a chance, it's good to do business and charity together! " Will Xiang Shi and his wife have other plans? For Ding Yu, there is no influence. If you are willing to listen, it is better. If you don't want to listen, you will never have any reluctance!

Relatively speaking? Xiang 10 is better, but his brother Xiang 13? What a pity! But his physical condition is too bad! Otherwise, it would be better than ten? More clever!

But be a man? Can't be too greedy! And do things? It can't be perfect!

When Ding Yu and his husband and wife were talking, they heard a crash, and then the dog's miserable cry! Ding Yu and Xiang Shi are both stunned. The previous voice is so dull. What should be broken! But what happened to the barking behind? The corners of Ding Yu's mouth twitched slightly! Then I hit myself on the head with my hand! What about his nephew? I'm afraid we've made trouble again!

"Sir Deng Rong doesn't want to come here, but what about Wang Xiaogang? Nonsense again! Smash the enamel vase on the other side of the living room! It didn't hit him, but what about the dog he was leading? The front leg was broken!

"What did he do?" Ding Yu is also reluctant to ask a question!

"Sir, Xiaogang smashed the vase, and then his dog's front leg was broken! He was a little frightened, but the nanny took care of him! There is no problem! "

Ding Yu knocked on his head. "Yesterday, I poured chili oil into the guests' bowl and burned the dog's tail. It's nothing to smash the vase today, but this leg is broken! It's really fun! Let him copy big characters! And write down the ruler for him

Deng Rong bows to Ding Yu and then turns to leave! Ding Yu also shook his head, "there are already two living ancestors in the family! Now there is a little ancestor! I'm afraid it's going to turn over in two days! "

"Children are lively and lovely!" Ding Yu's two children, I have seen, or very good, this nephew? I have seen it just now. My eyes are very bright, revealing a little cunning, but I really didn't expect such a toss!

"It's just too much trouble!" Ding Yu also got up at this time, "ten elder brother is still the first time to come! What about here? There are still a lot of collections! " I also made an invitation gesture!

"I've heard of Yu Shao for a long time. You've studied your opponent's string very well! I'm so lucky to see you today

"There are some people who like it. There are more string of hands, but not so many walnuts. The cost is not the same! What about walnuts? More often, it is to control the strength, but what about the string? Some of them are different! " Ding Yu walked in front of the position, opened the room, just an outer door!

Look at the Duobao Pavilion in the room! Xiang's husband and wife also widened their eyes. What about the collection? There may not be too much research, but there are still some pearls and gold at home! But gold in troubled times, antiques in prosperous times! Can be feather less to put here, is absolutely not what ordinary goods!

However, the couple of xiang-10 looked at the cultural relics in front of them. They looked at each other and said, "Yu Shao, it seems that you have seen this in the Metropolitan Museum." The words are very direct, but also have quite puzzled!

Ding Yu took a look and nodded his head, "ten elder brothers and ten sisters in law have good eyes! It's from the Metropolitan Museum, but I really don't have so much research on it. I'll leave it at home for a while and send it to the Palace Museum in two days. It's also a contribution! Ten brothers are interested

"No, there's really no research on it at home. It's just elegant!"

Ding Yu also took a box from the top of Duobao Pavilion and said, "ten elder brothers don't like it. You can't refuse ten elder brothers."

After a look at the open box, Xiang 10 also quickly closed the box, "feather less, this is too expensive!" What about the house? There is also a jade necklace. What about that one? Saying that there is a price is a price, but saying there is no price? It's also priceless. What about the string in the box? Although not comparable, but also similar!"Only if you like it! You don't have to care about it Then Ding Yu also handed a wooden hand string to Xiang ten, "but ten elder brother, you may be very different!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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