At noon, Xiangjia and his wife also had dinner at Ding Yu's side. The food was not as rich as expected, or even a common meal. But the more so? The more it seems that the relationship between each other is very different! There is no need to use ostentation to make articles. What about this itself? Is a kind of recognition!

When eating, the little guy was not there, and the couple didn't see him! A little bit of a pity, but it's not impossible for such things to be left to follow up! Anyway, this time? I know you! If you come here in the future, it's not abrupt! This is a good thing!

What about the gifts from Ding Yu? It's very valuable! This is known to the couple at home! But now the immediate return of valuable gifts, there are really so some not suitable, in the future to find a chance or can!

After lunch, the couple left! Stay here for a long time, even have a meal here, don't be dissatisfied! If you continue to stay, there are some that are not praises! Ding Yu is still busy with his grandfather's medicine, although tedious, but Ding Yu is happy in it!

"Wang Yang! Do you have time in the evening? Come here

"Not big brother! I have something else to do in the evening? " Wang Yang also hit a smart, "Xiaogang that rabbit? nothing? Just do it! If you don't educate him, he doesn't even know that heaven and earth are rich! "

"What do you think?" Ding Yu snorted, "I don't have time to take him to the hospital in the evening, so let him stay at home alone? It seems that the nanny is not suitable to accompany him. What about his parents? It's another thing. If you don't have this Kung Fu, let Qiuyan come here! "

"Ah? Don't Wang Yang also hastily changed his words, "I'm a little hard, I'll go for a trip!"

"Well, when you come? Remember to ask housekeeper Deng Rong, where is your baby? Today, I not only smashed my enamel vase, but also broke a dog's leg! You can do it as you please! Don't try to fool around! That's a pair of enamel floor vases. They're not in pairs now! I made it to order

Ah? Wang Yang also has so many exclamations, he knew that there must be no good thing! What do you want to do every day? At home, although it is also quite troubling, but not to such a degree, why to go to the big brother's home for a few days, become like this!

At night, when Wang Yang came, Ding Yu had not left, but he didn't delay for a long time. Wang Xiaogang looked at his father and didn't mean to put down the golden cudgel in his hand, but the dog didn't! The front leg has been broken, need to be well healed, now if you pull it out, it is too unloved!

"Preaching? There's no need! Play with him for a while. By the way? Have a meal! I don't know when I'll be back yet Ding Yu gave two orders and left! There is no intention of dallying with Wang Yang!

Wang Yang is holding his son. Is he here these two days? The others don't feel much, but they seem to be more active! That's what happens when you come to my brother? It seems that it has not been improved, even more serious!

Father and son eat together. It's not as luxurious as you think. It's just a few dishes. But Wang Yang can see that the elder brother is still very attentive. The style is very cartoon. It's obviously to take care of his son! If you are an adult, who will eat such a thing!

What about your own son? It is still not good to use chopsticks, but the spoon and fork are used to slip to, when eating is not flying all over the sky! Most of them can eat in their own mouth. When they see this progress, Wang Yang is still very happy! At least proved a lot of problems and conditions!

"Xiao Gang, would you like to stay with uncle?"

"Good!" Wang Xiaogang is also beating his mouth! Although uncle's discipline is a little strict, most of the time? There is no interference, so now is really happy, although there are two days did not see his father and mother! For Wang Xiaogang, there is no place like that!

Ding Yu stayed a little longer in his grandfather's side. When he came back, Wang Xiaogang was already asleep! After all, he is a child, and there is no honest time in a day. He presses on the bed, and even sleeps before Wang Yang tells the story book two sentences!

Wang Yang was also stunned! At least at home? Although sleep is fast, but that tardiness, will really make people crazy! If it's not milk, or it's going to the bathroom! But in the courtyard, without any hesitation, even before the story has been said, he lay down! Not normal!

"Big brother!" Wang Yang didn't mean to leave. She called Qiuyan earlier. She went to the hospital. Where is the second elder sister? Also need to take care of, Lin Qiuyan may not be able to help, but after all, it is a person from the past! Right?

"No rest yet!" Because he came back from the hospital, Ding Yu also deliberately cleaned it up, and then he did it in the room. Soon, the attendants also served dinner. Ding Yu didn't eat anything in the hospital! I'm really hungry! Time may be a little bit late, but it doesn't matter!"I didn't eat well just now, so I'll have some with you!" Seeing the elder brother's condition seemed to be OK. Wang Yang also asked tentatively, "brother! Xiao Gang is a bit of a troublemaker. You know the education at home

Ding Yu first served a bowl of rice for Wang Yang, and then he also served a bowl of rice for himself, "I know! Make trouble, kid? Tossing and tossing is not a bad thing, don't be too dull! I've seen it in your house, too! The conditions are good, but what about the environment? It's a lot worse! It's just such a big space. I'm afraid he's already impatient! So these two days are here with me? It's very happy. It's just sheep! "

Yeah? What is the situation? Wang Yang felt that he couldn't feel his head! Big brother not only does not have any sense of blame, but also deliberately to indulge his son, is it not enough for big brother to dislike Xiaogang?

"Brother! I feel that this child is a little too naughty

"Naughty, what's the matter? You were not naughty when you were little, all the same! Make him naughty? It is to let him know more about some new affairs and guide them slowly in this process, what is wrong and what is right! Just make him look like a little adult now? Do you think it's OK to hide and tuck in all the problems? You can't find any problems. Even if you want to correct them in the future, you don't know where to start! "

"I really didn't realize this problem!" Wang Yang is also feeling a little depressed!

"I didn't realize that it was just a matter of listening to the nanny at home! I'm not an expert in children's education. I'm ashamed of myself at this point! No one is a God, all are omnipotent! But really, what if we talk about it? The way you and Qiu Yan educate each other also needs to be changed! "

As soon as the elder brother said so, Wang Yang shook his head directly! "Brother, how can I say that? What about Xiao Gang's education? On the one hand, our understanding is not in place, after all, is the first child, also has no experience! What about the second one? It's the old man at home! I can't stand it

Wang Yang is really telling the truth! Big brother's situation is not the same as his own, big brother has confidence! When father and mother talk, big brother may or may not do something to deal with it. Anyway, big brother has his own idea, but he can't do it at all!

Even if it involves some principled problems, I don't have too many ways! You can't blow your father's beard and stare at him! Even sometimes I don't want to let the children pass! But do not let the children in the past, the elderly take the initiative to come over, what else can we do? So I have no way to do this!

But what about Xiao Gang after coming to the courtyard? The elders in the family seem to be taboo to this problem. Do you want to enter the courtyard now? Don't even think about it without the housekeeper's permission, no matter who you are! Big brother on this issue, is really let himself worship! Anyway, I can't do it! I dare not even think about it!

"Where are the two bastards in the house in two days? I'll be back! What about my next period? I don't know if there is any free time. If you don't have time, you should remember to have dinner with their three children! If you can't come over, let Qiuyan come here! "

"Qiuyan has this time, but why?"

"Growing up without parents? It's quite a loss for children, if not for the two of you? It is really lack of some aspects of responsibility, I just don't care about this mess! I said when you can be like Ding Ding Ding, the child is your own! Even if you say yourself

Wang Yang also took a look at his elder brother, but he really didn't say anything about it. Ding Ding Ding is also a very precious child for her two children. She is the same as her second sister. She is also twins. There was no comparison before, but what about this? There's really a problem! It seems interesting to think about it!

What about your own son? Now it's in big brother's house! And the eldest brother is also very attentive, if you say that you can't see this clearly, then take the child away as soon as possible! There's no point in staying here!

What's more, is the gate of the courtyard so easy to enter? Too simple to think about! You should know that even if you want to come over, you need to say hello to elder brother in advance. If you let in, you can come in. Otherwise, you can stay outside!

"Elder brother, I asked a lot. Now Zong Taiping has come back. You don't seem to have anything to do with it."

"What? What are you doing here? " Although Ding Yu's speed of eating is not fast, the things on the table are almost under. At this time, Ding Yu has put away his chopsticks!

"Nothing. If I have anything, I will say it directly." Wang Yang was also worried and said, "everything here is still very good, and the development is quite smooth. It's the same with Xiaobao. You don't have to work too hard. At least now, Xiaobao and I can hold up this stall without any problems.""Yes Ding Yu also smiles, "what about me? There are a lot of things in the hand, but in general, they are hidden under the water! There's not much that's exposed to the surface of the water, what the outside world can see? It's just what you want to be seen by the outside world! "

"In the world of mortal communication, always can not escape a word

"It's normal. No one can break free! But what about this one? It is also the main driver of human social progress, although we do not want to admit, but no one can deny it! What are the causes of the war? Is it because you don't like me, I look at you? What about these? It's just a bit of a joke! "

"Yes! No matter how bloody the fight behind, but on the surface? Everyone is smiling, too Wang Yang looked at his elder brother, hesitated for a moment, but also said directly, "brother, do you remember what I mentioned to you in the original time? And now? Someone's already starting to move! "

"Factional issues? Someone's already looking for you? " What about this? Ding Yu is also expected, but he has been very clear, not involved in this aspect of the matter, so there is really no one to disturb!

In fact, I also know how it happened? As long as they stand there, it is a pillar. Even if there are any problems in other aspects, as long as the pillar does not fall, there will be a chance to make a comeback!

Although they say that they are not willing to admit this, but do you see yourself? Or will put themselves into the scope of the Wang family, after all, he is Wang Changlin's eldest son! Yes or no? This is a fact, an unchangeable fact! Even if the gods come, there is no way!

"We didn't show too much direct! But it should all have this meaning! " Speaking of this, Wang Yang also sighed, "I really don't have the meaning of this aspect. I'll try my best to surround it! Try to make everyone feel satisfied! This is what I can do now

"It doesn't matter whether you are satisfied or not. What's the gap between people's hearts? Always want to fill in dissatisfaction! The first citron is rotten first. These guys are able to hop! Are you really not afraid of any problems and situations? "

Wang Yang is so puzzled, big brother has rarely revealed so straightforward! Did you hear anything? It seems that there are some unlikely, because even I do not know the news in this respect!

Ding Yu knocked on the table twice with his hand. Soon, some attendants came to clean up the table, and then he also sent two glasses of water. Looking at the scenery outside, Ding Yu also narrowed his eyes, "do you want to know a person? If you can control what you think in your heart, it will be quite remarkable! "

"Control your inner thoughts?"

"You think it's easy, don't you? Do you know what it is

Wang Yang also shook his head, "just know this word, to say what things seven emotions and six desires, really is not so clear!"

"Seven emotions, six desires, seven emotions? Joy, anger, worry, sorrow, fear, fear, six desires? Ears, nose, tongue, mouth, body and mind, even gods? Also have their own ideas! It's nothing to do with grief, it's about yourself These things are very simple to say, but in fact, if they are really explained, they are really quite troublesome!

"Everyone says that I am a person who has nothing to ask for. If I really have nothing to ask for, will I still be here? Just what everyone wants? There are so many different just! What about some people? It's for everyone. Some people are for themselves. If you are poor, you will be good for yourself. If you are rich, you will benefit the world! All kinds of people! What kind of person am I? Even I myself have so many can not say clearly! Can anyone else make it clear? "

Ding Yu also shook his head. "I have no way to position myself. At the same time, I don't need other people to position me. Just do yourself well! Is it right or wrong? Let's leave it to future generations. "

"Big brother, I also do charity! Don't underestimate me, will you Wang Yang also timely changed the topic, let himself comment big brother! I really don't have this confidence and courage at the same time!

"What about your charity? To a great extent, it's just for fame! However, it's good to be able to do it naturally, but it can't cool your mind. It's still good to do more in this area. As for other things? Do what you want, don't do it if you don't want to! It doesn't matter! "

"Big brother, this is what you said. Anyway, I've got a lot of confidence after listening to it!"

"What about your confidence? Still just borrowed external force just, still need to polish oneself! This is the most important thing! " But what about Wang Yang? After all, he is his younger brother, so Ding Yu said carefully, "what if you and Xiaobao really talk about it? Xiaobao is more suitable than you. If there is any problem, you can discuss with him! "

"Xiao Bao?" Wang Yang didn't have the idea of jealousy. He felt that his elder brother seemed to be so straightforward, but he didn't have any face. He said, "is it because he went to Shanghai? Big brother, Xiaobao really doesn't have any other meanings and ideas. We have communicated with each other! ""I haven't been stingy and careful to that extent! What's more, I am such a gesture in your mind? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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