"I'm sorry, brother. I think I'm wrong."

Ding Yu really didn't mean to investigate, "Xiao Bao is a very smart guy, he has a very strong sensitivity, which is very good, you! You really don't have Xiaobao's pioneering power, but Shoucheng? But there are not many problems, so it's very good that you two complement each other! "

Ding Yu's words really made Wang Yang feel quite surprised. His elder brother said a lot to him today. Such a conversation has basically never appeared in the past! But listen carefully, it is really good! The situation is exactly the same as what big brother said! I really don't have that kind of pioneering power!

"I've heard about Xiaobao. It's been very popular in the past two years."

"What about the pursuit of new things? This is the commonness of young people, even we are the same! Everyone has a restless heart, you are like this, I am also like this! What about the two of you? How about keeping your heart? Just fine! As for the others? It doesn't matter! "

"With the big brother's words, Xiaobao and I are really easy to handle!" Wang Yang is also very convinced.

"Whatever you want! But what about some things? I still explained in advance, absurd things? Do a little and do something that doesn't matter, whether it's harmless or not, but there are some ways? Can't walk, if I know, whether it's you or Xiaobao, I won't be light Rao! Do you understand? "

"No! Big brother, I'm so old! "

"It has nothing to do with size. Some things can be done, but some things can't be done! What about me? I'm not a good person. This judgment has been made for a long time, but I still have a certain bottom line for anything I do. Once a person highlights the bottom line, he can't be regarded as a person! "

Looking at the elder brother's appearance, Wang Yang also nods his head forcefully. "Elder brother, I understand. You can rest assured. I am very strict with my own requirements, and the same is true for the following requirements. There are rewards and punishments. Try to maintain fairness. Although this is the most unfair, it is relatively speaking the greatest fairness."

"A little insightful!" Ding Yu also nodded, "OK, it's already so late. Let's have a rest with Xiaogang that bastard! Although he didn't have to get up early in the morning, he was accompanied by his father? It will be very different! "

Wang Yang accompanied his son to go, Ding Yu also came to the study side, to handle some of the documents, the time is a little bit so long, the whole process is no one to disturb, because Ding Yu's work and rest? It is very fixed, and the character of a person is also quite firm, we are really good to say what!

What's more, Ding Yu is the master of the courtyard. This identity is enough to explain everything! It's just too happy to work in a place like siheyuan. It's not hard at all. At most, the rules are more strict. There's really no bullying. The salary is too high. Who doesn't want to stay?!

What's more, master and servant are extremely disgusted with such things, but what about the people outside? How to do it, my husband really can't control, so the whole family? Just abide by his duty, there is really no intention of overstepping. Ding Yu's family management is very strict, but let this family style? Has been quite good embodiment!

When Wang Xiaogang got up, he felt the big toys around him, and then he was gnawing at his father's face! Although not as warm as my mother, but this kind of heavy mountain love still makes me feel very happy!

Father and son played for quite a long time before they went to wash. Wang Yang also noticed that his son could basically wash and gargle on his own under the guidance of the nanny. Although he still seemed a bit clumsy, the whole person was already a model! Happy Wang Yang in Wang Xiaogang after washing and gargling, but also put him on his neck!

When eating breakfast, Wang Xiaogang took his own spoon and ate a bag of joy. When Wang Yang left, Wang Xiaogang deliberately sent him to the door, and then he began to toss with his golden cudgel! When Ding Yu came, he took a look, but he didn't mean to stop him!

Wang Xiaogang shook the golden cudgel in his hand twice. Ding Yu looked at it for a period of time. He also asked for a long stick for his subordinates next to him. He took it and came to the martial arts training ground. What about the training ground? In fact, it's just a piece of open space! Ding Yu holds the stick in one hand! Stretch out gently!

Wang Xiaogang really didn't feel anything different, but the security guard below held his breath when he looked at Ding Yu's action. The stick was very long, relying on one hand? It's not as simple as power! But in Ding Yu's hand, it's just like taking a toothpick!

Quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, stick out like a dragon, how about the whole venue? Ding Yu is a person, but the stick is full of shadows. It's mysterious when it comes out of the stick. When it's collected, it's all over the body. Sometimes it's crying, sometimes it's quiet. Wang Xiaogang's whole body has been silly. He's never seen such a wonderful scene!After practicing, Ding Yu also packed up his long stick and let people put it on one side. When he got to Wang Xiaogang, he hummed at the stick in his hand. It was obvious that there was some intentional meaning! Wang Xiaogang looked at the long stick in his hand and looked at his uncle again!

After hesitating for half a day, he was holding the golden cudgel in his hand, and then he swung his short leg to chase Ding Yu! When he ran to Ding Yu's side, he would not let go of his thigh! The face is also red expression!

Ding Yu directly picked up Wang Xiaogang, and then he took the short stick in his hand to his own hand, and let Wang Xiaogang stand on the stone platform beside him. Ding Yu also put the stick in front of him, "come and grab this short stick. If you catch it, you will have a reward today!"

Anyway, it's just playing with my nephew. It's not a big deal! Wang Xiaogang immediately reached out and grabbed it. Ding Yu's hand was spread out there, with a short stick lying in the palm. Looking at Wang Xiaogang's outstretched hand, Wang Xiaogang tried several times, but failed to grasp it.

Wang Xiaogang looked at his uncle angrily, and then he stretched out one hand to grasp Ding Yu's palm, and the other hand was to grasp the long stick again. Ding Yu's fingers can't move now! But the short stick in the palm seems to be moved out of thin air, slowly leaning towards Ding Yu's wrist!

The speed of movement is very slow, first wrist, then forearm, finally came to the elbow, up and down, moving back and forth, Wang Xiaogang again looked silly! His small hand is really too short, even if the whole body has been supported by Ding Yu's palm, it still has no effect!

Ding Yu looks at Wang Xiaogang's persistent appearance, but also gently moves his arm. Another free hand is the index finger holding the sky. The flying stick is standing on Ding Yu's finger, and the index finger is buckled down. When the short stick falls half way down, Ding Yu gently stirs the stick with his hand. The stick is also flying out of the stick. Ding Yu stirs it from time to time The stick seems to be spinning in the air! It looks beautiful!

Just when Wang Xiaogang was looking at the trance, Ding Yu's hand shadow shook for a while, and then the short stick disappeared! Wang Xiaogang is also looking for four times, did not find the short stick actually went there!

When writing in the morning, Wang Xiaogang is honest and honest. After writing, he doesn't mean to go out to play. Instead, he takes his golden cudgel and hands it to Ding Yu. His small face is full of expectant expressions!

Ding Yu took a coin out of the drawer above his desk, which was a little bigger than the ordinary one yuan coin. Ding Yu flipped the coin in the air, and then the coin began to perform. Dancing back and forth in his palm, he could not keep up with Wang Xiaogang! Finally, the coin stopped straight on Ding Yu's palm!

"Let the coin stand on the table, and you have finished the first step." Ding Yu also demonstrated to Wang Xiaogang. Wang Xiaogang was very interested in trying, but it didn't work! Coins don't hold up, but what about your uncle? After you pick up the coin, it can stand on the table!

Let's find a domino! After a simple demonstration, Wang Xiaogang also understood what he was doing. Then he squatted on the ground beside him, pursed his buttocks, and began to build dominoes. Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it, but sometimes he took a look at it and even gave a voice to give directions!

It is very important for children to have interest in this aspect and cultivate their patience!

Because Wang Xiaogang had an interest, the courtyard was quiet again, and there was no such situation. Wang Xiaogang was honest all of a sudden, but it made the service and security personnel of the courtyard feel quite uncomfortable?! How did you manage that, sir? You know, Wang Xiaogang is just a child!

"Sir, there is a foreign girl at the door. I want to see you! She said her name was Tyler

"Taylor?" Ding Yu is also a Leng God. What is Taylor doing here? But also slightly nodded a head, "just about to have dinner, since the home to guests! Just be more prepared

Taylor is completely dressed up as a backpacker. You can see from his face that he has experienced quite a lot of wind and frost. When he sees Ding Yu, he is also respectful. If he doesn't look at his face, he is really regarded as a child with strict family education, "Hello, sir."

Ding Yu just nodded his head slightly, "wait a little while, we'll have dinner! Go and wash yourself first. I'll ask someone to find you some clothes to change. It looks like it just rolled out of the soil! "

Taylor also knew that he was really a little bit unbearable, so he didn't mean to speak much. The time of washing was a little long. After changing clothes, he also walked out again. Wang Xiaogang, lying beside Ding Yu, looked at her big sister and stared at her for a while! I haven't seen this big sister before!

"This is your sister Taylor!"

"Hello sister Taylor!" Wang Xiaogang's voice is still a little milky, "I'm wang Xiaogang!" Say hello at the same time, have not forgotten to introduce themselves! It's very nice!Taylor originally thought he would meet Mr. Ding Yu's two children, but they were not at all. The two children didn't seem to be at home! "Hello, this is Tyler!" Immediately also squats down, originally wanted to touch Wang Xiaogang's head, Wang Xiaogang is crooked one's own head, evil has the Mustard's outstretched own little fat hand!

Looking at Wang Xiaogang's action, Taylor also felt very funny, and soon also stretched out his hand, but the palms of the two people did not match at all. Wang Xiaogang's palm was too small, but the meat was very soft!

"Eat!" Seeing Taylor holding hands with Wang Xiaogang, Ding Yu also snorted. Wang Xiaogang went to his own chair by himself and struggled to climb up. There was something on the chair, otherwise it could not be reached! Taylor is looking at Ding Yu, his family is also like this, but it seems not so strict!

"Alone?" Ding Yu doesn't eat a lot. He often needs to take care of Wang Xiaogang. Now? He has begun to learn to use chopsticks slowly, as close as possible to the plate, the same thing in his food is to explain to him some of the rules, pay attention to cultivate their impression, by the way, has a considerable impact!

"Yes, sir!" Taylor gargles with tea, and then wipes the corners of his mouth. The whole action is completed in one go. Duan is particular about it. On this issue, Ding Yu is not so polite! Of course, there are so some personal etiquette is not the same, it is not to blame!

"It seems that I've been through a lot of sun, and my feelings should be quite a lot!" Ding Yu didn't really look at the foreign things in his eyes, so he didn't have any so-called pickiness. Wang Xiaogang had finished eating there! Not over the top? You can still see rice grains. If you go to sleep in the yard now, I'm afraid it won't take long for birds to build nests on their hair! Great place!

Nanny also took Wang Xiaogang out to clean up! But Wang Xiaogang is obviously interested in big sister. I haven't seen it before! It's totally different from the people you usually see! So I went to wash and gargle in a hurry, and when my hair was dry, I ran back without any pause!

"It's a good time! What about me this time? There are really not too many things! " Although Taylor has missed the opportunity, there is no problem sitting at home!

Wang Xiaogang is holding his uncle's legs at this time, but his eyes are staring at Taylor, showing considerable interest! "In the afternoon, I'm going to make some medicine. If you're interested, you can come and play. If you're not interested, you can play with this asshole. I just taught him to base coins!"

Taylor looks at the children nearby. Ding Yu has already left. Wang Xiaogang is looking at the young lady. She is a stranger, but she is also curious and excited!

Tyler then also used his hand to gently stroke on his body, a stack of coins are also neatly fell on the table, Wang Xiaogang eyes are slightly open, but hesitated for a while, is also out of one of them, want to put the coin on the table! But I tried for a long time and didn't finish it!

At this point, Tyler also took out one of the coins and naturally stood on the table! What about Wang Xiaogang? Dozens of times? Maybe once in a while, but it doesn't mean to be discouraged!

For Taylor, there's no sense of impatience! Even actively accompanied Wang Xiaogang to dig up donomi dominoes. He received such education when he was a child. For himself, it was just a review! And relatively speaking? Wang Xiaogang doesn't seem to be as young as he was.

This also let Taylor out of thin air have a lot of self-confidence, at least in this point, Mr. Ding Yu's family seems to be unable to compare with his own family! Of course, this is only one aspect of it. Is it true that all the situations are like this? We need to observe and understand it. We can't cover the whole area from point to point!

Play time is not long, Wang Xiaogang also went to have a rest! For growing up children, this is a necessary process. Wang Xiaogang didn't mean to make any noise, but he also grabbed Tyler's finger before going to bed. How much did he feel reluctant to give up!

"Xiao Gang fell asleep?"

Taylor did not speak, just nodded, Ding Yu is Enron, where the deployment of drugs, drug placement? Are in the next position, there are a lot of wooden clips and small shovels, used to detect drugs, not directly grasp the meaning! This is different from many traditional Chinese medicine practitioners!

"Sir, I don't understand!" Taylor looked at it for a while, but also said it bluntly!

"Between drugs? There are similarities, but also conflicts, the so-called difference is a hundred miles, so whenever you can pay attention to some, as much as possible to pay attention to some! As for the preparation of drugs? Can't stew in a pot! Need to slow to reconcile, at the same time control the heat! It's like the process of life. It needs to be fast and slow, slow and urgent! "

This question Taylor really did not think of! Ding Yu also let people not far away from the side to relocate a medicine pot for Taylor, "you can have a try! What about the prescription? It's a simple thing! You can watch me do it! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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