Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 890: : 1 sword spike

Long You clutched his nose and said, "It smells like cats and dogs, I won't eat it for me!"

Lin Hao on the sidelines suddenly became speechless. Long You himself was made of corpses and corpses. He also said that other people are dead cats and dogs, crows are laughing and pigs are black.

The ghoul is so angry and funny, I don't know what to say.

"I have always eaten people. I have never seen anyone want to eat me. Today I will make you a sausage!"

The ghoul opened his hands wide, and suddenly five chains sprang out of his body, like large black and thick snakes, rushing towards Long You from different directions.

"Shoo, hoo..."

The chain swiftly tied Long You to Wuhuada at lightning speed, and Long You's limbs and head were all **** by the chain.

"Bring me off!"

The ghoul yelled, and saw the five chains pulled hard.

With a cry, Long You's limbs and head were torn apart by the chain, his body was divided into five parts, and his body was divided into five horses.

"Hehe, vulnerable!"

The ghoul sneered and retracted the chain, pulling back five pieces of Long You's body.

"Too rubbish!"

"I thought I could last a few rounds. Who knew I would lose with one move."

The crowd onlookers shook their heads and said, it is really a waste, it is impossible to be the opponent of the ghoul.

Only a few true monarchs in the sky showed interesting faces and vaguely discovered something.

In a blink of an eye, Long You's five body fragments were pulled here by the ghoul, ready to swallow Long You's corpse.


Long You's severed head suddenly opened his big mouth and bit the ghoul's throat with one bite.

Then, the power of devouring suddenly exploded, and the ghoul felt the true essence in his body flow crazily, being absorbed by Long You.

"What?" The ghoul paled in shock.

The onlookers on the sidelines also exclaimed, is this a corpse?

Obviously dead, can you bite your head? !

A gleam of light flashed in Zhentian Xingtian's eyes. His missing son, that split magical power, seemed very similar to this one?

I saw Long You's broken hands and feet, took the opportunity to break free of the chains, and quickly flew back, spliced ​​on his body, and then turned into a purple-black snake, entwining the ghoul.

This is exactly the form of Long You.

"Ah!!!" screamed.

"What is this, get out of me! Ah!!!" The ghoul kept screaming, struggling hard, trying to get rid of the big snake on the body.

Long You is like a tarsal maggot, tightly bound to the ghoul, no matter what method he uses, he can't break free.

Long You prepared for this trick for a long time, how could he easily break free? The bones didn't even have any defense at all, so they were entangled.

"Haha, it's really sinister." Lin Hao smiled secretly.

Under the shocked gaze of the onlookers, Long You bit the ghoul and constantly swallowed the other's true essence.

The ghoul was helpless, only seeing his body getting smaller and smaller, and his rancid flesh began to shrink, like dried wood.

Finally, Long You opened his mouth wide and swallowed the ghoul into his abdomen.

At first, the ghouls in his belly were still struggling, running around.

Slowly, the movement in the belly stopped.

Ghoul, die!

True Monarch Tianhuang smiled and said, "Haha, it turns out that it is a corpse and a snake, no wonder."

"The Yin corpse Teng Snake itself is a corpse, even if the head is dropped, it can move." Wan Jian Zhenjun also laughed.

True Monarch Xing Tian was still a little puzzled at first, why Long You's severed head could move, and when he saw that he was a dead snake, he no longer doubted.

True person Xiefeng said blankly: "This round, Long You wins!"

There was an uproar in the crowd, and the fifth place on the ghost list was actually killed in this round, which is really shocking.

This time the sect meeting, two black horses appeared, a Long You and a Lin Hao, this is going to be black to the end!

Long You walked down, cursing and saying: "It's unpalatable, it's really unpalatable, this is the most unpalatable thing I have ever eaten."

"Some of them are good." Lin Hao said.

"Come on, I am exquisite." Long You said proudly.

"Go on the next round!" Xie Feng Zhen said, looking at Lin Hao with a cold look.

Holding the token in his hand, Lin Hao calmly walked to the ring.

And at the same moment he stepped onto the ring, the space in front of him was suddenly distorted, and a black shadow appeared out of thin air.

This person's body is transparent, with green smoke on the surface, and his whereabouts are erratic.

"The ghost list is ninth, Qingxu." Lin Hao secretly said.

Qing Xu is among the top ten on the ghost list, with one of the best speeds, and has a short-distance movement ability that almost no one can hold him.

Relying on speed, Qingxu can be in the top ten.

Lin Hao said calmly: "You are not my opponent, let's abstain."

"Do you think you can solve me by killing the King of Shadows? A joke, even the King of Shadows may not be able to catch me, as long as I beat you out of the ring, even if I win." Qing Xu laughed.


Suddenly, Lin Hao's body disappeared, a flash of wind and thunder.

Qingxu's pupils contracted and his body was instantly distorted, appearing on the other side of the ring, avoiding it dangerously and This person is so fast! "Qing Xu was shocked in a cold sweat.

But before he had time to rejoice, he saw Lin Hao coming at a faster speed, faster than before, exceeding his perception limit.


The sword light flashed, and the head fell.

Lin Hao retracted the sword and walked slowly down the stage.

The scene was silent!

It was over at the beginning, which is too fast! It is the fastest one since the start of the ring match!

To deal with this kind of strength weaker than himself, Lin Hao's method is very simple, speed can be solved, without much trouble, especially after the evolution of the Demon Thunder Sword!

Even he didn't even use the Nine Swords of Annihilation. It was just an ordinary sword to solve the opponent, which also caused Qingxu not to die, and the soul survived.

Qingxu's illusory soul body floated out of the physical body, and there was still incredible in his eyes.

"How is it possible that I am defeated?"

Qing Xu refused to believe that he was defeated so thoroughly before he could even use a series of methods.

Lin Hao is stronger than the rumors!

"Do you still want to continue?" Lin Hao asked back.

Qingxu's face was blue, and the illusory soul body quickly floated away. Before leaving, he also took his corpse away.

"Lin Hao wins!" Real Evil Wind announced the result blankly.

His eyes flickered and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Raising snake, have you seen the speed of Lin Hao, are you sure to kill him in the next round?"

The real evil wind whispered to Razer quietly.

"His speed is very fast, but his sword can't pierce my body. I have a ten-percent certainty to solve it!"

Razer responded, he clearly felt the power of Lin Hao's sword, full of confidence.

"That's good!" The evil wind sneered.

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