Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 891: : Lin Hao VS Razer

Next, the process continues as usual.

After an hour of competition, thirty-two people eliminated sixteen, and all of them were masters with unparalleled knowledge.

The next round is also a lottery decision.

The real evil wind threw out the token, and Lin Hao showed a "one" in his hand, which meant that he was in the first round.

Lin Hao walked to the arena and found a slender man with a full body of electricity. He also stood up, sneered, and walked slowly onto the stage.

"The second thunder snake on the ghost list!" Lin Hao secretly said.

Lin Hao glanced at Real Man Xiefeng, who also looked at him with a sneer on his face.

Lin Hao immediately understood that his opponent was secretly arranged by Evil Wind!

"Razer, kill this person, don't keep your hands!" Xie Feng secretly transmitted the voice to Razer.

"Understand, I will make him die miserably." Razer said coldly.

Razer is second on the ghost list. Even if Lin Hao can kill the King of Shadows, he will definitely not be Razer's opponent. The arrangement of the real evil wind is also to be foolproof.

As for the last round of Qingxu, it was purely for Lin Hao to expose his methods, so that Razer could deal with it.

This is the acting style of True Wind, only success is allowed, not failure!

"This Lin Hao was originally a dark horse, but unfortunately it can only stop here!"

"Unlucky, I got Razer as my opponent. That's the second place on the ghost list. No matter how strong Lin Hao is, he can only be vicious!"

"No way! Bad luck."

The disciples of Wanguizong were deeply moved.

Only Long You was not worried at all holding a gesture of watching a play.

"Long You, who do you think will win Lin Hao and Razer?"

Suddenly, Murong Hong's voice came from beside him.

Seeing Little Poison King taking the initiative to speak to him, Long You was also surprised, and quickly said, "Of course it is Lin Hao."

"You have confidence in him?" Murong Hong smiled.

"Nonsense, you don't know anything about Lin Hao's power!" Long You smiled.

Murong Hong was taken aback. Is Lin Hao really so strong?

She remembered that Lin Hao just tried his best to defeat the people of Scorpion Woman and Dark Snake a month ago. He has made such a big improvement in this month and can be compared with Razer.

Seeing Murong Hong not speaking, Long You hurriedly shrank and moved away from Murong Hong.

"Start!" Xie Fengzhen said.


Thunder scattered across Razer's body, and dense cracks burst open in the ring.

The ground thunder wandered, like a snake, rushing towards Lin Hao from the ground quickly.

"Kill me!"

Lin Hao stepped on his feet to annihilate the thunder from the attack, but he still felt his feet numb.

It seems that this Razer's thunder power is very impressive.

"Lin Hao, you are lucky to die in my hands for three lives, go to die!"

Razer disappeared instantly, and came to Lin Hao at an indescribable speed.

Such a speed is accomplished purely by physical strength, which is stronger than the Xing Lei Lin Hao has seen!

Lin Hao didn't dare to neglect, the wind and thunder roared under his feet, and he staggered to Razer's side.

Immediately, it was picked out by one sword!


Suddenly, Thunder Snake's palm wandered like a spirit snake, accurately hitting the side of the sword's edge, knocking Lin Hao's sword force away.

Then, Thunder Snake bullied himself up, like a big mountain hitting Lin Hao's body.


Lin Hao's body was shocked, and after a few steps back, Raizner was unforgiving, and rushed to Lin Hao with another punch.

"Annihilate the storm!"

Lin Hao no longer kept his hand, the sword in his hand danced quickly, and the black storm dispersed, covering Razer's body with an inevitable posture.

"Haha, your trick is useless to me!"

Razer sneered, but suddenly, he felt that his physical body was disappearing out of thin air, and he was shocked to back up quickly and flash into the distance.


I saw the sword light enveloping him, and Razer used his body skills to dodge in the ring, but he was still stabbed with a few swords, each of which almost cut his body.

When the sword light disappeared, there were countless sword marks on Thunder Snake's body, dripping with blood, shocking.

There was an exclamation from the audience.

The battle just now seemed short, but it was shocking enough that Lin Hao actually used one move to annihilate the storm and wounded Razer.

True person Xiefeng's face was gloomy and suddenly felt bad.

"Razer, what are you doing! Quick fight and quick decision!" The evil wind real person said through voice.

"I understand!" Razer gritted his teeth.

He underestimated Lin Hao's offensive power and thought that Lin Hao's methods were limited to this. It seemed that he had to make a special move.

When Razer slapped his palms, all the lightning in his body disappeared and moved to the space next to his body.

Then, the thunder in the space over there, gathered into a human form and became another thunder snake!

"Raiden clone?" Lin Hao was slightly taken aback.

The onlookers were also shocked.

"What kind of move is this?" Long You asked in confusion.

"This is the supernatural power of Thunder Snake, the Thunder clone can create a clone with 80% of its strength, which is equivalent to two enemies and one." Murong Hong smiled.

Long You was startled. It turned out that not only he and Lin Hao had supernatural powers, but to their level ~ supernatural powers had become very common, among the top five on the ghost list, almost everyone had supernatural powers.

Murong Hong continued: "It's just that this trick is very costly. It will consume half of the blood in his body. After the clone is dead, it will fall into a period of weakness."

"Nevertheless, Lin Hao's ability to force Razer to use magical powers is already very remarkable, even if he loses, he will not be ashamed."

Murong smiled, as if Lin Hao had already lost.

On the ring, Rai Snake stood on both sides, one on the left and one on the right. A lightning field appeared on his body. The two bodies were like two poles, making Lin Hao feel paralyzed and a little uncomfortable.

"Lin Hao, you are proud enough to be able to use this trick. No matter how fast you are, you can escape the enclosure of my two bodies!"

Razer left and right, shouted: "Lei Gang force field!"


In an instant, the entire arena turned into a world of thunder. Lin Hao was in it, as if walking in a quagmire. Moreover, his body was involuntarily attracted to Lin Hao's other body.

"It's interesting." Lin Hao secretly said.


The Thunder Snake rushed in, and the two bodies one left and the other hit Lin Hao.

"Wind thunder flash!"

Lin Hao used a flash of wind and thunder, and staggered to hide in the past, but in this Lei Gang force field, his speed dropped suddenly, and he was only slightly faster than Razer!

However, Razer has a clone, which can completely block Lin Hao.

With just a breath, Lin Hao was blown away by Thunder Snake's clone.

"Clone, right? I also have a clone. I'm a Hungry Ghost Dao clone with ten percent strength. I don't know which one is strong or weak."

Lin Hao made up his mind, and with a wave of his palm, he threw a huge bronze furnace out of it. It was a furnace clone he hadn't used for a long time!

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