Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 313 Three-Point Shootout

Chapter 314

“Well, 10 balls are 10 balls. I don’t know who will come from your side?” Jiang Chuwei’s face couldn’t hide the joy.

“I pay for the money, of course I came, but I haven’t played for a long time. Let me try two first. Is this always okay?” Tang Feng said as he motioned Qi Xiaobing to pass the ball to him.

At this time, Qi Xiaobing is also difficult to ride a tiger, and he has already reached this point. It is not he and Jiang Chuwei betting, but Tang Feng, but because of him, I am really embarrassed, and finally reminded Tang Feng, ” If it doesn’t work, let’s give up? Don’t be ashamed, they must belong to the basketball team and they already have an inherent advantage.”

“I still said,’People can lose, but they can’t lose the backbone. If you lose money, you can earn again. Once you lose your backbone, you will last a lifetime. What’s wrong with the basketball team? The basketball team is also a human being. Everyone wins or loses.”

“Tang Feng, what are you talking about? Just hurry up. After we win you, we are still waiting for the next match.” The big man standing next to Jiang Chuwei became impatient.

“Fourth, what are you in a hurry? Don’t you want someone to give us money? After the comparison is over, we will go wherever you say you want to go.” Now Jiang Chuwei is not in a hurry.

“Yes, what’s the rush, waiting for reincarnation? I’ll try two first.” Maybe Jiang Chuwei was too happy, this time he didn’t refute surprisingly, watching Tang Feng perform with a smile on his face.

“Hahaha, there is still a shame on this, I think you can leave the money and walk in, so that our brothers can be happy and happy.”

Tang Feng’s first ball was shot, but he didn’t even touch the basket. Tang Feng himself was surprised and stunned, but he quickly eased over and picked the ball back and prepared to make the second shot. A.

Qi Xiaobing looked at Tang Feng with full confidence and thought he was very powerful. He didn’t expect to let himself be disappointed after the shot, and shook his head helplessly.

“Bang!” Tang Feng’s second ball improved and hit the rim, but he was not lucky. The ball bounced and jumped away, and finally landed on the ground.

“It’s been a long time since I played ball. It seems that I was born.” Tang Feng picked up the ball and muttered to himself there.

“Tang Feng, are you still endless? Do you want to play it like this to the dark? Don’t be ashamed here if you don’t dare to compare, now kneel down and knock three beeps,’Grandpa’, I will let you go.” Jiang Chuwei called out the fourth person loudly, and the people around him laughed “haha” again.(Read more @

“Well, since someone wants to kowtow and call’Grandpa’, I will give you this opportunity. Even if you let the horse come over, I will continue.” Tang Feng held the ball in his hand, but did not throw it this time, and shouted loudly.

“Second, you go to play with him.” Jiang Chuwei wanted to do it on his own, but he thought about it, his own three-pointer is not a strong point, if something goes wrong, it’s not good, in case this Tang Feng blind cat encounters a dead mouse What? This was a foolproof solution.

“Second brother, it’s not worth the shot for you to go at his level. Why don’t you let me go?” The man Jiang Chuwei called the second child just prepared to go out, but was stopped by the previous fourth.

“Fourth, don’t make trouble.” Jiang Chuwei didn’t expect the fourth to make trouble at this time, so he glared at him directly.

“Boss, let him go. You can see Tang Feng’s level just now. Although the fourth shot rate is not as high as mine, he should be more than enough to win Tang Feng.” Jiang Chuwei did not expect his teammates to agree. But think about it, maybe I was too worried, and nodded, still a little worried, and again asked: “Fourth, you score at least 6 goals. If you can’t make it, let the second one go.”

“Boss, you can rest assured, isn’t it just 6 balls? I still have no problem with this.” The fourth child said triumphantly.

Jiang Chuwei nodded. The fourth child does have this strength. At least he should be better than himself on three-pointers. It should be no problem to let him go. Even if Tang Feng has a good tone, he can get in a few more. Three to five are in the sky. Up.

“Why haven’t we discussed it yet? Return to the basketball team? If you’re scared, get out of here, don’t talk about the basketball team.” Tang Feng said provocatively when he saw that the opponent hadn’t come out yet.

“Grandson, what are you talking about? Grandpa isn’t here.” The fourth child arrogantly walked out.

“I don’t know who is grandpa and grandson. You’ll know after the comparison, but you can also call grandpa to practice first.” Tang Feng’s mouth is also powerful and unwilling to admit defeat.

“Don’t talk about so many useless things, who will vote first?” The fourth child became a little impatient.

“Since you are in a hurry, you can vote first.” Tang Feng simply gave up his position and walked aside.

“Okay, I will shoot first.” As he said, the old fourth stood outside the three-point line, patted the ball with both hands for a few times to find the feeling, and then saw him jump up and drag the ball with one hand. A beautiful arc was thrown, and then a “clang” was heard and the ball was scored.

“Fourth, come on, well done.” Jiang Chuwei didn’t expect to score the first goal, and it was a good start.

“Boss, just look at it, just one hand is enough to win this kid.” The fourth child said that he took the ball picked up by his teammate and patted it on the ground a few more times. It was another beautiful arc throw. , This time more accurate, it is actually a hollow ball.

“Good shot.” The basketball team applauded seeing the fourth three-pointer in a row.

The basketball team belonged to the basketball team. It really happened twice, but Tang Feng didn’t care, and he just stood on the side and watched with a smile.

The third ball started, with a “clang”, the basketball hit the hoop, jumped from the hoop, landed on the hoop again, and jumped up again. It may be lucky to be on the side of the basketball team. After the basketball jumped up for the second time, it actually fell into the basket and the ball was scored. So far, the basketball team has scored all three.

“The fourth child is good. If you make all the money today, you will get half of the money.” Jiang Chuwei is indeed a little excited. He didn’t expect the fourth child to perform so well. Even the second child can’t guarantee that all three will be paid in.

The fourth one heard Jiang Chuwei say half of the money to himself, so he almost jumped up happily, pointed a three-pointer and threw it out, “Clang Clang, Clang Clang, Clang Clang.” The ball jumped in the basket three times in a row. This time he may be lucky. Standing on Tang Feng’s side, the ball finally jumped out of the basket.

The fourth child was so excited just now that he didn’t expect this ball to be lost. It seems that half of the money is not allocated, and he is a bit lost.

“The fourth child, what did you do?” Jiang Chuwei started to complain when he saw that the fourth child hadn’t made it, but he was very happy in his heart, and the money finally didn’t need to be distributed.

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